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(UK) Theresa May to praise Donald Trump: "Britain and US can lead together again"

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I really wish the 48% would take our country back by force if need be. This charade needs to end. We're all being played and the country by large doesn't even seem to care.
How can you maintain this completely disproven view almost a year later? European leaders didn't adopt an "aggressive" stance, they have explained constantly before and after the referendum that the 4 freedoms are not bargaining chips for negotiation. The Leave campaign ignored this and repeated the lie that they would get both single market access and immigration controls when it was never on the table. Which brings us to now, where reality has set in and the doublethink of "the British people always wanted hard Brexit" has been trotted out by the Government.

Which stemmed from the idea among several Brexit-makers that concessions would be in place and the UK could have access to the single market without accepting the EU pillars.
Of course EU leaders were going to aggressively and vehemently refuse that. They won't let the Project be further compromised.
Ultimately then, I guess we will need to reconcile ourselves with the fact that for a majority of people who voted in the referendum, control over immigration is more of a priority than economic self-interest.

Nobody has apparently been able to make a strong and persuasive case for more immigration, which is obviously probably one of the main overriding reasons why people voted to leave. To ignore that fact and take a deal that continues to allow unrestricted freedom of movement would be politically untenable. Even Labour has belatedly realised this and is in complete disarray in how to square up remaining in the EU but at the same time, having more control over our European immigration policy.

Riiiight, and all the years you called the Germans NAZI's, Threatened to leave, made it into a little show for the media and a huge "Blame Brussels for everything!" wasn't an aggresive stance?

Germans just are sick and tired of you Leaver English. None of those you called NAZI's were actually alive during the Second World war, or very small children during it. But you are rushing to align yourself with actual NAZI's just so you can pat yourself on the back.

I mean you could also have left in a normal fashion without making it into a NAZI calling Fox News Fest, fuelled by uncle Rupert. We Norwegians aren't in the EU and seem to do fine, have cordial relations with the Germans, Swedes, Danish (Their Langauge is still a disaster though ;) ), Dutch, France, etc. Why? Because we are POLITE!

While you on the other hand are already threatening us with a new Codwar! (Yes CODWAR :D, not Cold War, look it up, The Norwegians and Icelandic have a history with England. They were dicks back then as well ;), sending NAVY ships to sink fishing boats). Really, is it that hard to leave gracefully for you guys?
I do not advocate sinking fishing boats, nor am I aware of any mainstream British politician advocating that.

What the British PM hopes to achieve is a trade deal with the United States. Actual details would have to be finalised and ratified by congress. Are you saying that because Donald Trump is now president, we should ignore an entire country and have nothing to do with it?

And I believe the correct term now is alt-right, rather than Nazi. But we all have to work with people who have differences of opinion.That's the way it is. Despite my rather isolationist sympathies and wish for British politicians to focus more on domestic rather than international politics (i.e. not getting embroiled in foreign wars and nation-building), even I recognise that a completely isolationist policy in a globalised world isn't a good idea economically (since I think the risk of getting invaded is pretty minimal).

I really wish the 48% would take our country back by force if need be. This charade needs to end. We're all being played and the country by large doesn't even seem to care.
I think there was a recent poll showing the support for Brexit growing since the referendum actually, so you might find the figure less than 48% now.

But anyway, I suggest you write to your MP and take part in local elections if you are unhappy the direction the country is going. Force is never the answer and not how we should do things in a civilised country. How soon people forget the murder of Jo Cox during the EU referendum.


Trump will be like


and later
I think there was a recent poll showing the support for Brexit growing since the referendum actually, so you might find the figure less than 48% now.

But anyway, I suggest you write to your MP and take part in local elections if you are unhappy the direction the country is going. Force is never the answer and not how we should do things in a civilised country. How soon people forget the murder of Jo Cox during the EU referendum.

First off I don't buy that for a second. The media are a bunch of fucking liars who cannot be trusted at all. Of course they'd spin that narrative.

But secondly what is writing to an MP supposed to do? The system is broken. It's too easy to abuse. Why write anything when a psychopath has been given free rein to do what the fuck she want?

When the NHS goes down for this shit, who pays for my GF's Tegretol, Levetiracetam and Lamotrigine? Because that is WAY more expensive than we can afford. Why should I stand for her health being put at risk in the near future over racism?

I mean it's fucking ridiculous that people are gonna sit back and let this happen. The US is busy protesting Trump and the UK is rolling over and taking its royal screwing. If I had any other citizenships I'd flee this sinking ship but apparently I'm supposed to go down with the ship filled with deplorables. It's bullshit.


This has made me sick


A teenager born in Afghanistan has been refused permission to remain in the UK despite spending half his life in Wales .

Bashir Naderi, 19, fled to Britain from Afghanistan when he was 10 years old after his father was murdered by the Taliban.

Bashir, who lives in Cathays and attended Mary Immaculate High School before going on to study painting and decorating at Cardiff and Vale College, has had no contact with his mother since he left Afghanistan in 2007.

It took him a year to reach the UK and he was eventually placed with a foster family in Cardiff.

Speaking at the time about living with his foster mum Dawn Jackson, Bashir said: “I couldn’t have been happier. After my schooling had finished and I had an amazing prom to end the year.

I went straight into full-time education in college to learn more in English and maths, completed and passed [and] I then went on to complete a six-month course doing construction.

“I am now studying painting and decorating level two and sitting exams.”

Can't believe this is the kind of country we're becoming
We should be up in arms about stuff like this..


It's hard to go up against sometimes, but that's why you actively campaign!

By delivering leaflets and talking to voters, you can present reality to voters who otherwise would only get their information from the Mail or whatever.

You also start small. This year is a great time to get into campaigning, because there is a smattering of local elections and mayoral elections happening now, but everyone is now beginning to think about the plan for 2020.

Lots of people have got involved. Obviously the Labour Party's membership has surged thanks to Momentum, but the LDs are also reporting all-time high numbers of members.
Yeah, but are people (specifically those outside of London) even going to take a notice of a bunch of people doorstopping and presenting them with reality? I'm not convinced. We are in an era now where online media and social media platforms reign supreme. How do you get someone to believe you - the stranger at the doorstep - in ten minutes when sites like the Daily Mail - available 24 hours a day - have the ability counter everything you've just said by providing simplistic reasons that reinforce the views that they already have?

The interconnectedness of social media has large groups of people living in their own bubbles effortlessly circulating their own versions of the truth. These kinds of people aren't going to give a shit about the people at the door presenting them with facts or reality. I don't think canvassing will work like it did in the old days simply because technology has changed the nature of politics. How many years is it going to take to even attempt turn things around? 10 years? 20 years?

Is it even possible to turn things around? I see England sliding towards the right for the forseeable future. I hear radio callers who voted leave saying they don't care if they are worse off as long they get their country back. People phone in to Nigel Farage's radio slot to "thank him" for everything he's done. I get the impression that there's strong nostalgic desire to see "whiter" Britain. I don't buy all the bollocks about voting leave because of "EU laws" and "unelected bureaucrats". It's just a cover story to hide the real reason.

I just don't see the point in sticking around trying to counter the bullshit put out by the DM and other similar media platforms. They shape the views of large parts of the country and it helped to deliver the Brexit vote. I think this country is fucked and will continue to be so for many years. I'd rather spend my time trying to find a way out of here than spend years trying to convince swathes of the population that voting to be worse off is a bad idea.
TheBlackMarvel;229127083[URL="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-poll-majority-uk-remain-eu-theresa-may-article-50-second-referendum-latest-a7395811.html" said:
Got any links for that?[/URL]

Also I read something else in the sunday papers recently but I can't find it now. However I do feel like the general mood is that the result of the referendum should be respected and we should just get on with Brexit.

This poll is interesting though: 51% in favour of leaving the single market over 39% who are not apparently.

First off I don't buy that for a second. The media are a bunch of fucking liars who cannot be trusted at all. Of course they'd spin that narrative.

But secondly what is writing to an MP supposed to do? The system is broken. It's too easy to abuse. Why write anything when a psychopath has been given free rein to do what the fuck she want?

When the NHS goes down for this shit, who pays for my GF's Tegretol, Levetiracetam and Lamotrigine? Because that is WAY more expensive than we can afford. Why should I stand for her health being put at risk in the near future over racism?

I mean it's fucking ridiculous that people are gonna sit back and let this happen. The US is busy protesting Trump and the UK is rolling over and taking its royal screwing. If I had any other citizenships I'd flee this sinking ship but apparently I'm supposed to go down with the ship filled with deplorables. It's bullshit.
One of the 'remoaners' (can't remember which one) said that he was going to propose an amendment to the article 50 bill saying that the government should commit to £350 million for the NHS which was promised in the EU referendum campaign. I would actually support this amendment.

However, you are making the same mistake that paved Donald Trump's entry to the White House by dismissing legitimate concerns about immigration as 'racism'.

I don't really understand why my contemporaries can't get it? I am a son of an immigrant, but I am lucky enough to be relatively affluent that allows me to live a middle-class lifestyle - good education, detached house in a nice area etc, yet I am not blind to the poor areas in the country where schools are overcrowded and jobs are non-existent. I can understand why these people feel that unrestricted immigration is making their quality of life lower - and to be fair, it probably is. Public services are obviously over-stretched in certain [read: poor] areas such as oversubscribed schools and hospitals without enough beds. The so-called trickle-down effect of globalisation does not exist and being 5th in the GDP index is not being felt by those at the lower rungs of society.

Reducing the flow of immigration to a more sustainable and gradual level so that it does not overwhelm underfunded public services would probably go some way in addressing the issues. Unfortunately, being part of the EU at the moment means that we do not have control over the number of people within the EU that can come here (not to mention it is not really fair to those outside the EU who would like to migrate here, my dad being one of them). I would support a fairer immigration policy that treats EU and non-EU the same tbh, but that's another issue altogether.


I don't think the US and UK were leaders by closing their borders and retracting for international responsibilities. I mean, it was pretty much doing the opposite that made the US "the leaders of the free world".


The Scottish border is 9 miles from where I live (carlisle)

So a stones throw away.

I'm from Dumfries so only 19 miles from you or something, and honestly for all the region voted No and Remain , the whole "fuck Europe and foreigners " sentiment is just add prevalent here as it is elsewhere, especially amongst those 40ish+.


Reducing the flow of immigration to a more sustainable and gradual level so that it does not overwhelm underfunded public services would probably go some way in addressing the issues. Unfortunately, being part of the EU at the moment means that we do not have control over the number of people within the EU that can come here (not to mention it is not really fair to those outside the EU who would like to migrate here, my dad being one of them). I would support a fairer immigration policy that treats EU and non-EU the same tbh, but that's another issue altogether.

Isn't the issue the fact that those structure are not funded enough?
You are making it sound like EU people coming to UK are not paying taxes to actually pay for NHS and all the services, which is obviously not true.


I really wish the 48% would take our country back by force if need be. This charade needs to end. We're all being played and the country by large doesn't even seem to care.

"taking back the country by the 48%" is the new "taking back the country by the 52%" is it?

One of the 'remoaners' (can't remember which one) said that he was going to propose an amendment to the article 50 bill saying that the government should commit to £350 million for the NHS which was promised in the EU referendum campaign. I would actually support this amendment.

However, you are making the same mistake that paved Donald Trump's entry to the White House by dismissing legitimate concerns about immigration as 'racism'.

I don't really understand why my contemporaries can't get it? I am a son of an immigrant, but I am lucky enough to be relatively affluent that allows me to live a middle-class lifestyle - good education, detached house in a nice area etc, yet I am not blind to the poor areas in the country where schools are overcrowded and jobs are non-existent. I can understand why these people feel that unrestricted immigration is making their quality of life lower - and to be fair, it probably is. Public services are obviously over-stretched in certain [read: poor] areas such as oversubscribed schools and hospitals without enough beds. The so-called trickle-down effect of globalisation does not exist and being 5th in the GDP index is not being felt by those at the lower rungs of society.

Reducing the flow of immigration to a more sustainable and gradual level so that it does not overwhelm underfunded public services would probably go some way in addressing the issues. Unfortunately, being part of the EU at the moment means that we do not have control over the number of people within the EU that can come here (not to mention it is not really fair to those outside the EU who would like to migrate here, my dad being one of them). I would support a fairer immigration policy that treats EU and non-EU the same tbh, but that's another issue altogether.

This is what I mean about lied to by media though. Yes slightly better immigration control would perhaps stem an increase. Not reduce it, it's not a bill to throw out foreigners. But the key point all leave voters and media never want to discuss is the freaking enormous amount of financial backing the EU supplied to various parts of the UK. That money is gone. There's no 350 million to put into anything because we're going to have less finance as a result of leaving the EU.

We still have the poor areas flooded with immigrants because they're already here, we just don't have the EU to help us with it anymore. How is this going to help those people?

"taking back the country by the 48%" is the new "taking back the country by the 52%" is it?


If 52% of people throw themselves off the cliff because of their own idiocy do they have the right to drag 48% of people who don't want to jump with them? Exactly why the system is broken. This isn't just a small fucking thing is it were talking about damaging the country permanently. Meanwhile the US wakes up to what happened to them but in the UK we just plug our ears and hope for the best?

The country should be ashamed of itself.
A Sky News poll. Do you want to link to a Fox News or Daily Mail poll to further back up your point?

You do realise that UK news stations have to abide by ofcom rules on broadcasting? Therefore sky news is not quite in the same league as the Daily Mail or Fox News. But to appease you, here is a yougov poll.

How about, um, I dunno, not underfund public services
Isn't the issue the fact that those structure are not funded enough?
You are making it sound like EU people coming to UK are not paying taxes to actually pay for NHS and all the services, which is obviously not true.
How dare you suggest such outrageous ideas!!!
It would mean much higher taxes (direct and indirect) which wouldn't really be popular and I don't think people realise how much decent public services cost. Besides, I don't know what's so terrible about the idea of having more control over our immigration policy.

But by all means, vote for Jeremy Corybn. I think he is the only politician in the UK at the moment who is promising to raise taxation to better fund public services.


You do realise that UK news stations have to abide by ofcom rules on broadcasting? Therefore sky news is not quite in the same league as the Daily Mail or Fox News.

I still wouldn't trust any source that has Rupert Shitface as their head honcho.

EDIT: yes, I know Daily Fail isn't Newscorp.


If 52% of people throw themselves off the cliff because of their own idiocy do they have the right to drag 48% of people who don't want to jump with them? Exactly why the system is broken. This isn't just a small fucking thing is it were talking about damaging the country permanently. Meanwhile the US wakes up to what happened to them but in the UK we just plug our ears and hope for the best?

The country should be ashamed of itself.

So how do you "take the country back" then?


I'm from Dumfries so only 19 miles from you or something, and honestly for all the region voted No and Remain , the whole "fuck Europe and foreigners " sentiment is just add prevalent here as it is elsewhere, especially amongst those 40ish+.

Everyone knows the real Scots live in Glasgow/Edinburgh and the bottom of the country is just the English pretending to be Scottish ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

In reality yeah, we do sadly still have plenty of our own issues with fuck immigrants/EU sentiment. Luckily not enough to vote out of the EU for daft reasons though.


It would mean much higher taxes (direct and indirect) which wouldn't really be popular and I don't think people realise how much decent public services cost. Besides, I don't know what's so terrible about the idea of having more control over our immigration policy.

But by all means, vote for Jeremy Corybn. I think he is the only politician in the UK at the moment who is promising to raise taxation to better fund public services.
Ahem, no.
You are saying that the services cannot cope with more people coming from EU: if more people from EU are coming in and pay taxes, this should not happen.
The reality is that services have been cut constantly for a long time and, obviously, this is the problem.
The agenda of "we control immigration and make NHS great again" is a useless one.
Yeah, but are people (specifically those outside of London) even going to take a notice of a bunch of people doorstopping and presenting them with reality? I'm not convinced. We are in an era now where online media and social media platforms reign supreme. How do you get someone to believe you - the stranger at the doorstep - in ten minutes when sites like the Daily Mail - available 24 hours a day - have the ability counter everything you've just said by providing simplistic reasons that reinforce the views that they already have?

You don't show up for ten minutes or one leaflet is how. You're there every week.

Politics starts at your local council. Seriously. You can make a difference by becoming active politically.

Maybe you can't convince someone's mind about Brexit. But you can sure as hell kick out a do-nothing local Tory councillor and replace them with a progressive. And in five or ten years time, that progressive councillor runs for MP and wins, because you joined a local party and put your back into changing things.

That strategy is how the Lib Dems survived the merger in the late 80s. It's how they've survived the coalition. It's proven politics.

Letting the power of the DM beat you without fighting back is defeatist. Liberals and other progressives need to get out of bed, put on their work jeans and get stuck in.

This EXACT feeling - that politics is won by those in suits in London - is why the Labour Party loses power. It's why the Tories win. You stop fighting the big rich interests and they win.
So how do you "take the country back" then?

At this point I don't even have a clue since it's been allowed to continue to this point. Protests are basically the only thing in the arsenal and we the brits tend to cave on it far too easily. The government even allowing this to take place is the biggest betrayal and to me at least, shows our system is broken since we can just tank our economy for shits and giggles apparently. At this point I don't even know where we could even start with fixing this mess since we had a campaign built on lies, have two right wing parties as the only valid candidates, a leader nobody asked for, and yet we just sit back and accept this as a possible outcome of the system.

You're right that I have no idea where to begin because this has already been allowed to happen, and the people are just accepting it and hoping we get by. I guess I'm just still surprised how little people actually seem bothered about what's coming and there seems to be basically no resistance at all. Perhaps protest would be of more use if the public didn't accept their fate so willingly.


Finally my might be time to move to Switzerland or one of those nice Nordic countries. Or maybe Spain with some nice beaches.


The party of empire chooses colonial life. Enjoy getting fucked like one.

Wait, I was so incensed by this that I commented twice?



You do realise that UK news stations have to abide by ofcom rules on broadcasting? Therefore sky news is not quite in the same league as the Daily Mail or Fox News. But to appease you, here is a yougov poll.

It would mean much higher taxes (direct and indirect) which wouldn't really be popular and I don't think people realise how much decent public services cost. Besides, I don't know what's so terrible about the idea of having more control over our immigration policy.

But by all means, vote for Jeremy Corybn. I think he is the only politician in the UK at the moment who is promising to raise taxation to better fund public services.

Yeah but Kay Burley is on sky news. That instantly makes it fucking right wing shit. Besides who fucking watches sky news when the BBC is about fifty times better.


Yeah but Kay Burley is on sky news. That instantly makes it fucking right wing shit. Besides who fucking watches sky news when the BBC is about fifty times better.

Pulsemyne you heartless bastard... what about the dog WITH SADNESS IN HIS EYES???!!


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I'm from Dumfries so only 19 miles from you or something, and honestly for all the region voted No and Remain , the whole "fuck Europe and foreigners " sentiment is just add prevalent here as it is elsewhere, especially amongst those 40ish+.

I guess there's a possible explanation for the voting skew:



I want to fucking puke.

"I'm so great, you're so great, lets be great again blah blah fucking blah"

May and Trump deserve each other.


Trump just joked that he'll be handling trade-talk with UK himself tomorrow. This will be the only time May will have the upper hand.
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