To talk about shame we cross over to Dover

To talk about shame we cross over to Dover
To talk about shame we cross over to Dover
I mean, in regards to Trump and Khan, I'd probably say it's time we just started ignoring Donald.
He may be the US president but he doesn't seem to have a clue.
To talk about shame we cross over to Dover
I mean, in regards to Trump and Khan, I'd probably say it's time we just started ignoring Donald.
He may be the US president but he doesn't seem to have a clue.
To talk about shame we cross over to Dover
This deserves to be burned. Or defecated on. Actually let's do both.
We're not all cunts Euro-GAF I swear! Just turns out there are cunts with enough money for this shit.
Something weird happened at work. We were talking about the election and a Tory voter, unprompted, said she can't bring herself to vote for the Tories this election because of what happened over the weekend.
She said she's not voting at all. Weird as fuck. What makes it weirder, she was so smug when the Tories won last time and was fully behind May and the Tories just last week...
Didn't expect this kind of fallout from the London attack. Seems some people are genuinely angry over the police cuts, I'm a little surprised it's already filtering through.
We're Euro-GAF too lol.
Do you think May will defend the mayor of our capital city from baseless insults by a foreign power in the wake of a terrorist attack?
Do you think May will defend the mayor of our capital city from baseless insults by a foreign power in the wake of a terrorist attack?
This is the thing I'm finding really weird about this election as a whole. In the last few elections and referenda, the left-wing side failed to set the terms of the discussion every single time. I was so sure Corbyn would spend the whole campaign playing catch up as the Tories dredging up his history or bringing up the vote of no confidence etc but... it seems like that just hasn't happened?
I have no real idea why, is Corbyn's team just far better at campaigning? Is May's team far worse? Or have structural factors shifted enough to change the outcome (newspapers less relevant, social media more relevant)?
Of course I still expect Labour to lose in a landslide but it is interesting nonetheless.
Canvassing? Bro, I'm just going to stay at home and watch anime and I'll have a 50%+ win by default.
To talk about shame we cross over to Dover
You think that's bad? This is the shit I have to deal with:
Downing St refusing to comment more, and think they've said enough. Basically saying Sadiq has done well but not actually condemning Trump's comments. Suspect they'll keep that line.
Must be nice to have an easy job for life where you can vote for your own payrises.
Every election I'm still living here I lose the will to vote a little more. Thank god it's so easy to do. The only surprise here will be if the flip back to the traditional opposition (Lib Dem) is greater than the number of UKIP votes the conservatives pick up.
You think that's bad? This is the shit I have to deal with:
This is the thing I'm finding really weird about this election as a whole. In the last few elections and referenda, the left-wing side failed to set the terms of the discussion every single time. I was so sure Corbyn would spend the whole campaign playing catch up as the Tories dredging up his history or bringing up the vote of no confidence etc but... it seems like that just hasn't happened?
I have no real idea why, is Corbyn's team just far better at campaigning? Is May's team far worse? Or have structural factors shifted enough to change the outcome (newspapers less relevant, social media more relevant)?
Of course I still expect Labour to lose in a landslide but it is interesting nonetheless.
This. So much.
UKIP central.
To talk about shame we cross over to Dover
Canvassing? Bro, I'm just going to stay at home and watch anime and I'll have a 50%+ win by default.
You think that's bad? This is the shit I have to deal with:
Redwood strikes me as the kind of guy that might actually watch anime.
Redwood strikes me as the kind of guy that might actually watch anime.
Redwood strikes me as the kind of guy that might actually watch anime.
Apparently that May figure was The Sun
That Dover thing is a like a big reminder to voters, remember to blame the EU for your ills and those foreigners. Embarrassing.
Apparently that May figure was The Sun
The DM is probably attempting to think of what they can do to 1-UP The Sun.
Isn't the local economy propped up by all those tourists who come to see the white cliffs?
Hey that's once for the non-mathematically inclined!
I bet Jeremy Corbyn wouldn't even nuke anime. The coward.Is there a case to be had for a third nuke?
That's a fake news story, you shouldn't post that here. It's a poor analogy anyway, nothing scientific but the usual neoliberal bullshit.
I'm well aware mateToday's r/thathappened copypasta from the Britain firster on my Facebook