Despite it not working for you or for me, I want to not believe you because it's just so confusing haha.
It's not a huge loss but yes, disappointing.
By mid-screen, do you mean I'm in range of Shield Skills? Basically, if I'm in range of Shield Skills, my goal is to get some room and lay down Flame Carpet. Sometimes I'll rush Taskmaster, but not often because his hitboxes can be pretty beefy. Random launchers aren't a terrible idea because they beat out both Shield Skills and Spidey Swing in priority. Sometimes I'll do superjumps straight back down into j.M as a way to cover a large area and be relatively safe. I try and find a good time to teleport and start getting away, though. Taskmaster also isn't great at opening characters up, so sometimes I'll just block stuff and see what he does. The only way I'm getting hit is if Taskmaster goes for a ground throw.
If by mid-screen, you mean not in the range of Shield Skills, then I'll often Purification or Dark Hole L into Stalking Flare. I don't care if it hits Taskmaster, it's just there to absorb his arrows, assists, and any kind of approach while Stalking Flare winds up.
Yes I meant within range of Shield Skills, I think I've said it before but I'm bad at reading opponents and reacting to punishable situations. I feel like I always get beat out by it so I'm kind of forced into a neutral game with him on the offensive. And I agree that Taskmaster has a hard time opening people up, but I seem to always get thrown at some point during his pressure, just annoying overall.
Also, this may sound weird, but pushblocking is one of Dormammu's greatest weapons. Chaotic Flame, IIRC, is the second fastest beam hyper in the game. If I face a Wesker player, I often just let him come at me, pushblock, and then Chaotic Flame as his next attack in the blockstring whiffs. Works well against any character that tends to have long blockstrings that don't push them forward.
I don't think it's that weird, zoning characters in general benefit from advancing guard like Chris. Everytime someone pushblocks a grenade or gunfire M, or any gunfire for that matter, it puts him in prime position to continue volleying. The same for Morrigan but we all know that already.
It's consistent, and I think it puts him in front automatically because the character hasn't shown up yet and still has to come from that side.
The 2nd last teleport attempt actually is a crossup hammer... Maybe it was an accident?
The damage is actually pretty good. IIRC combo 4 did something like 400K. Firebrand's 1 meter bnb caps out at around 600K, and more realistically gets around 550K, so I think that's a good place to be in. I actually got a little offended when some people on SRK said that the setup costs two meters, and is thus too expensive. I'd love to know what 1-meter Firebrand kills they are using, hahaha!
Well if there was a way to combo Demon Missiles more effectively thats 100k! As for SRK people...I think people don't understand the value of a 2 meter death... I mean, that's what the DHC glitch in Vanilla IS. But when you have Spencer killing for one meter I guess people get their priorities mixed up, like myself and don't value the setups more than the damage.
Feel free to post a video if you want an armchair critique.
Sure, when I get around to
actually learning full combos with that team, it's basically Wesker and then me losing if Wesker dies :lol.
Man Solune, I spent all morning trying to think about how to maximize Firebrand's combos. I feel like I have a good setup except for if I get a Bon Voyage combo starter while my opponent is in the corner and when I get a full-screen Bon Voyage. Your setups are definitely good starters, though. I feel like there's more to squeeze out of them.
This is the best I've gotten so far off of a corner Bon Voyage:
qcf.S, s.M, c.M, s.H + Dark Hole, qcf.L, dash, j.d+H, qcf.L, s.H, qcf.S
Hmm I was attempting that last night while recording and Dark Hole would always appear too faraway (So much for being a good combo extender! haha =p), How do you fet a Hell Fire after the Divekick to link into S.H? It seemed like it had too much recovery to me, you'll have to have someone post a vid.
I know I'm being silly, but I'm irritated that I can't get a Dark Harmonizer call during all of that. -_- There must be something more to squeeze out. It's hard not to do things that move my opponent too close to mid-screen, where Stalking Flare will actually connect in the DHC.
If I'm not mistaken you should be able to call Morrigan during the last S.H. And yah I'm very aware of pushing the opponent mid-screen, it's why the third combo in my video is not optimized at all, but I think i found a way to combo more after the divekick if it involves a launcher.
Full-screen I still don't have much. I can't link off of Demon Missile M for the life of me. 20 tries and not one success. If you didn't have it on video I wouldn't think it's possible, hahaha! But I did find three neat things from a full-screen Bon Voyage:
1) Demon Missile H connects off of a full-screen Bon Voyage, and from that you can dive kick into a full combo. It's not helpful for this setup or even in general since it uses up both your ground and wallbounce without much to show for it, but maybe someone will figure out something more from that bit.
2) Dashing forward and doing Demon Missile L + Dark Hole works, and then I can Hell Dive M into j.S into a full combo.
3) Dashing forward and doing Demon Missile M + Dark Hole works. So I'm not too annoyed that I can't link Demon Missile M now that I have this, haha. Demon Missile M alone would be better though.
I'd like to be able to build a bar for the setup no matter where I start from, no matter what I start off of. Today was a good day though, I made progress! Thanks a lot for those videos, they got me thinking. I also spent some time tinkering with non-Morrigan assists, and nothing really tickled my fancy when I kept in mind that I actually have to play the character if I lose Firebrand and Dormammu, and I also have to use Dormammu + that character alone. The closest I have is Dr. Strange, since I think he's fun to play but is goddamn terrible.
I did say it was... inconsistent! I should've said difficult though haha. Good to see you're expanding on the combo options. I like to do that if you can't tell =p. I've been recording team combos today, should have the video later up tonight after the tourney if I'm not playing FF5.
Have you considered putting Skrull back in? I don't know Dormammu's BFFs :lol, but it seems like he would make a good pick plus anchor Skrull is pretty stupid. Of course you probably don't want to but Magneto is probably a good pick too.