Been at work all day trying to follow what's going on, and just gorged on an hour of news when I got in.
Reading about what was happening via the beeb was exciting, and not as disappointing as I feared when I woke up. However, reflecting on things, I'm pretty disappointed. Lib Dems are fucked no matter what they do. When I first heard Clegg was talking with Cameron, I figured it was part of a game plan and there was no chance they'd link up.
Now though... I actually think it could happen, and the chance of electoral reform disappearing with it. No matter what they do, they're screwed. Take the Tory option and get nowhere near what they want, as well as the blame for anything that goes wrong, and alienating their voter base to boot; go Labour and incur the wrath of the Tories, their voters, and all their cheerleaders; or go with neither and get the flack for putting party before country as well as losing favours from either party. Electoral reform, generally speaking, wasn't one of the big issues of the election - making a move on that issue alone will difficult to pitch. I'd be OK with them going Lab-Lib to get electoral reform through, but I'd question if that was fair. And that's even if they could actually do it!
Right wing press will be especially nauseating about it all. The Evening Standard called Labour's 26% share of the vote "dismal" but apparently the Tories have a mandate to govern with 38%. The Sun, The Mail et al will come out tomorrow, highlighting the arguments and the rules that benefit the Tories, but ignoring the other rules where, y'know, this is actually how the system works in situations like these and nothing too egregious has happened yet.
Oh well, here's hoping some good can come out of it...