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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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I would like to play some of you guys too. I don't normally play online but I played beef once and the connection wasn't as bad as I expected (yes there's HOPE for online).

I still drop every single Zero combo known to man kind... but that's another story (I'm still blaming online sue me!)
Holy shit are you watching this Strange on Comboratory? He just used the 3 Grace of Hoggoth L beam mid-combo. Absolutely fantastic player.

I would like to play some of you guys too. I don't normally play online but I played beef once and the connection wasn't as bad as I expected (yes there's HOPE for online).

I still drop every single Zero combo known to man kind... but that's another story (I'm still blaming online sue me!)
As long as the connection is good and the player is sportsmanlike, I'm open.
It's a black dude right? If so it's Link.
Yeah, it's Link. I didn't see him, but that's the name.

I'm on the West coast.
I play a lot of people on the WC without problems. I'm in the midwest (Chicago). My connection with GB was solid and he's from CA. I've found that it's more about your internet setup than distance as long as you're in the USA mainland. Be wired on a nice Comcast connection and it will all go well.
Stand and be counted. What's everyone's teams these days? I'm kinda curious what the character spread is like.


Stand and be counted. What's everyone's teams these days? I'm kinda curious what the character spread is like.

Vanilla I went from Wolverine/Zero/Sent to Wolverine/Zero/Akuma to finally Wesker / Zero / Akuma.

In umvc3 I don't know.... I played Zero / Wesker / Dante but I feel like Zero / Task / Dante and Zero / Doom / Dante are so much better. Yet I can't play Doom or Task.... FML. And I'm not used to Dante Anchor what so ever...

I'm like a one character pony. =(
Don't ever see myself changing from Petey/Clint/Laura. Like this team way too much.

Backup is RDJ/Chris Evans/Renner, X-23/Task/Pool, and eventually MODOK/Morrigan/Phoenix.
Ideally? I would love to learn Mihe's Zero/Dante/Vergil or somewhere put Spencer in

Back when I tried to learn the game, it was Wolverine / Dante / Doom


I consider Dante/Trish/Strider(rocking all orange alts) and Dante/Vergil/Strider my main teams. Leaning towards the former more and more every day.

As for secondary teams... I don't really have any, but I've mained Spencer, Taskmaster, Deadpool and Wesker all at one point or another, so I tend to fit all of them plus my four main characters together in random teams.

I also like "Random All" a lot. One day, it will become my main team. :p

Backup is RDJ/Chris Evans/Renner, X-23/Task/Pool, and eventually MODOK/Morrigan/Phoenix.
The future of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 right there. Win EVO 2013 with that team.


Stand and be counted. What's everyone's teams these days? I'm kinda curious what the character spread is like.

Like others "too many to name" but falling back on my day 1 Ultimate team. One day they'll make a badass green Vergil alt.

Current "hyperbolic" team



He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.


get some go again
don't feel like finding pics but i'm running hawkeye/task/haggar and often i will run haggar on point and then my team is haggar/task/hawkeye.

mr. puppy

yup still on Dante/Firebrand/Taskmaster. I change the order up like daily, sometimes put in Akuma and make is Firebrand/Dante/Akuma.

Firebrand->Dante just can't one hit kill things, and I rely way to much on resets and mixups for a lot of the damage.



Mark Stegbauer...how did I not recognise that? Thanks for the links. That guy's deviant art is one I used to check with looking over shadowing trying to learn stylized shadowing (something that is still a bitch).

I guess if we're posting teams I'll post the one I did the best with even though I don't really play much now with my reel finally getting production time. Still this is the team I think suits me the best and it does pretty good. Needs grind time is all.


Basically works like Vanilla combofiend team except Iron Fist instead of She-hulk. Team would work better if Iron fist had a slide but if you use Task arrows you can get in pretty far. The trick will be making them guess if I'm gonna keep wave dashing in or if I'm gonna dash up jump in. Thank God Iron fist jump attacks cross up nice. Its still a lot of work, but its got easy TOD potential, Spencer resets, and nice DHC options.
Basically I'm fishing for a single hit to do double stagger combos with Spencer for practical TOD like the Shoryuken tech .

That double stagger is death incarnate

Though for fun I'm wanting to mess with his wire grapple after Fists of Fury and Volcanic Roar. I know its better to try for the wire resets in most cases at the begining of his combos for the double stagger before hypers from the damage I've seen in a lot of videos, but I'm wanting to fish for a crumple off wire grapple out of one of these hypers if not both. Just think it'd be swag to land them both, assist into the crumple and get the reset for trolling.

Azure J

No cool art here which kinda sucks (I should raid Pixiv, anyone wanna help), but Dante (Jam Session)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)/Strider (Vajira) here. I finally got over the hump and decided that setups for mixups instead of getting combos off a Vajira hard knockdown was more valuable to me. Plus there's no way I'm doing anything that doesn't allow Devil Trigger to Veil of Mist DHCs and vice versa from now on.

Don't ever see myself changing from Petey/Clint/Laura. Like this team way too much.

Backup is RDJ/Chris Evans/Renner, X-23/Task/Pool, and eventually MODOK/Morrigan/Phoenix.

I fought against the craziest MODOK/MorriDoom team yesterday and I am now lead to believe that this is the final boss team of Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3.

Edit: Totally forgot, I'm trying to make a meter building corner combo with Dante and wondering what the rules are to getting the most meter mileage from a combo. Right now, all I can string together looks like this:

M - H - Stinger - BC Volcano - [jump back] j.H - Air Play - j.H - [land] S xx Clay Pidgeon (Up Shots) xx Prop Shredder - TK Acid Rain - sj.Hammer - Cold Shower xx Stinger Lvl. 2 - BC Million Carats - Volcano ~ Beehive - Stinger - BC Jet Stream xx Fireworks xx Million Dollars.

I'm working out some kinks in my execution to try and incorporate Strider assist after the Million Carats and see what opens up there, but I feel like there's something I'm not getting even with all of this.

Azure J

I wonder if there are trends between the different fighting game boards/communities and the characters they pick. Would make for an interesting study.


Taskmaster covers all bases and is easy to learn and offers good DHC's to about any team. I didn't click with other beam users, but Taskmaster has always been good for me in matches to throw in. He's just one of those high health good damage characters that can deal with about anything and dish out everything from rushdown to good zoning.

Why not use him?

Plus Spencer offers everyone resets that kill, has high health, great mobility to deal with all the zoning in this game, and who has beastly comeback and damage. He's a great pick too. The fact that he works well with Taskmaster means the two pop up a lot on teams. Generally, that combo can support about anyone you like and wish to main on point.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Taskmaster covers all bases and is easy to learn and offers good DHC's to about any team. I didn't click with other beam users, but Taskmaster has always been good with me. He's just one of those high health good damage characters that can deal with about anything and dish out everything from rushdown to good zoning.

Why not use him?

Cause he looks dumb and talks like fake Brooklyn.
Taskmaster covers all bases and is easy to learn and offers good DHC's to about any team. I didn't click with other beam users, but Taskmaster has always been good for me in matches to throw in. He's just one of those high health good damage characters that can deal with about anything and dish out everything from rushdown to good zoning.

Why not use him?
Because Taskmaster is a really boring, linear character. At least that's why I don't use him.

I've gone through a lot of teams, and I'm currently sticking with:

I feel like every day I find a new setup, and it's hard to ignore the guarantee to 200% a team once you touch someone with Firebrand along with a very high chance of 300% depending on their anchor. I think Firebrand could use some buffs to make the team feel more whole, especially if he got better assists.


Taskmaster is pretty solid, he's the Ryu of the game. He can handle most things in the game and the better the player, the better the Taskmaster.

I can totally see myself playing Task someday.


Taskmaster is my favorite Marvel superhero in the game and third favorite Marvel super hero period. So yeah i gotta use him :)

Doesnt hurt that hes incredibly solid too.

Plus hes already with Spencer


Taskmaster is pretty solid, he's the Ryu of the game. He can handle most things in the game and the better the player, the better the Taskmaster.

I can totally see myself playing Task someday.

With is assist you can turn a rapid slash into a full combo without burning meter, and can hit confirm judgment cuts from the other side of the screen into full combos.


So what does that make Ryu, the Taskmaster?
In Marvel? Marvel Ryu is like the Sakura of the game. Solid but there are usually better characters than her in the game.

With is assist you can turn a rapid slash into a full combo without burning meter, and can hit confirm judgment cuts from the other side of the screen into full combos.
I already know about their immense synergy which goes both ways. It's just that I would have to choose between Akuma or IM if I had to pick Task. I like them a lot too.


All ya copy-cats need to back down.

I rocked Taskmaster since the beginning. BOOOOM

Actually, nah. Since day -5, but let's not get into details...

Nyoro SF

I just like the two-way OS Task has with throws and his Shield Skills + Spidey Swing.

The only thing I don't like about him is that you can't really follow up his hyper counter with a combo unless you specifically set up an assist for it.
I play a scummy, awful Taskmaster, simply because the character is not complex at all and easily applied basically anywhere. Definitely the Ryu of the game and all you really need to make him work is footsies, fundamentals or reactions.

Plus his va is awesome. JUST LIKE CAP and his laugh are ingrained in Marvel forever lol. Ditto for SHIELD SKILLS and CHOPSTICKS (sharp sting).
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