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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Unconfirmed Member
CHEEZMO™;41740900 said:
Secretary of Transport - Scared of flying.
Secretary of Health - Wants to dismantle the NHS, opposes abortion, opposes stem cell research, and advocates homoeopathy as viable treatment.
Secretary of Environment - Climate change sceptic.
Secretary of Justice - Believes businesses should be able to discriminate against homosexuals.
Secretary for Women and Equalities - Hates gays and minorities.

Next thing you know they'll have a Chancellor who doesn't know shit about econ-...

In fairness, it's kind of hard to pick someone who isn't a massive piece of shit if that's all you've got to work with.
CHEEZMO™;41740900 said:
Secretary of Transport - Scared of flying.
Secretary of Health - Wants to dismantle the NHS, opposes abortion, opposes stem cell research, and advocates homoeopathy as viable treatment.
Secretary of Environment - Climate change sceptic.
Secretary of Justice - Believes businesses should be able to discriminate against homosexuals.
Secretary for Women and Equalities - Hates gays and minorities.

Next thing you know they'll have a Chancellor who doesn't know shit about econ-...

haha is all of that true? If you can cite the lot, people should probably start sharing the bad news!


The Amiga Brotherhood
CHEEZMO™;41740900 said:
Secretary of Transport - Scared of flying.
Secretary of Health - Wants to dismantle the NHS, opposes abortion, opposes stem cell research, and advocates homoeopathy as viable treatment.
Secretary of Environment - Climate change sceptic.
Secretary of Justice - Believes businesses should be able to discriminate against homosexuals.
Secretary for Women and Equalities - Hates gays and minorities.

Next thing you know they'll have a Chancellor who doesn't know shit about econ-...

I was about to laugh at all this, then oh ....

Oh well, the UK has a good run.


Guardian image sums up Hunt's thoughts:


"Yeah, me neither!"


haha is all of that true? If you can cite the lot, people should probably start sharing the bad news!

Jeremy hunt stuff is here http://skeptical-voter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jeremy_Hunt

Maria Miller's anti-abortion views here http://skeptical-voter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Maria_Miller & her voting record on equal rights for gay people here http://www.publicwhip.org.uk/mp.php?mpn=Maria_Miller&mpc=Basingstoke&house=commons&dmp=826

Chris Grayling's support of businesses ability to discriminate against gay people is detailed on his wikipedia page.

Someone else can find sources for the Transport and Environment Secretaries.


changes in direction in environment and justice as indicated by the new appointments compared to their predecessor are depressing. it's the kinda tory red meat that i was hoping the coalition would mean we'd avoid. alas not. really want to see the coalition end now, it's lost all purpose and direction and the lib dems have just given up, it's not helping the country at all.
if someone told me 4 months ago that hunt would become health secretary I'd say they needed professional help. it's that insane an appointment.


Unconfirmed Member
Jeremy hunt stuff is here http://skeptical-voter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jeremy_Hunt

Maria Miller's anti-abortion views here http://skeptical-voter.org/wiki/index.php?title=Maria_Miller & her voting record on equal rights for gay people here http://www.publicwhip.org.uk/mp.php?mpn=Maria_Miller&mpc=Basingstoke&house=commons&dmp=826

Chris Grayling's support of businesses ability to discriminate against gay people is detailed on his wikipedia page.

Someone else can find sources for the Transport and Environment Secretaries.

The Guardian has the stories about the Transport and Environment Secretaries.


This cabinet is undeniably worse than the last one. Though if you want to galvanize the racist, homophobic, anti-poor, pro-killing the Earth core Tory base, then Cameron is doing a stand up job. That should stem the losses to UKIP at the next election.

Please, Clegg, just end this fucking nightmare. You have the power to do so!


This cabinet is undeniably worse than the last one. Though if you want to galvanize the racist, homophobic, anti-poor, pro-killing the Earth core Tory base, then Cameron is doing a stand up job. That should stem the losses to UKIP at the next election.

Maybe they thought it's easier to mobilise the UKIP vote than the centralist one?


It's about time this coalition ended. Clegg should just tank it and pile pressure on the Tories. Clegg fucked over the students and now Cameron has fucked over Clegg on Lords reform. There is no coherent strategy at all accross departments, the economy is still extremely weak, and this is is the weakest and stupidest cabinet reshuffle I have ever seen.

Now that we've got the whitest and most male dominated cabinet in a generation, does anyone want to guess how many Oxbridge PPE wankers there are in the cabinet? I'll say 10. Over or under?


The Amiga Brotherhood
This cabinet is undeniably worse than the last one. Though if you want to galvanize the racist, homophobic, anti-poor, pro-killing the Earth core Tory base, then Cameron is doing a stand up job. That should stem the losses to UKIP at the next election.

Please, Clegg, just end this fucking nightmare. You have the power to do so!

Help us Nick Clegg, you're our only hope.

All will be forgiven!


Guardian image sums up Hunt's thoughts:


"Yeah, me neither!"

that's the thing I love about all of this. I fucking LOVE Jeremy Hunt. Sure he's corrupt and probably incompetant but he's always been able to ride his luck in a ridiculous way.

I mean look at him in this picture, he's like

if someone told me 4 months ago that hunt would become health secretary I'd say they needed professional help. it's that insane an appointment.

Statement of intent in my opinion. The NHS is about to get well and truly fucked over. I wonder if Labour will even be able to save what's left when they get back in power.


Help us Nick Clegg, you're our only hope.

All will be forgiven!

His resignation would be the only positive thing he's contributed to the country as DPM. That is why he won't do it.

He'll cling on to that pathetic sliver of power he has until the public forcibly remove him at the ballot box. What a coward.


I'm starting to really question voting Lib Dem now. I mean, I was like their most loyal voter, so fuck knows how badly they're going to do in the next election.

Don't even know who I'll vote for. Plaid Cymru have gone down the shitter since Leanne Wood became the leader. They turned from a valid Leftist party to a crazy independence party.

It's between Labour/Green/Lib Dems, but all 3 of these are shit tbh. Probably leaning slightly towards Labour at this point.


The Amiga Brotherhood
His resignation would be the only positive thing he's contributed to the country as DPM. That is why he won't do it.

He'll cling on to that pathetic sliver of power he has until the public forcibly remove him at the ballot box. What a coward.


Although how he clings on to a Government doing cart-wheels to the right will be interesting to watch.


nah not voting lib dems again. got caught up in the hype and thought they were all left and kool, turns out they're just libertarians and not kool.

i'm gonna vote political apathy.


I'm starting to really question voting Lib Dem now. I mean, I was like their most loyal voter, so fuck knows how badly they're going to do in the next election.

Don't even know who I'll vote for. Plaid Cymru have gone down the shitter since Leanne Wood became the leader. They turned from a valid Leftist party to a crazy independence party.

It's between Labour/Green/Lib Dems, but all 3 of these are shit tbh. Probably leaning slightly towards Labour at this point.

I think Plaid is still a valid Leftist party. They have my vote in the Welsh Assembly because they want to re-nationalise Welsh rail routes. Arriva Trains Wales have been a complete fucking hex on our little country's transport infrastructure, and the sooner they're gone, the better.

Independence for Wales is, and always will be, a pipe dream. It's different in Scotland because they can stand on their own two feet (oil, and such). Wales would end up like Ireland in the long run, since we've got nothing to offer short of offering low corporate tax for international companies.

Nationally, I'm sticking with Labour for the time being, since I live on a Tory/Labour marginal right now. If the Greens start making strong inroads where I live, however, I will consider giving them my support.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I just realised the clue with the Lib Dems was in the colour.

It's not just Nick's party which is yellow, it's him as well.


Prodigal Son
CHEEZMO™;41740900 said:
Secretary of Transport - Scared of flying.
Secretary of Health - Wants to dismantle the NHS, opposes abortion, opposes stem cell research, and advocates homoeopathy as viable treatment.
Secretary of Environment - Climate change sceptic.
Secretary of Justice - Believes businesses should be able to discriminate against homosexuals.
Secretary for Women and Equalities - Hates gays and minorities.

Next thing you know they'll have a Chancellor who doesn't know shit about econ-...

It's time to end this coalition. Like, now.


Unconfirmed Member
Now that we've got the whitest and most male dominated cabinet in a generation, does anyone want to guess how many Oxbridge PPE wankers there are in the cabinet? I'll say 10. Over or under?

About 14 at the moment. Half the cabinet are middle aged, white male oxbridge graduates. There are only 4 women and the entire cabinet is white.
It's about time this coalition ended. Clegg should just tank it and pile pressure on the Tories. Clegg fucked over the students and now Cameron has fucked over Clegg on Lords reform. There is no coherent strategy at all accross departments, the economy is still extremely weak, and this is is the weakest and stupidest cabinet reshuffle I have ever seen.

It really is ridiculous. Supposedly no one in No.10 thinks IDS will get his benefit reforms to work; the treasury worrying he'll mismanage things and not cut costs effectively. Yet he was allowed to say 'no'.

Theres a real lack of leadership and it stems from Cameron needing to keep Osborne. He'd have done better ditching Osborne/Alexander at the treasury - moving in David Davis (from the cold)/Vince (Not telling Clegg hes moving in Vince to send a signal, No.10 doesn't see Clegg as necessary for the coalition agreement).

IDS takes Justice, pushing through reforms that this time the Tories don't want (his benefit reforms got the same amount of opposition as the Health reforms, only he managed to swerve through it all far better - accepting changes and pressing on - exactly what would be needed for Ken Clarke's reforms).

Meanwhile I think Hunt would have done better at Work and Pensions. Not much to dirty himself there with, follow IDS reforms and generally right wingers happy at continued situation there; Maria Miller still takes his job.

Osborne is made party chairman. Keeping him as Cameron's political ally (if he can stomach the move).
Danny Alexander is given a non-descript job close to Osborne and Cameron in order to shut Clegg out.

Clegg is screwed and on his way out. Osborne is out. Vince is in. Davis is close by and not causing trouble; reasonably respected could work with Vince Cable quite well. Restart the government; Cameron could survive this.
Cameron won't be getting a majority next election, but the above will allow them to form another coalition if they sort the economy out.
The problem is Cameron does not believe he can ditch Osborne. It was very foolish of him to tie himself so close to Osborne.

As it stands its a bit of a mess, I suspect IDS threw the entire plan off.
nah not voting lib dems again. got caught up in the hype and thought they were all left and kool, turns out they're just libertarians and not kool.

i'm gonna vote political apathy.

This is interesting. And It's what I think will ultimately happen. People who got into cleggmania won't jump over to Labour or the Greens. They just won't vote.


Anyone else amused by how many people can't comprehend how having "courage" says nothing about the morality of the person described?


The Amiga Brotherhood
This is interesting. And It's what I think will ultimately happen. People who got into cleggmania won't jump over to Labour or the Greens. They just won't vote.

Yeah, I agree with that as well.

The 3rd option materialised for a bit, retreated at the ballot box, but then got completely obliterated by the coalition. It's now back to the same old, same old. Labour haven't done nearly enough to reinvent themselves, merely sitting back just waiting to benefit from the dislike of the coalition.

The new 3rd option is apathy, all as bad as each other. Which is a shame, but you get the impression that no party has the appetite to tackle all this or really know how to.
Anyone else amused by how many people can't comprehend how having "courage" says nothing about the morality of the person described?

Yes. And yet, I'm also not amused. People are reactionary to the extreme, they're jumping all over the judge without knowing the full context of the case or his comments. The BBC, Daily Mail, Express and others are all selectively quoting him, because - y'know - MORAL OUTCRY!!!11!

From what I've read, the burglaries happened in February, he confessed, was co-operative throughout, and even asked for the judge to consider other crimes in his past. He'd been introduced to Heroin and Subutex during a previous stint in prison (and lets face it, that shouldn't happen), he became addicted, and that's what spurred his crime. His family, carers and lawyer all made the case that since his arrest he's been successful in a drug program, has round the clock support and an offer of solid work if the judge would show leniency. Here's a fuller account of his statement:

"It takes a huge amount of courage as far as I can see for somebody to burgle somebody’s house. I wouldn’t have the nerve. Yet somehow, bolstered by drugs and desperation, you were prepared to do that,” he told Richard Rochford, the man in the dock yesterday.

He accepted that Rochford, 26, had been harmed by prison.
“I think prison very rarely does anybody any good,” he said. “I don’t think anybody would benefit from sending you to prison today. We’d all just feel a bit easier that a burglar had been taken off the streets.”

Judge Bowers said he deserved to be jailed for two-and-a-half years, and anything less would not satisfy the public. But he left the jail term hanging over Rochford’s head at Teesside Crown Court.

The judge acknowledged the trauma and fear suffered by the victims of burglary.
“For months and months and sometimes years, they never recover,” he added.

But he said Rochford had rid himself of a drug habit since the burglaries in February.
“What you’ve done since I find rather extraordinary and something which doesn’t often happen,” said Judge Bowers.
“I’m going to take a chance on you, an extraordinary chance, one which I don’t often take.”

He followed the recommendation of a pre-sentence report and gave Rochford, of Westbourne Grove, Redcar, a two-year supervision order with drug rehabilitation and 200 hours’ unpaid work, with a one-year driving ban.

He added: “If I see you across the court again, you start with 30 months for that. I won’t take any excuses. You’ve been given an extraordinary chance. I might get pilloried for it. But if you turn up, do the right thing, then I’ll have done the right thing. You let me down and you let yourself down.”

The 'courage' remark was silly idle chit chat, and he deserves criticism for not thinking about how that would be received.. but it sounds to me like he followed the right recommendations here.

Who knows - the guy might just resume his scumbag ways in future - but if there's a chance he can beat his problems, and he's shown evidence of doing that and has the support to do it - it'd be a waste of resources to have him languishing in prison, seeing how good it did him last time. His ex girlfriend who helped him commit the crimes actually has a serving police officer as an uncle.

I don't have a problem with what the judge said, personally. I have more of a problem with David Cameron for feeling he had to comment on it. Shouldn't he and his newly assembled crack team of cabinet cretins have more important things to tend to?


Maybe they thought it's easier to mobilise the UKIP vote than the centralist one?

To be fair I think most of the increased support in UKIP is from people who are sick of the current big two parties and feel like they have no where else to vote. Slightly more powerful minor parties could give the big ones a kick up the backside to sort there ideas out. As long as people don't do the daft thing and vote green anyway.


The Amiga Brotherhood
To be fair I think most of the increased support in UKIP is from people who are sick of the current big two parties and feel like they have no where else to vote. Slightly more powerful minor parties could give the big ones a kick up the backside to sort there ideas out. As long as people don't do the daft thing and vote green anyway.

I think the increased UKIP support was little more disaffected Tories to be honest, unhappy with Cameron and the coalition putting the party more in the middle. I don't think UKIP's support goes much wider than that, just with a bit of BNP Lite thrown in. It's a statement more than a party.

The reshuffle looked aimed squarely at them, to get the Tory faithful and backbenchers back on board to save any future problems. The problem being though that it's pushing Clegg and the Lib Dems even further out of the equation than they were already.


To be fair I think most of the increased support in UKIP is from people who are sick of the current big two parties and feel like they have no where else to vote. Slightly more powerful minor parties could give the big ones a kick up the backside to sort there ideas out. As long as people don't do the daft thing and vote green anyway.

I'd vote Green a thousand times before UKIP.

That said, no party really suits me at the moment. I want a English National Party - I'd vote English Democrat but I just can't quite bring myself to sacrifice my social principles for the noble goal of breaking up the UK.

If there's a Pirate Party candidate in Chichester I'll vote for them I guess.


These days I look at who to vote for much like a girl at a gangbang weighs up which cock gets to go first:

"which one will hurt the least?"


The Amiga Brotherhood
The Monster Raving Loony Party needs an injection of funds to increase their number of candidates.

I think they'd have a bonanza next time round.


Anyone else amused by how many people can't comprehend how having "courage" says nothing about the morality of the person described?

The media loves an opportunity to castigate a judge without actually bothering to think about the case. Surprisngly David Cameron said something sensible about the whole furore
"Judges sometimes say things that, you have to read the full context and the rest of it.
. Of course he seems to have gone on and ignored his own advice, but we can't expect too much from Cameron. Maybe he'll let Theresa May know of his revelation?


It'll be one of these for me:

Plaid Cymru
+ Good economic policies
+ Not corrupt
+ Want what's best for North Wales
- Shite new leader
- Think people care about Welsh independence
- Suggested basically merging with Labour
- Didn't elect Elin Jones as leader (I mean come on, she was the best by a mile!)

+ Probably on the right side of the economic argument
+ Have a good chance of winning
+ Slightly less evil than the Tories
+ Shadow Cabinet much better than in recent years. Miliband's team isn't too bad (apart from Balls. What a dickhead.)
+ Dennis Skinner
- Corrupt
- Some Blairites still knocking around
- Don't like Milibland but he's getting a bit better
- In the pockets of unions
- Too reactionary

Lib Dems
+ Not corrupt
+ Not mired down in tabloid BS
+ Cable is probably one of the greatest economic minds that this country has
+ Farron
- Will get demolished
- Clegg will probably stand in 2015 despite how awful of an idea that is
- Should have broken up the government as soon as the Olympics finished

+ Good for the environment
+ Good manifesto in general
+ Great economics policies
+ Better minimum wage
+ Not corrupt
- Terrible Energy policy
- Lot's of BS hippy shite
- Would kill our economy
- Caroline Lucas resigned as leader (wtf?)

I'll be voting in either Manchester Central, Salford and Eccles or Aberconwy. Only the latter would allow me to vote Plaid Cymru ofc.


So, Cameron's great plan for saving the British economy is...letting people build bigger patios?!?

BBC News said:
The government wants to get planning officers "off people's backs" with a relaxation of current rules in England.

The government will consult on allowing people, for a three-year period, to build larger extensions on houses - up to 8m long for detached homes.

Rules on shops and offices expanding and on developments having to include affordable housing will be relaxed as ministers seek to boost the economy.

But Labour says the government is "kidding themselves".

The proposals, it says, are "not up to the scale of the challenge" and do not address the real problem of a "lack of confidence and demand in the economy".

And the Local Government Association says it is a "myth" that the planning system was stopping house-building.

It released figures which show a backlog of 400,000 prospective homes which have planning permission but have not yet been built. It says these "conclusively prove" the planning system is not holding back development.

The phrase "Using a tampon to heal a punctured lung" comes to mind. "Half-boiled populism" also seems applicable.

Of course, kitch9 will fucking love it.


Oh, and Meadows - the Labour Party was created by the unions to be their political representatives, so of course they'd be in their pockets, seeing as that's their whole point.

Mr. Sam

+ Good for the environment
+ Good manifesto in general
+ Great economics policies
+ Better minimum wage
+ Not corrupt
- Terrible Energy policy
- Lot's of BS hippy shite

- Would kill our economy
- Caroline Lucas resigned as leader (wtf?)

I share your pain.

Then again, my constituency is pretty much "Hey, did you vote Conservative on your ballot? No? Oh, thank goodness - we were running out of toilet paper!"


Oh, and Meadows - the Labour Party was created by the unions to be their political representatives, so of course they'd be in their pockets, seeing as that's their whole point.

yeah, but what I meant was that what's best for unionised public sector workers =/= what's best for the country.

not at all. There needs to be a balance between Tories saying fuck off to the unions and Labour bending over backwards for them.


The Amiga Brotherhood
CHEEZMO™;41989745 said:
Fuck you, Nick. You slimy spineless piece of shit.

I'm curious what the Lib Dem conference is going to be like.

It's either going to be a blood bath, or a strange subdued cult-like affair with everyone queuing up to drink their Kool Aid.
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