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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Maaan, I'm glad Hawkguy is front and center on the cover. I used to think it was dumb but now that I use him I've seen the light. I could have a poster of the cover instead of that SFxT poster up right now. If only I had convinced my friend at comic con to play UMVC3 instead.

I still keep the SFxT poster up. I need something to laugh at.


tagged by Blackace
Avengers hype and all, I'm kinda sad they didn't even bother with Hawkeye's outfit. No flavour at all, unlike the rest of the cast. Yes, even ScarJo has more flavour.
What's even worse, the comics have changed his outfit to reflect his boring movie costume.




  • Run away with soul fist spam + missiles to annoy opponent into rushing
  • mixup with jH and S when covered to get a hit
  • flight cancel combo -> exchange glitch to keep them from mashing down -> marlinpie doom combo(builds 4 bars)
  • raw tag in phoenix
  • fight with phoenix/dark phoenix covered by doom missiles until she dies
  • left with Morrigan/Doom with a shit ton of meter for astral vision
  • anchor Doom with x-factor guard cancels

I've been practicing this exact team, assists and all.

I still suck with Doom, though. That's kinda a big problem.


Zero/Frank/Wesker just met my Iron Fist/Shuma/Task attempt.

No fucks were given by them. Not one single solitary fuck. Back to the lab with these guys to work on stuff. Shuma you so rough...
Zero/Frank/Wesker just met my Iron Fist/Shuma/Task attempt.

No fucks were given by them. Not one single solitary fuck. Back to the lab with these guys to work on stuff. Shuma you so rough...
I saw that QQ post in the Skullgirls thread!


get some go again
ugh haggar really needs super armor on something, anything that can help him get inside. i would prefer it be on his pipe so he doesn't get hit out of it by the most stupidest of things. so frustrating having have all the weaknesses of a heavy and almost none of the advantages.
ugh haggar really needs super armor on something, anything that can help him get inside. i would prefer it be on his pipe so he doesn't get hit out of it by the most stupidest of things. so frustrating having have all the weaknesses of a heavy and almost none of the advantages.
How about an invincible attack that leads into full combos on the defensive plus an invincible hyper to cancel it into if someone tries to punish?


get some go again
How about an invincible attack that leads into full combos on the defensive plus an invincible hyper to cancel it into if someone tries to punish?
pfft how is 1 hit of super armor on pipe out of the question? especially with what freaking hulk gets. at least hulk has way more mobility options than haggar. also i'm talking about getting in on characters. what good does lariat do me when i can be shot all day and literately have no chance at all to get in.
he has a god damn command grab which is basically all haggar gets. every heavy gets a stupid command grab but at least they get the threat of armor. he is supposed to be a grappler and they didn't even give him an anti air hyper.

You can't always get everything you want in a character. Just look at Wright.


get some go again
actually armor on pipe is useless. i would actually prefer some kind of anti air hyper. although on haggar that would be kinda overpowering since he could reset you easily.

You can't always get everything you want in a character. Just look at Wright.
wish haggar was a dmc character and then maybe he could get better mobility options. :p alright lets make a deal haggar gets back his old final fight sfx and i stop complaining.
I just find it funny how you want mobility options on a character famous for being the slowest playable character in his series, even after being given the ability to run in Final Fight 3.


get some go again
lol, he's faster in Marvel than he ever was in FF3.
but he doesn't have to deal with the same things in ff3 than he does in marvel. :p especially teleporting trench coats. i'm not even asking for access to a projectile which he should have since he can use them in final fight but i'll let that go.
but he doesn't have to deal with the same things in ff3 than he does in marvel. :p especially teleporting trench coats. i'm not even asking for access to a projectile which he should have since he can use them in final fight but i'll let that go.
Wesker as the final boss of a Final Fight game would be hilarious, and the AI just teleport-gun spams until you run out of life.


get some go again
Wesker as the final boss of a Final Fight game would be hilarious, and the AI just teleport-gun spams until you run out of life.
the freaking last boss of final fight might as well be dark wesker since that bastard is so hard to kill and he kills you easily.
ugh haggar really needs super armor on something, anything that can help him get inside. i would prefer it be on his pipe so he doesn't get hit out of it by the most stupidest of things. so frustrating having have all the weaknesses of a heavy and almost none of the advantages.
Capcom doesn't do Potemkin grapplers with good options. Not even ASW does that guy anymore. You'd probably shit your pants if he played like one of Mike Z's original grapplers.

A Haggar with 2-3 hit super armored moves, projectile reflects, command runs, projectile supers, an invincible DP and double jumps....

yeah fuck that lol
Doesn't Miss Fortune have a super that's Berserker Barrage, and she yells "Berserker Barrage"? It's not even trying to be subtle with the references.
Furserker purrage or something like that.
Wait, what's the glitch? I'm not aware of it.
DHC glitch

UltraChen discovered it a few days ago.
its better than his dumbass big purple H. i could never play that character b/c of how stupid he looks
Same here

Maybe I'll get over that someday...


yeah i don't see what is so cool about that tech and why it keeps getting posted.

Its title says "Power of the useless tips".
Its description says "congrats Nova, now you can burn more meters!"
I mean, this is Kusoru's youtube channel.


get some go again
Capcom doesn't do Potemkin grapplers with good options. Not even ASW does that guy anymore. You'd probably shit your pants if he played like one of Mike Z's original grapplers.

A Haggar with 2-3 hit super armored moves, projectile reflects, command runs, projectile supers, an invincible DP and double jumps....

yeah fuck that lol
just give me a fix on rapid fire fist and i'll be happy. how the hell can you have a hyper that punishes you potentially if you land it on air born opponents. you should be rewarded and not punished. even if you don't mash at all there is no guarantee the opponent won't flip out. when they do then you just missed out on a bunch of damage by not mashing.



get some go again
does wesker give other characters very little hit stun on his moves? because sometimes it seems like he has some character in a block string and then suddenly command throws them. that kinda stuff isn't possible with haggar as a lot of his moves leave characters in block stun for a while.

Azure J

Yeah, a Potemkin grappler would be BS!

Instead, give the best command throw in the game to a teleporter.

I'll never forget the day I dabbled with Wesker "just cuz" and won a match with a wake up Mustang Kick H. That shit just looked so disrespectful, especially since I was knocked down prior with a Mustang Kick L.

Makoto strats saving the day. :lol
the mvc2 matches were hype. also was nice seeing no x-factor b.s.
I'd much rather see BS comebacks than MvC2's "I have one character left, what's the point?" matches. Yeah yeah, Justin Wong Cyclops comment blahblahblah. It's one in a million, and frankly the matches are pretty dull after one player gets momentum.

I'll never forget the day I dabbled with Wesker "just cuz" and won a match with a wake up Mustang Kick H. That shit just looked so disrespectful, especially since I was knocked down prior with a Mustang Kick L.

Makoto strats saving the day. :lol
Reminds me of when SolarPowered played Wesker for the first time, like 6 months in. His mind was blown at how little effort it took to do amazing things.

Azure J

If you guys haven't seen CC live from last night. Copious amount of shit talking from Fanatiq.

Fanatiq is fucking hilarious, holy shit:

"You got Joker, 3 guys and a set of teeth over there..."

"I'mma take my US money, go pass go over there and collect my $5,000 in monopoly money he got."


@Karst: I felt the same damn way honestly, although I just never really mentioned it here. It's like I'm there expecting to need to do a few tricks I've seen here or there to get the momentum going and literally the next instant I'm shouting in a half entertained half dazed "why can he do this shit?!"

It still blows my mind that if he tags a 900K character with I'd say 2 or 3 reps of j.MHS , you actually have to play conscious of your health at that point.
MvC2 is hype but I generally agree with Karsticles on it.

One thing about MvC2 that cannot be knocked is it's amazing soundtrack. SO classy. And basically any terrible dance song gets better when it's set to high-level MvC2. See: Livin La Vida Loca.

Airship and River are the best.


does wesker give other characters very little hit stun on his moves? because sometimes it seems like he has some character in a block string and then suddenly command throws them. that kinda stuff isn't possible with haggar as a lot of his moves leave characters in block stun for a while.

Usually when you see Wesker land a command grab without X-factoring, it's either off a light attack (so yeah, not much hitstun from those from any character) or lockdown from an assist. I think that Haggar should theoretically be capable of the same type of thing at least in terms of the hitstun, but Wesker's command grab also starts up really fast and his light attack leaves him within range to still get the grab, so if you don't have those things going for you it will make doing the same type of thing pretty difficult.

I've been practicing against the CPU by calling Dante's Weasel Shot and dashing up while they are in block stun, then trying to get the timing exactly right to command grab them immediately after blockstun wears off. If I do it right, there aren't many things that can stop it. Since the CPU's perfect, it often ends up getting me with a regular throw since the startup on those is the same as Wesker's command grab, but it's pretty iffy. When I do land the grab, I often get knocked out of my attack by an assist call on the part of the CPU as well.


My favorite themes for MvC2 are Cave-"You got a heartache" and Swamp. On MvC2 matches: I'm not a fan of BS comebacks in ANY game, though they are far and between MvC2 OCV comebacks are the most amazing imo, even over CvS2 and CvS2 is my favorite game. That said I still like Marvel 3 the most out of current fighting games and Xfactor is what it is. Though I've always said that if you have all your characters left and you lose to an Xfactor 3 char, the loss is only on you.


Finally landed in the US. Damn that was a long ass flight and hard on the ears/back. Even though I am a frequent traveler and have been to the US and back a ton this time was harder than usual.

Which got me thinking, all those players who travel across countries to play... man how the hell do they do it? I can't imagine a player going from EC to Australia and winning a tournament just on the jet lag factor alone unless they have at least 2-3 days to recover.

And what's new/sexy Marvel? Aside from the new Avengers move. :D

Edit: Sorry Marvel-GAF if I missed some questions aimed at me. I will try to answer as soon as I get more free time.


If you guys haven't seen CC live from last night. Copious amount of shit talking from Fanatiq.

LOL! Holy shit at the Mike Ross vs Fanatiq set! Mike Ross 3-2 over Fanatiq running 2/3rds his team. That Hulk OCV! Mike winning at Marvel completely took me by surprise.

Best quote was Mike Ross saying "Gimme my ten dollars back!" after he had passed him a canadian $10 for his trip to Canada to take on RayRay. Fanatiq was ready to explode and Mike beat him with 2 of his own team and with 2 matches where Fanatiq accidentally popped pause and he let the match continue. Then the MVC2 match to make Fanatiq feel better. God I now want Mike vs Fanatiq at bar brawls after the yelling during those sets.

Hilarious Cross Counter episode.


You were needed, sir.

You were needed.

In the US for awhile / playing on 360/PS3 at all? :).
I left all my consoles in Pakistan. :(

I will be getting new ones but it won't be for a while. I am going to be console-less for quite a while.

I will answer in a bit.

Also that Fanatiq vs Mike Ross "Exhibition" was staged as hell.


tagged by Blackace
Dahbomb how long are you gonna be in the US? You gonna go back to Pakistan afterwards for school? I forget which is your permanent residence.


I left all my consoles in Pakistan. :(

I will be getting new ones but it won't be for a while. I am going to be console-less for quite a while.

I will answer in a bit.

Also that Fanatiq vs Mike Ross "Exhibition" was staged as hell.

What part of US are you at the moment? Planning to hit an arcade or go to EVO? See if you can at least log online for PSN/Live or something. I really want to body your Vergirl. :3


I am done with school, now to start a residency.

I am in New Orleans USA, don't know the scene here for Marvel 3. This is my permanent resident now.

Definitely no plan to go to EVO but at the very least if there is a Marvel 3 scene here locally I want to be part of it, like make a few cameo appearances. I definitely won't have the time for it like I used to have but I still want to be involved with the community as much as I can.

How am I going to log in to PSN/Xbox Live without a console? :X Going to have to purchase a lot of new stuff here as well (laptop, car, phone, consoles). It's like starting a new life almost even though I have been here a lot.


I am done with school, now to start a residency.

I am in New Orleans USA, don't know the scene here for Marvel 3. This is my permanent resident now.

Definitely no plan to go to EVO but at the very least if there is a Marvel 3 scene here locally I want to be part of it, like make a few cameo appearances. I definitely won't have the time for it like I used to have but I still want to be involved with the community as much as I can.

How am I going to log in to PSN/Xbox Live without a console? :X Going to have to purchase a lot of new stuff here as well (laptop, car, phone, consoles). It's like starting a new life almost even though I have been here a lot.

NO has a sizable FGC scene. Look them up on SRK, don't know where they play just know some dudes from NO.


Yeah I will look up the usual tournament places for that spot.

Also I am going to be exclusively playing Firebrand/Iron Man/Akuma in Marvel. No one can beat my Vergil because they will never play my Vergil. /Kappa
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