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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Long time coming -- yeah Biz, I know what you mean about how we're actually playing more into mindgames and less into matchups now. It's still there but it's kinda been beaten away. We have to switch it up with "YTF would he do that" tactics to get new openings :lol

Also, #Latepass

Team Scarlet Grey (just googled the name now and found out it's some weird punk band - probably gonna sue)

"I don't want to wear all black so I made this up" -- this is my Cross Counter team; alternatively, Team Good, Bad, and the Prettiest (in Marvel)


Team EGOT/ Team: The Movie/ Team Marvel Movie Money Millionaires/Team Can't Beat The Classics



I don't do the Raikousen bit, L Hienkyaku then dash S to relaunch them. The only characters that drop out are Shuma and Ammy from the combo you mentioned and they're relatively easy to kill with lightning loop and or DHCing.

To do lightning loop on them you need to activate sougenmu BEFORE the Sentsuizan OTG, the clone will hit them then you can jump up Buster and do the rest of the lightning loop.

If you go through the videos on my channel www.youtube.com/darkhadoux it has pretty much every combo I use atm in Marvel.
Thank you very much, very informative!
What are good alternatives to SS loops for Vergil? Specifically, DT specific stuff.
I asked for DT specific stuff a while ago too but really, SS is just a better option. The main thing that Vergil can do is Judgement cut loops in DT, it does about 80~100k more damage than the regular non-DT Vergil BnB (non-roundtrip version)
Point blank, sometimes whiffing even outside of Devil Trigger. So should I be doing s.H to Rapid Slash instead?

Not necessarily, S.H moves Vergil forward quite a bit. Sometimes it's just better to do Rapid Slash raw, especially since that counters that pushblock technology.

Azure J

Not necessarily, S.H moves Vergil forward quite a bit. Sometimes it's just better to do Rapid Slash raw, especially since that counters that pushblock technology.

Randomly, it's funny that it took that push block video for me to try practicing grabbing raw Rapid Slashes regularly. :lol


4. I really liked your use of DT judgement cut zoning and meter gain with Morrigan assist. At the end you got back your bar you used going into DT. Not used that at all. DT Vergil is faster and a lot safer and more scary.
This pleases me.
Oh my...Dahbomb, did you look at the leak for PS All-Stars? Hahahahaha.

Start with cr. L M H (hold down L as soon as you have pressed it) f+H S H Release L. If you have trouble switching buttons to maintain charge (you should always be charging) then there is no shame in starting a block string with M as that's a reasonably fast button for Vergil both standing and crouching. 9/10 Vergil players charge up the L button for Round Trip.

If you are worried about whiffing or being pushed blocked at odd times you might want to use block strings with cr.H. It's not as unsafe as most of his other big normals and the range on it makes it hard to punish.

Blockstrings are going to wary depending on how push block heavy the opponent is. Against someone who pushblocks even as early as the first 2 buttons you want to keep things as safe as possible with cr.L and cr.M followed by a JC after the push block.

Most of the time Vergil has a beam/projectile assist to help with his block string. He basically just does a block string and waits for the opponent to push block which is his cue for a teleport mix up.
Thank you.

Before the fight started I really expected on point Morrigan because if I recall you said you wanted to practice her at that spot so I was surprised when Vergil was first. I think Vergil does amazing at the anchor position when he has meter X-Factor or not, but I suppose having two meter heavy characters on point is best. Gotta save that meter for your Dorm. I think your Vergil is pretty good right now but can still be pushed for that AAA dominance. You did drop a couple of combo's that I don't think I should have fallen out of but that comes with the territory of a new character. Here's my two cents
I plan on running the team differently depending on who I'm facing, but if I were to put Vergil last I'd have a hell of a time learning him and knowing whether I want to keep him. The team is still in the testing stage, but I am loving it so far. Against a team like yours, I would probably run Dormammu on point since he counters Phoenix Wright so hard.

1. Many times during our fights when I was stuck during Vergil's C+S normal loop I always managed to push block you back. This shouldn't really happen. As soon as you get pushed blocked once rapid slash you'll go right through it if I attempt a second push. It takes a couple of pushes to get you off completely.
The HS loop weirds me out because I always worry about getting stuck on S when I get pushblocked. I'll try and be better about using it, though.

2. I know Dorm's assist isn't the best assist on the planet, but I would try to figure out some way to incorporate into Vergil's game. It has a pretty good lockdown time so I'd imagine it could lead to some nasty setups. I would try to figure something out because your point Vergil doesn't have a beam or OTG assist and most good Vergils have at least one for guaranted heavy damage.
I have some good uses for it, and I plan to incorporate them very soon. It lands in the perfect place if you cancel H or Stinger into Trick Down. My goal is to eventually permalock people. Basically, the plan is to make it like this eventually:

1) Dark Harmonizer + Spiral Swords
2) As Spiral Swords ends, Dark Harmonizer + Round Trip
3) Dark Hole to continue pressure.
4) End the blockstring from Dark Hole into Dark Harmonizer + Spiral Swords.

Dark Harmonizer builds 90% of the bar, normals + Dark Hole builds the extra meat.

3. Don't forget Spiral Sword formations exist. Not a lot of Vergils online use these and thats just plain dumb. SS are more than just a safety net for a blocked combo and combo extender. The one that puts the swords above you is amazing. Anytime your in a situation you don't like you that one. Once it's activated, I can't attack you because I'll get hit if I try and Vergil can combo off almost anything.
I honestly think Blistering Swords sucks. I got the formation on accident once, and won, but it doesn't feel worth the meter since it's on such a tight time limit like Spiral Swords. The crown you mention is really good, but raw tagging or DHCing gets rid of it, so you can just do the Maya hyper into Gamma Tsunami, and we're even on meter but I took chip damage while you didn't.

Besides, landing Dark Angel is badass, so I kind of like conserving meter. It just feels so good to ToD anyone.

4. I really liked your use of DT judgement cut zoning and meter gain with Morrigan assist. At the end you got back your bar you used going into DT. Not used that at all. DT Vergil is faster and a lot safer and more scary.
Thanks! I'm going to use Devil Trigger based on matchup. Like, I don't think it's great against Hulk, but really strong for Wright.

Well I meant vs task. My friend also played you with task on point, his Dorm is good but most of our circle just play casually and seek not to get to another, which of course is what I seek.

I need to learn how to master setups with Centurion Strike M and I need to learn a better Nova BnB, I feel like I just scratched the surface of him.
Really easy Nova bnb I figured out in training mode:
c.LMHS, sj.MMH, fly, LMHS, f.H, s.S, sj.MMH, Nova Force. Easy. There's better stuff out there, of course, like the H combo.

Thank you very much, very informative!

I asked for DT specific stuff a while ago too but really, SS is just a better option. The main thing that Vergil can do is Judgement cut loops in DT, it does about 80~100k more damage than the regular non-DT Vergil BnB (non-roundtrip version)
What's the Judgment Cut loop?

Not necessarily, S.H moves Vergil forward quite a bit. Sometimes it's just better to do Rapid Slash raw, especially since that counters that pushblock technology.
Is that safe though?
So I just got back from a local tourney. I didn't enter Marvel but it was a big surprise to see MastaCJ there. He won Marvel and I decided to play three games against him just for the hell of it lol. In casuals he was running a Dante team, but in tournament he used his Dorm, Wesker, and Magneto team. Was pretty awesome watching him play in person, and he seems like a cool dude. He beat Roachking in Grand Finals, which I'm sure some of you guys are familiar with from streams.

Azure J

Karst has fully embraced the dark side with his newfound love of handing out Dark Angels Oprah style if I'm reading those posts correctly. It really is one of the best "disrespectful with style" supers but being on the receiving end of them makes me feel apathy towards your sentiments. :lol


Dahbomb already posted before I got to it.

DmC Dante is in.

I'm still wondering what that's all about. Cross promotion? Really bad trolling? Whatever it is, I'm going to cry manly tears if classic Dante is getting pushed out for Dino on a greater scale.
Karst has fully embraced the dark side with his newfound love of handing out Dark Angels Oprah style if I'm reading those posts correctly. It really is one of the best "disrespectful with style" supers but being on the receiving end of them makes me feel apathy towards your sentiments. :lol
I honestly think I would have liked Vergil on release if I weren't such a Dante hater.

Also, if you want real beauty, I've gotten 2 Dark Angels in one match. I'll post if I can get three. I was reeeeaaally close but dropped the third combo. SO MUCH METER.

I'm still wondering what that's all about. Cross promotion? Really bad trolling? Whatever it is, I'm going to cry manly tears if classic Dante is getting pushed out for Dino on a greater scale.

A part of me wants to think it's trolling, and not ignorance. After all, not only do we have Tron Bonne in MvC3 despite MML3 being canceled, but she was recently announced to be a character in that crossover RPG on the 3DS too.

As a side note.. they could make regular White Hair Dante as a DLC costume.
I'm not a fan of the "pay to win" business model.



This is the team i'm using right now. I was a big fan of the Resident Evil games back in my younger days. I'm just starting to try to get more serious about the game now, not good or anything yet.


tagged by Blackace
Random thought: I love repulsar blast/spread. Maybe it's just an online or lack-of-matchup-experience thing, but when people come in swinging and it shuts them down, it's so satisfying. People don't know what do about it. It's a great big "NO YOU STOP YOUR BULLSHIT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW" sign. The wide amount of time you have to use the spread is great too, catches people off guard so often.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
It's actually the smart thing to do in a "we want to make money" way. Like with Dreadlocks Spencer in Marvel, you have to pay for the non-hideous character.
Random thought: I love repulsar blast/spread. Maybe it's just an online or lack-of-matchup-experience thing, but when people come in swinging and it shuts them down, it's so satisfying. People don't know what do about it. It's a great big "NO YOU STOP YOUR BULLSHIT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW" sign. The wide amount of time you have to use the spread is great too, catches people off guard so often.
It's a very cool move. I feel like Iron Man just needs one more move to round him out, and a few adjustments. I'd love for him to get the ability to toss out satellites that shoot independently of him.

Pay to win what? It's a DLC costume?
DmC is an automatic loss in my book, though.

It's actually the smart thing to do in a "we want to make money" way. Like with Dreadlocks Spencer in Marvel, you have to pay for the non-hideous character.
Bionic Wesker DLC!

Default Spencer looks like a gorilla. Too bad She-Hulk doesn't have DLC to change her face.


After going 0-34 tonight i need to figure out if i want to play Zero May Cry or Zero/Vergil/Strider

I also found out that Vergils Helm Breaker beats out Haggars dumb corner reset Helm Breaker ftw <3

and that Ghost Rider/Shuma Assist is the most frustrating thing ive ever seen. I imagine its what it must feel to fight Morrigan/Missiles.

Azure J

Random thought of the moment: Does anyone pick a character to play with in these games based on a button they have? I don't mean a special attack, I mean a straight up normal or command normal. Every time I see Dante's j.H out of an air dash, I'm reminded of how much I really like animations on characters attacks and how something as small as that can get me to play them. Recently, Amaterasu's Glaive j.H, Strider's s.L/s.H/j.H, Felicia's c.L & b.H, Phoenix's f.M/f.H/j.H, Zero's j.H, Dormammu's s.L/c.L/s.M/S and Magneto's s.H/j.H/c.H have been added to my list.

Random thought: I love repulsar blast/spread. Maybe it's just an online or lack-of-matchup-experience thing, but when people come in swinging and it shuts them down, it's so satisfying. People don't know what do about it. It's a great big "NO YOU STOP YOUR BULLSHIT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW" sign. The wide amount of time you have to use the spread is great too, catches people off guard so often.

Gotta admit, I really love characters with NOPE buttons. This includes Viper (EX Seismo, Optic Blast), Dormammu (2D1C & 1D2C are fantastic) primarily from my end.

In other news, Dante/Dormammu/Magneto is fighting so hard to try and become my dominant team. I just saw a video for how to do the jump loop after a Dark Matter and it's like my mind is working overtime wondering how I can work different Liberations into the combo for bigger visual spectacle or just practical damage. Meanwhile, Day 3 or so Magnus is looking proper and all it took was learning how to MagBlast after one dash cancelled j.H.

I really really love this game.


Sorry about the first few matches, Biz. Not sure what was wrong with my internet at the time.

Anyways, GGs. I was finally able to deal with Nova at least reasonably well instead of being completely defenseless against him. A preemptive Air Play just ruins his box dashing days. Still got thrown a shit ton, though. My Trish also put in a considerable amount of work, though sometimes I feel I shouldn't get hits with her since I mainly just airdash j.H, slide and dive kick all day. I still need to get a feel for her tridash mixups. Right now, I can only really get them if I can get someone to block a Weasel Shot, and I wasn't able to do that against you very well. *shrug*

Also, everytime I open someone up with Strider's cr.LLLL > Wall Cling > Dive Kick, I feel really bad. I'm so fraudulent.

Your Vergil... well, let's just say I can tell you've picked him up recently. :p I also kept blanking out against High Time into an airthrow reset. I got scooped every time, even though that's like the most basic thing to do after a High Time. I could also tell that you're not 100% on Rapid Slash combo extensions, which probably netted me a few undeserved wins just because you dropped a combo you would normally complete. I will say that the Centurion-Centurion-Centurion combo is swag when you complete it. :p


Oh my...Dahbomb, did you look at the leak for PS All-Stars? Hahahahaha.
Wow, just fuck.
What's the Judgment Cut loop?

Is that safe though?

Judgement Cut loop is the 2nd combo here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBTonJqdiU8 . It's not X-factor specific works in DT alone. The normal Rising Sun BnB in DT does about the same damage.

And no, doing Rapid Slash in cancelled or raw is never safe and Vergil can always be thrown out of it, at least in non-xfactor non-DT.


get some go again
After going 0-34 tonight i need to figure out if i want to play Zero May Cry or Zero/Vergil/Strider

I also found out that Vergils Helm Breaker beats out Haggars dumb corner reset Helm Breaker ftw <3

and that Ghost Rider/Shuma Assist is the most frustrating thing ive ever seen. I imagine its what it must feel to fight Morrigan/Missiles.
haggar should easily kill vergil in one combo so no need for resets unless the haggar was by himself.
Awake and ready for battle! Come and face me, fellow combatants!

Sloooowww your roll, She-Hulk is pretty.
Not on the win screen...

Random thought of the moment: Does anyone pick a character to play with in these games based on a button they have? I don't mean a special attack, I mean a straight up normal or command normal. Every time I see Dante's j.H out of an air dash, I'm reminded of how much I really like animations on characters attacks and how something as small as that can get me to play them. Recently, Amaterasu's Glaive j.H, Strider's s.L/s.H/j.H, Felicia's c.L & b.H, Phoenix's f.M/f.H/j.H, Zero's j.H, Dormammu's s.L/c.L/s.M/S and Magneto's s.H/j.H/c.H have been added to my list.
I love Dormammu and Morrigan's normals. The hitbox on Dormammu's L attacks infuriates me, but I love the "prick" style they have. Like he's hurting you by flicking you. Dormammu's moveset in general just says "I'm having a good time with you".

I love how flexible Morrigan is in her moveset. Very acrobatic. All of her moves make you wonder how a woman could move like that, it's very fitting for her character.

Wow, just fuck.

Judgement Cut loop is the 2nd combo here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBTonJqdiU8 . It's not X-factor specific works in DT alone. The normal Rising Sun BnB in DT does about the same damage.

And no, doing Rapid Slash in cancelled or raw is never safe and Vergil can always be thrown out of it, at least in non-xfactor non-DT.


Awake and ready for battle! Come and face me, fellow combatants!

Not on the win screen...

I love Dormammu and Morrigan's normals. The hitbox on Dormammu's L attacks infuriates me, but I love the "prick" style they have. Like he's hurting you by flicking you. Dormammu's moveset in general just says "I'm having a good time with you".

I love how flexible Morrigan is in her moveset. Very acrobatic. All of her moves make you wonder how a woman could move like that, it's very fitting for her character.


I just got a PS3 wont be too long till i double dip and get UMVC there !

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
OH EM GEE YOU GUYS I can do X-23 feint cancels! I am feeling so pr0 right now.

Edit: OK question, how does this combo:

LMH xx qcb.L LMHS sj.MMH d.H qcf. L land qcf. M (charge) qcf. XX

do less damage than this:

LMHS sj.MMH d.H qcf. L land qcf. M (charge) qcf. XX

The only difference is that the first combo has an LMH feint cancel into an LMHS, whereas the second goes straight into the LMHS? Is there even a point to doing the first combo, which is more complicated, than just doing the second one, which does more damage?


Sorry about the first few matches, Biz. Not sure what was wrong with my internet at the time.

Anyways, GGs. I was finally able to deal with Nova at least reasonably well instead of being completely defenseless against him. A preemptive Air Play just ruins his box dashing days. Still got thrown a shit ton, though. My Trish also put in a considerable amount of work, though sometimes I feel I shouldn't get hits with her since I mainly just airdash j.H, slide and dive kick all day. I still need to get a feel for her tridash mixups. Right now, I can only really get them if I can get someone to block a Weasel Shot, and I wasn't able to do that against you very well. *shrug*

Also, everytime I open someone up with Strider's cr.LLLL > Wall Cling > Dive Kick, I feel really bad. I'm so fraudulent.

Your Vergil... well, let's just say I can tell you've picked him up recently. :p I also kept blanking out against High Time into an airthrow reset. I got scooped every time, even though that's like the most basic thing to do after a High Time. I could also tell that you're not 100% on Rapid Slash combo extensions, which probably netted me a few undeserved wins just because you dropped a combo you would normally complete. I will say that the Centurion-Centurion-Centurion combo is swag when you complete it. :p

Haha, all true :). It doesn't help that Vergil is anchor, either, so I just don't play him enough.

And yeah, after 2 am I just blanked out and went autopilot. Always a bad thing. Earlier than that, I was actually landing some of the combos and not autopiloting.

I love the combos I can do with Vergil assist and he does help a lot compared to Wesker, they're just a lot harder to do and I don't have them down 100% yet. Especially the Centurion times 3. It's *all* timing and thus hard to do offline (since you can't call Vergil TOO early and y'can't do the second Centurion immediately and and and..).

I love it, though. Using Nova Smash is probably wiser, but eh.

Whatcha think of the Rocket Punches? I had been playing offline immediately prior to playing you and was in a giddy mood.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
Also, if someone could be so kind as to explain how to follow up Wesker's Samurai Edge OTG with his d.M I would really appreciate it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the d.M to connect.
Also, if someone could be so kind as to explain how to follow up Wesker's Samurai Edge OTG with his d.M I would really appreciate it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the d.M to connect.

It's a link, try double tapping. You have to wait a split second so the teleport doesn't come out, though.


Also, if someone could be so kind as to explain how to follow up Wesker's Samurai Edge OTG with his d.M I would really appreciate it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the d.M to connect.

Pace your self. Its simply a timeing issue. Try it without the shades first you will find its alot easier to do.
Also, if someone could be so kind as to explain how to follow up Wesker's Samurai Edge OTG with his d.M I would really appreciate it. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the d.M to connect.

It doesn't work on everyone, in addition to what everyone else said iirc.

Also, if you have X-23 and an OTG assist, if you can manage it:

(most of your current combo, end at A.qcf L [Talon Dive L]), call otg assist, charge qcf L (neck slicer), S, sj, jH, dp H (Crescent Scythe H), qcf L (Talon Dive L), charge ankle slicer, hyper.

The second launch series has to be done faster or they'll fall out, but you can probably get it with a bit of practice.

The first combo does less damage probably because there's another magic series starting with L in there (L's are mostly for cracking people, AA'ing for certain characters, or making links where you have to use them). Damage scaling kicks in pretty fast so you want to get your heavier hitting moves in early and often in the game.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't work on everyone, in addition to what everyone else said iirc.

Also, if you have X-23 and an OTG assist, if you can manage it:

(most of your current combo, end at A.qcf L [Talon Dive L]), call otg assist, charge qcf L (neck slicer), S, sj, jH, dp H (Crescent Scythe H), qcf L (Talon Dive L), charge ankle slicer, hyper.

The second launch series has to be done faster or they'll fall out, but you can probably get it with a bit of practice.

The first combo does less damage probably because there's another magic series starting with L in there (L's are mostly for cracking people, AA'ing for certain characters, or making links where you have to use them). Damage scaling kicks in pretty fast so you want to get your heavier hitting moves in early and often in the game.

That's what I do with Nova at the moment but because it's not an OTG assist I have to do ankle slicer instead of neck. Also have to pause a bit after his assist because the ground bounce launches the enemy a bit too high to immediately relaunch. Was tricky to time the assist at first but I can get it consistently now and it does great damage. Another cool Nova/X-23 combo is to end your combo with Super Nova, quickly DHC for the hard knockdown, then activate dirtnap, Anklle Slicer, hit S for the dirt nap to combo and if necessary relaunch with Ankle Slicer again and hyper or X-Factor relaunch. It's not always the most practical combo as it costs 4 meters or more, but it looks stylish as fuck. So if it's gonna KO a team it's super fun to go for.

Fun X-23/Nova/Wesker stuff:

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