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UK PoliGAF |OT2| - We Blue Ourselves

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Feminist zealots want women to have their cake and eat it, says Tory MP

A Tory MP has spoken at a men’s rights conference hosted by an anti-feminism party, telling the audience that “feminist zealots really do want women to have their cake and eat it”.

Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, delivered a 45-minute speech at the International Conference on Men’s Issues, organised by the Justice for Men and Boys party (J4MB).

Davies, who sits on the Commons justice committee, told the conference at the ExCel centre in London that Britain’s justice system was skewed in favour of women and discriminated against men.

J4MB states on its website that it intends to target the 20 most marginal Conservative constituencies in the next general election and has the income to fund its candidates’ £500 deposits.

Davies, a pro-Brexit campaigner who backed Andrea Leadsom for the Tory leadership, appeared alongside anti-feminist bloggers who have likened the activist Malala Yousafzai to Osama bin Laden and called single mothers “bona fide idiots”.

There are some tiny nuggets of truth here about the way our prison system throws young men to the wolves. But they're prison reform issues that have been selectively applied, and they're issues because the Tories have spent twenty years pushing in the wrong direction.

Irrespective, those issues are completely undermined by a trolling fuckwit like Davies presenting them, especially with the other nonsense mixed in. Sigh.
There are some tiny nuggets of truth here about the way our prison system throws young men to the wolves. But they're prison reform issues that have been selectively applied, and they're issues because the Tories have spent twenty years pushing in the wrong direction.

Irrespective, those issues are completely undermined by a trolling fuckwit like Davies presenting them, especially with the other nonsense mixed in. Sigh.

And thus is the great tragedy of the Men's Rights Movement, obscuring the Men's issues that do need dealing with under a mountain of irrelevant misogynist shit.


Nicola Sturgeon speaks out about miscarriage experience

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has spoken of her experience miscarrying when she was 40.

SNP leader Ms Sturgeon, 46, revealed that she and husband Peter Murrell lost a baby in 2011.

At the time, Ms Sturgeon was campaigning in the Scottish parliamentary election to be deputy leader.

"This was obviously a painful experience for Peter and I and while Mandy has known about it for some time, she has always respected our decision not to talk about it publicly", Ms Sturgeon said.

"I gave her the go ahead to make reference to it now in the hope that it might challenge some of the assumptions and judgments that are still made about women - especially in politics - who don't have children.

There are many reasons why women don't have children.

Some of us simply don't want to, some of us worry about the impact on our career - and there is still so much to do, through better childcare, more progressive working practices and more enlightened attitudes, to make sure we don't feel we have to choose.





The Times' portrayal was pretty fucking gross.

Sunday Times criticised for portrayal of female politicians without children

‘Childless politicians’ panel accompanying Nicola Sturgeon book extract revealing her miscarriage draws cross-party condemnation

Politicians, campaigners and women of every political stripe have united in their condemnation of the Sunday Times for its presentation of a book extract about Nicola Sturgeon, in which she revealed that she had a miscarriage at the age of 40.

While Sturgeon herself has received widespread support, there was anger about the way her disclosure was trailed as a “tantalising secret” by the newspaper and accompanied by a panel headed “childless politicians”, listing only high-profile women without children.


“Nicola Sturgeon was detailing a personal story, which she herself states is to overcome the taboo of talking about miscarriage, yet the paper reinforced every taboo with the panel they used to highlight it. I wonder, did they call Ruth Davidson, Natalie Bennett or Justine Greening before printing it? Did they ask for their personal stories and issues they would like to highlight? No, there was no context to their inclusion in the article, they simply printed their faces and pointed at their childlessness, as if there was something wrong with it.”


Yeah what a crock of shit. At the very basic level having or not having a child is a women's choice. Even in a serious relationship it is a choice a women has to be on board with. If she doesn't want a child and a man does then it's possibly up for an in depth adult discussion and compromise. If a compromise can't be met then the couple might not be right for each other.

Fucking simple as that and women do not need sniped for their personal family life or choices over children. She pretty much says that in the article above but as per respect of authors and journalists I didn't want to copy and paste the whole article.
Brave of Sturgeon to be so public with it.

The Spectator had a cover story a few months (or was it years?) back about how there seems to be a correlation between successful female politicians and not having kids, and drew a comparison to how it doesn't make any difference for male politicians. I think a lot of people misunderstood the story (I imagine most of whom hadn't read it) and got exactly the opposite idea, that it was somehow needling them for not having kids. The whole point is that there's still a pressure of women to deal with kids and that it goes "right to the top".


So, in today's news.

1) Louise Casey will release a report on multiculturalism for the government that says we need to protect Christmas as its under threat. We are now being ruled by the front page of the Express. I expect a Dianna / Madeline McCan department to be set up any day now.

2) Boris Johnson is going to join the calls for a 'hard brexit', indicating that a) the result of an incredibly narrow vote that left the country deeply divided should be taken as 'ignore everything one side voted for and don't compromise on ANYTHING; and b) he is a traitorous cunt to London, which will suffer the most from a hard Brexit. What a piece of shit.
Sooo Watson's attempts to, basically, reset the Labour leadership rules back to the pre-Miliband days has failed, as has his attempt to have the cabinet be chosen by MPs rather than members.



I have to be honest, the notion of anyone other than the leader selecting cabinet is just plain bizarre and a relic of a bygone era. Our local council recently removed that rule as well after the leader was stuck with a cabinet member who was not only completely useless but also slightly insane.

We cannot expect people to lead and then not let them choose the team they want around them. Also, on a purely practical basis leaders need to Have the levers of cabinet positions available to get the backing for measures through the party.
I have to be honest, the notion of anyone other than the leader selecting cabinet is just plain bizarre and a relic of a bygone era. Our local council recently removed that rule as well after the leader was stuck with a cabinet member who was not only completely useless but also slightly insane.

We cannot expect people to lead and then not let them choose the team they want around them. Also, on a purely practical basis leaders need to Have the levers of cabinet positions available to get the backing for measures through the party.

It does seem that the whips lose basically any power they might have had over the cabinet/shadow cabinet members in this scenario. Not that I can imagine the party would elect a member to the shadow cabinet who would then defy a 3-line-whip, but if they did, and that shadow minister did... whatcha gonna do? Deselect them, so you have an independent in the cabinet?


It does seem that the whips lose basically any power they might have had over the cabinet/shadow cabinet members in this scenario.

Good. Legitimately my first action upon being given some form of undeserved power in the UK would be to criminalise whips in Parliament.
Shadow cabinet elections will be a device to further pull power to Momentum whilst relieving Corbyn from the pressure of having to deal with his cabinet, presumably. No point resigning to put pressure on the leader when the leader didn't technically put you there.

Labour conference is going to be a massive punch up. Should be fun to watch.

Also Farron's speech to end LD conference today was pretty good (not that anyone else other than me cares).
Labour seem intent on destroying themselves.
They're going to hand their entire power stucture to a vote by the the most politically active left-wing 1% of the population.
I just can't see that ever resulting in leaders/ministers/policies that will appeal to a significant proportion of the whole population.

Maybe the LibDems can make some gains, and Farron seems to talk a lot of sense, but being the 4th place party means they need enormous swings to get any real power.
The left is just way too fractured, while May seems to be uniting the right while UKIP implodes under their new leader.
Experts are wrong? Typical experts.

My favourite bit was when he cited "the head of science research at a university"

~~Can't argue with the facts. Of course the sun causes the tide, that's why we have that one, massive high tide a year - followed by a 6 month wait for low tide.~~

EDIT: I'm convinced.


A presenter deciding not to leave a domestic reality tv show is the leading item on BBC News.

I'd be ok with it if there was no news that needed covering but next item is hundreds of people dying in Egypt.


Worst news: Woolfe will probably run and win.

Best news: this means there is a very real chance of Neil Hamilton running for leader.



No UKIP, when people say they want you to become the official Opposition they don't mean copying them

She's not copying - she actually has a better grasp on reality than Corbyn, and isn't willing to take the ship down with her despite her winning the support of members.

What a wonderful world we live in. Where UKIPs leaders have more sense and understanding of party politics than labours.
She's not copying - she actually has a better grasp on reality than Corbyn, and isn't willing to take the ship down with her despite her winning the support of members.

What a wonderful world we live in. Where UKIPs leaders have more sense and understanding of party politics than labours.

Michael Deacon on Twitter: "You're all shaking your heads about Diane James, but as far as I can tell Jeremy Corbyn resigned a week ago without telling anyone".

In other news, Amber Rudd is a total cunt huh?


OK, so it looks like Steven Woolfe, favourite to be the new UKIP leader is in hospital in Strasburg "following an altercation in a UKIP meeting".

Unconfirmed reports say he was punched by a fellow UKIP MEP.


OK, so it looks like Steven Woolfe, favourite to be the new UKIP leader is in hospital in Strasburg "following an altercation in a UKIP meeting".

Unconfirmed reports say he was punched by a fellow UKIP MEP.
The Daily Telegraph understands that Mr Woolfe is suffering from bleeding of the brain after he was punched. One witness said he fell into a window after being punched.

This is... not really good at all. I hope he's alright and they can get to the bottom of it.


Corbyn's post Leadership Election reshuffle is going on right now.

Diane Abbot becomes Shadow Home Secretary
Sarah Champion becomes Shadow Women and Equalities minister
"Baroness" Chakrabati becomes Shadow Attorney General


As he gives a speech on secure jobs in Glasgow.

Seriously, this guy cannot manage *anything* right. I'd have a lot more time for Seamus Milne, cancer that he is, if he actually ran a tight ship like Alistair Campbell did, but he's both incredibly unpleasant and toxic for the party, *and* a staggeringly incompetent man out of his depths in every single way.


It seems to a few in the news that Corbyn has now thrown away the strategy of trying to unite the party and is enforcing his power with this reshuffle.

Lots of comment too that this shuffle is too London-centric - which would be right given that the majority of his support is from there.


Laura Kuenssberg
Stephen Woolfe is quitting UKIP - tells @AlexForsythBBC, UKIP is in a 'death spiral' and is 'ungovernable' - her interview on @BBCNews at 6

5:59pm · 17 Oct 2016 · Twitter Web Client



#IPBill Lib Dems just voted alone in Lords against Tories & Labour to try to stop virtual database on all UK citizens. More to follow

Lib Dems about to vote alone again, this time against Govt making your ISP keep a log of all your web activity. #IPBill

Same result. Labour peers (except one) voted with Tories for making all your Internet activity available to cops & many other orgs. v sad.

Labour just caved in over our attempt to increase the power of the judges who will watch over Govt snooping. That won't stop us. #IPBill

@maznu Labour sided with the govt to stop more oversight.

#IPBill Lib Dem peers still fighting tonight. More to come on Wednesday.

Cheers Corbyn
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