He was always an attention whore. He just took it to maximum levels for Ultimate.
Hey guys I know the whole cast of characters in UMVC3, but I'm going to hint at a stage instead.
He was always an attention whore. He just took it to maximum levels for Ultimate.
He was always an attention whore. He just took it to maximum levels for Ultimate.
My reasoning for MMX being in the game or MM in general? He has a diverse set of tools and moves to choose from so that he can be a rather unique and versatile character. Sort of like a new Dante with just as crazy of a toolset.
If character archetypes was an excuse to not have popular characters in then there is no way Vergil would be in. When you break him down aside from his Spiral Swords which are really like a hybrid of Ouroborus and Spiral swords he is basically a combination of various characters already in the game. Same for X-23 and She Hulk... I mean why play X-23 when you can play Felicia, Wolverine, Jill etc.
Except MM easily has enough tools to make him a unique addition to the game. I don't know why people would be against such an iconic character being in the game, it still doesn't feel like a CAPCOM game without MM in it.
X wont ever be in this game. Ever. The only megaman that will be will be the legends megaman copy pasted from TvC. Original Megaman wont make it in either as they WILL NOT do a complete character overhaul. No jill doesn't count. Go fucking play Arthur or Joe if you want megaman so bad.
Sigma on the other hand would be unique and fucking awesome as long as they do his later versions and not his MMX version which would be a fucking Hayato reskin and be garbage.
Respectfully, you're a bitch.
This is a game based on fanservice. You can't just point to another character and say "he's similar enough, be happy". People want to play as Megaman, not Arthur. This is not hard to understand. This game would not be nearly as hype if all of the characters were reskinned to nobodies with the same movesets. Who the characters are matters.
I was moreso talking in terms of people that liked to use him in MvC2 or MvC1. Of course it's a game built around fan service. I only play characters I like myself and I enjoyed Megaman. But expecting Capcom to do an overhaul of megaman is a bit of a straetch. They shit on everyone even harder by making X a Zero skin when MMZ Zero would have made more sense.
It would be awesome if they did something based off that old MM sprite moveset someone made. But the odds of that are pretty much nonexistent.
I was moreso talking in terms of people that liked to use him in MvC2 or MvC1. Of course it's a game built around fan service. I only play characters I like myself and I enjoyed Megaman. But expecting Capcom to do an overhaul of megaman is a bit of a stretch. They shit on everyone even harder by making X a Zero skin when MMZ Zero would have made more sense.
It would be awesome if they did something based off that old MM sprite moveset someone made. But the odds of that are pretty much nonexistent.
Fuck, if Resident Evil & Street Fighter can have 4 reps each and DMC as a relative infant versus those two and the MM series can get 3 darlings in, 3 reps for the series shouldn't have been an issue and I'd be hard pressed to argue against 4 if Capcom wasn't in this weird place regarding the franchise.
Arthur's got the McRib loop down. Turns into a McRib infinite off a TAC lol.
Arthur's got the McRib loop down. Turns into a McRib infinite off a TAC lol.
That's the best part about MvC, it can make you care about characters even when its source material couldn't. It took a bit for people to figure out how good Spencer was, probably just because the lack of hype for his inclusion.People also complained a lot about X23 and She Hulk being a waste of slot because they would be too much like their counterparts. Most people warmed up to the cast by the time the game was released. It was a fun ride.
People would've been hyped for Spencer if it was the alt costume Spencer.
To this day, I'm not sure which one was the bigger disappointment at times, no MMZ alt or the idea that the X model was used as a alt for Zero who has nothing in common with the character gameplay wise.
I don't know why people would be against such an iconic character being in the game, it still doesn't feel like a CAPCOM game without MM in it.
What do you think "fundamentals" means? I don't consider Felicia a good fundamentals character, nor Wolverine. To me, "fundamentals" means you can make characters like She-Hulk work because you have good patience and can find small holes. Characters like Wolverine and Felicia are built around overwhelming your opponent's senses, not finding small openings to exploit.
Shuma is a waste
People are going to get hyped for EVO and such which is definitely what you should be doing but everyone should be using their words more carefully when under extreme emotions. GAF has a no censorship policy in general except against sexist/racial slurs and we all know how those words just roll off the tongue.
I say this because people were banned in the Euro 2012 thread for basically uttering slurs (not against someone on the boards, just something they disliked) nonchalantly. I don't want people on Marvel GAF to get banned around EVO time for saying nukka too much.
I say this because people were banned in the Euro 2012 thread for basically uttering slurs (not against someone on the boards, just something they disliked) nonchalantly. I don't want people on Marvel GAF to get banned around EVO time for saying nukka too much.
random question guys....why didn't anybody play Chun Li in sf4? I never see her in tournies but she is always high on the tier lists.
To this day, I'm not sure which one was the bigger disappointment at times, no MMZ alt or the idea that the X model was used as a alt for Zero who has nothing in common with the character gameplay wise.
Indeed, please no more deaths in Marvel GAF
I have never seen anyone put Chun Li "high" on the tier list, most tier lists puts her right in the middle. Either way the fact that even Nuki refuses to use her tells you that she's a low tier piece of crap. I see her as the Trish of SF4, she's really annoying to fight against thanks to her strong poke and tick throw game, but it's even more annoying to try and win consistently with her. Her anti air game is terrible, she gets owned by dive kicks for free, she's highly predictable, you need to work very hard to get damage with her and her wakeup game is bad.
Just got back from ASM.
Never dropping this character <3. That is how you shot web.
Everyone clamoring for a new take on Spider-Man's moveset -- something like that movie's take would be hella badass. And probably a little more accurate to the source material, since that apparently matters to Capcom/Marvel (see: Magneto's "adjustments").
What would you do if UMVCX came out and Spider-Man got replaced with Spider-Man 2099?
What would you do if UMVCX came out and Spider-Man got replaced with Spider-Man 2099?
Be sad initially because Parker is Parker, but then excite because O'Hara is a bad man.
Be sad initially because Parker is Parker, but then excite because O'Hara is a bad man.
What if Spiderman was replaced with Miles Morales Spidey?
As evidenced clearly here, ALL Spider-Men are bad men.
With EVO this week (even though I'm not going T_T) and Canada Cup thread launched over on SRK, I've been made very aware that I really gotta start cleaning up my team and Parker play. Too rough around the edges. That, and probably make a true alternate team so I can give people a different look. Gonna try Condor Missile's team -- I just hate Sentinel so much though. Maybe Akuma in place, but I hate him too. Cap and Tony are top tier in fun though :3 Got a couple months to get this together.
That's what time is for :D
[quote="God's Beard, post: 39461302"]I'm so fucking ready for EVO you don't even know. I'm gonna hit every panel, eat at vegas buffets and play Persona Arena ALL GODDAMN [/QUOTE]
Still insaaaaaaaaanely jealous. Have fun and do everything in that list to the MAX.
As evidenced clearly here, ALL Spider-Men are bad men.
I'm so fucking ready for EVO you don't even know. I'm gonna hit every panel, eat at vegas buffets and play Persona Arena ALL GODDAMN DAY.
looks like starting rank 100-2 barely buys you 5th lord. wonder how fast i can get to 4th lord.
looks like starting rank 100-2 barely buys you 5th lord. wonder how fast i can get to 4th lord.
Uhh what? Did you get a new account or reset everything?
yeah i reset everything. i currently have a 51 or 52 game win streak.Uhh what? Did you get a new account or reset everything?
There was a time when I was 23-1 on ranked... then I stopped caring about ranked.
So I'm fully convinced that Vergil is the best character. No other character gives me as much headache. I just never feel like I'm control of the situation and if I kill Vergil it comes down to luck.
Here's the situation from tonight:
Me vs. HB11385
Dormammu / Doom (missiles) / Strider (vajra) vs. Vergil / Doom (missiles) / Wesker
Since he is using missiles, if they get out I can't really do much to stop his teleports. Dormammu doesn't have a great projectile and because Vergil's teleport is so fast, I'm always worrying about him popping behind me so that makes me nervous to try any sort of zoning game. I also feel like if I try to rush down with Dormammu, his HUGE attacks catch me with ease before I can even get close. So it seems I don't have good defensive or offensive options, which is why I feel kind of helpless.
I think my main problem is I don't really have a gameplan. Considering my team, what should I be doing? Or is my team just ill-equipped to deal with this? Should I try using plasma beam assist instead? HELP ME GAFERS.