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UK General Election - 8th June 2017 |OT| - The Red Wedding

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How similar is this to the Iraq situation? With political parties being on the wrong side of history?
I still find that quite odd tbh.
Mostly because the same people that complain about Blair's involvement in Iraq want UK to be involved in Syria and condemn Corbyn for jeopardising our security.


The Tories rebrand to the Theresa May party continues



And we thought Corbz had a cult of personality etc etc etc

Davidson did this in Scotland, basically making it "appear" that you're voting for her. I mean you are voting for the leader, but the leader is backed by a whole party.

It appeals well to tribalism/us vs them. May represents everything many of the Brexiteers want, with arrogance, coldness, hate, aggression and smugness. Putting a singular face on all of that is more marketable than trying to make it about the party. See how many Leave voters scream about "I'm voting for May!". Sometimes "Conservatives" might not even be mentioned in a sentence, it's all about optics surrounding May.

It worked for Donald Trump, it'll work for May. It's clearly working for Davidson as well stealing spineless Labour voters over to Tories in Scotland. Politicians finding a way to crack the nut of marketing/influencing and herding together droves of the general public. They don't pour millions into PR/stylists/marketing and most likely psychology for nothing.

Par Score

A reminder why you shouldn't vote for the Lib Dems if you oppose the Tories.

Vince Cable said:
The Liberal Democrats could never support a Labour government under Jeremy Corbyn because the party does not have the "common ground" we share with the Conservatives

Tim Farron said:
Cable's comments follow an interview to be broadcast this evening in which Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron admits to having a picture of former Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher on his wall.

"I remember I had a Mrs Thatcher picture. I had a John F Kennedy picture. I had a [Liberal leader] Jo Grimond picture.”

Fool me once, shame on you.


Chili Con Carnage!
Well good on the Lib Dems for shifting right before the election this time, so much for being the credible opposition I guess?


As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.
not sure why you'd admit the thatcher thing unless there was a blackmail photo circulating lol

I mean good grief. the last election proved people aren't fussed about tory lite when tory full fat is on the menu. Not winning over anyone on the right and pissing off people on the left even further. genius strategy.


Davidson did this in Scotland, basically making it "appear" that you're voting for her. I mean you are voting for the leader, but the leader is backed by a whole party.

It appeals well to tribalism/us vs them. May represents everything many of the Brexiteers want, with arrogance, coldness, hate, aggression and smugness. Putting a singular face on all of that is more marketable than trying to make it about the party. See how many Leave voters scream about "I'm voting for May!". Sometimes "Conservatives" might not even be mentioned in a sentence, it's all about optics surrounding May.

It worked for Donald Trump, it'll work for May. It's clearly working for Davidson as well stealing spineless Labour voters over to Tories in Scotland. Politicians finding a way to crack the nut of marketing/influencing and herding together droves of the general public. They don't pour millions into PR/stylists/marketing and most likely psychology for nothing.
It's the same in germany. People essentially vote for Merkel and i'd bet the CDU will lose atleast 10-15% when Merkel quits.

We had some state elections yesterday and less than 50% knew who the leader of CDU Schleswig-Holstein was yet they gained and won the elections based on Merkels (yet again) rising popularity.


As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.

He's "similar" to Bernie, and is popular with a lot of youth as well. American/British public are quite different though, and identity politics isn't as much a thing in the UK. Well, race/ethnicity identity politics anyway. Over here it's more about social class/wealth politics. The middle class/rich hating the poor. Even Brexit in amongst definite xenophobia is still often about rich vs poor. The perception that immigrants are all dirty poor beggers wanting handouts. Britain on average has a dreadful amount of cold-hearted, uncaring people lacking in compassion and being fueled by a Government which tries to unfairly shift so much blame onto the poor, disabled and less fortunate. They've even got the general public believing the poor/immigrants are the sole reason the NHS is failing.

Corbyn is just too divisive and at times a bit too selfish. There's only room for one party of selfishness and that's the Tories. Labour have flown too close to being Tory-lite too often. The UK, and largely England, need a better alternative to the Tories. It still warps the mind how many working class/poor vote Conservative in England, but one has to believe that is because they're being made to believe it's those who are even poorer than them, or the immigrants who are making them worse off. Labour aren't doing a good enough job of showing why compassion, care and positivity is a better alternative than hate, spite and aggression.

It's the same in germany. People essentially vote for Merkel and i'd bet the CDU will lose atleast 10-15% when Merkel quits.

We had some state elections yesterday and less than 50% knew who the leader of CDU Schleswig-Holstein was yet they gained and won the elections based on Merkels (yet again) rising popularity.

It's understandable to a certain degree, and it is why your leader does have to be objectively "good". Which is why Corbyn is tanking, he has many decent beliefs, but just isn't a leader. However, people are stupid as shit if they can't accept a political party is not one person and is a large collection of MPs with many policies. Even in America, it's not "just" the President who runs the country. Far from it.


Chili Con Carnage!
As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.

Well you say they are equivalent, but Corbyn want's nuclear disarmament...imagine how easy it would be to destroy a presidential candidate who wanted that, add in the fact that he's previously voiced sympathy for the IRA and met with members of Hamas (not because he supports terrorism, but because he believes a dialog is necessary to end any conflict).

He holds far too many positions that can attacked by simply not presenting his argument, that's exactly what's happened and it's worked spectacularly.

vince the cable being recorded saying that people should vote tactically for pro remain mps (whether you agree with those sentiments or not) when farron is still saying otherwhise is some absolutely shit messaging, they need to sort that out.

Vince is allowed his own opinions. He is quite independently minded, and has been for a long time (and he should have stuck on as leader after Ming stepped down).

Someone mentioned Ebbw Vale. Clegg did a special report for Newsnight from there. Very illuminating.

Also the Beeb's debates are bloody awful. Why is the only Leader's Debate going to end up being Farron vs Sturgeon with a live QT audience? Why does Nuttall get his own Election Questions show?


Corbyn's fightback gaining traction:

CON: 49% (+3)
LAB: 27% (-1)
LDEM: 9% (-1)
UKIP: 6% (-2)
GRN: 3% (-1)

(via @ICMResearch / 05 - 07 May)


As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.

He has history of non-stop fuck-ups that stem from simple incompetence rather than maliciousness.

For example there were accusations of anti-semitism from within the party. After much silence he announces an inquiry into it.

At the publishing of the inquiry's report he made a speech saying "our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those various self-styled Islamic states or organisations.", effectively comparing Israel to ISIS. Views aside, it's a dumb comment to make at an anti-semitism inquiry and instantly undid any goodwill that might be gained from the months of work the report took.

At the same conference, a Momentum leader (the party faction that backs Corbyn) was addressing the event and used it to accuse a Jewish Labour MP of collaborating with right-wing media against Corbyn. Corbyn remained silent and the MP stormed out in tears.


The person appointed by Corbyn to run the inquiry received a peerage from Corbyn shortly after, compromising her impartiality.

Finally a "zero-tolerance" policy was announced on anti-semitism. A long-term trouble maker in the party who was the Mayor of London but is more known for supporting Chavez and other anti-american dictators and being in constant conflict with the party leadership claimed Hitler supported Zionism. Despite this being like his 5th offense in contravening party rules in general, he was only suspended and not expelled. At the announcement of his temporary suspension and claims of Corbyn being soft on anti-semitism again, he immediately repeated the same Hitler-was-a-Zionist views.

Additionally, see:


Corbyn isn't like Sanders.

He isn't charismatic in any way, he surrounds himself with incompetent people and there's a weird pro-Russian, anti-establishment thing around him that reeks of Russian meddling.


Corbyn's fightback gaining traction:

CON: 49% (+3)
LAB: 27% (-1)
LDEM: 9% (-1)
UKIP: 6% (-2)
GRN: 3% (-1)

(via @ICMResearch / 05 - 07 May)

Labour still making progress I see. I have to wonder who the 6% are who would still vote UKIP? Lifelong Labour supporters who can't vote Tory, and the small core of people who actually liked their other "policies" I guess
Corbyn's fightback gaining traction:

CON: 49% (+3)
LAB: 27% (-1)
LDEM: 9% (-1)
UKIP: 6% (-2)
GRN: 3% (-1)

(via @ICMResearch / 05 - 07 May)

Well, there you go.

I expect this lead to grow further when the Conservative expenses scandal gets wider press after the CPS decides.

There's nothing they can do wrong.
I think Persimmons is the largest - and the worst shower of shit imaginable, from what friends have told me who have bought their crappy homes. If you've ever seen the Tom Hanks movie "The Money Pit" - that's a Persimmons home.

Also Redrow, Jones, Bovis, Taylor Wimpey, Barratts, Stewart Milne.

sweet, thanks a lot. i work with all the major homebuilders in the US and am always interested to see how things are like in different areas.


Labour still making progress I see. I have to wonder who the 6% are who would still vote UKIP? Lifelong Labour supporters who can't vote Tory, and the small core of people who actually liked their other "policies" I guess
They've just* announced that they're really going to fuck over immigration, so I wouldn't be surprised to see an upswing in those numbers.

* - at least I've just read it, it might not be that new.


Labour still making progress I see. I have to wonder who the 6% are who would still vote UKIP? Lifelong Labour supporters who can't vote Tory, and the small core of people who actually liked their other "policies" I guess

As much as it seemed, UKIP aren't a single issue party. If you want to bring back hanging and make life for Muslims as uncomfortable as possible, they are the party for you.

Basically, the BNP/EDL vote goes there now.



The Tories only opponent right now: Complacency/Apathy.

They get this insane majority by getting people to the polls....

Normally I'd agree, but it's Labour that's got more of a stake in the flakier (younger) voters. The Cons are backed up by richer, older voters who are more likely to turn up.

This is going to be a bloodbath.


As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.

He wasn't expected to win the party leadership, being much more to the left than most of his party. Party members voted him in on a landslide.

The party then spent a year trying to oust him from the party, including a huge proprtion of polliticians resigning from his cabinet, this continued until they managed to get another leadership contest.

He won again.

During this the largely right wing press, the not exactly neutral bbc, and the Liberal press shit all over him constantly.

He's made some questionable decisions as leader, and isn't very media savvy, doesnt speak in soundbites, and this reallly doesn't help his cause.

He's approximately 100x a better human being than May, and 100x more likely to keep his promises than the Lib Dems


Well you say they are equivalent, but Corbyn want's nuclear disarmament...imagine how easy it would be to destroy a presidential candidate who wanted that, add in the fact that he's previously voiced sympathy for the IRA and met with members of Hamas (not because he supports terrorism, but because he believes a dialog is necessary to end any conflict).

He holds far too many positions that can attacked by simply not presenting his argument, that's exactly what's happened and it's worked spectacularly.

That was McDonnell, who would almost certainly be a better leader than Corbyn. Mostly because he takes a delight in hammering the Tories as often and as loudly as possible, and is further to the left.


He wasn't expected to win the party leadership, being much more to the left than most of his party. Party members voted him in on a landslide.

The party then spent a year trying to oust him from the party, including a huge proprtion of polliticians resigning from his cabinet, this continued until they managed to get another leadership contest.

He won again.

During this the largely right wing press, the not exactly neutral bbc, and the Liberal press shit all over him constantly.

He's made some questionable decisions as leader, and isn't very media savvy, doesnt speak in soundbites, and this reallly doesn't help his cause.

He's approximately 100x a better human being than May, and 100x more likely to keep his promises than the Lib Dems

Just because you made up a new meaning for the word liberal doesn't make it true for everyone else btw. And some of the things he's done go well beyond 'questionable'. And he's not capable of organising a piss up in a brewery, it goes beyond 'doesn't speak in soundbites'. On a fundamental level he is not capable of running a political party. Student politics has been better organised than labour under his reigns
During this the largely right wing press, the not exactly neutral bbc, and the Liberal press shit all over him constantly.

He's made some questionable decisions as leader, and isn't very media savvy, doesnt speak in soundbites, and this reallly doesn't help his cause.
Worth giving this interview with his ex-spokesman a read, gives some insight into the amount of shit he has to constantly deal with
He's approximately 100x a better human being than May, and 100x more likely to keep his promises than the Lib Dems

If memory serves...

"We believe EU nationals should have the right to remain!" declares Corbyn.
*Votes through Article 50 without any provisions for right to remain*
*Labour in House of Lords back Lib Dem right to remain motion. A50 returns to Commons*
"We believe EU nationals have the right to remain!" declares Corbyn again.
*Votes through Article 50 again without any provisions for right to remain, and forces Labour in the HoL to vote it through too*

Yeah he's absolutely not all talk no trousers.


No yeah that's pretty accurate

Oh he missed the bit where they take the credit for histprical left-wing successes though

Like I said, making up a new definition for a word doesn't do anything other than make you look confused and dumb. No matter how you protest, trying to turn the word liberal into a put down from the left is astonishingly short sighted.


Just because you made up a new meaning for the word liberal doesn't make it true for everyone else btw. And some of the things he's done go well beyond 'questionable'. And he's not capable of organising a piss up in a brewery, it goes beyond 'doesn't speak in soundbites'. On a fundamental level he is not capable of running a political party. Student politics has been better organised than labour under his reigns

You don't consider the Guardian a Liberal newspaper? Interesting, false, but interesting.


If memory serves...

"We believe EU nationals should have the right to remain!" declares Corbyn.
*Votes through Article 50 without any provisions for right to remain*
*Labour in House of Lords back Lib Dem right to remain motion. A50 returns to Commons*
"We believe EU nationals have the right to remain!" declares Corbyn again.
*Votes through Article 50 again without any provisions for right to remain, and forces Labour in the HoL to vote it through too*

Yeah he's absolutely not all talk no trousers.

Unlike straight talking definitely doesn't hate the gays personality vacuum Tim 'picture of thatcher over his bed' Farron.

Truly a champion of the left.


Like I said, making up a new definition for a word doesn't do anything other than make you look confused and dumb. No matter how you protest, trying to turn the word liberal into a put down from the left is astonishingly short sighted.

You don't understand the word or what it means, nor the fact that Liberalism has been attacked from the left since forever.

Mao had some really choice words on Liberalism*

*and before you try to twist this one, I'm not supporting Mao, you donut.


You don't consider the Guardian a Liberal newspaper? Interesting, false, but interesting.

No, I consider your definition of the word liberal to be bizarre and wrong. Attacking someone for being a liberal by creating your own little neat little definition and then attacking from the left is just ridiculous.

The guardian is a centre left newspaper.
As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.

He's Trump, but on the other end of the scale. Thick, useless, vain, thin skinned, lazy, uneducated with suspicious attitudes towards jews and the west in general.
Unlike straight talking definitely doesn't hate the gays personality vacuum Tim 'picture of thatcher over his bed' Farron.

Truly a champion of the left.

yeah his voting record screams gay hating

this is the shittest talking point ever when are plenty of other contestable ones
Like I said, making up a new definition for a word doesn't do anything other than make you look confused and dumb. No matter how you protest, trying to turn the word liberal into a put down from the left is astonishingly short sighted.

...you do know that Labour was started because the Liberal party didn't represent the working class and was too right wing, right?


Unlike straight talking definitely doesn't hate the gays personality vacuum Tim 'picture of thatcher over his bed' Farron.

Truly a champion of the left.

I do enjoy Huw's commitment to the Lib Dems, acting like they're still at all relevant. It's cute.


No, I consider your definition of the word liberal to be bizarre and wrong. Attacking someone for being a liberal by creating your own little neat little definition and then attacking from the left is just ridiculous.

The guardian is a centre left newspaper.

Are you American, or do you just read a lot of their media? The European usage of Liberal is very different.


I'm absolutely agreeing that the guardian is a centre-left paper. It also supports Liberalism.
As an American, I'm just trying to learn
Why is Corbyn unpopular? The best analogy we have is Bernie Sanders, who remains respected and has the energy of the young voters.

Because of a deliberate, effective propaganda campaign against his person from
... basically everyone else... Sometimes including himself.

His policies aren't the problem, at any rate.
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