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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Via EventHubs. Just in case you needed more nails in the coffin.
I don't take this to be that bad, honestly. Sven says that the team has moved on, not that Capcom has moved on from Marvel. Sure, there's nothing in the works right now, but I think (hope) we've all known that. To me, the question is "will Capcom come back to Marvel in the future? When?"


tagged by Blackace
I don't take this to be that bad, honestly. Sven says that the team has moved on, not that Capcom has moved on from Marvel. Sure, there's nothing in the works right now, but I think (hope) we've all known that. To me, the question is "will Capcom come back to Marvel in the future? When?"
In an earlier interview they said they're putting the franchise on hold for now, despite both their and Marvel's satisfaction of how the games turned out. I think it goes without saying it's a property that Capcom knows is valuable and they will come back to it.

I'm saying next gen. Mid to late next gen. I think giving the franchises room to breathe is a great idea, especially Marvel for all that tech hidden within the sandbox. All we can do is wait now. We'll see what E3 and EVO have to offer in terms of fighting games period, or if we'll even get announcements due to alleged market saturation.

EDIT: Via FGW Thread:
New episode of Cross Counter with Mike Ross, Fanatiq is the guest and it's about UMVC3 training http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tTqeTJmBklM#!



That does sound very interesting and unique. I remember when you were first mentioning BoF2 Nina (though I did miss that explanation) I was playing BoF3 and thinking how much I'd like to see BoF3 Ryu appear, with a sort of expanded take on the stance system (e.g. different stances giving him access to several different Dragon forms as well as a human form with a hyper reserved for True Kaiser form), where each form is essentially a unique character, with different normals, command abilities, specials, hit boxes, etc.

It's completely unrealistic and unfeasible (and probably hilariously broken), I realize, but the idea captured my imagination at the time.
In an earlier interview they said they're putting the franchise on hold for now, despite both their and Marvel's satisfaction of how the games turned out. I think it goes without saying it's a property that Capcom knows is valuable and they will come back to it.

I'm saying next gen. Mid to late next gen. I think giving the franchises room to breathe is a great idea, especially Marvel for all that tech hidden within the sandbox. All we can do is wait now. We'll see what E3 and EVO have to offer in terms of fighting games period, or if we'll even get announcements due to alleged market saturation.

EDIT: Via FGW Thread:
I honestly think we'll get more before the generation is out. Capcom already has all the base materials made, Niitsuma clearly loves developing the game, and they have ready-waiting features on the Vita version that they could port to console versions. The game will remain popular because it deserves it, and Capcom won't be able to ignore the easy cash grab.

We're also in a danger zone, though. SFxT is bombing and will continue to falter, and Darkstalkers is coming up. Darkstalkers is a huge risk. It doesn't have the name recognition of SF or Marvel, it just has good mechanics. If Darkstalkers doesn't do well, then Capcom might decide that fighting games aren't worth the attention they're currently getting.

However, if we do get a next gen MvC4, I really hope that they re-use a ton of assets from this game. Instead of building everything from the ground up, just give me MvC3 graphics with another 50 characters. It would really be a shame if we had to start over from 40 or something. The FGC has never given a crap about graphics. Hopefully Capcom realizes that.
Just to pre-empt someone: graphics =/= art style.

That does sound very interesting and unique. I remember when you were first mentioning BoF2 Nina (though I did miss that explanation) I was playing BoF3 and thinking how much I'd like to see BoF3 Ryu appear, with a sort of expanded take on the stance system (e.g. different stances giving him access to several different Dragon forms as well as a human form with a hyper reserved for True Kaiser form), where each form is essentially a unique character, with different normals, command abilities, specials, hit boxes, etc.

It's completely unrealistic and unfeasible (and probably hilariously broken), I realize, but the idea captured my imagination at the time.
BoF3 Ryu would be pretty awesome. I know I'd try to put him on my main team. I think anything can be balanced conceptually. I don't think a whole second character within the first is impossible. Just think about how many characters are actually wrapped up in Dante's moveset...
I saw that back when it came out. It just goes to show that even with all the style we see going around, players are still technically slacking on the good stuff.

After this EVO, I want everyone to watch last year's grand finals to show how much a game can evolve in a year.

I mean, top level SFIV is crazy clean right now, I can't wait for Marvel to catch up.


After this EVO, I want everyone to watch last year's grand finals to show how much a game can evolve in a year.

I mean, top level SFIV is crazy clean right now, I can't wait for Marvel to catch up.

Yeah SFIV has evolved considerably, with all the revisions and years that have gone by. MVC3 has only had 1 revision technically and a year+ available. So I don't think it'll be as evolved this EVO.


After this EVO, I want everyone to watch last year's grand finals to show how much a game can evolve in a year.

I mean, top level SFIV is crazy clean right now, I can't wait for Marvel to catch up.

Yeah SFIV has evolved considerably, with all the revisions and years that have gone by. MVC3 has only had 1 revision technically and a year+ available. So I don't think it'll be as evolved this EVO.

Yeah I'm feeling this myself. If the game got a chance to grow for another year in terms of players experimenting I'm pretty sure we might see some interesting new teams as well as combos. Storm is one I've expected to see more out of and not gotten much from as well as Rocket Raccoon and X-23. It'd be pretty cool to see Marvel tighten up its game some on player circuit in terms of learning characters and trying out different synergy teams.

Azure J

Ibuki Time!

- Has "Step Move"; pressing L+S cancels into her invisi-dash (Kazumi Gake/QCF+Kick from the games), M+S into her jumping double kick (Hien; RDP+Kick), and H+S is her spin jump (Tsujigoe; DP + Punch). Pressing the buttons down for a bit extends the effect, i.e. she'd dash further, her double kicks would travel farther attempting to "home in" as much as possible/her hien kicks would have her kick off and land on the other side of the opponent or her jump arc would be more pronounced. You can use these to cancel out of any normal or chain of normals. Can also call assists during this press.

- 750K ~ 850K; meant to be a mixup/vortex/reset monster.

QCF + ATK in air - Kunai

She throws a kunai at a downward angle to the ground. OTGs.

QCF + ATK - Neck Breaker

Slides along the ground a set distance. If contact is made, she wraps up behind the opponent and hits them with a neck snap that leaves them knocked down on the ground. [Cannot be comboed further except with a super?] OTGs.

QCB + ATK - Tsumuji

Her spinning heel kicks. Nothing different about them in Mahvel. Last kick mid can be jump cancelled.

DP + ATK - Kazegiri

Dragon kick from the games. Add an ATK for a Kunai in various directions depending on button press.

HCB + S - Raida

Command grab. A light burst that knocks them away, no knockdown. Holding S after they're grabbed however changes the burst to either a bigger one that does hard knockdown or a grand one that explodes for a wall bounce. (Think WEEEESKER here)

Hyper Lvl. 1 - Kasumi Suzaku

Chucks a fuck lot of kunai at the ground at a player determined angle. Cancelling Neck Breaker's final animations into this after a knockdown works.

Hyper Lvl. 1 - Yami Shigure

Throws three Kunai in a certain proximity on the ground. Anything caught in that area is parali=yzed as she delivers 3 rapid succession slashes back and forth on the character caught. Excellent happy birthday super.

Level. 3 - Yoroi-Doushi

Standard fare Command Grab hyper. Ends with an appropriately Mahvel explosive finish that knocks them full screen away for hard knockdown.


I want it as an assist, though. :p
KKZ as an assist?? I don't know how I feel about a 40% super as an assist, although Captain Corridor does stupid damage in MvC2.
The neat thing about the Breath of Fire series is that all of the games have an interconnected, overarching plotline that isn't explicitly told but that you can see if you really pay attention. I don't think any other JRPG has done this, in the sense that most are either sequels where the connections are obvious or they take place in newly developed worlds. Breath of Fire worlds are always the consequence of the last game's plot, but it's so subtle that you can overlook it entirely.

I think Nina would make everyone go "woah" if they used my moveset...
I remember back when duckroll made thread for Dragon's Dogma and people were getting hyped for it as "BoF6" and well, the smart people knew it wasn't, coincidentally that just came out haha.
The weird thing about Nina is that she gets lolified more and more as the games go on. It's one of the biggest crimes in gaming history. This...thing is BoFV Nina:

I won't even image it so people might spare their eyes.
Truly one of the most devastating travesties to one of the best girls in gaming history.
BoFIV was really the downfall of the series, and V was just the nail in the coffin. It was typical crap where Capcom thinks people lost interest in the series, but really they just lost touch with the series. BoFII Nina is a quiet, serene and graceful woman, whereas BoFV Nina is a whiney little kid that won't ever shut up.
And she has no boobs.
One of the recurring characters in the series returns as a tin-bodied robot in BoFIV for no reason at all, and it seems like they completely forgot to develop character background. All of the charm was gone. So, I recommend playing I-III, and then only playing IV and V to see what made it all fall apart.
Yah despite what fans of IV and V say, I really really never got into them. The artwork really put me off and I just keep returning to BoF2.
I bought a Wii just for Smash, and I'll buy a WiiU just for Smash. I just need to know that the online won't be ass, because it's all I have.
Smash fans unite!

I just wanted to say I love you for this post.
KKZ as an assist?? I don't know how I feel about a 40% super as an assist, although Captain Corridor does stupid damage in MvC2.
Jam Session is basically Captain Corridor, but it leads to full combos. I'd rather have a Captain Corridor that gets people off me - I don't want full combos. In that sense, doesn't it seem like it would be fair?

I remember back when duckroll made thread for Dragon's Dogma and people were getting hyped for it as "BoF6" and well, the smart people knew it wasn't, coincidentally that just came out haha.

Truly one of the most devastating travesties to one of the best girls in gaming history.

Yah despite what fans of IV and V say, I really really never got into them. The artwork really put me off and I just keep returning to BoF2.
It's weird because I played them all when I was a kid, and kids don't have the kinds of standards I do. Yet somehow IV was just so boring back then. I'd like to think that kid me has good taste just like now me has, but I can just articulate it better.

Smash fans unite!
Hopefully Sakurai unites with us...

I just wanted to say I love you for this post.

Is Viscant the PJs guy?

Also, this TerryBogard guy is convincing me that I need to try Dante/Morrigan/Dormammu. Can I overcome my love-hate Dante relationship though?
Kids do have tastes. Why Marvel is going to not air EMH for a couple of weeks. To test USM's viewership. Which will drop.

Also Loeb sucks.

And people trust Sven.... Really?


Has he outright lied before? Despite his reputation, I don't recall such a situation.

About AAI, yes. He blatantly lied about the sales of the first game to make it sound like it wouldn't be financially feasible to localize the second. Why people still give Sven attention is beyond me.

Azure J

Forgot about assists. Makoto gets Chop M, Rush Punch Shot H and Ax Kick M/H. The latter is my personal favorite in this alt universe where she's in because it's an instant "stop jumping in front of me" style anti-air where she jumps in, takes another jump into the air overhead your player character and WHAM hits them with a Dante Hammer like move. :p

Ibuki gets Kunai (Comes from behind the point character Weasel Shot style, jumps into the air and throws three of them; Hits high; OTGs), Tsumuji H (Heel Kicks x 3; Tatsu like lockdown), and her f.mk Slide Kick (Hits Low). Her assists are all about those unblockable setups. :p


Vergil Loops are so fun! how do I do them correctly in the corner though? having trouble with that...
When you activate Spiral Swords, walk back a bit before doing Lunar Phase. Also if you don't like the corner then when you do Stinger wall bounce do a Teleport M instead to switch sides.
Considering that KKZ hits the ground and has energy come out of it vertically, while Misogi is Akuma falling down from the sky really damn fast, I think he really does mean KKZ >.>

Btw Kadey, what were the rules for the HBR?
Considering that KKZ hits the ground and has energy come out of it vertically, while Misogi is Akuma falling down from the sky really damn fast, I think he really does mean KKZ >.>

Btw Kadey, what were the rules for the HBR?

I was just wondering because KKZ is a splash and doesn't track anything.


get some go again
dude weskers gunshot does way too much chip damage. i think its like 24k per gunshot? that is retarded considering he can get multiple ones in one go. not only that its really safe. god its so frustrating when other characters get much better tools then the so called zoners in the game. this is one thing that has bothered me for the longest time. especially since wesker can shoot 3 times in the air and taskamster can't even block on the way down.


Mrs. Harvey
Horny boys raging!

PSN. Rules are default points wise. No character lock. But, going to make this interesting. No X-factor.
dude weskers gunshot does way too much chip damage. i think its like 24k per gunshot? that is retarded considering he can get multiple ones in one go. not only that its really safe. god its so frustrating when other characters get much better tools then the so called zoners in the game. this is one thing that has bothered me for the longest time. especially since wesker can shoot 3 times in the air and taskamster can't even block on the way down.

Don't you play Zero?


I honestly think we'll get more before the generation is out. Capcom already has all the base materials made, Niitsuma clearly loves developing the game, and they have ready-waiting features on the Vita version that they could port to console versions. The game will remain popular because it deserves it, and Capcom won't be able to ignore the easy cash grab.

While I sincerely believe that Capcom has moved on from MvC3 for the time being (as has Marvel), I could see an argument made for one final version being released between 1-2 years from now. A packaging of all the DLC costumes/characters, the Vita features, and a handful of new characters for each side. A final version to keep fans satisfied until MvC4.

We're also in a danger zone, though. SFxT is bombing and will continue to falter, and Darkstalkers is coming up. Darkstalkers is a huge risk. It doesn't have the name recognition of SF or Marvel, it just has good mechanics. If Darkstalkers doesn't do well, then Capcom might decide that fighting games aren't worth the attention they're currently getting.

As much as I would be interested in seeing the modern take on Darkstalkers, I am hoping it doesn't actually get made because I fear it would bomb as badly, or worse, than SFxT. It's a great fighting game, but I don't think it has enough widespread appeal/recognition to sell well. I'm afraid it is a niche series in a somewhat niche genre that Capcom will project to sell like a SF game, which could spell disaster for the future of Capcom fighters. I would either: 1) LOVE to be proven wrong, or 2) Capcom actually budgets and creates sales projections that keep in mind the high-risk nature of Darkstalkers.

However, if we do get a next gen MvC4, I really hope that they re-use a ton of assets from this game. Instead of building everything from the ground up, just give me MvC3 graphics with another 50 characters. It would really be a shame if we had to start over from 40 or something. The FGC has never given a crap about graphics. Hopefully Capcom realizes that.
Just to pre-empt someone: graphics =/= art style.
You know, I'm leaning pretty close to adopting this stance, as well. The current roster is a really, really damn good roster. Niitsuma and his team really outdid themselves. Adding another 20-30 characters, tweaking existing characters by giving them some new moves/hypers/assists, and making changes to the base game engine (to make the game feel "new" and "fresh") would be unreal. Make the game an orgy of characters and fan-service, and market the fuck out of it alongside whatever Marvel's new crop of movies are at that time. I could get on-board with that.

On the other hand, if they are going to start from scratch again, I would like them to REALLY start from scratch. Throw out the framework of the MvC1-era characters, and build them from the ground up. Shown me how Niitsuma's team would have envisioned characters like Magneto, Iron Man, Spider-Man, et al, without the confines of their previous move sets and playstyles.


get some go again
Don't you play Zero?
not anymore. oh and yeah zero doesn't deserve to be safe on his zoning either. i use task/hawk/haggar. btw i'm not saying task and hawk should be anymore safe on their zoning. they are solid characters and are actually balanced pretty well. there needs to be limits to them or else its too overwhelming. with that said i do not think that other characters should then get really good zoning that is much safer. hell i don't think any character really deserves to be safe on most of the things they do.


not anymore. oh and yeah zero doesn't deserve to be safe on his zoning either. i use task/hawk/haggar. btw i'm not saying task and hawk should be anymore safe on their zoning. there needs to be limits to them or else its too overwhelming. with that said i do not think that other characters should then get really good zoning that is much safer. hell i don't think any character really deserves to be safe on the things they do. you shouldn't have a free approach and not have to worry about being punished which is sadly the case with some characters.

Use Taskmasters projectile counter? Or Shield Skills ?

Azure J

You know what the greatest thing in the world is? Winning a match against a Dark Vergil with the easiest reset Strider has:

Air Series - Hard Knockdown - Formation S - Shot

Did he jump? Yes. Follow the jump and grab his ass!
Did he not jump? Call Doom beam for meaty setup, teleport and overhead/low while he's in the blockstun.

I wish if I were better with the tiger setups though. My God, he is so much fun when you're confident in your reset game.
God damn, I knew Ammy's meter assist left her pretty vulnerable, but until I fought against it I had no idea it pretty much was her saying "hi, I'm just gonna stand here and wait for you to kill me". Seriously, the recovery on that is SO bad.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
If it's from Nov-July that'd be 9 months just like Marvel. I'm calling bs on this because if something big (like the next iteration) is happening in July we'd know about it already since it's almost June.

If something does happen in July it will be the patch at best. So I have no clue why Fubar's proclaiming UMVC3 will be dead then.

It's not going to be- SURPRISE UMVC3X


Jam Session is basically Captain Corridor, but it leads to full combos. I'd rather have a Captain Corridor that gets people off me - I don't want full combos. In that sense, doesn't it seem like it would be fair?
Hmm when you argue about it this way, it's very convincing. It would also make Akuma more versatile in the assist department, although I guess it wouldn't necessarily stop people from picking Tatsu. *cue Dahbomb
It's weird because I played them all when I was a kid, and kids don't have the kinds of standards I do. Yet somehow IV was just so boring back then. I'd like to think that kid me has good taste just like now me has, but I can just articulate it better.
The only things I like about BoFIV are the sprite work and the Raging Demon homage. I think that when we're younger we're more tolerant and accepting (generally) so some things are better than they actually are, hence "nostalgia" arguments often brought up when discussing things like Ocarina of Time *cough Beef
Also, this TerryBogard guy is convincing me that I need to try Dante/Morrigan/Dormammu. Can I overcome my love-hate Dante relationship though?
This sounds like something out of an Assist Me video :lol
Vergil Loops are so fun! how do I do them correctly in the corner though? having trouble with that...

You have no idea how much I love to do Vergil combos. BTW I think biosnake linked a Vergil video with Deadpool and having the ground bounce reset, anyone have a link handy?
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