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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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If it's from Nov-July that'd be 9 months just like Marvel. I'm calling bs on this because if something big (like the next iteration) is happening in July we'd know about it already since it's almost June.
But we DO already!



get some go again
If it's from Nov-July that'd be 9 months just like Marvel. I'm calling bs on this because if something big (like the next iteration) is happening in July we'd know about it already since it's almost June.

If something does happen in July it will be the patch at best. So I have no clue why Fubar's proclaiming UMVC3 will be dead then.

It's not going to be- SURPRISE UMVC3X
maybe its just the release of the final characters that got cut from ultimate. don't think they will release a new disc. they would have to change a little of the UI since there isn't much space for new ones.


everybody go on twitter and harass fubar anyway.

So, doesn't get a Capcom sponsored tournament=dead game?
I know right? A Marvel game isn't featured in a STREET FIGHTER ANNIVERSARY tournament and suddenly Marvel is dead... ROFLMAO!

That's like having a Tekken Anniversary tournament and people getting up in arms over SC not being included.
More BoF2 Ninas!
Good luck with that.
Wait...how are Viper and Ruby Heart not stereotypes?
They're more imaginative. You could walk down a lot of American streets and see Rufus all day, but it'd probably be harder to see either of those two. Capcom's characters used to be imaginative as fuck even if they were heavily inspired by something else. Some are iconic(Ryu, Dhalsim, Akuma, Makoto, etc.) and others stand the test of time(pretty much all of Darkstalkers) way better than many of Capcom's current designs.
Agreed, but there is no way they'll not put Asura in a fighter with the buildup he's gotten vs Ryu and Akuma in his own game now. Remember though you can never be more off the wall than the game Godhand ;)
I've recently been playing Godhand again and it's just amazing. The roulette wheel is awesome and I love all the drunken style moves. He really deserves to be in this game.
Darkstalkers in their prime are more Mahvel than most Mahvel characters, so a resounding no to this. Add more of them and make sure they're just as batshit insane in a MVC4 as they are in all of their source material.
They're amazing in their prime, but she isn't at her best. I'd cut her myself if I could choose her replacement.
Kongou Kokuretsu Zan? It's from Third Strike and thinking about it now, that would have made for an amazing hyper.
That hyper is freaking awesome. I would have preferred that over Raging Demon.

no joke
Mmm, Ruby Heart. Sonson should come along too for top tier trolling. Running around the borders of the screen would be hilarious. :lol
That'd be nice, but I doubt we'll ever see her again...
So apparently X-23's Weapon X hyper or whatever it's called where she dashes towards you is more invincible than Mach Speed...even if she does it first by several moments.
That thing has like 60+ frames of invul the last time I checked.
I just want Dio :-(
Can they even make anything related to Jojo's anymore?
As for system, 360 only. I swear, that system is like a dedicated Mahvel box more than anything else at current.
You need to get in on some of that free online PS3 action.
If the WiiU gets fighting games concurrently with the 720/PS4, the communities will be even more split...
It will expose millions of new people to fighters. I'd say it's worth a little split. Capcom does that better than anyone else, though. They practically spit on 360 owners with SFxT. I don't see how it could get much worse than that.
I bought a Wii just for Smash, and I'll buy a WiiU just for Smash. I just need to know that the online won't be ass, because it's all I have.
Were you disappointed after you got your hands on Brawl?
What is our prediction on Niitsuma's next project?
I would hope that it's DSIV so that Ono doesn't get his hands on it, but that's being way too optimistic.

I have no clue.
I honestly think we'll get more before the generation is out. Capcom already has all the base materials made, Niitsuma clearly loves developing the game, and they have ready-waiting features on the Vita version that they could port to console versions. The game will remain popular because it deserves it, and Capcom won't be able to ignore the easy cash grab.
My hope is waning at this point. I'm also hoping for an excuse to play the damned game seriously again on the PS3. You've never seen me play serious.
We're also in a danger zone, though. SFxT is bombing and will continue to falter, and Darkstalkers is coming up. Darkstalkers is a huge risk. It doesn't have the name recognition of SF or Marvel, it just has good mechanics. If Darkstalkers doesn't do well, then Capcom might decide that fighting games aren't worth the attention they're currently getting.
SFxT is past the danger zone in my eyes. I'd say they are in the dead zone. A trustworthy little birdie told me something sales related that literally made me gasp. I'll leave it at that.

I'd also say that Capcom's habits are more of a threat to that game than notoriety or name recognition.
However, if we do get a next gen MvC4, I really hope that they re-use a ton of assets from this game. Instead of building everything from the ground up, just give me MvC3 graphics with another 50 characters. It would really be a shame if we had to start over from 40 or something. The FGC has never given a crap about graphics. Hopefully Capcom realizes that.
Just to pre-empt someone: graphics =/= art style.
I wouldn't complain if they added more detail and made the game at 1080p. I remember seeing some shots of the game at that resolution around the game's launch and it was beautiful.
Yeah SFIV has evolved considerably, with all the revisions and years that have gone by. MVC3 has only had 1 revision technically and a year+ available. So I don't think it'll be as evolved this EVO.
You mean the players or the game? I've always been under the impression that SFIV didn't evolve much from Vanilla. That's one of my biggest arguments against Dimps/Ono touching Darkstalkers.
Jam Session is basically Captain Corridor, but it leads to full combos. I'd rather have a Captain Corridor that gets people off me - I don't want full combos. In that sense, doesn't it seem like it would be fair?
Parsoul's(Skullgirls) Napalm pillar is probably the best version of a Captain Corridor that I've seen so far. It's horizontal hitbox is okay, it's vertical hitbox covers like 80% of the vertical space and it's not an extra lockdown tool like Jam session. I'll shut up about Skullgirls now.
Hopefully Sakurai unites with us...
I'm not expecting much from that guy at all. Tripping was a pretty big "fuck you" coming from that guy.
While I sincerely believe that Capcom has moved on from MvC3 for the time being (as has Marvel), I could see an argument made for one final version being released between 1-2 years from now. A packaging of all the DLC costumes/characters, the Vita features, and a handful of new characters for each side. A final version to keep fans satisfied until MvC4.
The window of opportunity is becoming smaller and smaller every single day. Sales for non-blockbusters are in the dirt. If they are making something it had better be sooner rather than later.
lol that x umvc3 is actually true? btw lets harass fubar as well since we didn't like it when that other guy was vague about the new characters in ultimate.
Don't worry about it. We'll have our best men on the cause. Someone get Mr. Puppy on the phone ASAP.
So, doesn't get a Capcom sponsored tournament=dead game?

Fubar your logic is ass.
It's not ass logic. We just need that DRAMA. WE ARE DONE. MAHVEL IS OVER AND THE DREAM IS DEAD.
Good or bad for SFxT?
I just looked at the way I worded that and realized that it sounds positive...

The game sold closer to 230k than anything else in it's first month and it didn't even chart in the second month's top ten where first place was 236k. The fact that it's not going well(in the US at least) is basically spelled out in neon lights.

It's all hearsay and rumors without a statement on the latest NPD numbers from someone like Creamsugar, though. He has been pretty forward with people in the NPD threads and mods don't doubt him.

Azure J

You know what I'm randomly experimenting on in training mode? You know how you can use bold move to cancel the Helm Splitter/j.S Dante has? I'm wondering if there's a way to use the Bold Cancel teleport off that, although I'm guessing something isn't in that equation to make it actually happen.

Could you imagine if you could though? Goddamn. :lol


When you activate Spiral Swords, walk back a bit before doing Lunar Phase. Also if you don't like the corner then when you do Stinger wall bounce do a Teleport M instead to switch sides.


Also, I got so hyped for a minute from fubars tweet but kept reading to find out their was no UMvC3X :<


I just looked at the way I worded that and realized that it sounds positive...

The game sold closer to 230k than anything else in it's first month and it didn't even chart in the second month's top ten where first place was 236k. The fact that it's not going well(in the US at least) is basically spelled out in neon lights.

It's all hearsay and rumors without a statement on the latest NPD numbers from someone like Creamsugar, though. He has been pretty forward with people in the NPD threads and mods don't doubt him.
That sounds reasonable. I think sfxt might have faired better over seas. Its not unreasonable to think it can do 1 million lifetime. it just depends on what Capcom wanted from it.


GG Biz, you kicked my ass a lot but it was fun >.>

Well, at least I seemed to be giving you some trouble xD

GGs, Solar. My Frank and Deadpool are ass, lol, tempted to work on them, but eh.

Work on the spacing, especially with Nova, and the random hypers trying to catch me or an assist (I don't spam assists, so..), and it'll help a lot.

That and a few times you didn't THC with Frank and Rocket. Does that not work like Frank and Dante/Deadpool?

So, doesn't get a Capcom sponsored tournament=dead game?

Fubar your logic is ass.
Yeah, doesn't quite make sense, does it. He's supposed to be a reasonably intelligent fellow and I can't imagine a reason Capcom could force him to re-cant..

500k Tournament Series, July 28-29 in Austin, TX


He was probably just joking around, though, but..is Nitsuma working on Darkstalkers?



What do people think of Viewtiful Joe / Morrigan / Doom?
I was just wondering because KKZ is a splash and doesn't track anything.
I didn't want a tracking pillar - that's Dormammu. I just want Captain Corridor back. Dante is such a bitch because he stares at me all the time saying "lolz hi, I'm pretty much meant for Dormammu", and I don't want to fucking use him.
I think I'm going to pick up Dante...

Also, smallest change in the world that would make Morrigan even better: All of her THCs are now Shadow Servant. So good...

dude weskers gunshot does way too much chip damage. i think its like 24k per gunshot? that is retarded considering he can get multiple ones in one go. not only that its really safe. god its so frustrating when other characters get much better tools then the so called zoners in the game. this is one thing that has bothered me for the longest time. especially since wesker can shoot 3 times in the air and taskamster can't even block on the way down.
All specials do 30% of normal damage as chip.

While I sincerely believe that Capcom has moved on from MvC3 for the time being (as has Marvel), I could see an argument made for one final version being released between 1-2 years from now. A packaging of all the DLC costumes/characters, the Vita features, and a handful of new characters for each side. A final version to keep fans satisfied until MvC4.
This game has taught me so much about Marvel. When my wife's mother and father-in-law came to visit a month ago, he went on about how great Iron Man is. The next 20 minutes was us arguing about Iron Man vs. Captain America...I didn't even know about that before.
Fuck Stark.

As much as I would be interested in seeing the modern take on Darkstalkers, I am hoping it doesn't actually get made because I fear it would bomb as badly, or worse, than SFxT. It's a great fighting game, but I don't think it has enough widespread appeal/recognition to sell well. I'm afraid it is a niche series in a somewhat niche genre that Capcom will project to sell like a SF game, which could spell disaster for the future of Capcom fighters. I would either: 1) LOVE to be proven wrong, or 2) Capcom actually budgets and creates sales projections that keep in mind the high-risk nature of Darkstalkers.
I feel the exact same way. Big worries over here.

You know, I'm leaning pretty close to adopting this stance, as well. The current roster is a really, really damn good roster. Niitsuma and his team really outdid themselves. Adding another 20-30 characters, tweaking existing characters by giving them some new moves/hypers/assists, and making changes to the base game engine (to make the game feel "new" and "fresh") would be unreal. Make the game an orgy of characters and fan-service, and market the fuck out of it alongside whatever Marvel's new crop of movies are at that time. I could get on-board with that.

On the other hand, if they are going to start from scratch again, I would like them to REALLY start from scratch. Throw out the framework of the MvC1-era characters, and build them from the ground up. Shown me how Niitsuma's team would have envisioned characters like Magneto, Iron Man, Spider-Man, et al, without the confines of their previous move sets and playstyles.
Eh, I don't know. I could see reworking Iron Man, because most Iron Man fans don't actually like his moveset. Reworking Magneto would be a goddamn tragedy though. UMvC3 Spider-man is the closest to how I've ever seen Spider-man playing in a fighting game. I think you have to take this on a case-by-case basis.

God damn, I knew Ammy's meter assist left her pretty vulnerable, but until I fought against it I had no idea it pretty much was her saying "hi, I'm just gonna stand here and wait for you to kill me". Seriously, the recovery on that is SO bad.
When I used to complain about Morrigan anchor in Vanilla, people told me to just use Ammy's meter assist because "it's the same thing". No, it is not. Dark Harmonizer is the most difficult assist to punish in the entire game.


^^ WTF is this?

Also Fubarduck also warned people about the PW nerf way before it happened.
*Reads more post*

Hmm when you argue about it this way, it's very convincing. It would also make Akuma more versatile in the assist department, although I guess it wouldn't necessarily stop people from picking Tatsu. *cue Dahbomb
Honestly, I don't care if it goes to Akuma, I was just hoping the move would get into the game somehow because we don't have Captain Commando. I do like Akuma though, and if he had this, my team would be Dormammu/Morrigan/Akuma without a doubt.

The only things I like about BoFIV are the sprite work and the Raging Demon homage. I think that when we're younger we're more tolerant and accepting (generally) so some things are better than they actually are, hence "nostalgia" arguments often brought up when discussing things like Ocarina of Time *cough Beef
Eh, I don't know. I had very particular tastes as a child. The summer before I left for college, I re-watched all of my old favorite cartoon series and movies. Still loved 'em. Made my wife sit through them. She facepalms whenever I mention Unico...but it was a great series.

Good luck with that.
A man can dream!

It will expose millions of new people to fighters. I'd say it's worth a little split. Capcom does that better than anyone else, though. They practically spit on 360 owners with SFxT. I don't see how it could get much worse than that.
I meant splitting us up. :p

Were you disappointed after you got your hands on Brawl?
Yes, in so many ways. My mains were clearly shit tier even within a day of playing them (Ganondorf was more obvious than Bowser), items were ridiculously OP compared to Melee (I like to play with items on sometimes - it's a blast), the online ran like I was on a 56K modem, and oh my god tripping...I also hated the single player adventure. What a waste of space.

My hope is waning at this point. I'm also hoping for an excuse to play the damned game seriously again on the PS3. You've never seen me play serious.
I saw you block a lot of Stalking Flares. ;-)

Parsoul's(Skullgirls) Napalm pillar is probably the best version of a Captain Corridor that I've seen so far. It's horizontal hitbox is okay, it's vertical hitbox covers like 80% of the vertical space and it's not an extra lockdown tool like Jam session. I'll shut up about Skullgirls now.
Is that the move where she slams her umbrella down? I'm honestly interested in Skullgirls, but it needs way, way, way more characters (like 40) before I buy it. I hate mirror matches.

I'm not expecting much from that guy at all. Tripping was a pretty big "fuck you" coming from that guy.
Kid Icarus really restored my hope. That game has really deep combat that is also very balanced. He went out of his way to make it difficult for hardcore players while keeping it simple for casuals. Nintendo says they are trying to make games with more of a sliding difficulty scale to make everyone happy, and they've held to that with 3DS titles. I think it might turn out well.

Uhh put me down as a maybe for the HBR.
I still don't know what this means! :-/ I got a name and that's it!

What do people think of Viewtiful Joe / Morrigan / Doom?
I think this is a fantastic team. Viewtiful Joe has really great safe hypers.
GGs, Solar. My Frank and Deadpool are ass, lol, tempted to work on them, but eh.

Work on the spacing, especially with Nova, and the random hypers trying to catch me or an assist (I don't spam assists, so..), and it'll help a lot.

That and a few times you didn't THC with Frank and Rocket. Does that not work like Frank and Dante/Deadpool?

It CAN work, but it's REALLY unreliable without a third character's super also holding them in place.

Also, I don't really remember many random supers that were not "oops, I did the wrong motion because of something" (ex Rocket's gun instead of the spring)? Maybe you could refresh my memory :S


Where my UMvC3 PC capcom? I have streeties and cross tekken on here in glorious fancy colour but I need my FOOT DIVE on PC!


It CAN work, but it's REALLY unreliable without a third character's super also holding them in place.

Also, I don't really remember many random supers that were not "oops, I did the wrong motion because of something" (ex Rocket's gun instead of the spring)? Maybe you could refresh my memory :S

No, I can't cite specific instances, I just saw some gravimetric blasters or shopping carts is all. Sometimes they hit, too, so it's not like I can really point at them too negatively since, y'know, they hit lol. I can't tell if they were accidental.

And when they hit, it's one of those things where it's hard to argue against them.
Well, the Gravimetric Blaster definitely must've been for a reason since I rarely if ever use Nova's red health without a cause. Can't say I remember the carts though...


Well, the Gravimetric Blaster definitely must've been for a reason since I rarely if ever use Nova's red health without a cause. Can't say I remember the carts though...

Cart was probably a mistake.

Blaster was probably you were expecting an air dash forward since I do that a lot.
It's basically a lobby. Kadey has a crazy points system that determines the winner over a set amount of time.
Oh okay. What's the system?! :-O

I'd love to see someone try it. Seems like it'd be even more dangerous than Akuma.
A lot of things are more dangerous than Akuma on that team, really. It's a puzzling choice, because Akuma wants to burn meter, and he has low life that makes his role even more difficult. Dormammu, Viewtiful Joe, Spider-man, Magneto...I feel like a lot of characters would play the role better.

HBR with Karst would be godlike.
You know what would be godlike? After I finish finals papers this week, for someone to play H&H mode with me and take the opposite side. Why H&H mode? Because it lets me pick the Multiple Man card, which means I can just practice with 1 character. It's basically the closest thing to training mode. No one plays H&H, so the other person and I would probably meet up...

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Not sure what the rules are exactly.

I'll play H&H with you. I remember having the cheapest load out ever.

edit- oh you meant for practice nvm


Oh okay. What's the system?! :-O

A lot of things are more dangerous than Akuma on that team, really. It's a puzzling choice, because Akuma wants to burn meter, and he has low life that makes his role even more difficult. Dormammu, Viewtiful Joe, Spider-man, Magneto...I feel like a lot of characters would play the role better.

You know what would be godlike? After I finish finals papers this week, for someone to play H&H mode with me and take the opposite side. Why H&H mode? Because it lets me pick the Multiple Man card, which means I can just practice with 1 character. It's basically the closest thing to training mode. No one plays H&H, so the other person and I would probably meet up...

Dunno about H&H and all, but I'll play ay sometime if y'want.

And as for Akuma..no idea. It's always made me wonder since he can be killed with one meter by some compositions and then Morrigan has to enter safely. It just seems more risky than it needs to be.

I dunno if I'd start Dorm, though..kind of slow out of the gates ;). But Spidey, VJ? Definitely. Even Tasky since it's doubtful most people are going to take him out with one combo and if he gets tagged out you have a horizontal assist.

Well, most of the time anywhere did turn out to be right in front of your fist >.>
Only because I assumed every time you burrowed you were attacking, so I did blind attacks.

Unsure if Rocket can trick me and punish me for doing that, don't know enough about him, but that's why.
Not sure what the rules are exactly.

I'll play H&H with you. I remember having the cheapest load out ever.

edit- oh you meant for practice nvm
When we do it, you can use whatever you want. I'm cool with you using a whole team. I just want to be able to practice with one character. "Practice" doesn't mean it's not a serious fight to me - I'll be trying my most, and I hope you will too. I was just trying to explain why I would want H&H mode over any other.

Also, a sick H&H combination:
Dr. Strange
Lilith (Main)
Multiple Man
King Pin

Steal a bar of meter every time you connect Spell of Vishanti. Start with 2-4 bars of meter. Spell of Vishanti deals 500K damage now. Moving is dangerous.

Dunno about H&H and all, but I'll play ay sometime if y'want.

And as for Akuma..no idea. It's always made me wonder since he can be killed with one meter by some compositions and then Morrigan has to enter safely. It just seems more risky than it needs to be.

I dunno if I'd start Dorm, though..kind of slow out of the gates ;). But Spidey, VJ? Definitely. Even Tasky since it's doubtful most people are going to take him out with one combo and if he gets tagged out you have a horizontal assist.
We'll definitely play sometime. I'm way out of practice, so forgive my badness when we do. Thanks for the friend request!

Agreed on Akuma, and on Dormammu. It's why I try to put the big guy second.
Only because I assumed every time you burrowed you were attacking, so I did blind attacks.

Unsure if Rocket can trick me and punish me for doing that, don't know enough about him, but that's why.

Hmm, well, if I do the C version and you think I did any of the other two and attack I could punish I guess.
Oh okay. What's the system?! :-O

A lot of things are more dangerous than Akuma on that team, really. It's a puzzling choice, because Akuma wants to burn meter, and he has low life that makes his role even more difficult. Dormammu, Viewtiful Joe, Spider-man, Magneto...I feel like a lot of characters would play the role better.

You know what would be godlike? After I finish finals papers this week, for someone to play H&H mode with me and take the opposite side. Why H&H mode? Because it lets me pick the Multiple Man card, which means I can just practice with 1 character. It's basically the closest thing to training mode. No one plays H&H, so the other person and I would probably meet up...

I'll play you, triple Magneto vs whoever. Assuming I have that card, lol


Man I loved HH mode. I was able to give Iron Fist an Airdash and armor in that mode. Dude could light it up in that mode. I used armored assist with sent drones a lot in that mode and air dashed like crazy for throws. Also Nick Fury card is troll.


HH would have been great had it had local multiplayer. People could have practiced together and ran sets on stream. Thanks to online only though there was no way to run sets on each other making it a single player tool only.

So close yet so far from greatness.
I'll play you, triple Magneto vs whoever. Assuming I have that card, lol
Dealio. I'll cash in on that in a week. Multiple Man is a C tier card, so if you played at all you probably have one.

HH would have been great had it had local multiplayer. People could have practiced together and ran sets on stream. Thanks to online only though there was no way to run sets on each other making it a single player tool only.

So close yet so far from greatness.
Agreed entirely. This mode is a huge blast, and the only way to play it with someone of your choice is Training Mode. -_- Such a dropped ball by Niitsuma.

Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Ultimate Spider Man Karst was what I meant.

And you are welcomed for the info on Captain America.
Thanks! You have to keep the abbreviations out for we foreigners!


Anybody ever play xAnkerX on Xbox Live? Just got off a 20-0 drubbing from that guy. Plays Skrull/Hulk/Spencer, with some of the best team synergy I've ever seen. His characters will kill a million health character in one combo, fairly easily. Devious mixups and resets were everywhere. I really need to figure out how people are doing the Hulk crossup on incoming where they jump above you and somehow it crosses up. I actually started blocking it when he did it and I swear he comes down back on the other side again. He was doing jump loops with Hulk. His Spencer was basically impossible to pushblock or get off you in any way. I feel really depressed now :(, like I have wasted not just my time on this game but my actual life :p. The few times I did get close to winning a match (happy birthday on his characters), I messed up the combo or called assists at the wrong time.


get some go again
you know what is some tech i have not been using at all? using lariat assist and doing taskmasters unblockable. guess i'll start using it more.


HH would have been great had it had local multiplayer. People could have practiced together and ran sets on stream. Thanks to online only though there was no way to run sets on each other making it a single player tool only.

So close yet so far from greatness.

Plus, after a month barely anyone was playing it. It would take 10x longer to find a match, AND you couldn't turn on H&H request while playing arcade mode, making it even worse.
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