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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Rapid Slash is DP+H so I really doubt he messed the input when he was pressing a completely different button.
That's what I mean. When learning a new character, sometimes I mix up which input is which move if the L, M, and H versions all do different things.

Enzo going to play on stream? Will watch, even though Kadey's stream is like watching a slideshow for me.


Mrs. Harvey
Whoever Vagabond is and Enzo only ones so far.

I'd play but my button config is more messed up than GB's win record.

Azure J

Someone made this on SRK and seeing as how I play both these characters I laughed my ass off:


OTT thread? I need to congratulate the person responsible. :lol

Also, I feel like Vergil needs a meme a la Zero at this point.

That sounds like a lovely free Chaotic Flame 2 for 1 deal to me.

It's not perfect, and personally, a straight zoning Dormammu is terrifying. Guess that's the reason I'm picking him up. Need someone who can flood the screen at a moment's notice. That and Dark Spells are just too cool. :p


tagged by Blackace
I can't see the lobby at all for some reason :/

Hey Enzo, could you send me an invite?
What's your GT?

EDIT: Don't get excited Karst. I'm playing even worse than usual (consider how comparatively bad that is). Jumped straight in, no warm up. Really terrible to spectate.
Alright everyone, a mega post about how I think I may have just broken Firebrand.

Everyone here knows that sometimes when I get a combo with Firebrand, I TAC to Dormammu, do his TAC combo, and then DHC Stalking Flare to Luminous Body for the unblockable setup. I have found very little that beats this setup, especially after I remembered that I can call Dark Hole right before I go into Demon Missile H for extra chip and lockdown to ensure the unblockable. Dark Hole basically just gives me time to mess with my positioning.

Unfortunately, TACs are not reliable, so I usually did Bennet's setup of Dark Fire -> Stalking Flare, and then I would XFC into 1D2C for over 1 million damage total, charge 2D1C, liberate it, cancel into Stalking Flare, and DHC into Luminous Body for a 200% kill on my opponent's team.

I want to say, frankly, that this setup is yesterday's technology.

Last night I was on SRK and saw this thread:

Unnoticed and unloved. Who, in a post-Vanilla would, could care about a "DHC glitch" setup for Firebrand (since that's what it is, but the OP doesn't seem to know that)? Certainly, we haven't seen anything from it.

But I had an idea: right now I feel like my team is lacking when Dormammu is dead, and it's just down to Firebrand/Morrigan. They're both pretty low damage characters, so I feel like I need to find some synergy between them. I'm sure it's there, and I thought this was a perfect opportunity. DHC glitch into Astral Vision, and maybe I'd have time to land Soul Drain - cool huh? I still haven't gotten it to work, but I haven't given up either, especially since the glitch puts my opponent into hard knockdown and I have Firebrand's OTG assist. There must be something there damn it!

I became frustrated for a while, but then had another thought: sometimes I want to DHC Firebrand out with Luminous Body, and I didn't have a great way to do that yet. So maybe I could use this to do Luminous Body -> Chaotic Flame? I tried it, and it worked. Cool!

Then another thought came to me: why Chaotic Flame? Why not...Stalking Flare?

So I gave it a shot, and it turns out that Stalking Flare is too slow to catch my opponent before he falls to the ground. And that's why this is so beautiful. See, I've never had a way to set this up before. Doing Firebrand's bnb into Luminous Body -> Stalking Flare doesn't give me enough time to raw tag Firebrand back in. But this does. Firebrand recovers well before my opponent gets up and roll recovers thanks to the spinning knockdown, meaning I can set up his full unblockable this way.

Here's the full setup, starting with Firebrand:
c.LMHS, sj.MMHS, qcf.S, s.H, qcf.S, Luminous Body, Stalking Flare, raw tag Firebrand, call Dark Hole, dp.H (hold), j.S, c.LMHS, sj.MMH, d.H, qcb.L, c.HS, sj.MMHS, qcf.S, s.S, sj.MMHS

Two bars, and it does over 1 million damage. Firebrand builds ~2 bars of meter during all of this, and I also get 2 Dark Harmonizer calls due to the reset, making this generate heavy positive meter. I can end the whole thing into Dark Fire to kill anyone short of Thor, thanks to this.

You might have noticed that the beginning combo is a bit short, and this is because s.H into qcf.S drops if the combo has gone on too long. I'm certain there's a way to make the opening setup longer and stronger, but I'll figure that out later.

So, whether I touch someone with Firebrand or Dormammu, it's a dead character for 2 bars. BFFs? Only an alpha counter into something like Hard Drive can survive it, AFAIK, but nothing really stops that, so I can't complain.

Made it into a video for you so you can better spread the word: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G_ybt65Rjk

Azure J

I have been thoroughly styled upon GAF. My brother just learned the ROM loop in something like 20 minutes of feeling it out. Mind you, it isn't the catch and carry version, it's the corner variant with H, but fuck. :(

I still can't hit that many reps. :lol


tagged by Blackace
Explain your team to me. I'm not understanding the overall setup you are going for.

Edit: First time I've seen Lady Gaga on-screen.
I don't really have a team. I have a hard time sticking to characters. Originally it was Ryu/Iron Man/Akuma before this and now it's Nova in Ryus place. Nova + Iron Man allows me to go for some high/lows/cross ups. Other than that, Tatsu as a GTFO assist. It really is only that deep. I like Iron Man, and want him in that slot. I like Akuma in anchor, so I put him there. Turns out Dahbomb seems to be quite fond of the IM/Akuma structure so I stuck with it.

I think I just need to find a point character that can work with the two, and fits my low execution level. I think Nova is decent but haven't experimented enough with set ups, as you can see everything is pretty damn basic and on the spot with my incoming mixups, etc. Maybe I need a whole new team, who knows.

Also, open spot in the lobby just now.

EDIT: Two spots.

EDIT2: OMG I JUST CHOKED SO HARD ;_; I had that game ;_;
Really cool setup, looks like it'll have to be invincible CC'd to get out.

Does it scale pretty badly if you just eat the Flare or is it A-OK?


Someone post that set up on SRK, on the Firebrand forum and on the tier list thread. I say the tier list thread because that thread gets the most eye balls and post in the UMVC3 forum.

I can post if no one wants to do it.


Karsticles you need to post that on Shoryuken or something because that is some head turning tech and it needs to spread. Really cool stuff right there. I love seeing the meta game expanding beyond derp.


Isn't this the 1 game single elimination Japanese Marvel tournament?

My cousin lives near Texas I should give him a call and tell him to enter the tournament...

Azure J

Holy fucking shit, thank you so much Karst. That proof of theory video made me re-explore the DHC spinning knockdown state some and I just realized that everything I do has been tailor made to take advantage of Dante DHCs to Ammy. I now have an actual use for using Grapple as much as I do if I have 2 meters (I'm always sitting on two meters early in a match).

It so weird when its the little things that get my mind to start working and putting together certain things.

Also, I feel like I've officially found my favorite teams:

Dante (Jam Session)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)/Strider (Vajira)
Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Phoenix (TK Shot)
Dante (Jam Session)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Magneto (Estaka)

The latter one is especially fun just because of how many relaunches I can get with Dorm. Still gotta get more finesse with the space control, but I'm loving what little I see and understand from training mode. I think I'll be content with these three barring anything really earth shattering happening like Hsien Ko buffs or Megaman X joining the fray. :lol
(a little late)
GGs to everyone at the lobby. It was nice having some good moments on stream for once. Also, sorry for blowing you up so bad in front of everyone, Enzo xD

Azure J

Got another one for you Frantic, although I'm guessing this one might fall more on the side of impractical but cool. I'm experimenting with Volcano, Vajira assist, and Million Carats to see if I can do an OTG confirm into gun loops. The current idea is:

(Hard Knockdown) - Call Assist ~ Volcano - TK Million Carats

It seems like it should work, but I'm missing something to keep them in hitstun until Strider locks on and kicks them back down into the Million Carats for the relaunch. What do you think of this though?

Edit: Jesus it works and does stupid damage. Oh man, I need to record this.
I don't really have a team. I have a hard time sticking to characters. Originally it was Ryu/Iron Man/Akuma before this and now it's Nova in Ryus place. Nova + Iron Man allows me to go for some high/lows/cross ups. Other than that, Tatsu as a GTFO assist. It really is only that deep. I like Iron Man, and want him in that slot. I like Akuma in anchor, so I put him there. Turns out Dahbomb seems to be quite fond of the IM/Akuma structure so I stuck with it.

I think I just need to find a point character that can work with the two, and fits my low execution level. I think Nova is decent but haven't experimented enough with set ups, as you can see everything is pretty damn basic and on the spot with my incoming mixups, etc. Maybe I need a whole new team, who knows.

Also, open spot in the lobby just now.

EDIT: Two spots.

EDIT2: OMG I JUST CHOKED SO HARD ;_; I had that game ;_;
I'm really not seeing what Akuma offers the team aside from having the triple beam DHC, which you seem to like. Most of the time the tatsu was running out of juice by the time you needed it to be doing its jobs. Iron Man and Nova both have kind of slow air dashes, so I feel like the tatsu is limited in applicability. I think he really needs full-screen coverage.

I also feel like your Iron Man is really linear, and he should play the zoning game a lot more. It's his strength to be mid-screen from an opponent and wear him down through c.H canceled into Repulsor Blast and Unibeam. If you were on the PS3, I'd play Iron Man against you just so I could figure him out with you more.

These are the characters that I think work best with Iron Man:
Dr. Strange (Bolts of Balthakk) - Bolts gives you a way in and is amazing for keepaway. Good DHC synergy. Unibeam is Dr. Strange's best assist because if he can get a standing Impact Palm against an opponent, two Graces of Hoggoth M alone do 400K damage, and he hasn't even started jump loops yet.

Sentinel (Sentinel Force) - the DHC doesn't work so well, but Iron Man is really good at protecting this assist. Both Iron Man and Nova's best way of opening players up is to get up close and then do a sj canceled into a downward dash of j.L, c.L, sometimes doing multiple j.Ls before the c.L to mess with your opponent's head. That means you need something to pin your opponent down to get that mix-up.

Zero (Hadangeki) - There is no better assist in this game for Zero than Unibeam, IMO. He's one of the few "teleporters" that can't get combos easily off of EM Disruptor, but he can off of Unibeam. I honestly think Zero backed by Iron Man is one of the most slept on combinations in this game. You don't need to do lightning loops to play Zero. Just do a basic MMHS and depend on mix-ups, and you'll be surprised at how well you do.

I also think it's worth considering Taskmaster/Hawkeye, Storm, Spencer, Trish, Amaterasu, and any teleporter. If I made an Iron Man team, it would definitely be Zero/Iron Man/Sentinel, though.

Never drop that team again.
It would be better if I dropped Morrigan, but I don't intend to!

Really cool setup, looks like it'll have to be invincible CC'd to get out.

Does it scale pretty badly if you just eat the Flare or is it A-OK?
It's actually not too bad. Firebrand's damage is piss as it is. A meter-less bnb with him only does like 350K damage. So the damage gained by my opponent not blocking Stalking Flare roughly evens out with the damage lost by the combo starting fresh. I've never run the math on it, but people try to eat it the TAC setup and die anyway.

Someone post that set up on SRK, on the Firebrand forum and on the tier list thread. I say the tier list thread because that thread gets the most eye balls and post in the UMVC3 forum.

I can post if no one wants to do it.
Karsticles you need to post that on Shoryuken or something because that is some head turning tech and it needs to spread. Really cool stuff right there. I love seeing the meta game expanding beyond derp.
I posted the setup this morning, as well as the video as soon as it was up! I always share tech ASAP.

Oh btw, the notation in your post is slightly incorrect. You can't do sj.MMHS to qcf.S (unless I'm missing something). As someone who doesn't play Firebrand, it was confusing me for 2 minutes. :)
Oops! My bad. Thanks for suffering through it, haha. If you're ever bored and want to make more videos, I have a list of things I need recorded...I wish I had my own setup!

Holy fucking shit, thank you so much Karst. That proof of theory video made me re-explore the DHC spinning knockdown state some and I just realized that everything I do has been tailor made to take advantage of Dante DHCs to Ammy. I now have an actual use for using Grapple as much as I do if I have 2 meters (I'm always sitting on two meters early in a match).

It so weird when its the little things that get my mind to start working and putting together certain things.

Also, I feel like I've officially found my favorite teams:

Dante (Jam Session)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)/Strider (Vajira)
Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Phoenix (TK Shot)
Dante (Jam Session)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Magneto (Estaka)

The latter one is especially fun just because of how many relaunches I can get with Dorm. Still gotta get more finesse with the space control, but I'm loving what little I see and understand from training mode. I think I'll be content with these three barring anything really earth shattering happening like Hsien Ko buffs or Megaman X joining the fray. :lol
Only three teams? ;-) Grats on finding yourself. I'm surprised the second one works out. Does it rely on Dante unblockable resets? I always thought it was weird that people dropped DHC glitch setups entirely, because they are still useful. I'm going to mess around with doing this setup into Amaterasu's Vale of Mist tomorrow. Firebrand and Amaterasu are also BFFs, and I imagine that Amaterasu can get huge damage off of this.

Firebrand, the Hsienko of top tier. Pretty on paper, but just as flimsy in execution.
Have you never seen Zak Bennet play?

Got another one for you Frantic, although I'm guessing this one might fall more on the side of impractical but cool. I'm experimenting with Volcano, Vajira assist, and Million Carats to see if I can do an OTG confirm into gun loops. The current idea is:

(Hard Knockdown) - Call Assist ~ Volcano - TK Million Carats

It seems like it should work, but I'm missing something to keep them in hitstun until Strider locks on and kicks them back down into the Million Carats for the relaunch. What do you think of this though?

Edit: Jesus it works and does stupid damage. Oh man, I need to record this.
I feel like you need to make Dante combo videos.


Could someone send my fradulent ass an invite to the lobby? My Xbox tag is FloralCat.

Edit: Ah, just missed it. Maybe next time.

Azure J

Only three teams? ;-) Grats on finding yourself. I'm surprised the second one works out. Does it rely on Dante unblockable resets? I always thought it was weird that people dropped DHC glitch setups entirely, because they are still useful. I'm going to mess around with doing this setup into Amaterasu's Vale of Mist tomorrow. Firebrand and Amaterasu are also BFFs, and I imagine that Amaterasu can get huge damage off of this.

The second one is really fun, if only because it lets me troll around so much. With Dante on point, a lot of the game plan revolves around landing the unblockable reset, but the funniest part about the team is that everyone does one of two things when approaching it, deal with the characters in order or snap in Phoenix. The actual key to all of this is Felicia. Not only does she enable the reset, but a bit of a thing I picked up with her on point just because I could never get the Sand Splash OTGs when I really needed them was to end every hard knockdown out of the air series with a meter charge. This actually started becoming a legit thing for me when I got better with using her wall clings to avoid zoning wars/chip setups and overhead with the weirdly ambiguous j.S after detaching from the wall. It's basically a full screen lunging overhead that I can call assists during. Absolutely wild. I'm still a fraud with her, but I'm determined to make this work, especially with how much I just love her "easy" ins.

My brother (and like two guys I played matches with on the last free weekend) hates the fuck out of this team. :lol

tl;dr - That one's an ascended troll team with actual merits I want to find and work out.

Meanwhile, let me see if I can run down the list of teams and such I've played while looking for my power trio. A lot of these I could even say I enjoy now, but my OCD won't let me rest unless I find 3 I can slap into the presets with the guideline rule being to play at least three Marvel characters. :lol

Dante (Weasel Shot)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Strider (Vajira)
Dante (Jam Session)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)/Strider (Vajira)
Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Magneto (Estaka)
Dante (Jam Session)/Magneto (Estaka)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)
Dante (Jam Session)/Doom/Strider (Vajira) - Not so much this one, but it's one I nominate for at least trying out.
Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Phoenix (TK Shot)
Dante (Jam Session)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Magneto (Estaka)
Viper/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajira)
Zero (Ryuenjin)/Dante (Jam Session)/Phoenix (TK Shot)
Vergil (Rapid Slash)/Doom (Hidden Missiles)/Morrigan (Dark Harmonizer)
Dante (Jam Session)/Taskmaster (Horizontal Shot)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)
Forbidden Love: Hsien-Ko (Senpu Bu)/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajira) :p

I feel like you need to make Dante combo videos.

Haha, thanks for that, but I really haven't gotten to the point where I'm doing anything spectacular with him yet. The part about him that I enjoy most though is how I can approach any question with numerous answers for him. By that I mean, if the issue is "how do I launch them", I can think "well there's x, y, & z, but what can I do with parts of X & Y while finishing with something that looks like Z." Strange analogy I know.

As for videos... Here's one. :D

It's nothing too elaborate just a proof of concept. I want to see if I can get a longer series of loops in since I dropped it in the playback clip I have up in training mode. I hope this will be the start of me just screwing around and recording neat little things that others can use to make the most out of the character. We need more Richard N's and less Hammer/j.S's everywhere. :p


So Karst, in the lab with your team and found that you can still do 2/3 of Firebrand's BnB and still get the ground Bon Voyage.

C.LMHS > J.MMH2H xx HelldiveL > C.MHS > J.MMH xx Bon Voyage > Immediately Dash > Ground Bon Voyage. The difference is only 30k extra damage but it builds exactly 1 bar.

I also have a "Drop the soap" combo because it's pretty strict in timing.

C.LMHS > J.MMH2H xx HelldiveL > C.MHS > J.MMHS > Dash back (Call Dormammu) > Hellfire H > Air Bon Voyage > Dash > Ground Bon Voyage. Builds about 20% extra meter and does 40k extra damage. No reason to go for it because it's impractical though :lol
He has competed in majors including Shadowloo Showdown. Got top 8 among the best in the world. Should be coming to EVO too.

Firebrand and Hsien Ko DO NOT belong in the same sentence...

Zak Bennett is good but I don't think he has any shot at top 8 at EVO. Champ was having a Q / A when he came back from SSK2012 and he said Zak was very impressive but at the end of the day he would be lucky to get one win out of every 5 matches with guys like Justin, Marlin and himself. He did go even with Knives though in a MM. Knives won 4-3.
The second one is really fun, if only because it lets me troll around so much. With Dante on point, a lot of the game plan revolves around landing the unblockable reset, but the funniest part about the team is that everyone does one of two things when approaching it, deal with the characters in order or snap in Phoenix. The actual key to all of this is Felicia. Not only does she enable the reset, but a bit of a thing I picked up with her on point just because I could never get the Sand Splash OTGs when I really needed them was to end every hard knockdown out of the air series with a meter charge. This actually started becoming a legit thing for me when I got better with using her wall clings to avoid zoning wars/chip setups and overhead with the weirdly ambiguous j.S after detaching from the wall. It's basically a full screen lunging overhead that I can call assists during. Absolutely wild. I'm still a fraud with her, but I'm determined to make this work, especially with how much I just love her "easy" ins.

My brother (and like two guys I played matches with on the last free weekend) hates the fuck out of this team. :lol

tl;dr - That one's an ascended troll team with actual merits I want to find and work out
Could you make a small video of this wall cling to j.S stuff? I don't understand how that is working.

Meanwhile, let me see if I can run down the list of teams and such I've played while looking for my power trio. A lot of these I could even say I enjoy now, but my OCD won't let me rest unless I find 3 I can slap into the presets with the guideline rule being to play at least three Marvel characters. :lol

Dante (Weasel Shot)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Strider (Vajira)
Dante (Jam Session)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)/Strider (Vajira)
Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Magneto (Estaka)
Dante (Jam Session)/Magneto (Estaka)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)
Dante (Jam Session)/Doom/Strider (Vajira) - Not so much this one, but it's one I nominate for at least trying out.
Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Phoenix (TK Shot)
Dante (Jam Session)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Magneto (Estaka)
Viper/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajira)
Zero (Ryuenjin)/Dante (Jam Session)/Phoenix (TK Shot)
Vergil (Rapid Slash)/Doom (Hidden Missiles)/Morrigan (Dark Harmonizer)
Dante (Jam Session)/Taskmaster (Horizontal Shot)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)
At least you know a lot of characters!

Forbidden Love: Hsien-Ko (Senpu Bu)/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajira) :p
Replace Strider with Dr. Strange on Bolts of Balthakk, and this is a good team.

Haha, thanks for that, but I really haven't gotten to the point where I'm doing anything spectacular with him yet. The part about him that I enjoy most though is how I can approach any question with numerous answers for him. By that I mean, if the issue is "how do I launch them", I can think "well there's x, y, & z, but what can I do with parts of X & Y while finishing with something that looks like Z." Strange analogy I know.

As for videos... Here's one. :D

It's nothing too elaborate just a proof of concept. I want to see if I can get a longer series of loops in since I dropped it in the playback clip I have up in training mode. I hope this will be the start of me just screwing around and recording neat little things that others can use to make the most out of the character. We need more Richard N's and less Hammer/j.S's everywhere. :p
You should have shown the full combo! It's hype stuff.

So Karst, in the lab with your team and found that you can still do 2/3 of Firebrand's BnB and still get the ground Bon Voyage.

C.LMHS > J.MMH2H xx HelldiveL > C.MHS > J.MMH xx Bon Voyage > Immediately Dash > Ground Bon Voyage. The difference is only 30k extra damage but it builds exactly 1 bar.

I also have a "Drop the soap" combo because it's pretty strict in timing.

C.LMHS > J.MMH2H xx HelldiveL > C.MHS > J.MMHS > Dash back (Call Dormammu) > Hellfire H > Air Bon Voyage > Dash > Ground Bon Voyage. Builds about 20% extra meter and does 40k extra damage. No reason to go for it because it's impractical though :lol
Damn, thanks for taking the time to do that. I have two thoughts I want to experiment with still to see if it can go higher:
1) After the first Bon Voyage, j.H into the second one instead of doing it straight from the ground. This works after the launcher, so why not here?

2) After the first Bon Voyage, don't dash at all, but launcher into j.H, Bon Voyage.

Why does it have to be an aerial Bon Voyage after the Dormammu assist version you have up there?

I wish that after the first Bon Voyage, I could do Dormammu call, s.H, c.H, Bon Voyage, but Dormammu isn't available for the DHC if I do that. Boo!

The other question I have to answer is: "what do I do if my combos starts with Bon Voyage?"
The word "voyage" just got to that point where if you type the same word a lot, it starts to look funny to you.
Most of my combos do start off of Bon Voyage, so that definitely needs to be figured out. Especially if it's from the far end of the screen, I'll have to figure out a way to switch sides.

Edit: Also, this is really neat for me because from day one of this game I wanted to find a reason to do two Bon Voyages in one combo. Yay! I was actually tempted to hold back on this knowledge until after Evo just in case it gets nerfed. :-/

Zak Bennett is good but I don't think he has any shot at top 8 at EVO. Champ was having a Q / A when he came back from SSK2012 and he said Zak was very impressive but at the end of the day he would be lucky to get one win out of every 5 matches with guys like Justin, Marlin and himself. He did go even with Knives though in a MM. Knives won 4-3.
Bennett's big problem is that his Firebrand is the best in the world, but his whole team is centered on that character. If you kill Firebrand, you have a Dormammu that isn't supported well (Cold Stars is great for him, but it can't be just Cold Stars), and then an Amaterasu anchor, which is good, but not great. I think his team would actually be better off if he replaced Dormammu with someone else. Amaterasu is a better partner for Firebrand than Dormammu (just barely with this new stuff I figured out), and she makes Dark Hole superfluous. Subbing Dormammu out for Hidden Missiles is a really good idea, because his Firebrand lacks a good long-range assist, and Doom loves Cold Stars and Amaterasu's THC just like Firebrand does.


Zak Bennett is good but I don't think he has any shot at top 8 at EVO. Champ was having a Q / A when he came back from SSK2012 and he said Zak was very impressive but at the end of the day he would be lucky to get one win out of every 5 matches with guys like Justin, Marlin and himself. He did go even with Knives though in a MM. Knives won 4-3.
And he beat Knives in the tournament too. I don't expect him to be in top 8 at EVO because I don't think he has the experience playing against top players after top players in the US at such a high level in Marvel. If he lived in the US in either the EC or WC, then he would be a much bigger threat.

Azure J

Oh lord, I have a camera, UMVC3 and boredom. At the same time though, I have no idea wtf is going on with the wireless at my place tonight, but 200+ minutes to upload this video? o_O

The topic is the Jam Session - Vajira anti-air stuff as well as some insight on how to make the conversion count afterwards.

Awesome But Impractical? - 2a - Protecting Mahvel Skies
Awesome But Impractical? - 2b - Successor To The Skies

@Karst - Really all it boils down to is initiate a wall cling high enough on the border of the screen behind her, detach then tap S when you're over their head. I actually think I can play more with the wall cling jump and some setups with it. I have some ideas I want to try, but the video will have to come sometime later.

Awesome But Impractical? - 3 - Please Get Off The Walls

Gotta say, doing things to share them with everyone is kinda fun. You all should leave requests and I'll try to make videos of me trying them (or failing them miserably for now). :p
Oh lord, I have a camera, UMVC3 and boredom. At the same time though, I have no idea wtf is going on with the wireless at my place tonight, but 200+ minutes to upload this video? o_O

The topic is the Jam Session - Vajira anti-air stuff as well as some insight on how to make the conversion count afterwards.

Awesome But Impractical? - 2a - Protecting Mahvel Skies
Awesome But Impractical? - 2b - Successor To The Skies

@Karst - Really all it boils down to is initiate a wall cling high enough on the border of the screen behind her, detach then tap S when you're over their head. I actually think I can play more with the wall cling jump and some setups with it. I have some ideas I want to try, but the video will have to come sometime later.

Awesome But Impractical? - 3 - Please Get Off The Walls

Gotta say, doing things to share them with everyone is kinda fun. You all should leave requests and I'll try to make videos of me trying them (or failing them miserably for now). :p
I wish I could make videos! I'm jealous. Can't your opponent just air grab you off the wall cling?

Tomorrow I'm going to explore this Firebrand unblockable more for other characters. I have a list here of characters that I think Firebrand can get a setup off of a la Dormammu.

If I can't figure out anything off of a full-screen Bon Voyage to lead back into it (though I suspect I can), I at least know that I can raw tag into Dr. Doom for a full combo and massive damage. I think Doom might be able to set up the unblockable, too.

Azure J

I wish I could make videos! I'm jealous. Can't your opponent just air grab you off the wall cling?

Heh, I'm literally just using a regular ass camera for this. I understand ya though. As for the question, well yeah, they can grab you off the walls, but any approach towards you on the wall should be met with a warning alarm going off in your head. I really need to take some time to think up some silly stuff off this little thing, but something I'm really beginning to see a merit for is lunge jumping into a grab.

Felicia has an absurd air grab game. :lol

Also something really really slick, calling Phoenix assist has her appear from beyond the boundary of the screen when you're clinging to the wall. You really can't see her there firing TK Shot unless you're scouting well.
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