Someone needs to bust out a Hsien Ko in top 8 just for the reactions. :lol
I would do it...!
Maybe a Japanese player winning EVO? Dacid should win EVO(impossible). I'd fucking die laughing if a BB player actually won grand finals.
Has Dacid ever won anything?
I try to forget about the willful ignorance that people displayed last year for a whole lot of shit. Damn near everyone thought Lariat/Gustav fire were okay, no one had issues with Dante's retarded normals/damage until after he was patched, few people complained about Magneto being stupid fucking fast with the best beam on point/assist position and people kept acting like Phoenix was a-okay. It was shameless defense of their own characters even if the game was being ruined by dumb shit. Now people act like Morrigan is going to destroy UMvC3 despite the fact that she still doesn't have as much majors under her belt as the lower end tournament winning characters in Vanilla.
I still think Vanilla Phoenix was pretty balanced...
I don't want Jwong to win. Hell, I want him to get eliminated in pools with the way he has been playing Marvel lately and refusing to actually practice the game.
Of the known players, I want Noel(he does put time in this game)/Chris G/Fchamp/Infrint/Abegen/Mihe/Yipes/Marlinpie to make it far in Marvel and one of them among others to win it. If not a nobody with a top tier character that nobody plays such as Dorm.
And hopefully Spidey shows up and makes people hate him.
I don't want ChrisG to win because it would mean Morrigan nerfs. :-/
Unless it would mean Hidden Missile nerfs. Then yeah!
Dr. Strange Advice Time!
Alright, so I'm new to Dr. Strange and am having trouble figuring a few things out. The team is Dr. Strange/Dormammu/Morrigan, but I'm not really looking for team advice, just Dr. Strange advice. Any help is greatly appreciated:
1) After a knockdown, what is my best setup for a reset?
2) What is my best mixup on an incoming character? I know someone mentioned Agamotto, but I can't get it out in time to make it safe for a lot of my combo enders.
3) What is my blockstring ender? Mystic Sword L sometimes whiffs, and everything else seems to be really negative on block. I've thought about canceling into Teleport H, which would be less unsafe than most of my other options it seems. The strategy guide says to use Mystic Sword M, but that's -16 on block and looks like Amaterasu might be able to duck under it. On that note, is Flames of the Faltine duck-able by a lot of the smaller cast members? Someone suggested Eye of Agamotto, but the guide says that would put me at -13 if I cancel on on the first frame of my magic series recovery.
4) What exactly is my battleplan if I can't call assists out? I was fighting a Nemesis/Hulk/Sentinel player, and even from fullscreen there was no way I would be able to get Eye of Agamotto out safely either. Nemesis was always doing the jumping tentacle attack backed by drones, and Hulk was always doing Gamma Charge. Throwing out a bunch of Daggers of Denak seemed pretty futile, giving me just a bit of chip until he closed in. My basic battle plan was to superjump and do Grace of Hoggoth M, Flames of the Faltine, Teleport M to get in. If it hit, wonderful...
5) Is it actually worth taking the time to get 3 Grace of Hoggoth L's out? As a Dormammu player, I always work to get Dark Spells charged, but Dr. Strange's beam almost never paid off when I worked hard to get it out there.
6) Is it pretty much always a terrible idea to superjump and do Daggers of Denak? I got lots of great combos from doing this, but I feel like it was only because my opponent didn't understand how the ability works, and that hitting me would make it go away. Am I able to block on the way down, or am I 100% prone?
7) Lets say I get Eye of Agamotto on the screen, and I Impact Palm it out there. Assuming I don't want to teleport mix-up my opponent, what should I be doing while it's floating toward my opponent?
8) What should I do right after a naked teleport M? I'm not asking whether this is a good idea (I know it's not), I'm just asking. c.L has whiffed a few times, and c.LM, s.H, f.H puts my opponent out of range of f.H sometimes. Should I just go straight into Impact Palm?
That's all I can think of for now. Many thanks to anyone who takes the time to provide thoughtful answers.