you got umvc3 yet? i would like to play you sometime. i live in LA so our connection shouldn't be too bad.Got my xbox hooked up to live! :-D
you got umvc3 yet? i would like to play you sometime. i live in LA so our connection shouldn't be too bad.Got my xbox hooked up to live! :-D
you got umvc3 yet? i would like to play you sometime. i live in LA so our connection shouldn't be too bad.
Making sure. There is no way to combo off of Dark Phoenix's burst outside of XFC right?
I think I really want to pick up Firebrand guys. Hoooooly shit, dem kidnaps.
oh god zak bennett ran a train on the FGTV house. he even perfected fchamp. go to like 17:30 here for when he startys:
The current TOD meta keeps a lot of characters viable. Imagine a meta where Zero still TODs most of the viable top cast as they are already low health yet someone like Storm has to hit him 2 to 3 times to finish him off. Or imagine if someone like Nemesis couldn't TOD but someone like Spencer still could. Right now the meta makes it so that a lot of mid tier characters are viable because they are within the TOD range, the top tiers are just overkill in terms of damage meaning if you scale back the damage the mid tiers will be hurt more and it will be business as usual.So I'm messing about with UMvC3 training mode in "Lowest" damage setting. Man does it scale back the damage of long combos!
I wonder if people would consider testing out that mode to see how it stacks vs the current TOD meta.
Killer Instinct had the C-c-combo BREAKER though! I always did short 3-hit combos in that game just for that reason.Perception. Whether it is or not doesn't matter, but an infinite is perceived as "easier" than a ToD combo. Even if it's not. As such, people have an almost ingrained hatred of it.
Probably stems to things like Killer Instinct where the infinites WERE easy.
I agree on all accounts, but it doesn't help if they disappear if he gets hit.the big differences being that doom protects itself from teleporters with its homing, protects itself from hypers with its vertical trajectory and that it forces people to the ground where they are most vulnerable. People can super jump or teleport around drones or can hyper it on reaction
Then extend it a little less - Trish would be your point character anyway.cant extend viper bnb with peekaboo :/
So good. You should take the time to play more folks here.
While I agree with your post completely and I think Sentinel and Nova are great partners for Wright., I do NOT agree with almost that entire video. I think Nova is great partner but I don't think the shield assist is a good choice. Wright has a shield adding another one makes it a little harder to get around but it does nothing to aid to his immediate defense or extend combos or create mixups. The overhead assist would be MUCH better.
The video saying Wright and Sentinel are BFFs is wrong. Before I explain let me say that Sentinel is a great partner for Wright and Drones is an amazing assist too.
However.......(Slaps paper with hands)]
Exhibit A: Claiming drones great because Maya shiel d can protect it from oncoming attacks is true but the same can be said for ALL assists. What about Taskmasters arrows? They can be used to the same effect. Does that make Taskmaster and Wright BFFs? All you have to do is call Maya and dash forward then call your assist. Your assist is now safe, but now Wright is not. So your choices now are get hit / block the incoming attack and let your assist continue or go on the attack but keep in mind a few seconds have passed since this process has started and your opponent will be doing something.
Exhibit B: DHCing into Wright Maya Super from a Hyper Sentinal Force then putting up a shield and calling the other assist to buy time to gather evidence. A lot of team combinations can do this set up and a lot of team combinations can do it better. This is nothing special that only Sentinel and Nova can do. Hell if you wanna go the DHC to gather evidence tactic just pick Tron or Dante. Lunch time or Million Dollars by themselves buys enough time to pick up three pieces of evidence wave dash and land an Objection with just a single DHC.
Exhibit C: Drones will save you from Teleporters. Only if the timing is extremely precise and it is hard to do on reaction. There are better Anti-Teleport Assists. Some examples are Hulk Gamma charge, She-Hulk Torpedo, Haggar Lariat, Strider Vajera and Vergils dash assist to name a few. You want to use either a instant invulnerable assist with it's cool down time after the attack animation is finished or an assist that travels behind you from start with a forward momentum as opposed to an assist that has the character jump in first, preform the attack and then jump back.
Also another tactic to teleporters is if you think someone is going to teleport behind you can use Maya M/H. It is completely invincible and it starts from behind so if your opponent try to hit you he will be hit out of his combo / approach.
Exhibit D: Sentinel can combo off a Tournabout Press the Witness assist. Any character can combo off a wallbounce. If you are trying to combo off a PtW assist you are using that assist WRONG! Since the invincibility was patched out PtW is EXTREMELY Vulnerable! Wright might as well say "Hit me, Hit me, Hit me!" PtW should be used as a lockdown assist like Ami's cold star. It needs to be used either in the corner or during up close block strings. PtW during TB has insane chip damage and lasts for a healthy amount of time. Chip your oppenent from a block string and proceed to jump over your opponent or go for a mix up.
Exhibit E: The Hard Tag exchange into Ace Attorney. It's flashy and cool I'll give you that but why do this. If you have to do a wall bounce then the hard tag in to make it work it's dumb. Just do an B&B wall bounce combo then DHC into Wright. That right there will do more damage then the Lvl3 alone.
IMO The lvl3 should only be done if it is used as a true counter that will KILL the character, punish a full screen attack that will KILL the character or X-Factored to KILL a full health character. Order in the court has more invincibility and when DHC into another charcter usually does more damage than a lone AA.
Will watch if true.So the villain is going to be Dormammu? That would be omega hype if true.
Tron can loop supers until death, but I'm talking more about a character's ability to open people up. If you can't do that, nothing else matters.I can't really compare Tron to Wesker since they are different archetypes but Tron also has access to some shenanigans Wesker doesn't, one of them as that shes one of the few characters that can loop supers til death. I won't say that I'm the best balancer or most knowledgeable in character balancing but perhaps giving Tron back her vanilla J.H would be appropriate. Increasing her damage now might not really be an answer considering her loops.
In terms of "that" character having something which is above everyone else, I still don't have any qualms because that's a part of games in general. Doom missiles also makes him unique on an otherwise tri-dasher with stubby normals. I don't think that we have to bring everyone up to par but everyone should be viable and instead of bringing people down to a playing field, elevating characters in fields where they are powerful already or strengthening their weaknesses is a better answer IMO. That way their strengths offset tools they don't have, although it's idealisitc just my point of view.
And way, way easier. I ran Spiral sometimes, and I churned people down basically just by mashing buttons with occasional hcb motions.Spiral's sword trap in MvC2 was just as bad as bullet hell.
Looks more like a classic Beholder to me.So Capcom must have finally traded someone for Shuma.
The female faces scare me.
Thanks!Reorganized and edited OP again to make the most useful information most esaily accessible. Added Karst's Google Docs spreadsheet, among other tiny things here and there.
So sad I missed this. Watching now.oh god zak bennett ran a train on the FGTV house. he even perfected fchamp. go to like 17:30 here for when he startys:
HAHAHAHAHAHA, IT HAS BEGUN!Damn you karst! Zak Bennet Chaotic Flamed a blocked EMD
You quoted my post Karst but you didn't reply to it... I feel ... defeated =(
Fixed it. Sometimes I skip quotes to return to them later when writing large responses, and I just forgot to go back this time.You quoted my post Karst but you didn't reply to it... I feel ... defeated =(
Pick three characters you like and play with them until you're comfortable using them IMO. Then come back here for team advice.So, due to EVO hype, I re-bought Ultimate Marvel. But I still suck.
Any place to start for a beginner?
i'm really not seeing any pros using these infinites...
Not enough time to incorporate it into your game for EVO. People want to stick to their BnBs. Infinites will only really become a problem after EVO.i'm really not seeing any pros using these infinites...
i'm really not seeing any pros using these infinites...
Bennet tried to do even the very first part of Dormammu's a few times and couldn't pull it off (it's the same movement as his Firebrand setup off of a side TAC in corners). It's just really hard for some characters.i'm really not seeing any pros using these infinites...
Firebrand should be able to combo off of his instant overhead solo like Wolverine can!17th hour is when he starts playing, it goes Neo then CJ set against Zak. Also the Chaos Tide troll is at around 19:58.
During the entire time Fanatiq is glued to the TV and analyzing every movement, tech and mix up of Zak. Anytime Firebrand does the instant overhead he just shakes his head, he knows that shit is scary!
You know guys, I think Dante players should really invest in learning j.S after Volcanoes. I'm messing with my Dante/Dorm/Magnus team and I'm pretty damn surprised to see myself getting within spitting distance of Frantic's Dante/Strider BnB without a ground bounce and using Dark Hole assist of all things. Notation is as such:
Standing Series - (L)MH - Stinger - Volcano - j.S (tight link here) - Call Assist (Dark Hole) - Million Carats - [s.S - Clay Pigeon 8 shots] x 3 (I think you can get 4 but don't over exert yourself) - Stinger Lvl. 2 - [Bold Cancelled Teleport if you aren't near a corner] - Hammer - [Volcano xx Beehive] x 2 xx Million Dollars
Jump In Series - j.M or j.H - H - Stinger - Volcano - j.S (tight link here) - Call Assist (Dark Hole) - Million Carats - [s.S - Clay Pigeon 8 shots] x 3 (I think you can get 4 but don't over exert yourself) - Stinger Lvl. 2 - [Bold Cancelled Teleport if you aren't near a corner] - Hammer - [Volcano xx Beehive] x 2 xx Million Dollars
j.S or Hammer confirm - j.S/Hammer - Volcano - j.S (tight link here) - Call Assist (Dark Hole) - Million Carats - [s.S - Clay Pigeon 8 shots] x 3 (I think you can get 4 but don't over exert yourself) - Stinger Lvl. 2 - [Bold Cancelled Teleport if you aren't near a corner] - Hammer - [Volcano xx Beehive] x 2 xx Million Dollars
I've really started to play with breaking down the Dante BnBs and hope to find something different and viable for all teams soon. Wish me luck.
Wolverine can't solo combo off of his instant overhead without an assist, X factor or Berserker Charge upgrade. Also once Wolverine does his instant overhead and you guess right, you basically avoided his mix up. Against Firebrand pinned under Cold Star.... you are getting opened the fuck up.Firebrand should be able to combo off of his instant overhead solo like Wolverine can!
Man I've always tried to do volcano -> j.S but that shit is so inconsistent for me.
BTW, you play on PSN or Xbox?
Man I've always tried to do volcano -> j.S but that shit is so inconsistent for me.
I won't lie, it's hard for me as well, although I can at least see the timing now. Only problem is making it safe/turning it into a reset if the j.S whiffs. I need to learn how to Bold Move mid match after a whiffed j.S.
Dante can Bold Move a whiffed j.S? That's news to me. I guess I've never really tried since I never use j.S without canceling into Hammer/Airplay or outside of combos. I'm still not positive that would make it safe.
Well I could just play my best team all day! Btw, did you think the Chris team was solid?That's what you get for losing to my fraudulent teams
Fixed it. Sometimes I skip quotes to return to them later when writing large responses, and I just forgot to go back this time.
I honestly think of Tron as the same archetype as Haggar though she has much more mobility. Haggar theoretically has a hard time opening people up, but watching Bum's stream aka House of Crack, you see people get bopped AT LEAST once, that's the way it is with Tron. It's hard to do it but once you do, they have a dead character, alot of characters are like this. Tron is definitely best played on point now that her assist isn't god tier.Tron can loop supers until death, but I'm talking more about a character's ability to open people up. If you can't do that, nothing else matters.
I'm not saying that other characters need Hidden Missiles, and I think we both know he has great normals (just bad mobility). But ask yourself: if every other character had an assist on par with Hidden Missiles, what would it look like? Tracking Purification wouldn't even be as good as Hidden Missiles.
17th hour is when he starts playing, it goes Neo then CJ set against Zak. Also the Chaos Tide troll is at around 19:58.
During the entire time Fanatiq is glued to the TV and analyzing every movement, tech and mix up of Zak. Anytime Firebrand does the instant overhead he just shakes his head, he knows that shit is scary!
Wolverine can't solo combo off of his instant overhead without an assist, X factor or Berserker Charge upgrade. Also once Wolverine does his instant overhead and you guess right, you basically avoided his mix up. Against Firebrand pinned under Cold Star.... you are getting opened the fuck up.
Yeah, you can bold move the j.S on first contact with the ground on hit, block, or whiff. You can also Dash Cancel which leads to stuff like this.
Yeah.... against Sentinel.
Also I probably did get the orders mixed up because I sort of scrolled around and forgot what was where.
Again I know that but that still falls under situational category. I would rather attempt the instant overhead with an assist because it works in any situation rather than be worrying about spacing or character sizes. I really only attempt a naked instant overhead if I want to go for the kill with XF (and that's usually like hail mary because if I miss it I wasted X factor) or if it's against Sentinel.Nah he can do it against most characters in the corner. Mid screen not so much but, you play Wolverine more than I do so =p.
Was practicing Magneto's fierce fly loop bnb earlier. I was getting really frustrated because it's hard for me to do the adf H consistently. I'm trying to get down as many reps as I can but can only get like 3, and then my mind like automatically tells me to press S. Any tips for practicing the reps?
Just keep doing it. It's really not bad once you get it in your muscle memory. If it's hard to do so, just make your fourth button a L + M macro and slide your hand over to do the reps.
If the other character is dropping, you just add an L to the rep (i.e. H, H, L, H, H). From there you can transition into hypergrav loop.
Was practicing Magneto's fierce fly loop bnb earlier. I was getting really frustrated because it's hard for me to do the adf H consistently. I'm trying to get down as many reps as I can but can only get like 3, and then my mind like automatically tells me to press S. Any tips for practicing the reps?
Will try this out, thank you =)
So good. You should take the time to play more folks here.
More people should anchor X-23. In X-Factor almost every move she has is safe coupled with an easy unblockable lvl3 makes her one devastating opponent.