Swag. Checked his channel and found this., love this guy's UMvC3 8 bit remixes...this new one he uploaded, definitely new ringtone for me~
Manly Bit theme

Swag. Checked his channel and found this., love this guy's UMvC3 8 bit remixes...this new one he uploaded, definitely new ringtone for me~
Maybe they should make it so the volley is 2/3rds less (so 2 missiles out of 6) if he's touched? Only reason I'm thinking about this is that Doom stays out for a long ass time after missiles are called.
Get rid of it entirely. An assist that good really hurts game balance and leads to way too many teams with Doom on them. Just keep it as a point-only move and replace it with Photon Shot or something.
Get rid of it entirely. An assist that good really hurts game balance and leads to way too many teams with Doom on them. Just keep it as a point-only move and replace it with Photon Shot or something.
I do too. Dude pioneered a brand new way to play this game
I being the mad scientist, on the other hand, want custom assists.
Yeah Q kind of played Arthur/Shuma/Tasky or some sort of combination of those and Sentinel long before this Morrigan stuff. I think its not a new way to play but an unpopular one to go full on Zoning lockdown until Chris G went full AV with Morrigan/Doom.
Hipster Q had a troll team before it was popular.
I wasn't even thinking of that, I was more referring to that one morigan tron x-23 player back in mvc3 and dieminion as well.
Nerf it where if you hit him before he launches missiles they disappear, and the missiles already launch stay on the screen.
Isn't that...exactly how it is now?
Don't have any and don't know how to set them up. Due to Muscular Dystrophy and my slightly messed up hands, I kind of wanted to avoid having something else I'd need help setting up.
I think if they made the missiles disappear if he got hit, they would have to make some other changes to him i.e. what you described, or make him appear a little further back, or make him not stay on screen as long.
It can be pretty difficult to keep him completely safe. Since he's my mid, he usually comes in with a fair amount of lost red health if I'm not really careful.
If the missiles disappeared when he got hit, it would effectively make the assist useless for a lot of teams. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't mind that though, heh.
No, then you nerf keepaway in general. Also why not get rid of Vajira/all other great projectile assists/jam session/ and tatsu?
Those things I named are just as stupid as HM. Nerf it where if you hit him before he launches missiles they disappear, and the missiles already launch stay on the screen. Or cut the missiles in half and cut his time in half and make them totally disappear if they are hit.
Having the missiles go away doesn't stop people from using Sentinel for the same reasons.
Bro, the ultimate dumb assists for Dante would be Fireworks and Beehive. Fireworks fires like 25 projectiles that each have 5 low durability points, making the assist have like 125 low durability points in total, all while providing a shit ton of lockdown and full screen coverage. Beehive would basically be Chun-Li's kicks assist with the added bonus of ending with an overhead. If someone blocks it, it's a free unblockable.Dante (Twister-Tempest aka "fuck yo' zoning" or Million Carats)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots M)/Strider (Formation B Shot/Vajira) would be trolltastic for me.
Bro, the ultimate dumb assists for Dante would be Fireworks and Beehive. Fireworks fires like 25 projectiles that each have 5 low durability points, making the assist have like 125 low durability points in total, all while providing a shit ton of lockdown and full screen coverage. Beehive would basically be Chun-Li's kicks assist with the added bonus of ending with an overhead. If someone blocks it, it's a free unblockable.
Other good assists would be Stinger(incredibly far ranged attack that causes a lot of hitsun and destroys low and medium durability projectiles), Reverb Shock(would be similar to Tatsu and Shopping Cart), Acid Rain(very defensive assist, and one of the best assists on incoming for the setups you could get off it), and Grapple(for resets ala Spencer's slant shot). Any of his moves would probably be really good assists(except maybe Jet Stream).
Fanatiq talking about his EVO strategy. Says he will be using infinites for sure. Gameplan is get the first hit with Magneto, kill first character with Tempest -> Hail storm DHC. Mix up incoming character -> TAC infinite to kill.
that feel
I would rather buff other assists to give us a better foundation. And to make other characters more valuable to teams.
Or they could just make this shit Koryu already with a custom assist option.
For real though, let's play a game Marvel-GAF, pick your team or optimal team if a custom assist function existed and let's see who would have the most awesome setup.
Having the missiles go away doesn't stop people from using Sentinel for the same reasons.
I wouldn't be against nerfing anything which tracks, which is basically missiles and vajra. A nerf to keepaway entirely is fine with me as well since missiles makes it overpowered. Getting rid of something thats overpowered is not the same as getting rid of anything good. Or do you think this game would be better if it still had Wolverine's invincible Berserker Slash?
I disagree that any other assist even approaches it in value. What other assist tracks, hits multiple times, OTG's, provides lockdown and regularly serves as a combo breaker?
I would be too actually, But the number of missiles has already been lowered, I guess a bigger nerf would be if they were affected by HSD.I would be ok with this.
Awesome, I wish it was the Vanilla version though. Shit is crack. Indestructible crack., love this guy's UMvC3 8 bit remixes...this new one he uploaded, definitely new ringtone for me~
I wouldn't be denying that Missiles is one of the best assists in the game but I don't think that means it requires removal. And if I recall, Only 1 repeat character was in top 16 at CEO right?Get rid of it entirely. An assist that good really hurts game balance and leads to way too many teams with Doom on them. Just keep it as a point-only move and replace it with Photon Shot or something.
that's fucking corny bro. why not remove anything good at all? such a slippery slope.
I being the mad scientist, on the other hand, want custom assists.
THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE FROM MARVEL.You know if they do put out balance changes in the next patch *they wont most likely lol* It would be nice if shuma somehow got a way to get in faster airdash or what ever. Being able to do stuff like this more constantly would be nice -.-
poor shuma
Although part of me has to laugh a little because several of you guys are all talking about how great/OP missiles and vajra are, and I use both on my I feel bad.
True, but I think the drones guard Sentinel pretty well. Doom comes out and stands there wide open, so it's up to the player to keep him covered. If the drones get going, the player can usually start to rushdown immediately and not worry worry about Sentinel.
lol of course it was rufus.A new challenger is approaching:
That Capcom panel's gonna be sooo awkward.
Heaven forbid people actually having to start protecting their assists!
Bro, the ultimate dumb assists for Dante would be Fireworks and Beehive. Fireworks fires like 25 projectiles that each have 5 low durability points, making the assist have like 125 low durability points in total, all while providing a shit ton of lockdown and full screen coverage. Beehive would basically be Chun-Li's kicks assist with the added bonus of ending with an overhead. If someone blocks it, it's a free unblockable.
Other good assists would be Stinger(incredibly far ranged attack that causes a lot of hitsun and destroys low and medium durability projectiles), Reverb Shock(would be similar to Tatsu and Shopping Cart), Acid Rain(very defensive assist, and one of the best assists on incoming for the setups you could get off it), and Grapple(for resets ala Spencer's slant shot). Any of his moves would probably be really good assists(except maybe Jet Stream).
Custom assists in this game? You people are mad. lol. There would be infinitely more bitching than even with this new TAC situation. It will be like Skullgirls times one million.
"Omg, why does Magneto have attraction assist. I get crossed up all of the time."
"Why does Dante have Fireworks assist?"
"Round trip is always on the screen"
...Ad nauseam.
Nah, missiles are almost brain dead in their implementation. Sentinel is a bigger target than Doom and the non-bomb drones go away when he gets hit. Nova's javelin goes away when he gets hit but Doom's missiles are there to break combos when he gets hit whether as an assist or on point.Heh, I'm not saying they shouldn't have to, but it is very easy to catch Doom compared to Sentinel. Not necessarily with a full combo (as the player should push block their opponent), but with a single hit. If missiles disappeared when he got hit, it would hardly be worth putting on many teams. They would still have plasma beam if they wanted though. Not trying to say missiles isn't great (it is) but I think there are other ways they could nerf it.
I honestly think Sentinel has the better assist between him and Doom missiles, so I'm not too surprised that he loses his drones if he gets hit.
What the hell is Dante saying when he calls in an assist? I've always wondered that.
Jill has an infinite now too.