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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
yeah i know that but that isn't going to give him a better connection. he said he saw a little improvement but that was because he played somebody with an alright connection but not because forwarding his ports magically made his connection to his isp better.
This is probably true. It does help you connect to some people you otherwise wouldn't be able to though.
What's with people in CA having bad internet? Don't you guys have Comcast?


"It has been reported that on Monday, January 21, 2008, during a routine sweep of inactive accounts, Charter accidentally deleted the email accounts of approximately 14,000 customers; even worse, the removed data are now irretrievable. An initial report stated that the company would not compensate users in any way, but the company since decided to give a $50 account credit to each user affected.[32][33] In May 2008, Charter announced that it planned to monitor websites visited by its high-speed Internet customers via a partnership with targeted advertising firm NebuAd.[34][35] After customers voiced their concerns, Charter changed its mind in June.[36]"

2008: Charter stock failed to meet NASDAQ standards and was given warning to comply by October 13 or request an extension
2009: Filed to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
2010: Paul Allen stepped down as chairman and from board of directors' seat, but remains the largest single shareholder.
i can't see how a static ip address is gonna help your lag at all. you have bad lag because your internet provider is pretty crappy. go to speedtest.net and post what your ping is to your closest location.

Well the thing is I don't lag when i play SF4 or Skull Girls online but UMVC3 it's like hell. Vanilla wasn't bad either, It was like one bad match out every 3-4. Ultimate it's like 9/10.

As for speedtest.net I get anywhere from 20 - 35 down. As for Up is concerned only 2-4. However that's on the P.C.

When I do the internet test in the Play station settings it says like 20 down 2 up.

I'm also on a wired connection, which is funny because I used to play Super on a Wifi and it was fine (a lot of D/C though so that why I switched to Wired).

"It has been reported that on Monday, January 21, 2008, during a routine sweep of inactive accounts, Charter accidentally deleted the email accounts of approximately 14,000 customers; even worse, the removed data are now irretrievable. An initial report stated that the company would not compensate users in any way, but the company since decided to give a $50 account credit to each user affected.[32][33] In May 2008, Charter announced that it planned to monitor websites visited by its high-speed Internet customers via a partnership with targeted advertising firm NebuAd.[34][35] After customers voiced their concerns, Charter changed its mind in June.[36]"

2008: Charter stock failed to meet NASDAQ standards and was given warning to comply by October 13 or request an extension
2009: Filed to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
2010: Paul Allen stepped down as chairman and from board of directors' seat, but remains the largest single shareholder.
Oh wow, that explains so much. I used to have a few guys in my WoW guild that had Charter internet, and it went down on them all the time. What a POS company.

You're also on PSN, right?
Oh no, you're one of those people that thinks P2P connections are somehow worse between systems? The only reason PSN has worse connections on average is that the PS3 has built-in wireless, and too many people are ignorant to know that they should be plugged in for online play. My connections aren't always bad with people in CA, it just seems like the people in this thread that routinely talk about their ISP being crap are from there.

The grenade hyper does that to all beams, but it's an amusing situation.


Oh no, you're one of those people that thinks P2P connections are somehow worse between systems? The only reason PSN has worse connections on average is that the PS3 has built-in wireless, and too many people are ignorant to know that they should be plugged in for online play. My connections aren't always bad with people in CA, it just seems like the people in this thread that routinely talk about their ISP being crap are from there.

No, actually that's what I was going to say. The XBL wireless % is rising, don't get me wrong, but it always seems heavily represented on PS3 because it's easier.

I think that's more than enough reason to hate on it :). But that's all I was going to gripe about.


Vergil was the guy wearing the mask talking to the camera?
Yeah. It was rumored a long time ago, this new trailer basically confirms the rumor especially with the portrayal of Mundus disguised as a human with 3 marks on his forehead.

Actually he is wearing a blue shirt underneath the trenchcoat and has a white band with a blue marking on it. Don't know what the marking is, need to have it magnified and cleared up first.
Oh wow, that explains so much. I used to have a few guys in my WoW guild that had Charter internet, and it went down on them all the time. What a POS company.

Oh no, you're one of those people that thinks P2P connections are somehow worse between systems? The only reason PSN has worse connections on average is that the PS3 has built-in wireless, and too many people are ignorant to know that they should be plugged in for online play. My connections aren't always bad with people in CA, it just seems like the people in this thread that routinely talk about their ISP being crap are from there.

The grenade hyper does that to all beams, but it's an amusing situation.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!
No, actually that's what I was going to say. The XBL wireless % is rising, don't get me wrong, but it always seems heavily represented on PS3 because it's easier.

I think that's more than enough reason to hate on it :). But that's all I was going to gripe about.
Get ready for the next gen, because I sincerely doubt any of the 3 systems won't have built-in wireless capabilities. If any of the big 3 are smart, they'll have some kind of label next to a person's name to let me know if he/she is wired...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I <3 YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!




get some go again
i won't be buying any other capcom fighting game this gen. only fighting games i would buy would be sf5 and mvc4.
Hurry up and release Darkstalkers so

1) I can make fun of people who defend it if the game turns out terribad
2) I can laugh on the sidelines at people defending Capcom vs. people defending not-Capcom
3) I can play the possible demo because Darkstalkers isn't actually a bad game
after spending more hours in training mode this past week, i would rate character themes as follows:

S+++ tier:

A tier:

B tier:
iron fist

C tier:
everyone else

FFFFFFFFFFF-------- tier:
after spending more hours in training mode this past week, i would rate character themes as follows:

S+++ tier:

A tier:

B tier:
iron fist

C tier:
everyone else

FFFFFFFFFFF-------- tier:

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat this song is so good. Perfect amount of angsty teen drama. At least better than Iron Man's theme :p


Iron Man is the butt of all jokes in Marvel. Just came back from SRK where someone actually claimed that IM has worse ground movement that Haggar... GTFO with that shit!

Joke's gonna be on the community when IM is tippity top tier in UMVC3X... BELIEVE IT!
I don't even know what Iron Man's ground movement looks like. Everyone always does that slow-as-molasses triangle jump nonsense because they don't want to bother learning Magneto. :3


Iron Man is the butt of all jokes in Marvel. Just came back from SRK where someone actually claimed that IM has worse ground movement that Haggar... GTFO with that shit!

Joke's gonna be on the community when IM is tippity top tier in UMVC3X... BELIEVE IT!

I hope it's true and not just for Iron Man's sake, but so you don't have to wear that avatar =p.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Iron Man is the butt of all jokes in Marvel. Just came back from SRK where someone actually claimed that IM has worse ground movement that Haggar... GTFO with that shit!

Joke's gonna be on the community when IM is tippity top tier in UMVC3X... BELIEVE IT!

Hey I want IM to be good in this game.

But for now he's not and I hate him.
after spending more hours in training mode this past week, i would rate character themes as follows:

S+++ tier:

A tier:

B tier:
iron fist

C tier:
everyone else

FFFFFFFFFFF-------- tier:

Storm theme > everything

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
My favorites are the Akuma, Wesker, and Wolverine theme.

And the only reason I care about the Wolverine theme is because it sounds like the Power Rangers theme song.


Just thought I'd throw out a fun little idea for you all.

When we got a new Marvel game characters got thrown around. Some were kept, some were tweaked and some were removed.

If we were to get a full blown Marvel vs Capcom 4 someday that did similar who would you keep, toss, or tweak? You don't have to come up with new cast if you don't want but I'd like to know who you feel we could lose to make way for something more interesting.


Just mark who youd toss or fixup on the image. If you want to elaborate go for it. Just curious who we all feel could be removed for something more interesting in a 50 cast sequel if it started going wild with the roster like mvc2 to mvc3 did.



I'd like to see a lot of them tossed for the sake of newer faces or more variety in general but some I feel would make the game pretty interesting with some tweaks and others just need to stay.

I really would like to see the SF and DS side of the cast changed up some. Lots of dudes to pull from those series besides the norm chun, ryu, akuma. C. Viper is nice though so she may be good to keep, but in general I like the thought of rolling out a whole new 4. Gouken, Oni, Rufus, Poison sound good to me. Heck, most four-packs sound nice to me, but I guess I'm just bored with the constant Ryu, Chun, and Akuma groups. Course I doubt they'll ever make a fighter without Ryu/Akuma now.



Lol. Thats for umvc3x or something, though. The scenario implies you having to chop off some old cast to make way for new variety. I pretty much assume most folks will want some changes to whoever they keep though. I'm just pretty chill with how some cast are currently and would leave em alone unless the new faces made their tactics suffer.

Cmon, though...who would you chop off if you had to in order to make way for new faces in a full sequel and not some other "special edition of 3"?
Cmon, though...who would you chop off if you had to in order to make way for new faces in a full sequel and not some special edition of 3 or something?

Nope. Reuse CG models for in-game assets, bring back all characters with rebalancing and new battle systems, 72 character cast.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

More accurate to how I feel.

You do not need 4 RE representatives are you freaking kidding me. Jill should be more like MVC2 because her moveset was kinda y'know... unique. Boring flips and shit in MVC3.

Ghost and Goblin should get no reps.

Darkstalkers should get better reps. I'm sick of looking at Morrigan and Felicia.

Tron is dumb.

Chun is awful and C Viper is a bad rep for SF. You're never getting rid of Ryu and the reason I kept Akuma there is because I like him. I do understand that having both of them in a crossover game like this is dumb though.

There should not be 3 DMC reps what the hell. Trish is most boring looking so she should go.


Shuma Gorath is a shittily designed character and whoever came up with him should have his pen and paper privileges revoked.

Most Marvel chars I want gone are because I don't like how they look. In the case of Storm and Sent I am sick of them.


Hire me Capcom!



More accurate to how I feel.

You do not need 4 RE representatives are you freaking kidding me. Jill should be more like MVC2 because her moveset was kinda y'know... unique. Boring flips and shit in MVC3.

Ghost and Goblin should get no reps.

Darkstalkers should get better reps. I'm sick of looking at Morrigan and Felicia.

Tron is dumb.

Chun is awful and C Viper is a bad rep for SF. You're never getting rid of Ryu and the reason I kept Akuma there is because I like him. I do understand that having both of them in a crossover game like this is dumb though.

There should not be 3 DMC reps what the hell. Trish is most boring looking so she should go.


Shuma Gorath is a shittily designed character and whoever came up with him should have his pen and paper privileges revoked.

Most Marvel chars I want gone are because I don't like how they look. In the case of Storm and Sent I am sick of them.


Hire me Capcom!

I like this list and I cut a lot off my own list for the exact same reasons. Some series were over represented, or just had boring representatives period in my eyes. Other cast are either played out or just in the way of potentially more interesting movesets other cast could bring to the show. I cut sent/storm because they are just kind of played out and dull now, but Magneto continues to stay interesting and fun more so than his old playmates so I kept him.

I imagine Capcom had much the same reasoning behind a lot of the chop offs and revisions they did of the MVC2 roster when creating the gameplan for MVC3. Start with a list of must haves and then start hacking off the dullest or most played out cast of the old game.
Donovan ;_;

A really smart pick of who to add from Darkstalkers for Mahvel. Guy was pretty interesting and would fit well. Dive kicks, slides, air projectiles and could plant his sword and use it to setup stuff. Great normals too. I'd like to see Phobos used to kind of fill in gaps in the movesets by covering a mix of Tronne/Sentinel tactics in the cast. Phobos, Donovan, Hsien Ko (repaired) would be a pretty swank Darkstalkers crew in a revisioned roster sequel IMO.


Hurt my thumb from repeatedly practicing combos today, haha. They're rather long compared to other fighting games, takes lots of patience.

How dare you people try to take out Rocket Raccon :mad:
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