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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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Lucas and Farron were generally stronger throughout but they were attacked the least (if at all). Corbs always had more barriers and generally did very well bar on immigration.

Farron killed it with it there with the bake off line.
so i watched the paxman corbyn interview and im amazed how this paxman guy just keeps on bullying this corbyn person and how calm and gently corbyn answers. why is he so hated again?


Hahaha Farron. Even Rudd looked a little shocked by that. Great ending remark and will stick in people's heads about Theresa May not being bothered and not caring.
Farron had way too much fun tonight. That was beautiful.

I don't even need to rank this. Rudd was just deliciously torn to shreds like I wanted her to (seriously, why did she even bother to come in? They could have easily repeated 2015 and just have everyone in the room gang up on Labour instead) and Nuttall is fucking flatlining. Get rekt.


That closer by Farron. I was happy to see people mostly hitting the Conservatives. Still dunno if these TV events are swinging anything though.

Next time they should do a two hour session where they have to reveal their manifestos, for the first time, one policy at a time. Like a game of Gwent.





What England votes for England gets. If you cunts don't want Tories don't vote Tories. It's not our job to bale you xenophobic backwards looking nostalgia seeking cunts out of voting against your best interests. Man up.

So we should subsume our own political viewpoint to bring you twats to the light? Man up. What England wants England gets. Politics is a contact sport, it's not as if Labour up here is playing nicey nicey. The SNP like any other party is looking votes in the constituencies in which they're standing.

The SNP shouldn't unilaterally disarm against one party just because the English electorate is as thick as shit.

Calm the sauce kmag, even I don't go in this hard lol. What you have to remember is there is a lot of pent-up angst that Scotland doesn't fall in line. You've got both Conservative rUK mad many of us don't treasure the Union, and Labour rUK mad we don't automatically fall in line and vote Labour (and the Union part too). You should be used to being spat on from all angles at this point, even although the party you vote for is arguably one of the most progressive and forward-thinking in the UK. So time to chill and laugh it off when it devolves to "fuck the SNP/fuck the SNP voters".

Ultimately, a lot of the "hate" really should be aimed at Conservative voting rUK, not SNP voting Scotland. As I mentioned earlier given the slim pickings of progressive parties in the UK people really shouldn't find it hard to understand why Scots vote SNP. As much as there is a resurgence of Corbyn love right now, even the Labour party still has things going on some Scots do not like. Trident for one. Corbyn is one man behind a whole party. A lot of the rUK desperately pushing for Labour to oppose the Tories is understandable (I'd very much prefer it myself), but Scottish Labour is pretty damn awful so why expect the people of Scotland to just fall in line behind Dugdale when there is another credible choice? The SNP have historically attempted to work with Labour and been met with hostility too, so the party is still going to attempt to challenge Labour. They may be all the rUK has right now, but they're not all Scotland has.

Let us not forget Labour still played the "game" around Brexit as well (including Corbyn's weak ass Remain support).


But to be fair/rounded kmag, even people outside of Scotland (a few posters on the last page) have echoed that it would be nice if "the SNP" were UK wide. No point in losing your cool just cause Crab wound you up ;) He's a Welsh "Labour" voter I secretly think might vote Tory in the booth (come at me Crab).

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
lads I totally blanked on the debate and was battlefielding with wine after a fucking terrible day, what the bollocks did Farron say


Saw the Tories were on a full frontal on Twitter. They've lost the plot. All strong and stable and an odd cult of Personality around the Dear Leader.

Need to get these tossers out of government. They're damaging to the UK and the people.
May is the walking wounded, slowly bleeding out. She is terrible at everything, next election she's done one way or another.


so i watched the paxman corbyn interview and im amazed how this paxman guy just keeps on bullying this corbyn person and how calm and gently corbyn answers. why is he so hated again?

Because the media and his party have been making him out to be a weak, unelectable idiot for the past two years. It has actually backfired alot because people are going in to this election with the lowest possible expectations for Corbyn.


Junior Member
tories had a horror night. not corbyn's best showing but he hit the important points and kept it together amidst opposition from all sides

honestly think the may no show will be a disaster for them. it's unprecedented
lads I totally blanked on the debate and was battlefielding with wine after a fucking terrible day, what the bollocks did Farron say

Started with "Where's Theresa May? She could be outside your house. No really, go take a look she might there sizing up your house"

Ended with "Amber Rudd is up next with her closing speech but Theresa May couldn't be bothered so why should you? Bakeoff is up next on BBC 2 so go and put a brew on"

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Farron probably the 'winner', but in a way, I don't think it's going to help too much, because he went in deep on anti-Brexit, and I think strategically that's bad move for the Lib Dems. Caroline Lucas did well and I hink did the best strategic job of helping hit the Conservatives. After those two, there's a gap and then I think probably Corbyn leading the rest of the pack.

Not sure that will change many votes.


Con: 3/10

This was not a good day for them. The only saving grace is that Corbyn didn't do that well on his own so some of the support he might have got will be swept up by them. That and the fact that it's unclear what effect these debates actually have on polling day.

LD: 7/10

A good showing by Farron, who will probably have won a bit of support, but didn't really do anything crazy a la I agree with Nick in 2010.

Labour: 6/10

Corbyn did reasonably well in general, especially on care and health issues, but seemed to be rocked by questions on immigration and security. If this was a 1v1 debate with the Tories he would have won, but he didn't so it's hard to see if this was worth the time for him.

PC: 6/10

As in 2015, Leanne Wood was quiet throughout and didn't really get too involved, but when she did it worked pretty well. She did well tearing into UKIP, but in the areas where PC are competitive, UKIP are not a threat so it's hard to see what benefit she will get from that.

SNP: 8/10

I think Angus Robertson did quite well in general here, putting the boot into both Labour and the Cons without really having any scrutiny on their mixed record in government in Scotland. They will be happy with how this went.


Because I'm not a racist psychopath, I actually don't know how that went for UKIP. I'm progressive on immigration so of course I think he's done badly but perhaps this played well in areas that voted leave and hate immigration. Hard to say.

Greens: 9/10

In further bad news for Corbyn, Lucas had a fantastic performance here - if only let down by the weird co-leader thing she had to shoe-horn in at the end. On all policy areas she did well and challenged Corbyn as well as Rudd. If they get a 2% bump from this, that really harms Labour.


It'll be very interesting to see how the electorate react to this, if at all. Didn't really move the needle last time, but it's a different world and the Conservatives are already hugely compromised in a number of areas.

A hung parliament may genuinely be possible now.
Because the media and his party have been making him out to be a weak, unelectable idiot for the past two years. It has actually backfired alot because people are going in to this election with the lowest possible expectations for Corbyn.

he looked like someone who is pragmatic and may also swallow his ideals to serve the democratic process (whether in his party or nation wide). thats not a back thing, is it?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Emily Thornbury drunk on Corbyn's terrific performance (maybe). Getting tore into this Tory on BBC News

Thornbury is very hit and miss. That was one of her good days, she savaged that poor bastard.


Corbyn got quite a few cheers throughout the debate, he had some good counter points, but he didn't appear very aggressive which will appeal to some but will be seen as weak by others. Not amazing though not bad by any means. But there were quite a few digs at May, this looked terrible for her so I think the gamble in the end paid off. The highlight were Farron's remarks though, not voting Lib Dem but hats off to him.


Corbyn did okay, didn't fuck anything up, stayed calm, avoided any sort of gaff to make the headlines (though I'm sure the papers will reach for one).

Lucas won pretty handily, and another reminder of why FPTP is a garbage system.

Farron came second by styling on the tories at the end there, that SHOULD be worth a few votes for them.


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Everyone I speak to who are long term Labour supporters say they don't want to vote for Corbyn. My self included.

Where the fuck does that leave us?
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