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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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My job involves data visualisation and working with design teams on projects with a wide variety of clients in a number of industries.

With that said, this might be the hardest to read chart I've ever seen. Kudos BBC.


I saw that in the article.

Looks like someone played OCD Drunk Connect Four.


Hey, your party leader is getting exactly what Clegg got in 2010:

Most likely the Conservatives dropped a dossier with their friendly press and they're now picking through it - same tactic as 2010.

Clegg's statement is entirely fair. Any sane person could just look at Germany, see how well they're doing, and put two and two together over who learned what lessons post war. The Tory press is just, urgh.

I mean, i'd never actually say it as a politician, because the general public are probably incapable of understanding it.


On the plus side of the gutter press shitting themselves it means that the Tories are worried, very worried about the result. Their internal polling must show that things aren't quite what they hope.
Dropping shit headlines like this is the papers is something that the tories feel they need to do and it doesn't come without the risk of backfire as well so they must have been reluctant to use them.
Clegg's statement is entirely fair.

Literally does not matter. Tory HQ shipped out a dossier of a bunch of anti-LD stuff to run to its friendly press. All they had to do was spin it.

This is how the Conservatives win elections - controlling huge amounts of the information reaching the public over the long campaign.

The tactics of the right are always to smear. The intention is to depress enthusiasm for their opponents. If you print negative nonsense, it literally does not matter.
On the plus side of the gutter press shitting themselves it means that the Tories are worried, very worried about the result. Their internal polling must show that things aren't quite what they hope.
Dropping shit headlines like this is the papers is something that the tories feel they need to do and it doesn't come without the risk of backfire as well so they must have been reluctant to use them.

The other side of this could be that the "project fear" which backfired in Brexit could be in play here.


On the plus side of the gutter press shitting themselves it means that the Tories are worried, very worried about the result. Their internal polling must show that things aren't quite what they hope.
Dropping shit headlines like this is the papers is something that the tories feel they need to do and it doesn't come without the risk of backfire as well so they must have been reluctant to use them.

I doubt they're worried about the overrall result, they're just going for as many seats as possible.
Wouldn't Corbyn be a boon for Russia?

On one hand, eeeh, maybe, since he aint big on syria action. On the other hand, would probably also mean (somewhat) closer ties to the EU, so... no. On the third hand, dude does love following UN procedures, so perhaps.

Is the kind of thing that aint easy to quantify.

I'd say Russia already scored a major with with the UK leaving the EU, tbqh. Divide and conquer and allathat.


Imagine if the popular vote is close and the Conservative majority is large and healthy despite it because all their votes are clustered in tons of countryside seats and the Labour one is clustered in urban areas. If that doesn't wake Labour up as to why FPTP is bad and to pledge to get rid of it nothing will.
Wishful thinking but we all know they'll just want to move to the right instead to get those Tory votes to win.


We have crap just like that Daily Mail cover but it's usually relegated to the National Enquirer which everyone knows is completely garbage


Haha! When I was a kid, I don't know how or why but my uncle used to buy this. There was a stack of them in his house and I'd always sift through them just amazed at all the bonkers shit. That was probably my first exposure to American culture come to think of it, aside from the obvious stuff like Top Gun, short circuit and karate kid 🤔

Anyway, detour over. Those front pages are so fucked. Should expect it by now really.
As much as I want labour to win. It really isn't going to happen or come close. And the reason why? Labour supporters, the ones that are all talk and no vote - the youngsters.

I honestly don't see majority of them being savvy enough to vote, a lot of them think they haven't registered so they cannot vote. I do not believe that to be true. You're automatically registered if you're included in any council tax payments and the like from my memory.

Irrespective of that, I just get the feeling that they feel following the election and labour through social media is enough when it really isn't.

Those old Tory supporters have nothing better to do but go and vote. The young generation will weigh up going nandos taking some pics on IG or whether to go and vote.

I really hope in this election we, the younger generation, outvote the oldies and really dictate how we want our future to be run.


I worry that a lot of people who have been inspired and energised by Corbyn's campaign, and bolstered by the polls, are in for a world of hurt on Friday, when they realise that the country agrees with all those crap headlines and slurs from the gutter press, and May gets herself a sizeable land slide. I hope they'll stay energised and involved in politics.

I've tried to keep my own expectations in check, but it sure is nice to dream sometimes.


The reason the sun and mail threw a bucket of shit before that was because all the polls, save a few, suggested a hung parliament. They were bricking it. You do not put out such headlines when your extremely confident of victory, you do the opposite you tell people how good things will be when your lot get in, this is throwing the last bucket of shit they possibly can because they are uncomfortable.


Unconfirmed Member
I worry that a lot of people who have been inspired and energised by Corbyn's campaign, and bolstered by the polls, are in for a world of hurt on Friday, when they realise that the country agrees with all those crap headlines and slurs from the gutter press, and May gets herself a sizeable land slide. I hope they'll stay energised and involved in politics.

I've tried to keep my own expectations in check, but it sure is nice to dream sometimes.

I think the thing that did it for me was question time when I remembered this country is full of red faced angry old white people. I remember posting weeks ago that we'll find out if people really are that selfish and hateful that they'll forget everything else but I think we already know the answer. The papers know their audience.

edit: also the BBC papers section didn't feature any of those papers today. I wonder if they couldn't show them.


Press haven't got nearly the influence they had during the infamous Kinnock lightbulb cover. The days of it being the Sun wot won it are behind us, I think.
Fun little graph here: big six Premier League clubs + Everton all in by far the most pro-Remain local authorities of the 20 with clubs in the Prem, while those relegated were among the very highest for Leave.



Press haven't got nearly the influence they had during the infamous Kinnock lightbulb cover. The days of it being the Sun wot won it are behind us, I think.

Hmmm the fact so many people happily parrot The Sun and Daily Mail conservative talking points says they do still have a hold and can certainly influence how a lot of people think about a particular subject.


Press haven't got nearly the influence they had during the infamous Kinnock lightbulb cover. The days of it being the Sun wot won it are behind us, I think.

The Sun and the Mail basically control what the older generation think. They have a huge influence.


The Sun and the Mail basically control what the older generation think. They have a huge influence.

Really? I go days without seeing a newspaper sometimes, right or left. With 24/7 news, social media and the Internet, I wouldn't have thought The Sun/Mail would enjoy the same influence they did in the 80s, 90s or even early 00s. But that's just a supposition, I don't know why the statistics are.


Our Prime Minister openly talking about doing away with human rights and our papers aping the tactics of Joseph Goebbels. The terrorists win, and our world war two dead are starting to roll in their graves.

My only hope is that it smacks of such panic and desperation that people just see right through it.

Aside from the ideological differences and these glory days of strength and stability being at risk, they know Labour will follow through on Leveson 2, they know they'll weigh in favour of media plurality when it comes to murdoch taking over Sky, and they know the likes of Rothermere, Murdoch and the Barclay brothers will have a potentially closer relationship with HMRC.

There have been so many shock results in the last year. Can we once, just once, have one that's on the side of all of us and not just the establishment?

Mr Git

Had Eddie Izzard here again campaigning with Cat Smith. Was too ill to go today but met/swooned at him two years ago. Hopefully she'll keep her seat, she's a good one.


Oh god, Sky News right now going all in on these newspaper headlines and flinging whatever shit which will stick.

Stig Abel tried to talk sense there but the presenter and Carole Malone were off on one about giving up rights being better than pussy footing around. The law is fit for purpose, it's our application of it that has been lacking. Arguing to weaken law and due process the way she was there is just reprehensible. She's right to say that people will agree with her, what Stig should have said though is that those people are fucking idiots.

I can't believe how low we have stooped as a country on the anniversary of D-day.


Oh god, Sky News right now going all in on these newspaper headlines and flinging whatever shit which will stick.

Not a perfect news channel, but I rate it over BBC news. I was surprised the other day when I switched over from watching Corbyn's speech live on Sky news to BBC news to find that the BBC were not covering it at all. They did not cover it whilst it was live and barely covered it after.

Sky news is just a much better 24 hour news channel. Not sure why anybody would watch BBC news over it.
Oh god, Sky News right now going all in on these newspaper headlines and flinging whatever shit which will stick.

Isn't that the kind of stuff that people can sue newspapers over for in the UK? Or is it way more nuanced than that? Like, "oh we were just giving our nonfactual 'opinion.' So you can't sue us, sorry."
Not a perfect news channel, but I rate it over BBC news. I was surprised the other day when I switched over from watching Corbyn's speech live on Sky news to BBC news to find that the BBC were not covering it at all. They did not cover it whilst it was live and barely covered it after.

Sky news is just a much better 24 hour news channel. Not sure why anybody would watch BBC news over it.

Gut reaction when I read that was to say bollocks, because Sky is obviously Murdoch bullshit. But, I have noticed that Sky do show a lot of the speeches in full when the BBC cut away and just start talking about random crap half way through.

Lego Boss

I mean it's unbelievable the amount of shit you see from them, that Mail front page is borderline libelous.

I have just read the 'comment' on the front page and page 2 and to be fair, they are not that positive about May either. I think even the Blue Rinse rag realises the game is up for Weak and Wobbly and it's only a matter of time.

At least we can say the Daily Wail is honest in its hatred. More than can be said for Nick Robinson and Laura Cuss on the BBC. Talk about shy Tories . . .

Lego Boss

The reason the sun and mail threw a bucket of shit before that was because all the polls, save a few, suggested a hung parliament. They were bricking it. You do not put out such headlines when your extremely confident of victory, you do the opposite you tell people how good things will be when your lot get in, this is throwing the last bucket of shit they possibly can because they are uncomfortable.

Let it go. Don't do it to yourself.


The Sun has an interview with May in today's paper, dominated by terrorism discussion as you'd expect. But it's the editors comment at the end that's the most insane aspect. They don't think May's actions in trying to get Google and Facebook to take down extremist content goes far enough. Instead:

Mrs May should consider the nuclear option: ordering our internet service providers to shut down these vast sites until they are purged.
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