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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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I get the sense that Theresa May is not going to be PM no matter the result.

There is brutal opinion after brutal opinion coming from the right. Can anyone find a piece praising Theresa May? Saying she is doing a good job or that she is the only person who can negotiate Brexit. Those lines seem to have vanished.

Even Katie Hopkins has a hit piece on the DM website calling out the PM for not being tough enough.

I definitely think there will be a large portion of the Tory party and other Conservative organisations/groups sharpening their political knives right now.

She's spent a ton of political capital during the past six weeks, both hers and the party's. That she's managed to single handedly ruin the (paper thin and unsubstantiated) image crafted by PR consultants and soon doctors of a stern leader/ Thatcher reborn speaks volumes about her. The irony being that this image was created because she is woeful at public speaking, at engaging with the media, with showing hope and positivity.

Her survival will depend almost entirely on the majority she gets on Thursday.


Not exactly that brutal if you're not going all the way and saying "fucking vote for Corbyn", is it? Like, what's the point? A slap on the wrist? Pantomiming principles isn't that impressive, and hardly off-brand for someone like Morgan.

The point isn't to get votes for Corbyn, a Conservative win is still the likely outcome. It is to set up the argument for the removal of Theresa May as the leader of Conservative Party after the election.

Unlike Labour they don't have leadership elections in the wider party, she can get done in by just her own MPs who would pick her successor.


Piers Morgan in the Daily Mail.

Pretty brutal stuff, I'm amazed to see such a critical article in the Mail of all places, even if it is just an opinion piece. If May keeps getting hammered in the right wing press she's not going to last long at all.
The only reason the daily mail is printing stuff like that is because they hope May gets booted after the election and then they can campaign for someone even more right wing to take her place.
No one wants a coalition, minority would be mutually beneficial for everyone. SNP would have to vote Labour into govt and they would, but when in govt they would need SNP support to pass legislation which the SNP would have leverage over as normal legislation votes falling doesn't bring down the govt.


I dunno, Corbyn would need to give the SNP a guaranteed second referendum and they don't agree about Brexit either unless Labour accept single market access and all that comes with it. Definitely a bridge to cross when they come to it, if they could get power. Still seems like a mess tbh.


No one wants a coalition, minority would be mutually beneficial for everyone. SNP would have to vote Labour into govt and they would, but when in govt they would need SNP support to pass legislation which the SNP would have leverage over as normal legislation votes falling doesn't bring down the govt.

I asked this before and didn't get an answer but would EVEL impact this possibility at all?
If we had a minority Labour government propped up by the third largest party, SNP, then SNP not being able to vote on certain matters would most likely give the Tories the biggest share of votes and mean a Labour minority government couldn't pass anything the Tories disagreed with.

But I also don't really get if EVEL works that way or not since it seems like a really rushed, messy thing.
I get the sense that Theresa May is not going to be PM no matter the result.

There is brutal opinion after brutal opinion coming from the right. Can anyone find a piece praising Theresa May? Saying she is doing a good job or that she is the only person who can negotiate Brexit. Those lines seem to have vanished.

Even Katie Hopkins has a hit piece on the DM website calling out the PM for not being tough enough.
Unless she can somehow secure the coronation she was supposed to have when she called the election, she's done. The Tories have no long term prospects with her around. Her credibility is tainted, her party are deeply unhappy with her, and she's hemorrhaged considerable political capital in the last few weeks.

I'm not even convinced they'll keep her around to "take the fall for Brexit", since a lot of Tories genuinely believe that it will be a success.
I dunno, Corbyn would need to give the SNP a guaranteed second referendum and they don't agree about Brexit either unless Labour accept single market access and all that comes with it. Definitely a bridge to cross when they come to it, if they could get power. Still seems like a mess tbh.

I'm not so sure on the SNP wanting a 2nd referendum from corbyn, I think even they know one of the main reasons the first one was close was the anti tory votes which they wouldn't get under a labour government and a 2nd losing referendum would kill any independence chance for several decades also not backing up corbyn and giving us a tory government would also be massively damaging to them
I asked this before and didn't get an answer but would EVEL impact this possibility at all?
If we had a minority Labour government propped up by the third largest party, SNP, then SNP not being able to vote on certain matters would most likely give the Tories the biggest share of votes and mean a Labour minority government couldn't pass anything the Tories disagreed with.

But I also don't really get if EVEL works that way or not since it seems like a really rushed, messy thing.

evel is just commons standing orders and only affects the first reading iirc - I'd imagine a non tory govt would immediately scrap it.


all corbyn needs to do is dare the snp to join the tories and no confidence a labour prime minister, but passing legislation will be tricky as while the snp theoretically supports anything that increases spending for scotland they are canny political operators and a successful social democratic government in westminster is not in their political interests.

if this election is a repeat of 1974 (which is still extremely unlikely on current polling fwiw) then the ensuing government would be as chaotic as the labour one from then till 1979 where the majority was so slim whips wheeled labour mp's in from their deathbeds to pass legislation.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like May has totally read the mood of the nation wrong today with her phoney "enough is enough" tough talk. It'll play to the nuclear nine crowd but everyone else is just about being positive and even Piers Morgan can see through the bullshit. It'll be interesting to see how it goes as we get closer to the election but I'm not sure people want to fearmongering right now.


There is a lot of misconceptions what a Labour-SNP alliance looks like.

The type of deal is called "Confidence and Supply" meaning the SNP will vote with Labour to keep them in power (so parliament can't be dissolved) and will supply votes for legislation both parties agree on. The Labour Party will be the party of government, the SNP will have no ministers or seats at cabinet.

As far as an independence referendum goes Jeremy Corbyn has indicated he will grant a 2nd referendum on request from the Scottish parliament, where Pro-independence parties are in the majority. Nicola Sturgeon has set out a time table that a referendum should be held after the Brexit deal has been agreed.
I feel like May has totally read the mood of the nation wrong today with her phoney "enough is enough" tough talk. It'll play to the nuclear nine crowd but everyone else is just about being positive. It'll be interesting to see how it goes as we get closer to the election but I'm not sure people want to fearmongering right now.
The catchphrase 'enough is enough' is also an easy mental step to 'but you were in charge for 6 years?'
I feel like May has totally read the mood of the nation wrong today with her phoney "enough is enough" tough talk. It'll play to the nuclear nine crowd but everyone else is just about being positive and even Piers Morgan can see through the bullshit. It'll be interesting to see how it goes as we get closer to the election but I'm not sure people want to fearmongering right now.

Maybe it's my Facebook echo chamber but I'm thinking the public at large agree that enough is actually enough it's just they see her as something that enough is enough of


I wonder how long May will wait until announcing 30,000 new police before Election Day.
I can only see this as disastrous so I hope she does. On one hand it makes it seem like she's following JC, and her U-turn will further compromise the image she's trying to project. It would also piss off fiscal responsibility tories to boot.

The catchphrase 'enough is enough' is also an easy mental step to 'but you were in charge for 6 years?'
Enough is enough is something the opposition is only allowed to say really. It's like 'we had enough of listening to experts' they are popular sentiments. But they boomerang on the government of the day. People are not this stupid.
The 9th is going to be a soul-crushing day for a lot of people. :/

It will turn out exactly as I expect. The Conservatives will unfortunately still win. Already prepared myself for that. This election was always about damage limitation. I'd say the election has gone "well" if the seats they gain is limited to like 20-30.
Either Yougov is right and the landscape political landscape of Britain (or, really, England) has gone bananas, Britain Elects is right and we're in for a very minor realignment which questions the point of the election, or the Electoral Calculus/Ashcroft predictions are right and everyone other than Quiche is going to be miserable.

I guess folks have to hope Yougov is right.
The point isn't to get votes for Corbyn, a Conservative win is still the likely outcome. It is to set up the argument for the removal of Theresa May as the leader of Conservative Party after the election.

Unlike Labour they don't have leadership elections in the wider party, she can get done in by just her own MPs who would pick her successor.

Ah right, I see. As if her successor would have any brighter ideas, though... Maybe they wouldn't have her weird porn fixation at least.
May is not going anywhere after this election unless the Tories lose their majority. Would be amazed if any Tory is stupid enough to kick May out given the chronic dearth of talent in their party.

Honestly speaking there is a shocking lack of talent in our entire political system at the moment.


The catchphrase 'enough is enough' is also an easy mental step to 'but you were in charge for 6 years?'

The entirety of Tory policy was initially justified with the perceived shortcomings of the previous Labour government, and now they have lost track of how long they have been using that excuse for. They can no longer say enough is enough when the implication is that THEY were the ones not doing enough in the first place.


May is not going anywhere after this election unless the Tories lose their majority. Would be amazed if any Tory is stupid enough to kick May out given the chronic dearth of talent in their party.

Honestly speaking there is a shocking lack of talent in our entire political system at the moment.
Tories are the kind of party that killed their own goddess muse Thatcher because they worried about the Poll Tax. If leadership wasn't such a poison chalice she's guaranteed to be gone.
But many in the party might prefer to make here into the Brexit scapegoat.
All Tory election campaigns are based around collective amnesia and deflection. They're very much the power for power's sake party.

And yeah, it's the Spitting Image "We were only following orders" song.

Labour needs to do one hell of a GOTV campaign in its targets and marginals on Thursday. It's Labour who has to overturn its demographic weakness, not the Tories.


All Tory election campaigns are based around collective amnesia and deflection. They're very much the power for power's sake party.

And yeah, it's the Spitting Image "We were only following orders" song.

Labour needs to do one hell of a GOTV campaign in its targets and marginals on Thursday. It's Labour who has to overturn its demographic weakness, not the Tories.
It will all depend on how badly Brexit ends up working out for them. From a leader's perspective being her replacement is pretty bad unless you can pin all the faults on her.

Once that's accomplished then... (The Kinnock part always slays me)


May is not going anywhere after this election unless the Tories lose their majority. Would be amazed if any Tory is stupid enough to kick May out given the chronic dearth of talent in their party.

Honestly speaking there is a shocking lack of talent in our entire political system at the moment.

Like if the tories don't gain a lot of seats in this election I could see her lose her positon as the tories leader.If they only gain around 20 seats I think her leadership is in danger.

The 9th is going to be a soul-crushing day for a lot of people. :/

It may be a bad day for some people. I remember one election I followed like 5 years ago it looked likely the governing party at the time would lose an election where I live but when people woke up the day after that election they woke up to that party winning another election in a landslide.The lost the next election to some tiny opposition party.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
If she gains 20 seats, she's not being shifted. Whoever came in would be tainted by being the third Conservative leader in as many years; it would severely tarnish the Conservative party more than is already the case.


If she gains 20 seats, she's not being shifted. Whoever came in would be tainted by being the third Conservative leader in as many years; it would severely tarnish the Conservative party more than is already the case.

Agreed. I've said before power has a way of smoothing over political disagreements, and twenty seats gained would translate into a mostly rebellion proof majority, at least over minor disagreements. Don't think anything would happen until after the Brexit talks anyway.


The 9th is going to be a soul-crushing day for a lot of people. :/

The echo chamber of the internet and my like-minded friends gives me hope that Labour will win, however this is exactly how things went down last June and I'm not falling into that trap again.
Piers Morgan in the Daily Mail.

Pretty brutal stuff, I'm amazed to see such a critical article in the Mail of all places, even if it is just an opinion piece. If May keeps getting hammered in the right wing press she's not going to last long at all.

I caught him ripping the culture secretary to shreds this morning. When he say May had blood on her hands I thought the poor woman was going to cry.
A lamb to the slaughter as the PM and Home Sec hide away.
I caught him ripping the culture secretary to shreds this morning. When he say May had blood on her hands I thought the poor woman was going to cry.
A lamb to the slaughter as the PM and Home Sec hide away.

Yeah saw the interview, unbelievable avoidance of answering the simple question. This sort of stuff is going to have huge effects on so called Tories being strong on Law and Order, watching stuff like this will push wavering voters well away from conservatives.


The 9th is going to be a soul-crushing day for a lot of people. :/
Yeah it's fun to hypothesise but let's not get carried away. As it stands, the most likely outcome remains a Tory win, with an increased majority. A hung parliament is possible but, at this point, unlikely (depends on how things change in the next few days).

Further still, a hung parliament with Labour as the largest party is incredibly unlikely. A Labour majority is pigs flying territory.
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