Alright, so for a while I've had the hunch that the reason a lot of characters are "low tier" is because they perform best with other "low tier" characters that no one wants to pick. Everyone wants to pick a trenchcoat, so when they see a character doesn't work well with the trenchcoat that character becomes "low tier". Players like Kusoru (sp?) and Dieminion have shown that there's something to this hypothesis.
Since I first saw Dr. Strange's trailer, I've felt that Dr. Strange and Hsien-ko are BFFs. Dr. Strange needs something to give him space, and he can protect Senpu Bu with Seven Rings of Raggador, removing its greatest weakness. Hsien-ko needs an assist with a lot of screen presence, and I think Bolts of Balthakk is a strong choice for her. They also have good DHC synergy.
I'm usually too bogged down by trying to work out the kinks in my own main team (Firebrand/Dormammu/Amaterasu), but I'm thinking about taking up this hypothesis to prove a point, even if it's just online casuals, to show that there's something to the idea. I'm also working on a Ghost Rider team, because I think he has more going for him than people think.
So, my question to all of you is: what do you think my third for the Dr. Strange/Hsien-ko team should be?
Thoughts I've had:
Doom (Hidden Missiles) - works well, but it's kind of overplayed and I'd like to avoid it
Amaterasu (Cold Stars) - great for Dr. Strange and Hsien-ko mix-ups, makes good use of both assists
Shuma-Gorath (Mystic Ray) - great for full-screen approaches with Dr. Strange, helps Hsien-ko control the vertical, and he loves the assists of both characters
Just don't try and talk me out of Hsien-ko/Strange. ;-) I'm not set on a team order. If I had Shuma-Gorath, I would probably go Shuma/Hsien-ko/Strange. If I had Amaterasu, probably Hsien-ko/Strange/Amaterasu. If I had Doom, probably Doom/Hsien-ko/Strange, and I'd just play it safe until I get 2 bars, then do Doom->Hsien-ko, and raw tag Strange in for Strange/Doom/Hsien-ko.