I wish I could find a super high res version(if it even exists).
I don't care. I already have VSav.
Awesome. Thanks.http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=24588150
Artist name is Namatamago ("Raw egg").
Seriously though, that Dante shit was crazy. The airdash forward into hammer to keep him in the corner = HNNGGGYeah, Project X Zone is an SRPG and shares similarities with Namco X Capcom.
On topic: everyone should watch this shit, it's the Finals/Grand Finals of last night's Break. Goddamn Josh Wong has a sexy ass Dante. Dat movement. Also, the Phoenix play from Chris G was impressive as hell.
The Break #157 - UMvC3 LF - AG MCZ MarlinPie VS Josh Wong
The Break #157 - UMvC3 WF - FC ChrisG VS Josh Wong
Edit: Grand Finals with the Phoenix stuff isn't out yet, my bad.