War Peaceman
You're a big guy.
they are called fucking peace talks for a reason
god the conservative party under crosby are truly wretched.
god the conservative party under crosby are truly wretched.
Thing is most of these fuckers that put us in this mess won't be affected or will be dead.We deserve everything we get as a country. Don't like it? Get out while you still can.
Don't you remember when the Good Friday agreement came about after we nuked the shit out of Northern Ireland?I have face-palmed A LOT tonight
they are called fucking peace talks for a reason
god the conservative party are truly wretched.
Thing is most of these fuckers that put us in this mess won't be affected or will be dead.
Babyboomers will fuck us forever.
How difficult is the labour market test to even get through? Free movement would already get you enough skilled coder people. That's the biggest reason why I'm concerned about losing free movement. /r/IWantOut says it's actually not that hard, but my non citizen Chinese classmate who also did a STEM degree course got essentially kicked out because he couldn't get a job even though he did internships in foreign countries.
Most Tory voters are angry old men.
You are a moron.
May appearing mildly more competent than before isn't really anything to write home about, but maybe lowered expectations are enhancing the effect.
We need a leader who strives for a hard Hiroshima, not a soft Nagasaki.
I have a degree in International Politics.
*looks at all the Brit expats in foreign countries who are notorious for not bothering to learn the language*Prepare yourselves for this one
QT time audiences are unfortunately uniformly shit, so I'm not surprised if May got an easy ride. Hopefully it's too late to make a huge difference and the Conservatives are given a good fight.Actually turning up helps. Ridiculous that the audience let her get away with that tonight.
I take it that's it for Corbynmania, then? I missed the rest of the special Question Time because I ended up having a three hour debate with my dad over the election.
The Guardian's analysis isn't particularly unfavourable, but who knows if they're just going soft on Corbyn now because of the bounce.
May appearing mildly more competent than before isn't really anything to write home about, but maybe lowered expectations are enhancing the effect.
Prepare yourselves for this one
I have a degree in International Politics.
Well.I'm not sure I'd call tonight a game changer, but if I had to guess I'd say that tonight will hinder Corbyn even more in the eyes of many on the question of leadership outside of the 18-30 bracket.
[Jeremy Corbyn spoke] in meaningless soundbites without offering anything of substance.
I would make love to this post if I could, perfectly put.Guys, if I'm ever murdered, please find my murderer and kill him. Also kill his family, friends, neighbours and half the men, women and children on his street. The other half I want you to slowly poison so that they suffer but don't die, but their next generation of children will be born all fucked up. Also I want you to tear down their houses and dig up their gardens, but just leave the debris lying about the place so that nobody can attempt to rebuild there.
Promise you will do this for me, as my dying wish, because I am a red-faced 50-something white, English man.
The small amount of likes and replies warms my heart. Stay losing national front kippers.Prepare yourselves for this one
48% voted remain. Most of them can't just up and leave. People have relatives to care for, kids going through school, best friends they don't want to leave. Many don't have high-demand STEM skills. Fewer still speak foreign languages.We deserve everything we get as a country. Don't like it? Get out while you still can.
That doesn't work if the enemy has figured out that even if you have nukes or a first strike policy you wouldn't use them on fear of a second strike. The threat of escalation is simply not credible because nuclear escalation is suicidal. That's how the nuclear deterrent works to begin with. Even Yes Prime-minister made fun of this paradox.Yes, Trident was designed to be a dead man's hand - there was always a second strike ability even if we got nuked first or were otherwise compromised.
However, a second strike ability is not the be-all and end-all of nuclear policy. It's not relevant when you have, as we have seen, a Russian state that is continually probing the West for weaknesses to advance its own gains.
By removing the threat of a first strike, you are telling your opponent that they can get away with whatever they want other than nuking you. If they march into Eastern Europe, they know as long as they don't use nukes you won't either. So you have a bloody and futile land war in Europe. But then the Russians say "if you don't stand down, I will nuke you."
And then everyone either dies, or you capitulate.
If you have a first-strike policy, the bloody war never happens and the brinksmanship does not happen. If Russia walks into Estonia, the world ends. End of discussion. It does not matter how many nukes Russia has. There is guaranteed escalation and guaranteed red lines. Nukes deter conventional warfare.
The small amount of likes and replies warms my heart. Stay losing national front kippers.
This isn't true of Mutually Assured Destruction, which is why the UK developed Trident as a retaliatory system and not for pre-emptive purposes.
Just watched the whole Corbyn nuclear thing and what the fuck is this shit with us having a hard on for nuking others? Fuck me if this is what the general public is like we are utterly fucked.
But that's not how Nuclear deterrents work.That isn't how nuclear defence policy works.
If you are unwilling to nuke your opponent as a first strike, then they can continuously threaten your position with nuclear strikes.
You end up in a permanent state of brinkmanship.
You have to be willing to deploy a nuclear attack. You have to be clear on when you would do it.
That account also hates black people.127k followers for that shittastic Twitter account.
GAF, we need to let you know, voting for Corbyn means
1) Security risk as we can't nuke the world
2) There will be languages heard on the street that aren't English
3) Remoaner Farron and Anti-English Sturgeon propping up the #coalitionofchaos
His leniency to Livingstons Anti-Semitism doesn't inspire confidence.Britain. Still Racist.
Actually that is a point that is going to get lost but Corbyn did pledge to confront and challenge institutional racism in British society. I don't know if his plans were actually credible but admitting the problem exists is at least a start.
Trident is also far harder to prevent attacking initially via intelligence operations. It's a guaranteed nuclear option.
To keep this short - the nuclear defense strategy is there to ensure, with no questions asked, that a foreign power - Russia - will always lose. It can't attempt to conquer Europe only using conventional weaponry - we will escalate if they try. Having nukes only being used when someone else uses them leaves you hostile to a Russian state that is willing to call your bluff. Guaranteeing escalation means that there is no bluff to be called.
But that's not how Nuclear deterrents work.
If you fire then you can bet your ass that you'll get fired back upon, which is why the idea of nuclear deterrent works the way it does.
That doesn't work if the enemy has figured out that even if you have nukes or a first strike policy you wouldn't use them on fear of a second strike. The threat of escalation is simply not credible because nuclear escalation is suicidal. That's how the nuclear deterrent works to begin with. Even Yes Prime-minister made fun of this paradox.
That account also hates black people.
Its definitely a start but we've got these tory cunts in charge till 2022 most likely so nothing will be done as May constantly blames everything on the EU.Britain. Still Racist.
Actually that is a point that is going to get lost but Corbyn did pledge to confront and challenge institutional racism in British society. I don't know if his plans were actually credible but admitting the problem exists is at least a start.
May won't survive that long so we atleast get to watch her career get ruined, silver linings.Its definitely a start but we've got these tory cunts in charge till 2022 most likely so nothing will be done as May constantly blames everything on the EU.
You don't care if you get fired back on. Your entire policy is that you will fire if certain lines are crossed.
Crab, you've hit on the exact point I'm making - because MAD is not credible, you have far more sane and nuanced escalation policy that depends on the circumstances.
Not surprised. I think it runs on hate.
Good enough but then I wonder if something worse could take her place. Like Boris Johnson or worse.May won't survive that long so we atleast get to watch her career get ruined, silver linings.
Hell it's why SLBMs changed the game as they did. Though the UK is the only developed nuclear force without a comprehensive nuclear deterrent. (nuclear triad)Huw, you have this back to front. MAD is credible. Guaranteed escalation is not. I think you might have mixed some things up in your head.
Huw, you have this back to front. MAD is credible. Guaranteed escalation is not. I think you might have mixed some things up in your head.
They had a post/pic of saying about homeless poor people ( every person was white) Then had a post about criminals and slamming them. (everyone was black)