Daffy Duck
How do the media get away with this shit?
How do the media get away with this shit?
The Sun has an interview with May in today's paper, dominated by terrorism discussion as you'd expect. But it's the editors comment at the end that's the most insane aspect. They don't think May's actions in trying to get Google and Facebook to take down extremist content goes far enough. Instead:
How do the media get away with this shit?
Because if the government shuts down a large collection of sites the public would be forced to visit traditional media either by print or government approved sites.How do the media get away with this shit?
It's not even how the media keep getting away with this shit, it's how people keep fucking falling for it.
Once or twice, okay, everyone is allowed a couple of chances to realise they've been played like an idiot, but to keep fucking falling it, over and over again and then to bitch and moan about being lied to after the fact.
Wow, gutter press at its gutter best. Disgusting![]()
Edit: Oops. Didn't notice they had all been posted by now. Thought it was only the one (The Sun).
The Sun has an interview with May in today's paper, dominated by terrorism discussion as you'd expect. But it's the editors comment at the end that's the most insane aspect. They don't think May's actions in trying to get Google and Facebook to take down extremist content goes far enough. Instead:
The PM said she would make it easier to deport foreign terror suspects and "restrict the freedom and movements" of those that present a threat.
This looks very much like an attempt to return the current TPim restrictions - a form of house arrest - closer to what they used to be when they were called control orders. Those orders were created by Labour in 2004 and they included long curfews and restrictions on who people could meet and communicate with. They were abolished by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition and replaced by less restrictive TPims in 2011.
The human rights law issue may be less dramatic than it sounds. States can "derogate" or suspend their observance of parts of the European Convention of Human Rights if they need to. Tony Blair's government did it in 2001 to create a form of detention without charge for foreign suspects who could not be deported - something I will come back to.
Many terrorism suspects are not put on trial for terrorism offences because there are other tools in the criminal law box that are right for the job.
So, for instance, had one of the London attackers survived, he would have been charged with murder.
Parliament has seen no need to create a separate offence of "terrorism murder". The mandatory sentence for murder is already life.
Judges can order that life means life - no chance of parole - which is exactly what Michael Adebolajo got after his trial and conviction for murdering Fusilier Lee Rigby. Thomas Mair got the same sentence for killing MP Jo Cox.
What about a terrorist bomb plot? Again, no need for special crimes. Really important Victorian law covers explosives - both their possession and use.
Some people regularly talk about bringing back the death penalty. The UK, through its own choice, adopted the measure in the European Convention on Human Rights (which is nothing to do with the EU or Brexit) that required the abolition of capital punishment in all circumstances. We are legally a world away from the noose.
What about internment - detention without charge?
Before TPims and their predecessor control orders, Tony Blair's government tried detention without charge for foreign national terror suspects who could not be deported. That was thrown out by the UK's highest judges - and it was as politically controversial as the hated internment camps during Northern Ireland's Troubles.
If people want to see internment back, they have to ask themselves who exactly they want to see held, for how long, on what grounds. Would it actually work? In Northern Ireland, it was a recruiting sergeant for the IRA.
There really should be rules about the right wing media pushing people in the direction of the right wing.
If you ask me, if Students don't come out and vote in full force it's going to be another wipe this election. The hit job right wing news is doing of Diane Abbott is border line racist right now. DM and the Sun need to be investigated.
If you ask me, if Students don't come out and vote in full force it's going to be another wipe this election. The hit job right wing news is doing of Diane Abbott is border line racist right now. DM and the Sun need to be investigated.
I can't even fathom how disgraceful the lower-rungs of right-wing press are in this country. Its absolutely scandalous.![]()
Edit: Oops. Didn't notice they had all been posted by now. Thought it was only the one (The Sun).
Which in itself sounds right wing
Lyn Brown is now 'standing in' as Shadow Home Sec because of Abbott's ill health.
"B-b-but she didn't look ill in the tube picture I don't understand" - Most of the right in the UK
Fixed that for you
The Sun has an interview with May in today's paper, dominated by terrorism discussion as you'd expect. But it's the editors comment at the end that's the most insane aspect. They don't think May's actions in trying to get Google and Facebook to take down extremist content goes far enough. Instead:
I wonder how The Sun thinks it will get half of its content if Facebook gets shut down.
What I'm actually surprised about is how long it's taken for The Mail and The Sun to run headlines like that. They've been sitting on this stuff until now, one assumes, for maximum effectiveness.
What asking for the media to be impartial is right wing?
When I look at the people on the latest series of "Big Brother" it's easy to see why these headlines work. Being dumb and proud has become an aspiration. Something in the UK really changed in the last couple of decades.The lack of critical thinking in this country is really heartbreaking. A generation, and another one, and another one, who can't realise that they're being lied to through the teeth of politicians that care nothing for them.
Can't wait to have my very minimal say tomorrow, holding out hope for a surprise.
I never thought that here in the UK the term "fake news by biased mainstream media" would hold weight but here we are.
This is new to you?
Am I really old???
No. It's not but I've heard that Orange twat say it so often that it became dismissible but the term itself applies here rather well.This is new to you?
Am I really old???
They're cutting/privatising all the public services which makes them more expensive and puts them out of your price range. Police numbers are at an all time low and this is a party hellbent on "security". You literally get no benefit from voting Tory if you're not a multi-millionaire. They've done nothing good for anyone over their past reign.
A lot of people just don't believe that Labour would be better. Sure Labour can offer the moon, but if the economy fails and the country goes bankrupt then the fallout would be a lot worse than a few cuts being offered by the Tories. They might argue it's a choice between not paying nurses enough and not paying them at all!snip
The Tory campaign has been dreadful.
Sad that they will most likely still get a considerable majority even with this shit show of a campaign.
A lot of people just don't believe that Labour would be better. Sure Labour can offer the moon, but if the economy fails and the country goes bankrupt then the fallout would be a lot worse than a few cuts being offered by the Tories. They might argue it's a choice between not paying nurses enough and not paying them at all!
You also have a lot of selfish people to consider. All they will care about is who offers the lowest taxes, and Tories will always win that fight. A hell of a lot of people in this country are just comfortable. Food banks and disability cuts are things they only see in media, or maybe not at all. Meanwhile their own lives are easy/good enough that they aren't willing to risk voting for massive change.
And tribalism. Their families/friends/media support Tories and they'll do the same, like we're cheering for a football team rather than discussing how best to run the country. (This last point applies to both sides, of course).
Well nobody can use her as an excuse not to vote Labour anymore.
"Diane Abbott standing down as Shadow Home Secretary because of ill-health."
Diane Abbott replaced by Lyn Brown as Home Sec due to "ill health"
Diane Abbott replaced by Lyn Brown as Home Sec due to "ill health"