The Hulton ward, Bolton election was a three way race between UKIP, Labour and the Conservatives. I wasn't voting UKIP and found that the Conservative candidate was a former English Democrat so that only left me with the Labour Candidate who I voted for.
For the London Mayoral election my first choice was Lee Harris (Cannabis is safer than Alcohol), the race is two way between Labour and Tory so my second choice was one of those. Chose Goldsmith (Conservative) partly for the purely selfish reason that I didn't trust Khan to get the Night Tube running very quickly if at all.
The City and East constituency of the GLA is overwhelmingly Labour so my vote is irrelevant. I ended up voting for the Green candidate because she really seemed to care about the constituency. She had a passion to do the right thing that is rarely seen in politics. Pity she won't win.
And for the London wide constituency of the GLA, (which mercifully is elected proportionally so no need for strategy) I voted for the Lib Dems as they are closest to my views in politics ATM.
Ended up voting for a rainbow of parties which certainly wasn't my intention.
Edit: As for PCC, I happen to live in the only two regions in England and Wales that didn't elect one today. (London's is apparently combined with the Mayorship though.)