I said that IM CAN be played as an anchor... didn't comment on whether he's good or bad.So you've done a 180 from when you said Iron Man is a bad anchor then?
He is not that good at anchor but playable. I prefer 2nd spot for him now.
I said that IM CAN be played as an anchor... didn't comment on whether he's good or bad.So you've done a 180 from when you said Iron Man is a bad anchor then?
If I end up getting a free game from this online Canadian ponzi scheme in a few days, it will most definitely be Soul Calibur V. I actually considered SFxT despite how much I hate on it's mechanics and pre-order nonsense.. but the soul is burning right now. I'm watching the GiantBomb Quick Look right now and zomgsogood.man, when i come back to online mvc3, you guys are so dead, i don't even know where to start. i just-- i don't even.
play soulcalibur. it's a good game
For Doom players, what combo do you use if you catch an opponent in the air with J.m?
Waiting for my SCV copy to arrive in the mail. No Mary Poppins Setsuka made me sad.
Iron Man IS that swag in this game. Just, a difficult to play kind of swag. Iron Man swag combos are fantastic to watch.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je1M-dJqGMc
They better play this theme when someone wins EVO this year. Tobe, hit a party tonight, NY is probably going crazy.
Also, if IM was half as swagswagswag as that Avengers trailer, nothing would stop me from playing him T_T
Iron Man IS that swag in this game. Just, a difficult to play kind of swag. Iron Man swag combos are fantastic to watch.
Every single time I pick Thor in hope of completing my Avengers Team, he just won't stick. I swear, I give him another shot every other time I play the game in the hopes I'll like him but nope.True enough, I just miss the one man army he used to be with stupid guard breaks.
Definitely gonna run an Avengers team back though.
Every single time I pick Thor in hope of completing my Avengers Team, he just won't stick. I swear, I give him another shot every other time I play the game in the hopes I'll like him but nope.
I was going to say my team WAS an Avenger team but I realized it still is lol.
Enzo I think something like Cap/Hulk/IronMan could work. Though you would need to pick Iron Man for that. Don't want to handicap yourself now.
I used to play Skrull in Vanilla, Dorm/Iron Man/Skrull, switching Skrull for Hulk when I wanted to turn up the troll factor. I think they're all pretty fun to play.You could always pick Skrull. He can shapesift, so he can fill any role!
I joined a lobby for the first time in over two months and it became an eight player lobby within ten minutes. There are still quite a few people on the 360 side. Also, you are the only Tron player left.It seems the further along in ranked I go, the more people ragequit/ragemail. I would stick to player matches but it can never find anybody. Are there still GAF lobbies on XBL? It seems like everyone here plays on PSN.
Also I think I am the only person who plays Tron.
It seems the further along in ranked I go, the more people ragequit/ragemail. I would stick to player matches but it can never find anybody. Are there still GAF lobbies on XBL? It seems like everyone here plays on PSN.
Also I think I am the only person who plays Tron.
Proud member of the IM fan club:
It already happened. It involves the Round Trip "trick" (or glitch whatever you want to call it) plus choice assist. On paper Vergil currently has the most devastating set of block strings/pressure in the game only surpassed by Viper. There was some showcase of this at Frosty Fausting IV by Kerahime who used Vergil with Doom Missiles. The players fighting against him would constantly jump around to avoid lock downs. Vergil's Spiral Swords also augment his lock down greatly and Blistering Sword as well if you basically want to lock them down for the entirety of their HP. A single Round Trip does very good chip, imagine having to block multiple of them... low health characters can't survive too long they have to make something happen.whatever happened to all of the talk about Vergil being able to lock people down? I remember somebody discussing it here, like somebody claimed to be making a video or something, but maybe I missed the result?
Had to defend my honor at a friend's house after the game...on PS3. How the hell do you all use the PS3 controller? My hands cried out for the Dualshock 2.
I find the Dante vs Vergil matchup to be pretty interesting. If it's just solo Dante vs solo Vergil, it's like straight out of DMC3. It's a pretty fun matchup(if the Vergil is actually good, anyways).By the way Dante vs Vergil match up is some intense shit. The entire match is played at full screen away and as soon as someone fucks up the other dies.
whatever happened to all of the talk about Vergil being able to lock people down? I remember somebody discussing it here, like somebody claimed to be making a video or something, but maybe I missed the result?
Anyone have a link to the TOD reset Dante can perform with Wesker assist?
Hello mahvel gaf. Been lurking and waiting to play
Teams are:
Phoenix on point, eh? How's that working out?
Does baiting a move and an assist, punishing with hyper, x-factor, raw tag combo happy birthday still work?Phoenix on point, eh? How's that working out?
Pretty good actually, since everyone snaps in Wesker or blows XF to kill herPhoenix on point, eh? How's that working out?
Sorry,I'm a PSNI would like to give that team a try. If you are on xbox then let me know so we can fight. >.>
Pretty good actually, since everyone snaps in Wesker or blows XF to kill her