Anyone else following this total cluster fuck of a dealing with the binge drinking problem?
David Cameron vows to tackle binge drinking 'scandal'
Can't see it mentioned in the last few pages.
But seriously, what the fuck?
Increase the overall price ...
Drunk tanks ...
Alcohol licence cards ...
How is it possible the government will not explore the simplest, cheapest and most effective option.
You fine the shit out of drunk and disorderly people. If they can afford to get wasted every night they can afford to pay a fine for being drunk and disorderly, if they end up in A&E they get a fine. If they raise a hand to police, nursing, doctors staff, they get prison, fines, records.
Secondly you drop the price of alcohol in bar settings, raise it at retail price and club settings. Forcing people into buying drinks at respectable pubs and bars ... where the owners
can regulate the morons that want to binge.
Currently I know of no consequences for someone getting drunk, smashing a few windows, starting a fight, getting a free ambulance to hospital where they get free meds and treatment, if they happen to assault any staff at hospital or in the ambulance ... there are no consequences for that either.
Oh but they get:
Hangover? You mean badge of honour.
Scratches and bruises? You mean a funny story to tell next time they decide to get paralytic.
Wake up in a hospital? Hello UV and painkillers, oh what's that you stiched me up and gave me breakfast ... thanks!
Wake up in a police cell? Whoops that doesn't happen, police get blamed if your pathetic ass drowns in your own vomit.
A £100-500 hole in your pocket ...? Yeah ... maybe I'll skip the next round and call it a night early.
A criminal record? Yeah guess I won't be getting that new job after all, since the recruiters realise I'm an unreliable inconsiderate drunk.
It literally drives me insane how the government is not pushing for these measures ...
Edit: also with the wide spread and ease of video recording, all you need is to fit half the cops with a camera. You take a couple minutes footage of the drunks swearing and attacking the police. Bam. Instant evidence they can use immediately in court, no witness accounts, no long drawn out processes. "that you in the video?" "yes your honour" "£250 fine you fucking scum".