Yeah I'll be up for reading that, you're one of the saner gaffers.So, if anyone is interested I will do a write up on why Game are bankrupt and where it all went wrong...
Yeah I'll be up for reading that, you're one of the saner gaffers.So, if anyone is interested I will do a write up on why Game are bankrupt and where it all went wrong...
My local GAME (Farnborough) survived. I was expecting to stay at this moment as it is the only Game Group store in Farnborough but it is opposite a Blockbusters so wasn't 100%.
Good luck to all who lost your jobs!
As a fellow Farnborough-ite (is that even a word?) I have to say I'm extremely surprised. Queensmead is such a ghost town these days that I'd have expected GAME to pull out.
29 Broadway's closed in Accrington. I dunno if that's the Game or the GameStation, but most likely the former. I have shopped in both those stores for nearly ten years, I hope the staff in whichever store has closed can get the hell out of Accrington to find new jobs soon.
Pound shops or cash for gold.
It begins.
As has been said, anyone who somehow thought that GAME's demise would lead to supermarkets increasing their prices is crazy, and now proved wrong.
Have no doubt, Tesco, Morrisons, ASDA and all the rest will have plans, just like Sainsbury's, to try and fill the void left by GAME and get you in the fucking stores at any cost.
For now it is...Edit: there are actually Stoke-GAF in here beside me? Woah.
According to the list the big GAME should still be open. Good times. Got myself a copy of Mario DDR there for £10...I then went back to the train station...They've closed the 3 game stores (2 GAME shops and a Gamestation one) in Stevenage town centre (my town).
That is madness. Surley a buyer for the business would want a good balance of locations and the best staff possible not cases of 2 stores in Watford (or was it 3?) and 0 in St.Albans (and likewise repeated). Well done, pricewaterhousecoopers. To make matters worse it might have been based off performance 18 months ago (or perhaps Ian Sheperd was planning this but acted too slow to avoid mass panic...then agian the whole we need to shed 300 stores soon, nah lets get rid of 53 by 2013). Trawling the the MCV comments I found these interesting remarks:I've been going through the list, google maps, and other boards comparing notes about the city centres left bereft of any Game shop now.
Its not all about the rent, its about amount and seniority of staff (wages bill), footfall...., basically if the store was earning more than it cost to run.
Its obvious that the administrators just looked at a spreadsheet showing incomings/outgoings on each store and canned the ones that were not profitable, as unprofitable stores simply won't sell.
I know this is obvious to many, but i think it needs saying for the people who are baffled as to why some centres now have no GAME store, and some still have 2 right next to each other.
I'm guessing that right now they are doing the same calculations for the non-UK stores.
Does anyone else recall anything like that happening?Mark Manuel
I ran gamestation in Hereford ( on the list) for 9 years and walked out in nov as i could see this coming, such was the poor management of the Gamegroup. gamestation became fully intergrated about a year ago, and although we were the same company we were never equals. It comes as no surprise that most of the GS side went first. The funny thing about 1 1/2 years ago i got a package in the post to the store showing me we were on a store closure list. I was told by my boss is was a rival company trying to make staff and manager insecure so they would leave. I posted the list to HO as requested, however , and this is the funny part, 300 stores were on that list and from what i can remember, looked very simular. I think this was actually part of there strat, as my store although things were tight was actually in profit for the year, its funny how my game counterpart from up the road as in loss and has remained open. Im glad i got out when i did, and even if they remain safe with 300 stores, if they run it in anyway the way they ran us before i left, that will go the same way, as there customer service is awful, and lying to people, telling them the need things they dont, just to tick boxes on reports, in the high level managment that are at fault here, not the people on the front line who should be able to give an honest opionion, and no face disiplinary action it they dont, add some extra!!! look where 12 months of that has ended up lol
similar thing happened regarding our store being on a closure list, about the same time i reckon! The lease for our store was being advertised as available on numerous business letting agency sites; we only stumbled across it because a friend of staff had been looking for a new unit to rent. even had a note on each page stating "unit currently occupied - staff unaware".
I'm interested. One though is most of it may have happened because Blockbuster decided not to buy Netflix when they had the a result Netflix basically ate into Blockbusters market bad making them being desperate for cash, selling their UK asset Gamestation off...unless Blockbuster USA going bust was inevitable...So, if anyone is interested I will do a write up on why Game are bankrupt and where it all went wrong...
Working in Retail myself, this is so true - SO MANY people seem to totally ignore signs or information about stuff, no matter how big a banner you stick it on or how often you stick it about a store, people will STILL ask about something that has an obvious answer already posted up.
Oh shit other Gaffers that live in Farnborough!
My store looks so weird now...
Nope!This looks very familiar. It wouldn't happen to be the Basingstoke one in the mall would it?
Tweets from this account come from former GAME employees taking part in the sit in. We just want what we're owed.
They all look the same, bra. I swore for a second it was the one in Lancaster shopping arcade.This looks very familiar. It wouldn't happen to be the Basingstoke one in the mall would it?
They all look the same, bra. I swore for a second it was the one in Lancaster shopping arcade.
Indeed.Blows my mind that anyone bought the PS3 on release in the UK. Prices were ridiculous.
If you like, please tweet your support for the folks involved in the GAME sit in, I'm sure they'd appreciate it:!/GameSitIn
Read more here:
Mario Kart 7 for £28 is a steal!
...but now those empty-looking shots of GAME and Gamestation are making me sad.Poor buys and girls.
I've written something, but it is almost 2,000 words long...
I almost forgot. I found some old leaflets in the back of the shop today that I figure will give you guys a good giggle;
Also, I noticed a comment on the most recent GAME-related MCV article saying that management have been promised an extra £500 bonus pay if the stores are organised, clean and tidy come Friday. If so, I find this highly unfair as it's mostly us lackies doing the work. Absolute no disrespect to the management of my store, they're lovely people. I just find it a bit unfair. I'm treating this as BS anyway, but perhaps LordAlu or someone else in the know can enlighten me.
Jesus Christ I'm glad I don't live in the UK anymore. Highway robbery.
zomgbbqftw said:I've written something, but it is almost 2,000 words long...
Blows my mind that anyone bought the PS3 on release in the UK FROM GAME. Prices were ridiculous.
Jesus Christ I'm glad I don't live in the UK anymore. Highway robbery.
My store looks so weird now...
I've written something, but it is almost 2,000 words long...
I almost forgot. I found some old leaflets in the back of the shop today that I figure will give you guys a good giggle;
Also, I noticed a comment on the most recent GAME-related MCV article saying that management have been promised an extra £500 bonus pay if the stores are organised, clean and tidy come Friday. If so, I find this highly unfair as it's mostly us lackies doing the work. Absolute no disrespect to the management of my store, they're lovely people. I just find it a bit unfair. I'm treating this as BS anyway, but perhaps LordAlu or someone else in the know can enlighten me.
Yeah, it's complete bullshit. Management are getting nothing extra at all, we're in exactly the same boat as everyone else in the store.Also, I noticed a comment on the most recent GAME-related MCV article saying that management have been promised an extra £500 bonus pay if the stores are organised, clean and tidy come Friday. If so, I find this highly unfair as it's mostly us lackies doing the work. Absolute no disrespect to the management of my store, they're lovely people. I just find it a bit unfair. I'm treating this as BS anyway, but perhaps LordAlu or someone else in the know can enlighten me.
Ashamed to say I was one of the chumps who bought a £425 launch PS3.
Did it on hype alone. The launch was abysmal and I remember spending the first 6 months playing PES 6 and Resident Evil 2..
You would think I would have learnt from that but there I was at launch for 3DS and Vita, too.
I've written something, but it is almost 2,000 words long...
Jeeze Louise.
The thing to remember as well is that this was in the £1=$2 glory days.
And now people know why I bought my PS3 from Canada.
Is it just me or did anyone else really hate the imagery they used for the Gamestation brand?I almost forgot. I found some old leaflets in the back of the shop today that I figure will give you guys a good giggle;
Jesus Christ I'm glad I don't live in the UK anymore. Highway robbery.
Contrary to what I heard, Game in Bromley is still there.
I managed to get Brutal Legend (PS3) for £5.
Not the best deal, sure, but I think it was worth it.
They were selling it to you for less than it costed to make, you can hardly call that highway robbery. Expensive yes.
Contrary to what I heard, Game in Bromley is still there.
I managed to get Brutal Legend (PS3) for £5.
Not the best deal, sure, but I think it was worth it.
Wasn't there 2? One in The Glades, and one just outside (the old EB)?
Is the Gamestation still there?
Post it anyway, I'd be interested in reading it and I'm sure plenty of others would as well. Anyone who isn't can just scroll down a bit.I've written something, but it is almost 2,000 words long...
All accy town centre seems to have now is pound shops, not even a troll on a bike in a clock anymore! Depressing.
Wasn't there 2? One in The Glades, and one just outside (the old EB)?
Is the Gamestation still there?