Why was health brought in? Why not talk about how Chun Li has 850K and she has shittier tools than C Viper who has 900K? This is Capcom we are talking about here, not much thought is put into their health distribution or tools.
Firebrand can't hit you from behind with fireballs, and thus he could never be a Morridoom. Firebrand is an 850K health character. Lets list some characters around that health value and slightly above it (900K):
Dr. Strange
C. Viper
Can you honestly look at this list and say that the toolset Firebrand has is roughly on par with the tools these other characters have?
Firebrand is roughly on par or better than half of those characters. Only characters he isn't better than on list are the Magneto, Vergil, Zero, Viper and Dante. Dr Strange has a bunch of tools but mostly pretty shitty. Hawkeye has no where near the mobility of Firebrand nor the same up close game or approaches. Nova is so linear in design with a bunch of gimmicks. Deadpool has very limited air game and a situational teleport.
You forgot to list the other low health characters in Firebrand's health vicinity like X-23, Jill and Chun Li that neither have his air mobility nor his fireball options yet Firebrand outclasses Chun Li even in the mix up and low hitting department.
Here's my buff list for Iron Man so that people can pick him over Magneto and Doom:
*Air dash down/forward increased in start up
*Air dash down/back also buffed accordingly
*Smart Bombs have more hit stun at the start of the combo like in Vanilla but reduce to Ultimate status at max scaling
*L/M/H Smart Bombs in the air have different trajectories
*Smart Bombs in the air can be held down/charged up. Charged up smart bombs drop slower and more in numbers with much higher durability (MVC2 style)
*Iron Man gets his Knee Dive move back. Mapped to d+M, causes hard knockdown on hit
*Iron Man has a proper wave dash and can cancel out of it anytime
*Flight movement increased
*Can refly as long as he hasn't used up his fly time yet
*Unibeam starts up faster on all versions
*Unibeam as an assist comes out behind the point character
*Cr.H has faster start up
*Hit stun on all of Iron Man's j.H attacks increased but reduce to Ultimate status at max scaling
*Proton Cannon has less recovery frames
*Proton Cannon can now be aimed upwards there is no longer an extra input for it to get the other version
*New Warmachine missiles hyper. Can be comboed off of Repulsor Blast, does a lot of damage if all the missiles hit and is safe on block or from DHC because if someone tries to hit Iron Man the down coming missiles will hit them. The missile pack has a hit box so anyone near Iron Man will get popped straight up and eat all missiles (and to prevent people from throwing him out of it)
*Iron Avenger's vertical hit box improved and has more invincibility
*J.M has a better posterior hit box and is now the cross up move of choice for Iron Man
*Launcher has a better horizontal hit box so he can more easily confirm off of cr.M
*St.H priority increased to match length of cr.M
*Smart Bomb assist removed, replaced with instant Repulsor Spread assist. Iron man basically comes out and does an instant Repulsor Spread to get the opponent off and end in a hard knockdown
*Gets his double jump back
*Health buffed to 1 million to match Doom's
I also want Capcom to explain what the hell Demon Missile L and M are for. Seriously, what the hell are they for?
The Japanese were using the forward moving one to set up a cross up with Rapid Slash. He would go through the opponent and while going through they will get hit by Rapid Slash as it was a cross up. Looked like it was be fairly easy to pick up but among his other bag of mix ups it would be pretty easy to sneak it in.