Because I'm bored and have little else to do, I might as well chip in with my own commentator rankings. Posting them here instead of the ECT thread since I only really watch Marvel most of the time. Order within tiers matters somewhat, though I could probably flip a few of them depending on the day.
S: Yipes, Ultradavid, Mr. Quotes, Noel Brown
A: Magus1234, Megaman Steve, Spooky, Ryan Hunter, Tasty Steve
B: Skisonic, S-kill, James Chen, Mike Ross
C: Justin Wong, Rush Hour
Some comments:
Pretty much everyone in S is capable of providing at least some level of both hype and insight in addition to pairing well with pretty much anyone else. Ultradavid isn't as familiar with the intricacies of the game as the others but he's at least pretty good when it comes to understanding the logic behind the choices made in a match and extrapolating from there.
I put Skisonic higher than most and actually like him on the mic. He obviously isn't that familiar with the game's details either but he's underappreciated when it comes to picking up on player tendencies and disecting/explaining them during a match. His hype is genuine and he's been around the block long enough to provide decent color commentary on the personalities involved in a lot of high-profile matches.
S-kill would be so much better if it didn't feel like he was constantly stretching his words thin just to fill air. He's the king of talking without saying anything and comes off like a lesser Ultradavid in the process more often than not imo.
Justin is a smart guy but the entire body of his fighting game commentary basically consists of "Why didn't he do _____?" repeated over 9000 times. Noel Brown pulls off this style better because he usually takes the extra step to actually explain the strategic decisions involved.
Rush Hour is good when it comes to filling dead air during pool/preliminary/local play because they're hilarious and low-level matches aren't serious enough to really demand anything more than that. They obviously aren't really into Marvel and don't know much at all about it so they're not really suited for more than that.
Fewer commentators speak from a position of ignorance more frequently than ETR while also showing no interest in changing this. How many times are you going to ramble on about Firebrand being the worst character in the game before somebody clues you into months-old unblockable tech that every serious player under the sun has seen, or you bother to watch one single Marvisto/Bennet match? And that's just the first example that popped to mind out of several that could be used.
The only thing that really bothers me on commentary, though, is trashing the game or the players involved, and nobody listed above really does that, so I don't think any of them really deserve too much bitching. Sometimes you forget how much worse it could be and that you're not really entitled to professional quality from a free video game stream.