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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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that one win i had with haggars booty drop had me laughing. like i said in the message you really need to abuse your characters throwing range. nova can abuse the hell out of throws.

I was kinda scared of pipe/arrows tbh. Mostly pipe. And yeah, that was hilarious xD

I remember something else funny/crazy happening during our matches, but can't really remember what it was :T

Anyways, at least I think I'm getting better at surviving with the raccoon at least, he doesn't get himself killed as quickly as he used to.


Playing online for the first time today - man, I'm pretty bad, haha. It's my first matches vs. others, though, so hopefully I'll learn. Stuff is brutal.


Little late on the topic, but someone mentioned something about a young Marvel female? What about Armor? I don't know much about her, but she seems popular in my circle of friends that read X-men.


then add like 20 more characters with someone holding a gun to the Capcom team's head stating that X, Gene, Ryu, Nina & Donovan are priorities.

THIS man knows what's UP.


I pretty much agree with Dahbomb on the worst hypers, though I'm not entirely sure on Firebrand's Level 3. Don't really know what it can or can't do. I tend to forget he even has a level 3. I only ever hear people talk about his unblockable.

I think I would nominate Strider's Legion. Damage is so ass, it's almost pointless to ever do Legion instead of just going for a reset. While we're at it, Strider's Ragnarok. How many times do you see somebody actually land this? It's made almost totally redundant by the superior Ouroboros option.
Legion might have bad damage, but it's actually a pretty good DHC out(especially for the teleporting Sparda bros), and it's an okay DHC in(unless they're full screen and can throw out a hyper of their own, in which case Legion loses to just about everything). It's a lot like Jill's Machine Gun Super in that it's more about utility than it is about ending a combo.

As for Ragnarok... I land it quite often, and generally use it more than Ouroboros these days. It's tends to guarantee a kill more than any of Strider's other hyper options, making it useful in a pinch. It also has 8+0 startup, is invulnerable for a pretty long time, has good range, and deals some decent damage. I also like the positioning it gives afterwards.

Ouroboros... I find it's best against the other person's anchor, or for use in XF2. It view it as a waste in XF3 since he's hard enough to block in XF3 anyways, and using it in any other situation doesn't deal enough damage to be really be useful(unless it's against Dark Phoenix). You're better of using Ragnarok to guarantee at least one kill in just about every situation.
Captain America's Stars and Stripes hyper is pretty useless given he already has another hyper like it that's better but for another character it would be a great hyper to have in the pocket.

Hyper Stars and Stripes is invincible into active frames, making it a great counter. As well, the first two hits staggers, so it's a good XF confirm into killing a problem character. Considering HCS and Final Justice aren't invincible physically or immediately, HS&S is a strong tool to have.

Deadpool's Level 3, Nemesis's Level 3, and Mighty Thunder are my picks for the 3 worst ones.

Azure J

Legion gets props for me for being one of the only hypers you can do during a Dark Angel start up that puts you in an optimal position. That jump back he does beats it clean and has saved my ass on multiple occasions. :p

Also, motion seconded on the Ragnarok > Oroborous deal. With enough resets, you'll sit on a good amount of meter anyways, and lately I've gotten weary about chancing it with derp orbs versus going full ninja with Ragnarok. It really depends on the situation. Also something that does a raw 670K with that much invincibility on start up can never be underrated. I ran through a Genmu Zero with it and never doubted the hyper again. :lol

In other news, sometimes I wish if Amaterasu had all three variants of Cold Shots as her assists. The upward angled one would be especially wonderful.


My vote for worst hyper is Nemesis level 3. Sure it has some range, but it is still close enough that any character can smack you out of it. No invulnerability.

You can hyper immediately after, which is good, but most level 3 grab hypers are combo-able afterwards anyways so I can't really put that in the plus column.

Though Deadpool's level 3 is pretty close. The stars have to align to get that one off.
I pretty much agree with Dahbomb on the worst hypers, though I'm not entirely sure on Firebrand's Level 3. Don't really know what it can or can't do. I tend to forget he even has a level 3. I only ever hear people talk about his unblockable.
Allow me to fill you in.

Chaos Tide Pros:
+Lasts ~600 frames, a decent amount of time.
+With decent execution and an immobile opponent, will put out about 400K in chip damage.
+Allows you to build meter while it's up.
+Provides unique combos.
+Allows Firebrand to set up solo unblockables.
+The helper is powered up by Luminous Body.

Chaos Tide Cons:
-The helper has 3 inputs, and only the H input is good. The L input is a tiny, tiny projectile that fires at an angle that requires him to be in a specific position, and the M input can be dodged simply by ducking with almost any character in the game.

-The unique combos don't do significantly more damage than normal combos, and are inconsistent.

-The helper doesn't auto-correct after swooping, so if you try to set up the solo unblockable, it might just start shooting fireballs in the wrong direction (seriously).

-If your opponent superjumps, he/she is completely free from worrying about the helper. If your opponent can delay in the air, you might as well have not used this at all unless you were able to start it up while your opponent was in a hard knockdown, since the helper needs to work his way across the screen through several H presses to get in on the action.

-Solo unblockables are nearly impossible to do in practice. Basically, you need to use H to put your opponent in blockstun via the helper right as you go into the swoop, and then, while holding H, mash L to make the helper shoot fireballs. If your opponent is moving around intelligently, this pretty much never happens.

-The helper being powered up by Luminous Body is almost a non-issue, because for most teams you never have 4 bars sitting around, and if you do, you probably don't want to spend them on this. Rarely, I'll use 4 bars + X-Factor to finish a match I'm doing really well in, because it locks out most X-Factor cancel problems.

-The helper can't do anything if Firebrand is blocking or getting hit. So, if your opponent decides to burn 3 bars on chip damage in response to you activating Chaos Tide, you just lost 3 bars for nothing.

I use Chaos Tide about 1/5 battles, because Dark Harmonizer gives me so much meter that I can throw it away on something like this. I would never, ever use the hyper if it weren't for my very unique team setup. These days, I generally prefer to just Luminous Body -> Stalking Flare, and then raw tag Firebrand back in, because Firebrand backed by the Stalking Flare is more scary than Firebrand's level 3, and he's boosted when he comes back in.

In other news, sometimes I wish if Amaterasu had all three variants of Cold Shots as her assists. The upward angled one would be especially wonderful.
In early versions of Vanilla, Amaterasu actually had Cold Stars L as an assist, but it was deemed too good and changed to Cold Stars H. Same with Deadpool - he used to have Happy Trigger L or M as an assist, I forget which.
Just thought I'd throw out a fun little idea for you all.

When we got a new Marvel game characters got thrown around. Some were kept, some were tweaked and some were removed.

If we were to get a full blown Marvel vs Capcom 4 someday that did similar who would you keep, toss, or tweak? You don't have to come up with new cast if you don't want but I'd like to know who you feel we could lose to make way for something more interesting.
Replace Hsien-Ko with a buffed Talbain for Mahvel. I don't even like the guy tbh. I just want to tier whore with a character that I won't miss once they are nerfed unlike Morrigan whose nerfs will cause me to rage hard.



tagged by Blackace
Photon Array is all about the safe DHC. It's like Finishing Shower. Agreed that level 3 utility hypers are a bad idea.

Also, this was posted on GFAQs, thought you might all be interested:
Holy shit what.

Iron Man 3 is shaping up crazy. I don't know if good crazy, but I'm leaning that way. 4 (3?) villains, Iron Patriot, Extremis, Armor Wars and more. Feige is saying they're pouring all their resources into it though. That picture is not what I needed to contain my hype. Just after Avengers I went and read through all of Invincible Iron Man thus far and am now looking to read some of the more classic stories now to stop being a fraud fan of Iron Man. Now I'm even more motivated.

You've made my day Karst, especially after suffering through the Nintendo conference archive just now.


Little late on the topic, but someone mentioned something about a young Marvel female? What about Armor? I don't know much about her, but she seems popular in my circle of friends that read X-men.


At the time we were trying to figure out if X-23 was ever cut who would be a good young Marvel female to fill her role. Mainly we were trying to come up with someone who could cover how she plays while also being a young Marvel female, but Armor is a pretty popular character period so I doubt she wouldn't be on a list to consider if they didn't specifically need to replace an X-23 like moveset and mainly just needed to replace the candidate that represents young female mutants.

I know I'd like to see Armor even though she wouldn't likely be anything like X-23. Other good suggestions were Surge, Finesse, Magik (though likely she'd be about as different as Armor would), Hazmat, and maybe even Vampire Jubilee.

Marvel's kind of been on a role lately cranking out young female heroes and most of them are pretty good. Id welcome any to the roster in that cut some add others from mvc3 for a sequel like they did from MVC2 scenario we were talking about 2 pages ago from last night.
Holy shit what.

Iron Man 3 is shaping up crazy. I don't know if good crazy, but I'm leaning that way. 4 (3?) villains, Iron Patriot, Extremis, Armor Wars and more. Feige is saying they're pouring all their resources into it though. That picture is not what I needed to contain my hype. Just after Avengers I went and read through all of Invincible Iron Man thus far and am now looking to read some of the more classic stories now to stop being a fraud fan of Iron Man. Now I'm even more motivated.

You've made my day Karst, especially after suffering through the Nintendo conference archive just now.
Personally, I'd be worried. This is the same thing that happened to Spider-man. Each movie needed to add another villain to outdo the previous one (or at least this is how Hollywood thinks), and in Spider-man 3 there were too many villains to grant any of them enough screen time to make it a coherent film. 2 villains is really hard to do. You have to be a god of cinema to pull off 3 or 4.

Also, I think the Nintendo conference wasn't too bad. Nintendo presented poorly, but what they had to present looked good to me. Their shortcoming wasn't in the games, but in only showing us what will launch with the system. Nintendo should have promised the moon and the stars, even if those would only come two years after the Wii U was out. That's how you sell systems. A simple strategy failure. The problem with Nintendo is that they primarily focus on gameplay, so if they don't have the game up and running yet, they can't make trailers. The modern interactive movie companies that think they make games can just put out some flashy movie and call it a trailer, and people eat it up.

Plus, Kamiya is working on a Wii U exclusive. With Sega canceling Bayonetta 2 (UGH!), the idealizing me likes to think that this might be the start of a beautiful friendship. Sega is falling apart, and Platinum Games will need a home. I can't see them going to Microsoft, and Kamiya is friends with Sakurai. In short: Platinum Games to become second party confirmed in my dream world.

Now Nintendo just needs to buy Capcom and Sega for the IPs, and I can completely withdraw into a Nintendo bubble, completely satisfied.


Personally, I'd be worried. This is the same thing that happened to Spider-man. Each movie needed to add another villain to outdo the previous one (or at least this is how Hollywood thinks), and in Spider-man 3 there were too many villains to grant any of them enough screen time to make it a coherent film. 2 villains is really hard to do. You have to be a god of cinema to pull off 3 or 4.

Also, I think the Nintendo conference wasn't too bad. Nintendo presented poorly, but what they had to present looked good to me. Their shortcoming wasn't in the games, but in only showing us what will launch with the system. Nintendo should have promised the moon and the stars, even if those would only come two years after the Wii U was out. That's how you sell systems. A simple strategy failure. The problem with Nintendo is that they primarily focus on gameplay, so if they don't have the game up and running yet, they can't make trailers. The modern interactive movie companies that think they make games can just put out some flashy movie and call it a trailer, and people eat it up.

Plus, Kamiya is working on a Wii U exclusive. With Sega canceling Bayonetta 2 (UGH!), the idealizing me likes to think that this might be the start of a beautiful friendship. Sega is falling apart, and Platinum Games will need a home. I can't see them going to Microsoft, and Kamiya is friends with Sakurai. In short: Platinum Games to become second party confirmed in my dream world.

Now Nintendo just needs to buy Capcom and Sega for the IPs, and I can completely withdraw into a Nintendo bubble, completely satisfied.

Agreed on all of this. Especially the thought of Platinum Games rolling over into Nintendo's hands for their publishing needs. Great studio needs a home and I think Nintendo would have a lot of fun feeding Hideki Kamiya the occasional franchise between projects. Anyone know if Markman knows anything about stick plans for Wii U yet given its getting Tekken Tag 2? I'm hoping to see fighters come towards it after its first year so that when DLC cast gets made I can buy it in the form of collectible figures to install via near connectivity device style through the pad. Would've been cool to have a lil Shuma statue with vanilla dlc.
Also, I think the Nintendo conference wasn't too bad. Nintendo presented poorly, but what they had to present looked good to me. Their shortcoming wasn't in the games, but in only showing us what will launch with the system. Nintendo should have promised the moon and the stars, even if those would only come two years after the Wii U was out. That's how you sell systems. A simple strategy failure. The problem with Nintendo is that they primarily focus on gameplay, so if they don't have the game up and running yet, they can't make trailers. The modern interactive movie companies that think they make games can just put out some flashy movie and call it a trailer, and people eat it up.

Plus, Kamiya is working on a Wii U exclusive. With Sega canceling Bayonetta 2 (UGH!), the idealizing me likes to think that this might be the start of a beautiful friendship. Sega is falling apart, and Platinum Games will need a home. I can't see them going to Microsoft, and Kamiya is friends with Sakurai. In short: Platinum Games to become second party confirmed in my dream world.

Now Nintendo just needs to buy Capcom and Sega for the IPs, and I can completely withdraw into a Nintendo bubble, completely satisfied.

Yeah, pretty much.

Anyone know if Markman knows anything about stick plans for Wii U yet given its getting Tekken Tag 2?

Speaking of this, I REALLY hope that game accepts Wii (not U) classic controllers. My TvC stick needs some more use since I don't use it as much anymore.


Playing online for the first time today - man, I'm pretty bad, haha. It's my first matches vs. others, though, so hopefully I'll learn. Stuff is brutal.

GGs dude. Sorry I had to bail early and I really didn't mean to quit the lobby like that but oh well. I need to work on that Nova, Doom, Sent team a lot. I just didn't know what to do with them at all. I couldn't hit confirm anything let alone complete a combo. Same with my starting out team with Task, Sent, Mags. I couldn't remember a thing with that non stop pressure. I even forgot how to do Magneto fly combo in the midst of battle like I never practiced that thing which I did for hours. I was scrubbing it out for real.

I knew next to nothing about the characters you used too so I was learning what they did during matches. That stupid IF chain with the overhead I don't understand why I can't block high after the second rekka. I really should pushblock more until I learn what to do in the mean time.


Man I have been SO SALTY today it's not even funny.

And none of it was Marvel related. In fact, Marvel makes me least salty these days.

First of all, E3 conferences from the big 3 were ASS. I wasn't even hyping myself up for E3, I tuned into to the conferences like I always do and they still were shit. What can't gaming be like it used to be? So freakin' tired of all these scripted, movie wannabe games. Only game at E3 I am interested in is Metal Gear Rising.

Secondly, DmC is shown and that always makes me salty. Dante and Vergil might not actually be twins in the game (or even full brothers) which makes the character of Vergil pointless in the game.

Thirdly, I had two unknown subscriptions on my phone for $10 each. Called customer service to inquire about them, don't know how they got on there and got them cancelled immediately. Got both of their phone numbers to ask for a refund but neither of the phone numbers appeared to be valid. Both of them looked like fraudulence. Extremely pissed about that.

Fourthly, bad day at work today. Lunch was shitty and dinner was even worse. Whatever it's D3 time now but then...

Fifthly, Diablo 3.... holy crap this game is a fucking salt mine after you attain LVL60 and get into Inferno. Basically if you aren't exploiting the game or "playing the AH" then you aren't playing the game properly. Economy, itemization, balance, hit boxes and server issues have been ALL OVER the place. Worst moment of the day was me sitting on 5 stacks NV in Act 2 after continuously getting 1 shotted by even regular mobs finally make it to a boss and get her down to 10% health.... server lagged me out and killed me and then disconnected me. 5 stacks wasted, I immediately rage quit. Worst of all I haven't been able to move anything on the AH due to the fucked up economy in the game, legit items priced competitively aren't selling because of botting.

Sixthly, after getting fed up of D3 I decided to go the movies and watch Snow White (because Charles Theron is fucking hot). That movie sucked ass and I wasted $10 on that. Now I am wondering if Prometheus is going to suck too... PLEASE BE GOOD PLEASE BE GOOD PLEASE BE GOOD

/First world problems


GGs dude. Sorry I had to bail early and I really didn't mean to quit the lobby like that but oh well. I need to work on that Nova, Doom, Sent team a lot. I just didn't know what to do with them at all. I couldn't hit confirm anything let alone complete a combo. Same with my starting out team with Task, Sent, Mags. I couldn't remember a thing with that non stop pressure. I even forgot how to do Magneto fly combo in the midst of battle like I never practiced that thing which I did for hours. I was scrubbing it out for real.

I knew next to nothing about the characters you used too so I was learning what they did during matches. That stupid IF chain with the overhead I don't understand why I can't block high after the second rekka. I really should pushblock more until I learn what to do in the mean time.

Haha, no problem. It was fun. I know what to do about Mangeto's blast pressure now, but when playing I was so dumbfounded. That's what happens when you play an actual game - you forget things that are easy in practice!

Thanks for the games, would like to play again. I really need to work on my team as well.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Sixthly, after getting fed up of D3 I decided to go the movies and watch Snow White (because Charles Theron is fucking hot). That movie sucked ass and I wasted $10 on that. Now I am wondering if Prometheus is going to suck too... PLEASE BE GOOD PLEASE BE GOOD PLEASE BE GOOD

/First world problems

This made me laugh for some reason. Maybe because it comes after a lot of anger in the post so I read it in an angry tone.
First of all, E3 conferences from the big 3 were ASS. I wasn't even hyping myself up for E3, I tuned into to the conferences like I always do and they still were shit. What can't gaming be like it used to be? So freakin' tired of all these scripted, movie wannabe games. Only game at E3 I am interested in is Metal Gear Rising.
Yes sir, fuck "interactive movie" games now and forever. Are you really not interested in Kamiya's Wii U title, though? The man has never gone wrong.

Fifthly, Diablo 3.... holy crap this game is a fucking salt mine after you attain LVL60 and get into Inferno. Basically if you aren't exploiting the game or "playing the AH" then you aren't playing the game properly. Economy, itemization, balance, hit boxes and server issues have been ALL OVER the place. Worst moment of the day was me sitting on 5 stacks NV in Act 2 after continuously getting 1 shotted by even regular mobs finally make it to a boss and get her down to 10% health.... server lagged me out and killed me and then disconnected me. 5 stacks wasted, I immediately rage quit. Worst of all I haven't been able to move anything on the AH due to the fucked up economy in the game, legit items priced competitively aren't selling because of botting.
This is all Blizzard games. They say there'll be endless customizability, but if you want to win you have to play the game the "right" way, which means abusing a few overpowered setups until they get nerfed and there's another overpowered setup that takes its place. Part of the reason I didn't buy the game. Also, lol @ the botting.

Why is Mighty Thunder so bad? It's like they went out of their way to make it bad.
Well, if it were really good, then it would just be Magnetic Shockwave. So Capcom had to make it bad so there's some contrast. Kind of like Iron Man vs. Magneto and Dr. Doom.
I need to download VF5. I watched all of both seasons of Game of Thrones in 3 days and haven't done much gaming outside a little training mode.

Are you really not interested in Kamiya's Wii U title, though? The man has never gone wrong.

Except that one time he fucked up Resident Evil 2 and got replaced.


Are you really not interested in Kamiya's Wii U title, though? The man has never gone wrong.
Have they shown it? I will get interested in it once I get more info on it. Of course I am a Kamiya fan, I have played and enjoyed every game he has made.

This is all Blizzard games. They say there'll be endless customizability, but if you want to win you have to play the game the "right" way, which means abusing a few overpowered setups until they get nerfed and there's another overpowered setup that takes its place. Part of the reason I didn't buy the game. Also, lol @ the botting.
I am seriously thinking you made the right choice. What you described is exactly what is happening now. I do think the game at its fundamental/core level is really good but a lot of design issues are currently holding it back, many of them fixable.

I will just give you an example of the class I am doing. The number of skills and runes in the game is considerably a lot and for Normal through Hell you can use whatever you want. As soon as you hit Inferno, for Demon Hunter you NEED an ability called Smoke Screen to escape certain sticky situations. The other escape options sucks because it has a delay and limited invincibility, which is compounded by online lag. But then they nerfed Smoke Screen's duration and now people HAVE to run it with a particular rune that increases it's duration. On top of that the move is really expensive to use so you have to use ANOTHER SKILL called Preparation to use it. In terms of builds, there is only one build you can currently go for with a DH and that's pure glass cannon build abusing SS + Prep and Nether tentacles. Which means that any attack ability that does lower damage than others despite their utility is automatically garbage. So now everyone is using Hungering arrows with Devour (because that's the most damaging combo) with Elemental Arrows on Nether Tentacles as the Hatred resource user because NT is super OP. So basically EVERYONE is using these 4 skills as a DH in Inferno because it's stupid to use anything else. The other 2 skills are occupied by a utility skills and even those are limited to Mark of Death (again for DPS and Hatred generation), Caltrops (for trapping mobs or Goblins which is extremely valuable for Goblin runs which has become a requirement for the game), Rain of Vengeance (only used because it's a free move only limited by it's cooldown), Shadow Power (basically another option like SS) and the Companion (essentially free, either gives you Hatred or better Gold find).

I am almost EXPECTING another nerf to SS so that they don't allow you to attack during it, a definite nerf on NT and a nerf on Preparation just for the hell of it.


Wha... that game looks CRAZY!

I don't know what's going on but I am EXCITE!

Sounds like a Platinum Games game, huh? hahaha

Man, I wish Iron Fist was better. Probably going to drop him for Wolverine; I want my rushdown characters but I also want them to work. Too bad Wolverine doesn't have as much style.

Azure J

We talkin' E3 now? And we can let anything/everything hang? OK.

Shit. Fucking. Sucked. All around. I don't even know what to think after having two days overall to absorb everything. Microsoft continues to migrate more into the territory of hand waving actual gaming content happy to coast on what they have, Sony is delightfully Sony putting out numerous titles and championing the strength of their brand while neglecting an entire portion of their consumer base with no affirmative moves regarding Vita and Nintendo...

Oh my God, Nintendo. How do you come to e3 with a new console and manage to not "win" (re: interest me beyond where I was upon first viewing) by default? The Nintendo conference was the biggest disappointment to me, not because the presentation was badly handled but just because the premise and what they could have done with their time was completely squandered for the sake of Nintendo being Nintendo. Seriously, I even heard afterwards that projects with trailers were pulled including stuff from EAD Tokyo and Retro Studios. Instead we get a demo of a game everyone's seen before with new first generation WiiPad implementations that make first gen DS stuff look inspired and the most safe and clinical Nintendo lineup ever. There were just no surprises and for something like e3, that's the worst imo. Kamiya/Inaba on Wii U was a big :) moment for me though.

Other issues I had were more eloquently discussed or presented elsewhere but the interactive choose your own adventure book gameplay design, increased disconnect I feel with modern games as they chase ever "realistic" goals, and the glorification of violence as a bullet point in the games is really just making me sigh. (This is probably massively hypocritical since I'd murder for Bayonetta 2 to happen.) I love games and as someone who feels like there's something for everyone, I can't hate on things people will find and enjoy, but it just feels like maybe I'm not in the correct niche for content anymore if this is the future. Better start hoarding things from the current gen and prior while setting myself up as a serious PC gamer.

[/half coherent rant]

And yeah since I'm only just reading that part of a few posts above mine, I'm totally down for Platinum to be acquired by Nintendo. Bring Bayo with 'em though. :lol


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I haven't watched anything from E3 yet because I'm not one to get hyped about announcements of anything. Doesn't make sense to be excited about anything until it becomes an actual, tangible thing that you can buy and enjoy.

ill be there on thursday. anybody playing VF5?
I've played almost every entry of VF on at least a casual level, so I'll be putting some time into this one too. Registered for the side tournament at EVO for the hell of it, so I might as well actually try for that fight money.


I dunno, I hated the conference but most of the news from the show floor regarding how the games actually play seem positive. And the launch titles (P-100?, Rayman, Mario, Pikmin 3, are you serious this is godlike) hype me up. Maybe I can just forget about the conference.
Except that one time he fucked up Resident Evil 2 and got replaced.
Don't you mean that one time he was doing so well that they just let him make a new franchise? ;-D

I am seriously thinking you made the right choice. What you described is exactly what is happening now. I do think the game at its fundamental/core level is really good but a lot of design issues are currently holding it back, many of them fixable.
It's a weird thing with Blizzard games. There are a lot of combinations that just don't work out, and as a player you wonder why the hell they don't just make the small alterations necessary to make it work. I didn't really understand that it was a constant issue until I played World of Warcraft, which was basically Blizzard rotating which class was the best over and over through constant changes that were poorly thought through.

Another part of me wonders if this is part of Blizzard's strategy. Keep WoW players going by making them roll new characters, and keep D3 players going by forcing them to change up their gameplay. It's hard to believe that the company that reached near perfect balance in Starcraft can't get it right in a PvE game, which is much easier.

I will just give you an example of the class I am doing. The number of skills and runes in the game is considerably a lot and for Normal through Hell you can use whatever you want. As soon as you hit Inferno, for Demon Hunter you NEED an ability called Smoke Screen to escape certain sticky situations. The other escape options sucks because it has a delay and limited invincibility, which is compounded by online lag. But then they nerfed Smoke Screen's duration and now people HAVE to run it with a particular rune that increases it's duration. On top of that the move is really expensive to use so you have to use ANOTHER SKILL called Preparation to use it. In terms of builds, there is only one build you can currently go for with a DH and that's pure glass cannon build abusing SS + Prep and Nether tentacles. Which means that any attack ability that does lower damage than others despite their utility is automatically garbage. So now everyone is using Hungering arrows with Devour (because that's the most damaging combo) with Elemental Arrows on Nether Tentacles as the Hatred resource user because NT is super OP. So basically EVERYONE is using these 4 skills as a DH in Inferno because it's stupid to use anything else. The other 2 skills are occupied by a utility skills and even those are limited to Mark of Death (again for DPS and Hatred generation), Caltrops (for trapping mobs or Goblins which is extremely valuable for Goblin runs which has become a requirement for the game), Rain of Vengeance (only used because it's a free move only limited by it's cooldown), Shadow Power (basically another option like SS) and the Companion (essentially free, either gives you Hatred or better Gold find).

I am almost EXPECTING another nerf to SS so that they don't allow you to attack during it, a definite nerf on NT and a nerf on Preparation just for the hell of it.
Sounds like Blizzard, and in that last sentence you definitely have their logic down. Blizzard has an idea of the "right" way to play the game, and when people don't do it they get upset and ruin the fun. Nerfs to things that are necessary instead of making them unnecessary is exactly how they think. Two great WoW examples come to mind:

1) Hunters in WoW can tame pets. The Shaman class had a special quest that, for a brief time, summoned a special animal called a Spectral Wolf. It wasn't any better than any other wolf, it was just translucent and blue, so it looked cool. Hunters often paid Shaman players to help them get the pet. This didn't ruin the Shaman's ability to complete the quest, and the pet was not overpowered. Blizzard decided that Hunters weren't supposed to have that for a pet, so they fixed the "glitch". For Hunters it just meant losing an awesome pet.

2) The Priest class could mind control mobs, but high level mobs have a really high chance of breaking out. In a raid instance that was considered mid-level content, one really good strategy was to have a priest mind control a mob that did absolutely sick damage to the boss. However, priests lose mind control ability if they get hit, and mobs that are broken free go nuts on the priest and usually 1-shot them. So it was a risky yet creative way to beat the boss. However, Blizzard said this was an "exploit", and banned everyone that tried to do it even though it was their own fault, and it wasn't game ruining or anything.

We talkin' E3 now? And we can let anything/everything hang? OK.

Shit. Fucking. Sucked. All around. I don't even know what to think after having two days overall to absorb everything. Microsoft continues to migrate more into the territory of hand waving actual gaming content happy to coast on what they have, Sony is delightfully Sony putting out numerous titles and championing the strength of their brand while neglecting an entire portion of their consumer base with no affirmative moves regarding Vita and Nintendo...
It was all pretty lame, but I haven't been excited by an E3 in years outside of Marvel. The industry is moving away from my tastes. I have to go to the small developers like PG for my gaming fixes.

Oh my God, Nintendo. How do you come to e3 with a new console and manage to not "win" (re: interest me beyond where I was upon first viewing) by default? The Nintendo conference was the biggest disappointment to me, not because the presentation was badly handled but just because the premise and what they could have done with their time was completely squandered for the sake of Nintendo being Nintendo. Seriously, I even heard afterwards that projects with trailers were pulled including stuff from EAD Tokyo and Retro Studios. Instead we get a demo of a game everyone's seen before with new first generation WiiPad implementations that make first gen DS stuff look inspired and the most safe and clinical Nintendo lineup ever. There were just no surprises and for something like e3, that's the worst imo. Kamiya/Inaba on Wii U was a big :) moment for me though.
I heard that stuff was pulled, too. Did you just hear it on GAF like I did, or do you have a good source for that claim? If so, absolutely mind-blowing in stupidity.

Other issues I had were more eloquently discussed or presented elsewhere but the interactive choose your own adventure book gameplay design, increased disconnect I feel with modern games as they chase ever "realistic" goals, and the glorification of violence as a bullet point in the games is really just making me sigh. (This is probably massively hypocritical since I'd murder for Bayonetta 2 to happen.) I love games and as someone who feels like there's something for everyone, I can't hate on things people will find and enjoy, but it just feels like maybe I'm not in the correct niche for content anymore if this is the future. Better start hoarding things from the current gen and prior while setting myself up as a serious PC gamer.
I'm with you on all of this. I think there's a difference between combat violence and brutal violence. I loved Bayonetta, but I hated MadWorld.

On topic, Marlinpie just TAC glitched with Doom on stream - amazing!

Oh, and to level with you guys: the 360 has so little going for it that interests me that it is about to become the first system I've ever sold before its generation ends. The only reason I'm glad I owned that thing was so I could play the best version of Bayonetta.
As long as we're talking games in general, I want more GAME-games. I've had my fill on the AAA epics that take themselves too seriously, or the movie styles. Narratives are great and all, but I think the only one I've done this gen is Batman AA and Zelda's (which has a ton of that GAME feeling I want). I'm articulating it terribly, but yeah. Gimme more arcadey, fun, and light than movie style's any day of the week. This doesn't mean I want minigames/bad motion games till death though.

Outside of Mario/Zeruda/Bayonetta and some others here and there like Infamous (which I really liked), most of the games I got this gen are fighters, arcade/score attacks, and some sports/racers. Hell, I didn't even play the single player modes in any of the CoD's that I bought over the past 5 years (4, MW2 *horawful*, Blops). Stopped playing Killzone 2's after about 15 minutes, and the multi was too heavy. TF2 on the other hand, is piff. I wish fewer games would take themselves less seriously but hey, there's a market for it clearly. E3 drove that home. Makes it easier on my wallet, that's for sure, and marketplace games do this at a fraction of the cost :D

Re: Marvel

Got bopped badly by what according to SRK is one of Mexico's best players on Live today. Canada to Mexico isn't the best connection but I think I was soundly outclassed in the few matches, online or not. Super Saiyan Vergil bullshit T_T Don't think it'll be as ugly next time, what with adaptation, and the severity of the beatdowns themselves being hard to match again :lol

Azure J

I heard that stuff was pulled, too. Did you just hear it on GAF like I did, or do you have a good source for that claim? If so, absolutely mind-blowing in stupidity.

It comes from ShockingAlberto, a GAF poster I trust just because of prior things he's said that turned out true and the accumulation of those things over time. That and he actually shared some stuff with me once before.

I really don't get the thought process behind it. Like I could stretch and believe that Nintendo being Nintendo didn't want to hype anything that wouldn't be present for their designated "launch window", but wouldn't it have also instilled a better sense of "oh shit son want nao/take my money/-insert beaten meme here-" to present some footage of something surpassing current offerings or hell, just something from studios with those pedigrees?

Ah well, less E3, more Mahvel:

I am having the absolute hardest time going from launcher to Clay Pigeon to Stinger. Even more interesting is that it's so hard for me to Bold Cancel Teleport off a Stinger like that versus a Stinger from an OTG. Any tips guys?


2) The Priest class could mind control mobs, but high level mobs have a really high chance of breaking out. In a raid instance that was considered mid-level content, one really good strategy was to have a priest mind control a mob that did absolutely sick damage to the boss. However, priests lose mind control ability if they get hit, and mobs that are broken free go nuts on the priest and usually 1-shot them. So it was a risky yet creative way to beat the boss. However, Blizzard said this was an "exploit", and banned everyone that tried to do it even though it was their own fault, and it wasn't game ruining or anything.
That was pretty godlike. Here it is in the archive for those who missed it: http://www.twitch.tv/8wayrun/b/320508444?t=166m0s
Hmm, so does it always work this way?
1) You whiff the TAC.
2) Opponent tries to counter TAC.
3) You perform a TAC.
4) Opponent cannot counter because he can only counter one TAC every...air series? 15 frames? I don't know.

If so, and TACs can be canceled into specials (right? - I don't TAC much), then Firebrand should also have an unstoppable TAC.


get some go again
Got bopped badly by what according to SRK is one of Mexico's best players on Live today. Canada to Mexico isn't the best connection but I think I was soundly outclassed in the few matches, online or not. Super Saiyan Vergil bullshit T_T Don't think it'll be as ugly next time, what with adaptation, and the severity of the beatdowns themselves being hard to match again :lol
what was his name?

dante has a message for those who don't like his new look.



On topic, Marlinpie just TAC glitched with Doom on stream - amazing!

Did he use x-factor or not? I know of four characters who can do it without X-factor, one of which is my Zero :). But if Doom doesn't need X-factor, that'd be 5.

We still need to play, btw.

Re: Marvel

Got bopped badly by what according to SRK is one of Mexico's best players on Live today. Canada to Mexico isn't the best connection but I think I was soundly outclassed in the few matches, online or not. Super Saiyan Vergil bullshit T_T Don't think it'll be as ugly next time, what with adaptation, and the severity of the beatdowns themselves being hard to match again :lol

You can't say something like this and not say a name :(.

Hmm, so does it always work this way?
1) You whiff the TAC.
2) Opponent tries to counter TAC.
3) You perform a TAC.
4) Opponent cannot counter because he can only counter one TAC every...air series? 15 frames? I don't know.

If so, and TACs can be canceled into specials (right? - I don't TAC much), then Firebrand should also have an unstoppable TAC.

I didn't see this specific example, but how it works "normally"..

X-factor version:

You TAC up lets say. You CANCEL it with X-factor. The Phoenix player was countering side. Technically, he "failed" the counter and the attempted counter is eaten by the up TAC, but since you cancelled it, you can now do a side TAC. Apparently there is a time limit in how many counters can be attempted within a set period of time, so he's unable to counter the following side TAC.

IF he had instead countered going up, you never get the chance to cancel it. OR if he hadn't been countering at all, he can still counter the second side TAC.

NON-X-factor version:

Bearing in mind that I haven't seen the vid to see what Marlin did, s'far as I know 4 characters can cancel their TACS without x-factor. Spider-man, Zero, Chun Li, and Morrigan.

For Zero (all I cared about at the time), he has to enter a neutral state mid air combo. He does this using the level 3 Buster. So I can release Buster, TAC up, cancel it with an air dash, TAC sideways.

Everything else about it works the same as X-factor version.
Hmm, so does it always work this way?
1) You whiff the TAC.
2) Opponent tries to counter TAC.
3) You perform a TAC.
4) Opponent cannot counter because he can only counter one TAC every...air series? 15 frames? I don't know.

If so, and TACs can be canceled into specials (right? - I don't TAC much), then Firebrand should also have an unstoppable TAC.

You dash and TAC at the same time during a neutral state which makes the TAC never come out, then you just do another one. They can't guess a second time for 15 frames, so they have to break the 1st TAC rather than the 2nd. So you can do an up TAC against a Phoenix player mashing sideways, then do a sideways tag.

I bet Dante could do it if you flight canceled at the end of Devil Trigger, but his TACs are too slow to be useful really.
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