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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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The Birthday Skeleton
How's Corbyn's relationship with the EU leadership? I haven't really heard much on that.

There's none currently, but I don't think EU leadership has an issue about him as long as he doesn't adopt the warrior attitude that May has. Speaking about May, remember how she tried to blackmail EU with the exchange of intelligence? I guess she would want to erase that from the memory now.


There's none currently, but I don't think EU leadership has an issue about him as long as he doesn't adopt the warrior attitude that May has. Speaking about May, remember how she tried to blackmail EU with the exchange of intelligence? I guess she would want to erase that from the memory now.

No relationship might be better than Theresa May.

Remember when she was saying she was a tough negotiator and got all these opt outs. What really happened is the EU told her to piss off and they would carry on without her.
There's none currently, but I don't think EU leadership has an issue about him as long as he doesn't adopt the warrior attitude that May has. Speaking about May, remember how she tried to blackmail EU with the exchange of intelligence? I guess she would want to erase that from the memory now.
You have to think that the platform he is running on is much closer aligned to the EU than what the Conservatives have been doing.

I think he would do great with brexit for the simple fact that he is a good person and open to discussion instead of May who would try to kick the door open at the negotiating room only to get weak and wobbly and fall over.


It's becoming clear we need a fresh slate with the EU now. Clearly, a mutually beneficial deal going forward is the best outcome. I don't trust May and her government to get us 'the best deal'


The Birthday Skeleton
You have to think that the platform he is running on is much closer aligned to the EU than what the Conservatives have been doing.

I think he would do great with brexit for the simple fact that he is a good person and open to discussion instead of May who would try to kick the door open at the negotiating room only to get weak and wobbly and fall over.

I'm pretty convinced that Corbyn would do better than May just because I'm convinced that May will end up with no deal because of the fantasy land she and some of the Tories are and thus defaulting to WTO rules. While a deal must be better than the default option because that's how compromises works.
How's Corbyn's relationship with the EU leadership? I haven't really heard much on that.

I remember on more than one occasion since becoming leader of the opposition of him having meetings with other European socialist parties.

There's some European socialist group called 'Party of European Socialists' funnily enough and Labour are somehow involved.


I doubt it counts for much though. The meetings I mean.


This is the third report by the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture on national news reporting of the 2017 UK General Election.

The results in this report are derived from detailed content analysis of election coverage produced on the weekdays (i.e. Monday to Friday inclusive) between 18th and 31st May 2017 from the following news outlets:

Television: Channel 4 News (7pm), Channel 5 News (6.30pm), BBC1 News at 10, ITV1 News at 10, Sky News 8-8.30pm

Press: The Guardian, The I, The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Financial Times, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Mirror, The Sun, The Star

We analysed all election news found in the television programmes. For the press, we included election news found on the front page, the first two pages of the domestic news section, the first two pages of any specialist election section and the page containing and facing the papers’ leader editorials.

Executive summary

A key finding of our third report is that the Conservative Party lost control of the issue agenda in week 3 of the campaign as health and health care displaced Brexit as the most covered substantive issue.

In addition, the greater prominence of social security in week 3 as an issue would suggest that the Labour Party began to fight the General Election on its territory rather than on Conservative ground.

There was also considerably more negative coverage of the Conservative Party in comparison to the first two weeks although this was largely confined to lower circulation newspapers. Most of the negative coverage focussed on the ‘dementia tax’ and on what the handling of the issue says about Teresa May’s claim to provide ‘strong and stable leadership’.

The third week of the formal campaign saw a marked emphasis in terms of coverage on the Conservative Party as they launched their manifesto but week 4 saw a return to two party equivalence at least in terms of amount of coverage.

Week 4 also saw a renewed emphasis on Brexit as the Conservatives sought to retake the initiative.

In the aftermath of the Manchester bombing defence issues rose greatly in prominence as did the prominence of Amber Rudd, Home Secretary, and Diane Abbott, her Shadow.

There was substantial continuity in terms of personnel. This is a highly presidentialised campaign with the Conservative campaign, in particular, engaging in ad hominem attacks on Jeremy Corbyn. Philip Hammond, the Chancellor the Exchequer has been remarkably absent in a Conservative campaign despite its focus on the affordability of Labour’s spending plans.[/B]

Our measures of the direction of press reporting of Labour show that a majority of this coverage has continued to be critical of the party and its manifesto but that the gap between negative and positive coverage is diminishing, which suggests that the Labour Party is gaining momentum in at least some parts of the media.

As a general trend, newspapers have focused more coverage on attacking the parties they disapprove of than on reporting positive issues connected to the parties they support. There has been considerable coverage of ‘political gaffes’ and ‘Omni-shambles’ such as policy U-turns and failing to have facts to hand during interviews.


You know those 'Letters of Last Resort' that PMs write for the Trident submarines? I bet Theresa May's says something like "just fucking nuke some countries at random"


Piers Morgan in the Daily Mail.

PIERS MORGAN: Mrs May talks tough now but what did she do when she was in charge of the Home Office? She cut police numbers by 20,000. And now we’re paying the price in blood.

Prime Minister Theresa May said all the right things today and exuded her preferred ‘strong and stable’ tone and rhetoric.
But this, lest we forget, was the same woman who when she was Home Secretary for six years slashed UK police numbers by 20,000.
That is a staggering number of officers to remove from the streets.

The truth, as Mr O’Reilly warned, is that our police force has been so badly decimated by these savage cuts it cannot possibly defend us properly.
When we’re told there are ‘extra police’ on the streets after each of these attacks, that doesn’t don’t actually mean ‘extra police’.
It means existing police, already overworked and exhausted, forced to cancel leave yet again or work longer shifts in the most gruelling of circumstances.
We need those missing 20,000 police officers back on our streets, fast.
We need more armed police, too. Staggeringly, we have fewer armed police now than we did in 2010. Yet as we saw last night, it is only armed police who can end these terror rampages fast enough to save many more lives from being taken.
We also need more undercover cops to infiltrate the Muslim extremist communities and especially the Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi mosques where these jihadis are being brain-washed and radicalised.

Theresa May made a terrible mistake when she got rid of 20,000 police officers, and it has now come back to haunt her. We’ve lost much of our ability to prevent these attacks happening by taking away our eyes and ears to the ground from where the attackers emanate.
Like many, I wouldn’t trust Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott as far as I could throw them when it comes to protecting national security due to their hideously conflicting positions on everything from terrorism to our nuclear deterrent.
But one thing they have got right is the pressing need for more police.
When I see Theresa May standing there today saying ‘enough is enough’, I just wish she’d listened to our police officers when they said the exact same thing and she ignored them.
You dropped the ball Prime Minister and now you have the blood of your citizens on your hands.

Pretty brutal stuff, I'm amazed to see such a critical article in the Mail of all places, even if it is just an opinion piece. If May keeps getting hammered in the right wing press she's not going to last long at all.


Piers Morgan in the Daily Mail.
Like many, I wouldn’t trust Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott as far as I could throw them when it comes to protecting national security due to their hideously conflicting positions on everything from terrorism to our nuclear deterrent.
But one thing they have got right is the pressing need for more police.
When I see Theresa May standing there today saying ‘enough is enough’, I just wish she’d listened to our police officers when they said the exact same thing and she ignored them.
You dropped the ball Prime Minister and now you have the blood of your citizens on your hands.
Pretty brutal stuff, I'm amazed to see such a critical article in the Mail of all places.


Dead kids/youth and people being slashed up or blown to pieces is bound to unify some a million miles apart politically. Morgan is a class A douche, but even the worst of the worst can say things that are true.

A concert or a pub is literally the sane definition of a safe space. Somewhere you go to expect to have fun and be able to be completely off guard. People were alluding to road accidents and other issues the country faces in the attack thread earlier today and it irked me a bit. I guess that is also why and I didn't articulate it earlier. Everyone that goes out driving knows the inherent dangers to being on the road and being around other drivers, which is why safety is paramount in building cars and we go through driving exams. There is a small slice of your mind that forever knows you could have a car accident or be involved in one some day. Keyword, accident.

You don't go to a concert or the pub with any sort of inbuilt caution that your safety could be somewhat challenged. At least not on the level of being hacked to death with a blade or your limbs blown off. It's what makes the attacks so horrific on UK soil. There is very little ingrained expectation of this kind of result to going out to the fucking pub or to see your favourite pop star. It shocks people and leaves a country desperately seeking measures to never see it happen again, and rightly so.

The police and intelligence services facing stupid cuts by Government have not helped and are something that anyone of any political side should definitely be questioning and demanding a response around.


But really the evidence isn't clear about this. They're definitely as dodgy as the rest of the people in that picture but the Saudis are at war with Isis as well.

This is clearly an oversimplification and a dangerous one that doesn't help using a critical mind but rather a conspirationnist one. The rhetoric and the method explained to the masses should be taken from historians, sociologists etc., not from what is done by conspirationnists. It isn't the good way to introduce someone to foreign policy in the Middle East, but it's easy to share so why would you not share it ?


I get the sense that Theresa May is not going to be PM no matter the result.

There is brutal opinion after brutal opinion coming from the right. Can anyone find a piece praising Theresa May? Saying she is doing a good job or that she is the only person who can negotiate Brexit. Those lines seem to have vanished.

Even Katie Hopkins has a hit piece on the DM website calling out the PM for not being tough enough.
I get the sense that Theresa May is not going to be PM no matter the result.

There is brutal opinion after brutal opinion coming from the right. Can anyone find a piece praising Theresa May? Saying she is doing a good job or that she is the only person who can negotiate Brexit. Those lines seem to have vanished.

Even Katie Hopkins has a hit piece on the DM website calling out the PM for not being tough enough.

Yeah, I'm beginning to think that even if she wins by a landslide, the Brexit talks will be an absolute mess and she will be ousted for one reason or another (quitting) leaving the job up to somebody else. Surprised the supporters for the Tories themselves can't see that.
Not exactly that brutal if you're not going all the way and saying "fucking vote for Corbyn", is it? Like, what's the point? A slap on the wrist? Pantomiming principles isn't that impressive, and hardly off-brand for someone like Morgan.
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