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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Salazar said:
You wouldn't even know it had happened. He'd send you a letter with photographs, an unkind assessment of your body and abilities, a suggestion to see your doctor, and a threat to sue.

And he'd write it up really media-friendly and release it 6 weeks before yours.

EDIT: reminder to self - never reply to posts #49 or #99
brain_stew said:
Wtf!? How can this be jusitifed? It'll only end up costing us more in the long run through NHS bills
Well, I'm afraid that's socialism for you. If you want the state to take an interventionist role in your life, and fret about your health, then you are going to have to face the bill for it. Personally I'm against this healthy eating drive and the millions wasted on a watchdog that has no statutory powers to force companies to adhere to its rules anyway. People need to start taking responsibility for themselves, and parents in particular should take responsibility for their own kids' dietary habits.


yeah, but people arn't going to take responsibility for themselves and neither will parents. theres so much misinformation from the government about dieting out there that the slate needs to be wiped clean. cause this low fat approach we've been taking since the eighties clearly isn't working.


SmokyDave said:
We're going to need fatties down the line so that we can burn them as fuel. I applaud our forward thinking government.
we need more fatties so us skinny folk get more pootang.


Lansley citing that specialist cancer treatment hospital as an example is dishonest. It's ludicrously unrepresentative as a case of what ordinary hospitals can expect.


The Daily Express is at it again with this charming front page.


At this point they might as well just have 'IMMIGRANTS! GAYS! PANIC!' as a headline, it'd be about as subtle.


they make it sound like a bad thing. they should remember that it is white people who start all the wars. we are the worst.


Charlie Brooker said:
"1 in 5 Britons will be ethnics", shrieks the Express. So the remaining 4 in 5 will have no ethnicity at all? What are they, robots?
To be fair it's hard writing headlines against the clock with limited space to get your message across, when you're a thick racist cunt.
I couldn't put it better really.
The Daily Mail gets too much shit compared to the Express IMO. I mean, the Mail is bad, but the Express is something else. It literally is an unprecedented amount of absolute shit in newspaper form.


killer_clank said:
The Daily Mail gets too much shit compared to the Express IMO. I mean, the Mail is bad, but the Express is something else. It literally is an unprecedented amount of absolute shit in newspaper form.

The Express really is terrible. I was stuck buying it on holiday recently (only alternatives were The Sun, or God forbid, The Daily Star :|) and some of the tripe they print is unbelievable.


killer_clank said:
The Daily Mail gets too much shit compared to the Express IMO. I mean, the Mail is bad, but the Express is something else. It literally is an unprecedented amount of absolute shit in newspaper form.
It just kind of slipped under my radar until lately, but after some of their recent headlines I will be attempting to give the Express a greater share of hate. I'm just more used to hating on the Mail cus my mum still buys it once a week. Used to be every day, I got her down to once a week 'for the TV guide in the weekend magazine'. Apparently buying the TV Times or using the internet is too much effort.


kharma45 said:
The Express really is terrible. I was stuck buying it on holiday recently (only alternatives were The Sun, or God forbid, The Daily Star :|) and some of the tripe they print is unbelievable.
you should of bought The Sun. clearly superior to the other tabloids.

Mr. Sam

The Sun's an alright rag to flick through in the chip shop. The problem is that people consider it a reliable source of facts.


I don't mind the new BBC site at all, other than learning the new layout, which will come in time.

I especially see the difference when flicking between the news and sport sections


Chinner said:
you should of bought The Sun. clearly superior to the other tabloids.
This morning, I bought the 'Morning Star (incorporating the Daily Worker)'. I kid you not. My local post office is a den of commies.

Not got round to reading it yet but I've such gems as 'Default Now - We've Nothing To Lose' and 'Capitalism's Greenwash' to look forward to.


"We'll keep the red flag flying heeeeeere!"
SmokyDave said:
This morning, I bought the 'Morning Star (incorporating the Daily Worker)'. I kid you not. My local post office is a den of commies.

Not got round to reading it yet but I've such gems as 'Default Now - We've Nothing To Lose' and 'Capitalism's Greenwash' to look forward to.

"We'll keep the red flag flying heeeeeere!"

I work for a charity, imagine what they're like in here. There's always copies of the socialist rags floating about and posters in the kitchen for some kind of union, JOIN US NOW [COMRADES]
Nexus Zero said:
I work for a charity, imagine what they're like in here. There's always copies of the socialist rags floating about and posters in the kitchen for some kind of union, JOIN US NOW [COMRADES]

Snap! My charity has a fair few people the same.


I can't imagine how depressing life must be if you wake up and read that every morning. Christ, you'd think this was the worst country in the world.

And if they were such true patriots and defenders of all that is British, maybe they'd notice the back-to-front Union Flag on their front page.

Mr. Sam

louis89 said:
And if they were such true patriots and defenders of all that is British, maybe they'd notice the back-to-front Union Flag on their front page.

Oh shit, you're right. Hmm, I wonder why my eye wasn't drawn to that in the first place. A mystery.


Some are difficult to decipher, but together they paint a picture of a government that was determined not only to stand shoulder to shoulder with the United States as it embarked upon its programme of "extraordinary rendition" and torture of terrorism suspects in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, but to actively participate in that programme.

Nothing in that paragraph is new but it still blows my mind that we resorted to this.
Seriously, fuck that Labour government. Any good it might have done in some things is instantly offset by it's appalling record on things like civil liberties.


And he [Vince Cable] said market forces should be allowed a bigger role - and that universities which were not performing well should be "allowed to fail".

and to think the Lib Dems used to be the only party against tuition fees.


''Graduate tax''? paying more for the the tuition fee?

fuck off libcon, so you don't want me to study anything?

why would we [as students] be punished finacially where the Politicians and the ecomists fuck op?

Mr. Sam

Chinner said:
this coalition is actually going to destroy the lib dems. not a bad move by the tories though.

At first, I was thinking "Wow, I can't believe how generous the Tories have been." Now I'm thinking "Wow, I guess David Laws was holding the entire Lib Dem side of things together, huh?"

Mr. Sam

Some of those poor bastards won't even be around for the next election. Now I see why they chose five years instead of four. Crafty.
The Graduate tax might not be a bad thing as long as it is progressive enough.

It would remove the need for upfront payment of fees, removing the necessity for hefty loans - although I suspect a lot of people would still need some assistance for buying books etc. But in the actual studying period, students would potentially accumulate less immediate debt. If the subsequent tax when they graduate and find work is progressive, and those who find vast riches pay appropriate thanks to the University system that made them, it could actually be a better system than the one we have now.

They should make repayments automatic (I'm sure they will). My £18 a month to the SLC goes out of my account by PAYE and I barely even notice.

If the new system encourages careful thought before people dive on into a course, that might also be a plus.

Depending on how exactly they implement this it could be better, it could be a lot worse. I think in the long run, successful students will pay more than they do under the current system, but if the implementation is relatively painless, I'm not sure I'm against that. I am choosing to remain hopeful that it represents a positive development.


I think the Graduate Tax is largely problematic in that it'll most likely act as a smokescreen for significant rises in tuition fees.

also, Fans of the Thick of It might like this from yesterday

Allegedly the real name [Ed Miliband] was given by members of the Blair camp was "emissary from the planet fuck". That was because he was supposedly the only person working for Brown who did not spend his whole time swearing about, or at, the Blairites."



Mr. Sam said:
Some of those poor bastards won't even be around for the next election. Now I see why they chose five years instead of four. Crafty.
They didn't "choose five years" - our parliament has always had terms of five years. All they've done is remove the Prime Minister's ability to dissolve parliaments early.

radioheadrule83 said:
The Graduate tax might not be a bad thing as long as it is progressive enough.

It would remove the need for upfront payment of fees, removing the necessity for hefty loans - although I suspect a lot of people would still need some assistance for buying books etc. But in the actual studying period, students would potentially accumulate less immediate debt. If the subsequent tax when they graduate and find work is progressive, and those who find vast riches pay appropriate thanks to the University system that made them, it could actually be a better system than the one we have now.

They should make repayments automatic (I'm sure they will). My £18 a month to the SLC goes out of my account by PAYE and I barely even notice.

If the new system encourages careful thought before people dive on into a course, that might also be a plus.

Depending on how exactly they implement this it could be better, it could be a lot worse. I think in the long run, successful students will pay more than they do under the current system, but if the implementation is relatively painless, I'm not sure I'm against that. I am choosing to remain hopeful that it represents a positive development.
My problem with that logic is that, if person A and person B go to the same university on the same course, i.e., they've received the same service, and then person A becomes wealthy and person B remains average, why should person A pay more? The university 'made' them, okay, but person B had the same opportunity.

My answer is to simply raise fees and raise the available loans to match them. I can't see how that isn't the fairest solution.


killer_clank said:
The Daily Mail gets too much shit compared to the Express IMO. I mean, the Mail is bad, but the Express is something else. It literally is an unprecedented amount of absolute shit in newspaper form.

The Express never used to be like this, in fact it used be pretty much the anti-Mail. That all changed when Paul Desmond took over sbout 10 years ago and now it tries to 'out-Mail' the Mail.

Mr. Sam

louis89 said:
They didn't "choose five years" - our parliament has always had terms of five years. All they've done is remove the Prime Minister's ability to dissolve parliaments early.

It was a joke.


People don't get as outraged by the Express as they do the Mail, because though the Express is undeniably more horrible, hateful and stupid and acts as The Daily Mail+, it has a third of the circulation (and given the way single newspapers are passed around multiple people in families, or on tables in buisnesses or left on public transport; a lower proportion of readers) and as a result much less political clout.
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