Iron Man should be able to do this too....
Youtube version:
Joey Cuellar ‏@MrWizardSRK
TAC infinites in Marvel will be allowed for Evo! Get to practicing!
Champ said that he did it but he had to TAC twice to get it (Magneto -> Phoenix -> Magneto). He said it wasn't working for him when he tried to do Phoenix-> Magneto TAC only.
WTF is going on here? I am now officially with Karsts, we know jack shit about TAC rules in general.
Holy shit at TACfinites being allowed.
I remember when I learned Japaense and I was told there were thing that "just because rule".
Basically mean don't question it, just learn the damn thing.
That's how I feel about TAC. Some shit are "just because" don't even bother trying to figure that shit out.
FGC has never really banned tactics that weren't GAME freezing. FGC has banned characters like ST Akuma and 3S gill, but rarely if ever any strategy that wasn't game breaking Ex: Gambit's MVC2 glitch. Even in MVC2 you were allowed to do dead body glitch to get the corner mixup on incoming characters.
Yeah, but it was tolerated because that was how it rolled back then w/ no patching available.FChamp is trying to break down that Magneto infinite and he says that it requires 2 TACs and the 2nd one has to be a down TAC. Shit is ass, inferior tech.
The Trish infinite however works off of any TAC although it's a bit character specific. More research is required.
Why are people surprised that it's allowed? MVC2 had way more practical infinites than this and the DHC glitch was allowed in Vanilla MVC3. Shit is par for the course in a Marvel game.
Whooo! Just got an xbox!
250GB slim brand new and sealed
2 wireless controllers
2 extra battery packs
charging station
Modern Warfare 3
Forza 4
$170 shipped
Is this a repeatable exchange?Whooo! Just got an xbox!
250GB slim brand new and sealed
2 wireless controllers
2 extra battery packs
charging station
Modern Warfare 3
Forza 4
$170 shipped
Tell me yo methods.
Is this a repeatable exchange?
you all don't actually think these guys can pull off infinites all tournament long do you? they drop the most basic shit and you all are worried about infinites.
You're on xbox, right? Add me on live and when I get internet again I'll reply lol
Ehh, this is Marvel, so I'd think they'd let it rock, not to mention there are tons of loops and TOD's anyway already.
Those look harder than the lightning loop anyway![]()
FChamp is trying to break down that Magneto infinite and he says that it requires 2 TACs and the 2nd one has to be a down TAC. Shit is ass, inferior tech.
...Until Marlinpie comes along.. with a Doom infinite.
Are you talking about the thing from a couple pages ago or something else?
Unless it works like the TAC glitch and the first TAC eats up the "guess" and you can't counter the second, down exchange?
huh? i'm watching FGTV and they're going through it.
Yo my bracket is free. Only top player is Royal Flush. Special surprise for Killa Sasa in the bracket.
The thing is everybody saying it's not a viable TAC infinite.. when the Japanese TAC X-Factor switcheroo tech makes it soo viable.
Please tell me you're name is Alfonso Alfonso.
Yo my bracket is free. Only top player is Royal Flush. Special surprise for Killa Sasa in the bracket.
Who does PZpoy play? Also, is anybody from chipdamage coming down? I'll say hi.
I don't know any player in that pool except you and GX. You never really know who's good, a lot of killers pop up at EVO plus it's going to be 2/3 in pools, rough ride in there.
Alright I saw that and it's basically a discussion of who has the most growth in the game. A lot of characters weren't even discussed much so it's not like a definitive things.
Top Tier in terms of characters with the most growth potential: Viper, Firebrand, Strider, MODOK, Jill, Magneto, Strange, Dante, Dormammu
High tier in terms of potential growth: Zero, X-23, Iron Man, Spider Man, Trish, Dr Doom, Morrigan, Amaterasu (unsure whether she was Top or High tier in growth)
Mid tier in terms of potential growth: Vergil, Wolverine (new tech was referred to), Hawkeye, Taskmaster, Akuma, Hulk, Spencer, Skrull
Low tier in terms of potential growth: Arthur, Frank West, Ryu, Wesker, Deadpool, Haggar
Maxed out: Nemesis, Sentinel, Ghost Rider
Bitch tier: She Hulk, Phoenix, Storm
Don't know shit about this character tier: Chris, Shuma, Hsien Ko
Not discussed at all tier: Thor, Nova, Phoenix Wright, Tron, Chun Li, Captain America, Joe, Rocket Raccoon, Iron Fist, Felicia
Wasn't really a definitive thing at all, most characters were just all over the place I am just talking about how they were discussing the characters and their general perception rather than their actual placements on the tier list.
Yeah they are trying to explore the Doom self TAC glitch thing.
It works from down TAC too and you can probably raw tag into a character.
I saw Firebrand do this and he should be able to raw tag into an OTG capable character for heavy damage.
I wanna say Zero/Doom/Phoenix. Something with Astro Boy and the Bird, regardless.
None of us are coming down this year, we all decided to wait till next for one reason or another.
It's alright Tobe, we'll see you at Big Two sometime. :3
My favorite is Twister > Tempest loops. Can only get so many, but they look awesome and do a shit ton of damage.As an aside, Dark Dante is serious bullshit. Everyone who's doing anything more than LMH-Stinger-Volcano-j.S xx Devil Trigger - Fly - Thunderbolt x N in XF3 and letting the ray strike down is doing anchor Dante wrong. Unless you are styling and can hit the silly assed Jam Session or Million Carats infinites. :lol
My findings on the TAC Infinite Glitch. I don't understand.
My favorite is Twister > Tempest loops. Can only get so many, but they look awesome and do a shit ton of damage.
PZ Poy plays Zero, Doom, and PHX.
My findings on the TAC Infinite Glitch. I don't understand.
My favorite is Twister > Tempest loops. Can only get so many, but they look awesome and do a shit ton of damage.
I've tried. A lot. But I can't seem to get the second loop to work again. The clip in the video was the first and only time I've managed to get it working, and the fact I was recording was a sheer stroke of luck lol.Why not try a bigger character?
Twister - Tempest loops?
It's a true infinite too if the character takes the last hit of Tempest and gets put in that weird untechable state.
Tac. Air SPECIAL MOVE. Land. Vertical jumps only. Must be instant jumps - hold up, no landing recovery. Opponent cannot land.
straight from twitter.
can you make a video of it?
Tac. Air SPECIAL MOVE. Land. Vertical jumps only. Must be instant jumps - hold up, no landing recovery. Opponent cannot land.
straight from twitter.