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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.

Not yet, I thought it had to be for two successive quarters.

Oh. Well is the economy likely to grow much in the next quarter? All that's on the major sites these days is more news about job losses. Peacocks being the latest to shed hundreds of jobs after filing for bankruptcy.

What's realistically left for the government to do to try and help the country recover. The deficit keeps growing...


To a large extent we're seeing really dated, poor companies go out of business here. I mean Peacocks and Bon Marche? They're properly shite, no innovation and no good management. I'd say that out of the big businesses that have gone in the recession, Habitat was probably the only really good one, although big label furniture brands are always gonna lose to IKEA in a recession.

There'll be more market share for existing or new companies as a result of this and in a few months the people who have been let go will get hired by the company that takes over.

Basically what I'm saying is that unemployment is gonna go up by quite a lot in the next few months, but will fall again when there's money to be made out of the market that the bankrupt companies left.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
To a large extent we're seeing really dated, poor companies go out of business here. I mean Peacocks and Bon Marche? They're properly shite, no innovation and no good management. I'd say that out of the big businesses that have gone in the recession, Habitat was probably the only really good one, although big label furniture brands are always gonna lose to IKEA in a recession.

There'll be more market share for existing or new companies as a result of this and in a few months the people who have been let go will get hired by the company that takes over.

I'm with you on that.

One of the things recessions are good at is clearing out junk from the economy when they run out of excuses. Thing is, the demand that these companies satisfied (or, more appropriately, didn't satisfy) hasn't gone away. Sure it has probably reduced a bit, but that just leaves market holes for other, sharper, people to step into.

Look at the way Wilkinsons stepped up where Woolworths failed for example.
I'm not so sure there will be more market share, job losses in the retail sector are on the rise and will continue to rise for quite some time and the job losses don't end there, isn't there talk of an oil refinery closing and some steelworks factories closing?

And the country still hasn't felt the full force of the cuts yet...
I'm not so sure there will be more market share, job losses in the retail sector are on the rise and will continue to rise for quite some time and the job losses don't end there, isn't there talk of an oil refinery closing and some steelworks factories closing?

And the country still hasn't felt the full force of the cuts yet...

Yup and swathes of people leaving the civil service and armed forces are only just becoming unemployed and joining the job market, with a big bulk more due to go in the new financial year -- its front loaded over the four years, so most will be coming this year. I've got a bad feeling we've not seen the worst.

Salmond wants to ask:

"Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?"

This is a load of bollocks, it's a loaded question that will push people towards voting Yes, proven time after time again in Social research methods research.

A fairer question would be:

"Should Scotland leave the United Kingdom?"

"Should Scotland be an independent country outside of the United Kingdom"

Think that's about right.

It's also ridiculous they're pushing for 3 choices. Should be "Yes" and "No" and that's it.
It's also ridiculous they're pushing for 3 choices. Should be "Yes" and "No" and that's it.

I think the third choice is just going to dilute both the Yes and No votes. Its a wildcard, I don't understand why they're playing it... although it probably has something to do with there being much broader support for devo-max / continued UK membership with more power than full independence. They talk a big game but they want that backup if needs be as its a decent babystep.



Salmond wants to ask:

"Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?"

This is a load of bollocks, it's a loaded question that will push people towards voting Yes, proven time after time again in Social research methods research.

A fairer question would be:

"Should Scotland leave the United Kingdom?"

You just think that because you're unionist scum though.

Perfectly acceptable question. Also, the second question (not third option, second question) has long been something the other progressive non-Scottish parties have called for. And it hasn't even been proposed yet, that's a job for the Consultation.

Exciting times! Two and a half years and we could all be living in smaller, better states.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
You just think that because you're unionist scum though.

Perfectly acceptable question. Also, the second question (not third option, second question) has long been something the other progressive non-Scottish parties have called for. And it hasn't even been proposed yet, that's a job for the Consultation.

Exciting times! Two and a half years and we could all be living in smaller, better states.

That might be just a little optimistic. Even if a referendum gets a strong yes vote, there's a heck of a lot of negotiation and preparatory legislation to be gone through.

Ten years at least I'd think.



Salmond wants to ask:

"Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country?"

This is a load of bollocks, it's a loaded question that will push people towards voting Yes, proven time after time again in Social research methods research.

A fairer question would be:

"Should Scotland leave the United Kingdom?"

What a utterly retarded and front loaded way to phrase it, its also vague and pretty much pointless, if this is going to continue from salmond then the whole thing is going to carry on lurching from one mistake to another.


What a utterly retarded and front loaded way to phrase it, its also vague and pretty much pointless, if this is going to continue from salmond then the whole thing is going to carry on lurching from one mistake to another.

One mistake to another? You might have been following some other country and some other set of politics, but Salmond's SNP have been going from triumph to triumph.
Elected to minority government; elected to majority government in a system designed against them; record approval ratings. The SNP is the most successful political party in our countries right now.

You know the Unionist parties in the UK government are fretting now - scare stories from Westminster about the Spanish vetoing a Scottish EU application (refuted by the Spanish FM and ridiculous given both Scotland and England/Wales/NI will be successor states), rubbish about Pandas being sent home... Laughable.
I really have difficulty understanding why any English person gets their knickers in a twist about it. If the Scots want to be independent and take on a percentage of the national debt when they break away, let them.


One mistake to another? You might have been following some other country and some other set of politics, but Salmond's SNP have been going from triumph to triumph.
Elected to minority government; elected to majority government in a system designed against them; record approval ratings. The SNP is the most successful political party in our countries right now.

You know the Unionist parties in the UK government are fretting now - scare stories from Westminster about the Spanish vetoing a Scottish EU application (refuted by the Spanish FM and ridiculous given both Scotland and England/Wales/NI will be successor states), rubbish about Pandas being sent home... Laughable.

There's a difference between getting elected and governing. Also an independent Scotland will be outside of the EU till it's entry can be agreed and this takes years. Plus new members have to join the Euro. Good luck with that.


There's a difference between getting elected and governing. Also an independent Scotland will be outside of the EU till it's entry can be agreed and this takes years. Plus new members have to join the Euro. Good luck with that.
If Scotland were outside the EU then so would the England/Wales/NI successor state.
I would agree the question might be a bit leading but the 1997 referendum was "do you agree there should be a scottish parliament?" so it's nothing particularly crazy.

the question is totally irrelevant in this case anyway, it literally doesn't matter. people know what they'll be voting for.


I really have difficulty understanding why any English person gets their knickers in a twist about it. If the Scots want to be independent and take on a percentage of the national debt when they break away, let them.

Actually I don't think many are, at first I think English people thought it would be a bad to break up the country if only because of our shared history but now I feel many are coming round to the idea that it'd probably be best for us.

Let the Scots split:

put up border controls (even in the EU the UK has the right to do so), this should counter any effect of the Scottish reducing Corporation tax to try and tempt business north

watch tourism industry in Scotland collapse as the rivalry, once limited to friendly banter at least south of the border) becomes open hostility due to Scotland's big fuck you means that UK citizens visit other areas

Watch the Scottish try and issue debt in a foreign currency that they cant control (and laugh)

Watch BAE and other UK companies shut down their yards and move south,

See how many wind farms get build without the subsidies from English electricity bills,
watch Wales and the English regions thrive as money earmarked for the Scots get spent there and Scottish based UK assets get redeployed

Its gonna be fun seeing the consequences, I hope they go for it just to wipe the smile of the fat toad
Actually I don't think many are, at first I think English people thought it would be a bad to break up the country if only because of our shared history but now I feel many are coming round to the idea that it'd probably be best for us.

Let the Scots split:

put up border controls (even in the EU the UK has the right to do so), this should counter any effect of the Scottish reducing Corporation tax to try and tempt business north

watch tourism industry in Scotland collapse as the rivalry, once limited to friendly banter at least south of the border) becomes open hostility due to Scotland's big fuck you means that UK citizens visit other areas

Watch the Scottish try and issue debt in a foreign currency that they cant control (and laugh)

Watch BAE and other UK companies shut down their yards and move south,

See how many wind farms get build without the subsidies from English electricity bills,
watch Wales and the English regions thrive as money earmarked for the Scots get spent there and Scottish based UK assets get redeployed

Its gonna be fun seeing the consequences, I hope they go for it just to wipe the smile of the fat toad

Uh really? Fun? You're pretty fucked up if you call watching a country collapse fun.

In any case, how you perceive this as "Scotland's big fuck you" is quite hilarious and ignorant. Both countries will continue an amicable relationship if Scotland does indeed win an independence vote. Economic ties would be strong and they would have a decent amount to gain from each other. It's in no one's best interest to see the other suffer.


So...the UK is in recession again? Sucks.

Well, as said, no it isn't and Q1 2012 is supposed to be better than expected so we may dodge a technical recession.

With growth so low right now slipping into a short, shallow recession would make no difference anyway other than to give Labour ammo they won't know what to do with and give the media another thing to get hysterical over.


Uh really? Fun? You're pretty fucked up if you call watching a country collapse fun.

In any case, how you perceive this as "Scotland's big fuck you" is quite hilarious and ignorant. Both countries will continue an amicable relationship if Scotland does indeed win an independence vote. Economic ties would be strong and they would have a decent amount to gain from each other. It's in no one's best interest to see the other suffer.

England/Scotland/Wales existing relationship with the Republic of Ireland is the perfect model for this. We have a common border policy, citizenship and voting rights.

As an Englishman I'm a little bit ashamed of those who'd take Scottish independence as some personal slight, an insult that needs to be returned. It's not. It's just a reflection of the fact that the Scottish people are far better placed to judge their own interests than a foreign government in Westminster.


You just think that because you're unionist scum though.

Calm the rhetoric lad.

I agree that Scotland should have the choice in a referendum, and in my ideal vision we'd have fully devolved NI, Welsh, Scottish and English parliaments.


The question should be:

"Should Scotland leave the United Kingdom?"

YES []
NO []

The Devo Max question is something that should be another issue for another referendum and is an absolute cop out for the SNP because support for full independence isn't strong enough.


Oh. Well is the economy likely to grow much in the next quarter? All that's on the major sites these days is more news about job losses. Peacocks being the latest to shed hundreds of jobs after filing for bankruptcy.

What's realistically left for the government to do to try and help the country recover. The deficit keeps growing...

Employment tends to lag behind growth, so growth will return and unemployment may keep rising for a good while. In recessions the cream rises to the top, and the badly managed shit companies pop, its as simple as that.

We will return to growth, we'll probably return to boom, and we most definitely will go bang again in the coming years.


The question should be:

"Should Scotland leave the United Kingdom?"
That's a loaded question though. I'm sure there are many Scots who wouldn't object to a rump organisation - akin to the Nordic Council - being made from the United Kingdom... ;)

At any rate, Scottish independence wouldn't see them leave the United Kingdom, it would see an *end* to the United Kingdom. Two successor states, not one splitting and one remaining.

I'm still baffled as to how you can actually want the United Kingdom to keep existing though. What possible benefit does it bring anyone, binding English and Scot together in a strict political entity that suits neither.
So...the UK is in recession again? Sucks.


Oh. Well is the economy likely to grow much in the next quarter? All that's on the major sites these days is more news about job losses. Peacocks being the latest to shed hundreds of jobs after filing for bankruptcy.

What's realistically left for the government to do to try and help the country recover. The deficit keeps growing...

Please find me some evidence of a growing deficit. The deficit is coming down, looking at the latest figures from here:


I can see the deficit was £145bn in 2010, while in the year just gone, 2011, the deficit was £125bn. To me that looks a lot like a £20bn reduction in the deficit, and while £12.5bn has came from the VAT rise, it does represent £7.5bn worth of spending cuts elsewhere to make up the difference.

On the Apr-Dec comparison we have an £11bn reduction in the deficit.

For all of the detailed data take a look here:


As for Peacocks going bankrupt, it's the same as Rover going bankrupt. They suck at what they do. It's tough for the employees, of course, but it does leave a big gap in the market for an enterprising group or individual to come and figure something out and make money.


That's a loaded question though. I'm sure there are many Scots who wouldn't object to a rump organisation - akin to the Nordic Council - being made from the United Kingdom... ;)

I don't really know what you're talking about but that isn't loaded, or well it is a little bit, as with any yes or no referendum, but other solutions would lead to higher levels of confusion.

At any rate, Scottish independence wouldn't see them leave the United Kingdom, it would see an *end* to the United Kingdom. Two successor states, not one splitting and one remaining.

I don't really know why not? It'd be the UK, but the United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I'm still baffled as to how you can actually want the United Kingdom to keep existing though. What possible benefit does it bring anyone, binding English and Scot together in a strict political entity that suits neither.

Because with some things we're stronger together? A UK military, for example, would be better than a Scottish, English, Northern Irish and Welsh military.


Peacocks problem is that it was purchased using itself as leverage (like Man Utd or whatever), but the economic collapse hit at the wrong time.

They seem to be performing adequately in the market, but they just can't shift the debt mountain.


Peacock's problem is that it's shite and nobody wants to buy their crap anymore.

Expect a lot more of this, the high street will get a clean up.

Speaking of the high street:


Good news I suppose, healthy fast food on the rise, but I wish that Subway had another big name competition to make the market a bit more competitive, at the moment they're going against local sandwich shops who, in my opinion, cater to different people, or can at least exist side-by-side. We could do with Quiznos or something like they have in the US to bring a bit of competition.


Is Subway really healthy? I've never had one to be honest, I rarely have fast food, but if it is fairly health and the food is good then I need to at least check it out.
Is Subway really healthy? I've never had one to be honest, I rarely have fast food, but if it is fairly health and the food is good then I need to at least check it out.

It's pretty salty, and some of the sauces are extremely calorific, but generally it's healthier than Maccys or Burger King (or even a doner).


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Is Subway really healthy? I've never had one to be honest, I rarely have fast food, but if it is fairly health and the food is good then I need to at least check it out.

Most Subways now have a system showing you what is healthy, too a certain degree.

Sadly that does not include southwestern sauce.


I don't really know what you're talking about but that isn't loaded, or well it is a little bit, as with any yes or no referendum, but other solutions would lead to higher levels of confusion.
"Do you agree that Scotland should be an independent country" is hardly confusing, and ultimately it stems from the SNP's policy of positivism when it comes to Scotland.

I don't really know why not? It'd be the UK, but the United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Union was formed by the joining of England and Scotland. Neither state would remain the same as the one created by the Act of Union.

Because with some things we're stronger together? A UK military, for example, would be better than a Scottish, English, Northern Irish and Welsh military.
I don't see any need for a strong military. In fact I think every single one of us would have been better off without the UK on the military front in recent years. A smaller English military might have been less engaged in the Iraq wars, and it's almost certain that the Scots, Welsh and Irish would have been absent.
Do you think the Irish Republic has in any way lost out from not having a big military?

No. Being "big" is a bad thing when it comes to modern states. Let the EU be big for trade purposes, but let's celebrate being "small" as a positive.

We English need to accept our lot as a second-tier state incapable (and I believe unwilling) to play the Grand Game. We'll be better for it, and the death of the UK will spur us to it.


Is Subway really healthy? I've never had one to be honest, I rarely have fast food, but if it is fairly health and the food is good then I need to at least check it out.

The bread is the worst part, but the salad is free and jalapenos and peppers speed up your metabolism.


Subway can be tasty (Spicy Italian, Olives, Jalapeños, Red Onions, Chilli Sauce, Wheat Bread, Toasted, No Cheese)... But it's hardly healthy.

That said, how many more of the fucking places can they put up?? There's already what, five in Crawley town centre? That said since I moved to Chichester I've not seen a single one... but then I don't think there *are* any fast food outlets in Chichester town centre.


Peacock's problem is that it's shite and nobody wants to buy their crap anymore.

The administrators seem to disagree "Whilst the capital structure was not sustainable, the underlying business has a loyal customer base evidenced by strong sales levels in store since our appointment.", as do things like this "Peacocks reported strong trading over the Christmas period, with like-for-like sales up 17%".

Personally, I have no idea, isn't it an old lady's fashion shop? Not my area of expertise.


Obsidian fan
We had a BK right in the middle of our town centre but they shut it down and turned it into a building society.

FFS Meadows, why did you link that? I'm starving now.

Need more branches. I should write a letter.


Unconfirmed Member
Subway can be tasty (Spicy Italian, Olives, Jalapeños, Red Onions, Chilli Sauce, Wheat Bread, Toasted, No Cheese)... But it's hardly healthy.

That said, how many more of the fucking places can they put up?? There's already what, five in Crawley town centre? That said since I moved to Chichester I've not seen a single one... but then I don't think there *are* any fast food outlets in Chichester town centre.

It's like the new little chef, where you use to see one of them on the roads but now seem to have become instinct. I think I've seen around, let me think, 5-6 subways in the Leicester City and are very close to each other. The fuck?


CHEEZMO™;34584228 said:
We had a BK right in the middle of our town centre but they shut it down and turned it into a building society.

Do you live in Portsmouth? Because that's exactly what happened there.
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