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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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It's a very tight link, but you can land a Volcano off an airthrow from any normal jump height airthrow. It's easiest when you're close to the ground, and hardest at the peak of a normal jump. From there, you can transition into the usual Shot Loops off a Volcano hard-knockdown. If you can land it reliably, it's definitely worth it, since you get much more damage/meter than you would otherwise.

You can also combo off an airthrow if you're in DT if you come down with a Thunder Bolt > j.H > s.S > Clay Pigeon > Prop Shredder. This one is more character dependent, since the weight and size plays into part of whether you can land a s.S after the j.H or not.
Thanks for the info as always, Didn't know about DT followups. Very useful for anchor Dante.
FYI Solune, Doing Helm Breaker, Dark Hole + Spiral Swords, High Time works perfectly. Low execution, just for me!

It's also a super easy way to start sword loops at the end of combos. For example, I can do the following:
s.LMH, f.H, dp.L, sj.MHS, s.H, f.H, qcb.M, s.HS, sj.MMH, d.H, Dark Hole + Spiral Swords, High Time into sword loops.

Thoughts (anyone, not just Solune)?

Damage is about 30 higher than ending with High Time into Dimension Slash, builds about a third of a bar more.
As long as it works for you, more power to you. That combo you posted is perfectly fine since it's your combo "ender".
Probably useless "discovery": c.H, f.H, Round Trip combos, and you have enough time to get a full combo from it.

No one wants to play? :p

Didn't I post this?! =p. And I can get on if you're still available or did I miss you?


@Azure finished compiling those combos with Vergil/Morrigan/Doom will post when I upload it. The last one was so fucking hard :lol.
GGs Solune. You have some bitchen combos with your main team. Hopefully I'll get there with Vergil eventually. I kept waiting for you to tire out, but you just kept going. What was that, about a hundred matches? Whew. Definitely helping my Vergil get better, especially since yours is so good - always had to burn X-Factor to make sure he died. I was barely there those last two matches. I wasn't even sure which Vergil was mine anymore.

Dr. Doom anchor is hilarious against the Dormigan combo. He's honestly the freest character to that combo in the game. Every other character at least has something I have to be careful about, but Doom has nothing at all unless I go autopilot and stop paying attention to the screen.

Spencer's zipline being so safe really pisses me off.

I don't know about you, but around the middle of our set, when you kept dropping combos that I would Helm Breaker, High Time, XFC, etc., I was laughing so hard. At some point I almost dropped a combo just because I was laughing so hard. It just kept happening!

I kept going to character select early on because you chose a really dark stage. I couldn't tell what the hell was going on.

Any thoughts on my team? I can't figure out a good way to start the match.

Edit: Oh yeah, and your Friend List is full. Clear some space out and add me up.

You're never on this late.
Rarity, yah?

I'll play you now if you want, sorry 'bout the other day, had to go pick someone up.
Some other time.

And now I crashed during P4A and the PS3 is checking for corrupted data FFUUUUUUUUUUUU
The only thing that has crashed my PS3 is Dungeon Defenders and the browser (which is a piece of crap).


GGs Solune. You have some bitchen combos with your main team. Hopefully I'll get there with Vergil eventually. I kept waiting for you to tire out, but you just kept going. What was that, about a hundred matches? Whew. Definitely helping my Vergil get better, especially since yours is so good - always had to burn X-Factor to make sure he died. I was barely there those last two matches. I wasn't even sure which Vergil was mine anymore.
Well I remember you mentioned long sets AND I'm really stubborn when I play. I will play until I break 50% win ratio or until my opponent tires of me =p.
Dr. Doom anchor is hilarious against the Dormigan combo. He's honestly the freest character to that combo in the game. Every other character at least has something I have to be careful about, but Doom has nothing at all unless I go autopilot and stop paying attention to the screen.
I honestly didn't know how to go about facing your team. Since you have Dormammu I NEED X-factor unless I snap him in, which I failed in many attempts... So my objective was to try to use Doom to backup Vergil but it really really backfired because I got happy-bdayed so many times. I'm really bad at calling assists and defending them. I think in that matchup I need Vergil anchor, but I started Vergil in alot of rounds because he actually opened you up whereas Spencer and Doom (LOL) not so much.
Spencer's zipline being so safe really pisses me off.
You scooped me ALOT in that set, so at least it wasn't guaranteed or anything. But I feel like you punished me more for using it than I did capitalizing off of it. Though I understand your point.
I don't know about you, but around the middle of our set, when you kept dropping combos that I would Helm Breaker, High Time, XFC, etc., I was laughing so hard. At some point I almost dropped a combo just because I was laughing so hard. It just kept happening!
OMGitzSolune =( But yah I'm fully aware. I'll just let you know now I was raging because I kept saying "why did I drop that combo" and "Really, he punished that?!"
I kept going to character select early on because you chose a really dark stage. I couldn't tell what the hell was going on.
Random Select - I was gonna pick Bonne Wonderland but I didn't know if you liked it or not.
Any thoughts on my team? I can't figure out a good way to start the match.
Taken with all of the above, you're VERY effecient and calculated. It was really scary. Never played a Dorm that good and you rarely dropped any Vergil combos. That meter assist is insane, you probably doubled my meter or more in total. Your Morrigan also pulled some clutch wins when it counted. Overall I REALLY like your team, obviously your Vergil will get better. Just a tip I would learn the Yipes(if he made it, not entirely sure of its origin) Rapid Slash into SS combo because it is completely self-sufficient, so with that Morrigan assist it would be come POSITIVE overall.

As for starting off the match, I think that's just a weakness of your team unfortunately. All of your characters don't have really fast normals that can be made safe. Vergil is kind of an exception obviously due to the no whiff cancel normals, it's really a guessing game especially against Wolverine *shudder*. Depending on how the opponent is approaching, jumping back and making room for your Round Trip is vital.

Last thing I'll point out is you challenged EVERYTHING I did, you got all those punishes and happy bdays - but that's also a weakness even if I didn't capitalize on alot of opportunities. Towards the end I started punish your Helm Breakers since EVERYONE likes to upback and do it, hell I pulled some Helm Breakers myself.

Overall it's obvious you're the smart/better player but that was a great set despite my saltiness.
The only thing that has crashed my PS3 is Dungeon Defenders and the browser (which is a piece of crap).

First time it happened to me with the "corruption". My MGS4 PS3 died last year though =(

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Re: Devil Trigger

A lot of that was meant to be visual noise, like I'd always cancel into it from Crystal or Hysterics in order to have a bit of cover while I'd get devious and attempt a Teleport - Air Dash Forward - Air Dash Backwards - j.L whiff (fake overhead) - land - c.L with the intention of mixing up High/Low, but as it never came out the way it was supposed to, I kinda went buck wild with the Thunderbolts for chip.

Visual noise thing definitely worked but if you don't get the full combo confirm that's meter burned with relatively few advantages.

Re: Task

Taskmaster is a character I agree with being more defensive with. The few times I got hit with Sharp Sting, I was actually trying to zone or use something with a good bit of startup so I definitely learned that he;s someone I shouldn't challenge button wise with Dante.

Taskmaster eats buttons for breakfast. Wait for him to make some mistakes and try to avoid some of the zoning. In my case that's certainly manageable as I will make some mistakes eventually and my zoning isn't backed by assists for the most part and thus fairly avoidable. Try getting into a habit of not pushblocking stray Shield Skills. A blocked Shield Skills if not made safe by either arrows or sharp sting is a free combo. A lot of Taskmasters spam it without making it safe.

Re: Viper

I'm still trying to be less "hurr I has a meter, EX time nao!" with her, but my neutral with her is ayusss. :lol

Can't rapid Seismo as yet so I have to rely on Strider assist, Optic Blast, and wavedash + Weasel Shot assist. It's still fun playing her though. I'm just upset that I'd get my TK feints and the links after that but whenever I got to the Seismo L - Box Dash part, the window was gone and Cap was there ready and waiting for her. :lol

No real Viper experience myself so all I can say here is practice until you get it down.

Re: Phoenix team

It's funny, I'm usually a bit more deliberate with how often I call TK Overdrive, but in these matches, it was bailing me out so often I guess I went gung ho with it. The assist is exceptionally good if you can preempt and zoning attempts as it clears out the vertical area quite well but at the same time, you did see how I dialed it back once I saw you were waiting on her more, right? :p

I did see you started dialing down, but you quit playing that team shortly after so I couldn't tell if it was really intentional or not. Good adjustment. Loved the one game where I blasted through the bullet hell with Nova's H Centurion Rush.

On that last note, how about that Dante TAC Fly combo? :p

Super nice combo. I thought you dropped it somewhere or were going to about every time you did it because you were dropping some stuff that was a lot easier and assumed you couldn't perfectly adjust to some of the minor lag.

Do let me know what you thought of my teams. My main ones are the Task/X-23/Nova one and the Task/Nova/Dormammu team. Order fairly interchangeable. Not sure if you're going to be able to give a lot of criticism as you fought the Cap team for a big part of the matches, and my Cap play was mostly winging it with his easy but high ass damage combo :p
i kept falling for berserker slash + tatsu crossup last night. i need to stop chicken blocking so much :( this asshole left the set when it was 9-8, his lead (he also let the rematch timer run down). you damn right i was salty.

afterwards, i played a ft15 against this guy's zero/frank/wesker team. man, fuck that team. I kept getting TAC'd into DHC glitch Frank ("level up!"), lvl5 frank is stupid. lost 15-8. i eventually stopped being salty though. but still, that team was stupid.
Well I remember you mentioned long sets AND I'm really stubborn when I play. I will play until I break 50% win ratio or until my opponent tires of me =p.
I love the long sets! The matches were extremely satisfying and fun. We have a good connection.

I honestly didn't know how to go about facing your team. Since you have Dormammu I NEED X-factor unless I snap him in, which I failed in many attempts... So my objective was to try to use Doom to backup Vergil but it really really backfired because I got happy-bdayed so many times. I'm really bad at calling assists and defending them. I think in that matchup I need Vergil anchor, but I started Vergil in alot of rounds because he actually opened you up whereas Spencer and Doom (LOL) not so much.
I think it's best to snap in Morrigan. Dormammu/Morrigan is one of those combos that I'm happy to burn XF2 with over XF3 just because it's so strong. I agree that anchor Vergil would have won you a lot more fights over Doom. Part of the reason I didn't hesitate to burn XF1 off a Helm Breaker is that I know it's essentially a 2-character match on my end. Burn XF1 on Spencer, and I'll have 4 bars for Vergil. Then I just need to play the matchup against Doom.

Regarding your Spencer, part of the reason you didn't open me up a lot is you do the c.LMH, f.H blockstring, which is really predictable. Part of the reason ComboFiend's Spencer is so scary is that he's willing to throw the f.H out there first. It's not a safe move, but I think it's Spencer's best option outside of command throws. I also think you spend a lot of time going for grapples from across the screen. Maybe that has something to do with it.

I think your general defense of assists is fine, but Vergil just tends to catch assists (Morrigan bit the dust a few times, and she's borderline invincible). With Dormammu, I'm pretty good at sniffing out assist calls. If we have an exchange that leaves us both at the neutral and I know you have an assist call, I'm especially alert.

You scooped me ALOT in that set, so at least it wasn't guaranteed or anything. But I feel like you punished me more for using it than I did capitalizing off of it. Though I understand your point.
Mostly I feel like you do the "ADF" version of it, and I jump to air throw you, but get hit by the line instead and then you get a j.H or something on me. What should I be doing different?

OMGitzSolune =( But yah I'm fully aware. I'll just let you know now I was raging because I kept saying "why did I drop that combo" and "Really, he punished that?!"
Haha, when you said "Saltune" at the end of the matches, I laughed. I had my fair share of "BS" moments too. Especially against Spencer. And some really messed up input reading. There were 3 matches I lost Dormammu because I was blocking and went to Liberate 2D1C to catch you, but did Mass Change H instead and died. -_- I hate this game's input reading. It's expected that you drop some combos - the ones you are doing are really complex compared to mine, haha.

Random Select - I was gonna pick Bonne Wonderland but I didn't know if you liked it or not.
I adore Bonne Wonderland.

Taken with all of the above, you're VERY effecient and calculated. It was really scary. Never played a Dorm that good and you rarely dropped any Vergil combos. That meter assist is insane, you probably doubled my meter or more in total. Your Morrigan also pulled some clutch wins when it counted. Overall I REALLY like your team, obviously your Vergil will get better. Just a tip I would learn the Yipes(if he made it, not entirely sure of its origin) Rapid Slash into SS combo because it is completely self-sufficient, so with that Morrigan assist it would be come POSITIVE overall.
Thank you! Most people are surprises when they face Dormigan at how fast the meter comes. I really don't exaggerate when I say it's like playing Dormammu with infinite meter. If you want to burn someone, you do it. Their DHC synergy makes everything super safe, too. On that note, I was really alleviated when this exchange happened:
Me: Chaotic Flame
You: Bionic Arm
Me: Shadow Servant
You: Spiral Swords

Shadow Servant...wins?! I thought I was a goner that round. I also raged when you did a Dimension Slash to chip me out one fight, I responded with Shadow Servant, and Vergil somehow dodged it while flying around the screen. Definitely a first.

Learning the Rapid Slash into Spiral Swords combo you do is my next goal, along with finding the best follow-up to the Dark Hole + Spiral Swords OTG. This was my third day using Vergil, so there's still a lot of room left for improvement. I got a lot better at charging Round Trip while doing other things, though. I was not so good at that the last time I played. My big goals for Vergil in the future are:
Rapid Slash + Spiral Swords combo
Dark Hole + Spiral Swords OTG
Incorporating Dark Hole into Vergil's blockstrings

As for starting off the match, I think that's just a weakness of your team unfortunately. All of your characters don't have really fast normals that can be made safe. Vergil is kind of an exception obviously due to the no whiff cancel normals, it's really a guessing game especially against Wolverine *shudder*. Depending on how the opponent is approaching, jumping back and making room for your Round Trip is vital.
Morrigan has really safe and fast normals, but I don't like risking her against most matchups. She can start any round with f.H, which gives you the throw option select, and then you can cancel into her 1F command throw on the break. It's also a great anti-air, and she has Shadow Blade to get up and out if she wants, which has a 3F startup (underused, including by myself). I want to go into Devil Trigger more for Vergil, but I mess up his air dashes. He needs to be so low to the ground for the j.H to connect, it's annoying.

Last thing I'll point out is you challenged EVERYTHING I did, you got all those punishes and happy bdays - but that's also a weakness even if I didn't capitalize on alot of opportunities. Towards the end I started punish your Helm Breakers since EVERYONE likes to upback and do it, hell I pulled some Helm Breakers myself.
Thanks! What really surprised me was the Zero matches. This team is the first one that didn't get completely roflstomped by a solid Zero. Zero having to be afraid of someone else's normals is a completely foreign notion to me. It took a match or two before I realized "WOAH, Zero is...afraid of Vergil." I do too many up-back Helm Breakers, but my real problem is I don't follow it up with Dark Hole + Trick Down on block like I should.

Overall it's obvious you're the smart/better player but that was a great set despite my saltiness.
I feel a pang of guilt when I beat people who do really advanced combos, like "do I really deserve to win with my ABC stuff?". Plus I know my team is super cheap and unfair in some matchups. Thank you for the compliment, though. My strengths in fighting games are around situational awareness and reaction time, not execution. It's part of why I like Marvel and Smash Bros over other fighters.
Took out my team last night against a couple of other local players and it went pretty much terrible.....I can do a lot of work with Hulk, but once IM is coming in I basically lose.

A lot of it was just getting mixed up pretty easily, and I can't just press buttons or anything with IM b/c they all run in different directions. The guys I played gave me some great hints though.

After IM dies, which is just about every match I had, Sentinel would come in and maybe 25% of the time I could make a comeback. Hard Drive to get out of mixups really saves me a lot.

Played one dude in a first to 30 and like 30-6. Ah well, gonna just have to keep on grinding with this team. I'm not giving up on you tony stark!


Any EU gaffer who wants to play? :)

Also, Karsticles, thanks for the suggestions. I have learned Strange's impact palm loops, now to practice them over and over and over again....
Any EU gaffer who wants to play? :)

Also, Karsticles, thanks for the suggestions. I have learned Strange's impact palm loops, now to practice them over and over and over again....

Not from the EU but If you wanna try it out, I'm about to jump on in a sec. (PS3 here)

So last night at the local arcade was a complete Persona fest. Which is kinda to be expected but still. I did some good games in though. I played a guy who used an awesome team of C.Viper / Iron Man / Taskmaster. Very solid Viper and Iron man play. I rare to play C.Viper let alone a really good one. And this guys Iron Man hardly ever touched the ground. Flight combos everywhere. Man Viper and Iron actually have some pretty good synergy. I personally loved the idea of using Iron Man's repulser blast assist and charging Viper focus attack on incoming characters. Depending on where you land in the repulser blast it's either a little bit of damage or a full combo.


Thanks, but I am on 360. Also, is Persona4: Arena really that great? I liked training in BlazBlue (Tsubaki+Litchi were my mains), but there were not so many players even after release time online. Hopefully, one 360 EU it will be different with P4:A. Or with UMVC3. :p
So after watching Moons and Taekua playing Nova/Task/X and getting a lot of success with them, I want to give Nova/Vergil/Task a try and take a bit of a break from Hulk/IM/Sent.

Anybody here play a mix of those characters? Do you think Nova/Vergil/Task is the way to go? Taekua runs Verg/Task/Nova and runs a lot of unblockable set ups which are pretty cool, but I'm not confident that Nova is the best anchor.


I love the long sets! The matches were extremely satisfying and fun. We have a good connection.
That's good to hear, I was afraid I was too free to you because it seemed like you were playing that match like on clockwork. You knew what to do everytime. It was actually pretty inspiring.
I think it's best to snap in Morrigan. Dormammu/Morrigan is one of those combos that I'm happy to burn XF2 with over XF3 just because it's so strong. I agree that anchor Vergil would have won you a lot more fights over Doom. Part of the reason I didn't hesitate to burn XF1 off a Helm Breaker is that I know it's essentially a 2-character match on my end. Burn XF1 on Spencer, and I'll have 4 bars for Vergil. Then I just need to play the matchup against Doom.
Yah if we do get a chance to play again, I will keep this in mind. Though I was "trying" to choose who to fight, I don't want to leave Dormammu with X-factor 3 , but I suppose Morrigan's meter assist is what sustains Dormammu.... It's quite the dilemma.
Regarding your Spencer, part of the reason you didn't open me up a lot is you do the c.LMH, f.H blockstring, which is really predictable. Part of the reason ComboFiend's Spencer is so scary is that he's willing to throw the f.H out there first. It's not a safe move, but I think it's Spencer's best option outside of command throws. I also think you spend a lot of time going for grapples from across the screen. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Admittedly my Spencer isn't all that scary outside of combos... I noticed this when I was facing Proto before we went to P4A. Also the reason I don't throw out that many F.H is because upback + helmbreaker = No. One of the things that I hate about this game (which is my fault too) is upbacking is so strong, and I'm terrible at air throwing/teching. I only teched like 2 air throws out of a couple of dozen easily, even if I knew you were going to do it. Like you said, I was predictable, thus you weren't afraid of any threats and ran the match. As for the grapples, I was fishing for those because you kept air throwing me out of zipline and you would X-factor for the kill most of the time so I was at a loss for what to do. I think overall, I just respected you too much and didn't push enough buttons.
Mostly I feel like you do the "ADF" version of it, and I jump to air throw you, but get hit by the line instead and then you get a j.H or something on me. What should I be doing different?
Mmmn I haven't really been on the receiving end of a good Spencer so... Ironically I can't really advise what to do against that situation. I mainly (try) block and wait to pushblock the ground string, but of course there's the danger of the command throw.
Haha, when you said "Saltune" at the end of the matches, I laughed. I had my fair share of "BS" moments too. Especially against Spencer. And some really messed up input reading. There were 3 matches I lost Dormammu because I was blocking and went to Liberate 2D1C to catch you, but did Mass Change H instead and died. -_- I hate this game's input reading. It's expected that you drop some combos - the ones you are doing are really complex compared to mine, haha.
Yah I really hate the input system in marvel, I literally cannot get Shinkuu Tatsumaki to come out after doing a regular Shoryuken. I either get Shin Shoryken (When I don't go back to neutral) or a TKed Air Shinkuu Hadouken when I go back to neutral.
I adore Bonne Wonderland.
Good to know, will remember for next time.
Thank you! Most people are surprises when they face Dormigan at how fast the meter comes. I really don't exaggerate when I say it's like playing Dormammu with infinite meter. If you want to burn someone, you do it. Their DHC synergy makes everything super safe, too. On that note, I was really alleviated when this exchange happened:
Me: Chaotic Flame
You: Bionic Arm
Me: Shadow Servant
You: Spiral Swords

Shadow Servant...wins?! I thought I was a goner that round. I also raged when you did a Dimension Slash to chip me out one fight, I responded with Shadow Servant, and Vergil somehow dodged it while flying around the screen. Definitely a first.
LOL that was so godlike , I thought for sure Vergil was gonna be sent flying away by Shadow Servant and I was like, I'm fucked!! wait, wut?!
Learning the Rapid Slash into Spiral Swords combo you do is my next goal, along with finding the best follow-up to the Dark Hole + Spiral Swords OTG. This was my third day using Vergil, so there's still a lot of room left for improvement. I got a lot better at charging Round Trip while doing other things, though. I was not so good at that the last time I played. My big goals for Vergil in the future are:
Rapid Slash + Spiral Swords combo
Dark Hole + Spiral Swords OTG
Incorporating Dark Hole into Vergil's blockstrings
What you have now downpat is already really good, it seemed like you had been doing it forever. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but with the way you talked about things being low execution and things, I actually expected drops. I hadn't played you before so I had this image if you being "GAF's Viscant" but I was pretty damn wrong LOL.
Morrigan has really safe and fast normals, but I don't like risking her against most matchups. She can start any round with f.H, which gives you the throw option select, and then you can cancel into her 1F command throw on the break. It's also a great anti-air, and she has Shadow Blade to get up and out if she wants, which has a 3F startup (underused, including by myself). I want to go into Devil Trigger more for Vergil, but I mess up his air dashes. He needs to be so low to the ground for the j.H to connect, it's annoying.
Oh I know Morrigan is capable, but with the way your team is setup you never want her to be in front, unless you want to play her first for some reason anyways. And yah I want to incorporate Vergil DT as well. Since I have him second I can DHC gltich from Bionic Maneuvers into a DT kill combo.
Thanks! What really surprised me was the Zero matches. This team is the first one that didn't get completely roflstomped by a solid Zero. Zero having to be afraid of someone else's normals is a completely foreign notion to me. It took a match or two before I realized "WOAH, Zero is...afraid of Vergil." I do too many up-back Helm Breakers, but my real problem is I don't follow it up with Dark Hole + Trick Down on block like I should.
I think this is more of a case of me being ass at marvel than Zero being afraid of Vergil. I didn't do any intermediate Zero mixups at all, because I haven't trained myself to do them yet. That's not to say Zero isn't afraid of Vergil, but I think the matchup is pretty fair and Zero has a disadvantage on the ground.
I feel a pang of guilt when I beat people who do really advanced combos, like "do I really deserve to win with my ABC stuff?". Plus I know my team is super cheap and unfair in some matchups. Thank you for the compliment, though. My strengths in fighting games are around situational awareness and reaction time, not execution. It's part of why I like Marvel and Smash Bros over other fighters.

No need to feel guilty. I appreciate your precision and execution. Even if they aren't fancy combos I felt shock because it was very clean unlike myself. You may have dropped some stuff , but as far as I can tell I didn't see you drop anything if that was the case. Like you came into the match, you knew what to do, and you did it so props to you sir. Also I'm pretty sure EVERY DHC from Vergil to Dorm resulted in a kill....

Also I liked this post from our own Sixfortyfive and it's a pretty apt response.

Sixfortyfive said:

Azure J

Nils, thanks for another fun set of matches. Throughout the set though, I was kinda kicking myself for not capitalizing on a lot of stray hits while also feeling bad that I looked especially mashy. That and I hate how reliant I am on Dante's "Online Special" combos (any knockdown - Cold Shower - Prop Shredder - yadda yadda) I wanna tell you one thing specifically though, with Taskmaster, don't Spidey Swing in to avoid entry mixups. Million Carats does a LOT of damage and with Strider Vajra coming down right after, it's already a starting combo that can get close to 800K right off the bat (if I wasn't ass and still learning matchups). Then there's also the idea that if need be, I can cancel the Million Carats into Devil Trigger and go for an additional mixup while an active wall of ice you can't jump over for a good chunk of frames is in play.

The first three or so matches, I wanted to play with Team Azure 2.0 (Dante/Amaterasu/Strider) but psyched myself out because I was so used to power leveling Viper/Dante/Strider. I really wish if I coulda shown off some more though.

Your teams are really solid, hit hard and can transition well between griefing during the neutral and putting on the hurt when they get in. (I'm beginning to realize that I need to be wary of arrows in this game. There are too many instances where I underestimate the chip or damage on hit and lose a character way earlier than necessary to it.) Dormammu anchor is (as always) one of the most terrifying things to deal with, especially with meter/X-Factor available. You saw that I was getting more liberal with Snaps usually after Reverb - Fireworks? Unfortuately, I forgot how tight a link that is offline and assumed the best case whenever I did it with you trying to drag the Dread Lord in.

Also, what did you think of my Viper on Day 2? I was trying to creep in with Weasel Shot more and I was actually attempting Rapid Seismos a few of the times I got tagged with Arrows... :lol

I feel a pang of guilt when I beat people who do really advanced combos, like "do I really deserve to win with my ABC stuff?". Plus I know my team is super cheap and unfair in some matchups. Thank you for the compliment, though. My strengths in fighting games are around situational awareness and reaction time, not execution. It's part of why I like Marvel and Smash Bros over other fighters.

This is pretty much how I feel with fighters and the reason why I gravitate towards characters with flexibility even if I will 95% of the time ABC my way through things. I love setups and good reads, but playing with different rules (I'm a Smash kid before anything else) poses and interesting but at times frustrating new challenge. :p


Mrs. Harvey
Kars. I think you should change your name. Every time I see your name I think of testicles because they both are similar.
What is with this game and not letting you do MMHS or LMHS sometimes? For example, if you try to do this with Dormammu:
Air Throw, s.H, f.H, fly, j.MMHS, it doesn't work. Or if you do Vergil corner air throw, LMHS doesn't work. So weird.

Invite to lobby?
I'll get back on if you want to 1v1. I feel unsatisfied.

Kars. I think you should change your name. Every time I see your name I think of testicles because they both are similar.
I'm aware. There's a story if you're interested.

That's good to hear, I was afraid I was too free to you because it seemed like you were playing that match like on clockwork. You knew what to do everytime. It was actually pretty inspiring.
Naw, I always enjoy myself. And you're a really good player, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I know everything is "the better player wins", but I think you're better than that match record was showing. I'll play 50 matches in a row going 50-0 or 0-50, as long as the sportsmanship and connection are good. Maybe I won't if my opponent plays Zero just because it's so goddamn boring to chase after him while he superjumps around the entire match, and then I have to watch a 20 second combo. Boring from beginning to end, that character is.

Yah if we do get a chance to play again, I will keep this in mind. Though I was "trying" to choose who to fight, I don't want to leave Dormammu with X-factor 3 , but I suppose Morrigan's meter assist is what sustains Dormammu.... It's quite the dilemma.
While XF3 Dormammu is terrifying, IMO XF2 + Dark Harmonizer is even moreso. He doesn't get much more in XF3 than in XF2. He can do Dark Hole loops and kills pretty everyone for a bar in both.

Admittedly my Spencer isn't all that scary outside of combos... I noticed this when I was facing Proto before we went to P4A. Also the reason I don't throw out that many F.H is because upback + helmbreaker = No. One of the things that I hate about this game (which is my fault too) is upbacking is so strong, and I'm terrible at air throwing/teching. I only teched like 2 air throws out of a couple of dozen easily, even if I knew you were going to do it. Like you said, I was predictable, thus you weren't afraid of any threats and ran the match. As for the grapples, I was fishing for those because you kept air throwing me out of zipline and you would X-factor for the kill most of the time so I was at a loss for what to do. I think overall, I just respected you too much and didn't push enough buttons.
Upback is, IMO, weaker than in MvC2 just because air throws lead to kills in this game. Even during Hidden Missiles blockstrings, I notice you go for LMH before the f.H, though. I think that after the missiles are up, you should be going in to play footsies, abusing my hesitation.

Mmmn I haven't really been on the receiving end of a good Spencer so... Ironically I can't really advise what to do against that situation. I mainly (try) block and wait to pushblock the ground string, but of course there's the danger of the command throw.
You're good at using the command throw.

Yah I really hate the input system in marvel, I literally cannot get Shinkuu Tatsumaki to come out after doing a regular Shoryuken. I either get Shin Shoryken (When I don't go back to neutral) or a TKed Air Shinkuu Hadouken when I go back to neutral.
Unreal. Can you really combo Shoryuken to Shinkuu Tatsu?

LOL that was so godlike , I thought for sure Vergil was gonna be sent flying away by Shadow Servant and I was like, I'm fucked!! wait, wut?!
Nerf Spiral Swords!

What you have now downpat is already really good, it seemed like you had been doing it forever. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but with the way you talked about things being low execution and things, I actually expected drops. I hadn't played you before so I had this image if you being "GAF's Viscant" but I was pretty damn wrong LOL.
Aw no, my stuff is just low execution because I'm too lazy to practice the high execution stuff. I'm also not very good in one on one melee situations. I've been playing keepaway my entire life. Playing Firebrand and Vergil has helped a bit. I used to be completely free once people got in.

Oh I know Morrigan is capable, but with the way your team is setup you never want her to be in front, unless you want to play her first for some reason anyways. And yah I want to incorporate Vergil DT as well. Since I have him second I can DHC gltich from Bionic Maneuvers into a DT kill combo.
It's good to put her first against Hulk or a character like Nova when backed by horizontal assists. Hulk, because she can start the match flawlessly against him. Mash f.H for the throw, which gets teched, and cancel the tech animation into her 1 frame command throw. It's borderline inescapable, and the real use of most command throws in this game. Morrigan gets to start the round safely...what more can you ask for against Hulk? I'm still not good enough with the team to make it work beyond that point, though.

I think this is more of a case of me being ass at marvel than Zero being afraid of Vergil. I didn't do any intermediate Zero mixups at all, because I haven't trained myself to do them yet. That's not to say Zero isn't afraid of Vergil, but I think the matchup is pretty fair and Zero has a disadvantage on the ground.
I want to feel good for beating Zero.

No need to feel guilty. I appreciate your precision and execution. Even if they aren't fancy combos I felt shock because it was very clean unlike myself. You may have dropped some stuff , but as far as I can tell I didn't see you drop anything if that was the case. Like you came into the match, you knew what to do, and you did it so props to you sir. Also I'm pretty sure EVERY DHC from Vergil to Dorm resulted in a kill....
I tend not to do anything in a match that I'm not comfortable with. Like today, with Dormammu I did cornered air throw, s.H, f.H, fly, j.MHSMHS, s.MS, sj.MMHS, dp.L, qcf.AA. I've been practicing that for about 3 months, but it's only the third time I've tried it in a match (first time successfully). Same reason I don't do Dormammu's wall bounce combos. I just don't feel like they're reliable. I'm to the point with Morrigan where I nail her Soul Fist cancel combo about 70% of the time. Most of that is the game being finicky though, there isn't much I can do about it. I'm working on her double Soul Fist cancel combo, which is way harder but more reliable.


What is with this game and not letting you do MMHS or LMHS sometimes? For example, if you try to do this with Dormammu:
Air Throw, s.H, f.H, fly, j.MMHS, it doesn't work. Or if you do Vergil corner air throw, LMHS doesn't work. So weird.

I'll get back on if you want to 1v1. I feel unsatisfied.

I would, but my only wired connect is XBL. Anybody on there want to play?
Man, She-Hulk is super fun. Too bad she has such a rough time against a lot of characters. Nothing like landing one of those throws though.

Gonna keep screwing around with her for the lols. I might have the worst one ever, forgot how to run :lol

Also, got the days I need off for Canada Cup and just finished ASM tonight. Tomorrow or Sunday, hitting dat Danger Room to get ready. Screw a time chamber.


get some go again
Man, She-Hulk is super fun. Too bad she has such a rough time against a lot of characters. Nothing like landing one of those throws though.

Gonna keep screwing around with her for the lols. I might have the worst one ever, forgot how to run :lol

Also, got the days I need off for Canada Cup and just finished ASM tonight. Tomorrow or Sunday, hitting dat Danger Room to get ready. Screw a time chamber.
that damn spider is a menace.


get some go again
He damn well better be. Clint needs to get his old man and Laura needs to be prettier than ever too.
well if you don't at least get top 32 then you will get smurfed.


Azure J

Sorry Smurfx, I literally just retired for the night when you sent me that invite. I'll play you for sure this weekend though.

In other news, I just discovered the most godlike thing ever with Dante's teleport thanks to my bro reminding me of something that happened in a previous match. Basically, during a match, I was mid teleport when my brother triggered a Gimlet super (with flash and all) and silly me decided to Devil Trigger to safety instead of gamble on the teleport working or getting stuffed on startup. It worked of course (as has been proven by other sources a few times over) but that's not the interesting part. About 20 minutes ago, we both had the idea of checking to see if the teleport had enough frames on the ground before the actual character movement to allow for a hyper cancel and lo and behold, it does! I already have at least 4 different setups I want to check out that could change how people approach Dante:

Basic application: Doing it raw into Devil Trigger can save you if you feel like the teleport is too predictable or easily air grabbed if someone's been doing so consistently. There's also the safety during a fast super (not beam fast though) if you're caught in the middle of the early frames of the teleport.

The absolute most awesome thing about this is that there are real teleport feint applications here. The entire animation kicks in with sound cue before the cancel takes place so folks trained to watch for the teleport could get opened up with that and an assist. I am dying to find a way to get my fingers to work fast enough so I can do a Stinger + Assist mixup where I stay on the same side. (Stinger + Assist - Bold Cancel Teleport xx Devil Trigger - further mixup)
Sorry Smurfx, I literally just retired for the night when you sent me that invite. I'll play you for sure this weekend though.

In other news, I just discovered the most godlike thing ever with Dante's teleport thanks to my bro reminding me of something that happened in a previous match. Basically, during a match, I was mid teleport when my brother triggered a Gimlet super (with flash and all) and silly me decided to Devil Trigger to safety instead of gamble on the teleport working or getting stuffed on startup. It worked of course (as has been proven by other sources a few times over) but that's not the interesting part. About 20 minutes ago, we both had the idea of checking to see if the teleport had enough frames on the ground before the actual character movement to allow for a hyper cancel and lo and behold, it does! I already have at least 4 different setups I want to check out that could change how people approach Dante:

Basic application: Doing it raw into Devil Trigger can save you if you feel like the teleport is too predictable or easily air grabbed if someone's been doing so consistently. There's also the safety during a fast super (not beam fast though) if you're caught in the middle of the early frames of the teleport.

The absolute most awesome thing about this is that there are real teleport feint applications here. The entire animation kicks in with sound cue before the cancel takes place so folks trained to watch for the teleport could get opened up with that and an assist. I am dying to find a way to get my fingers to work fast enough so I can do a Stinger + Assist mixup where I stay on the same side. (Stinger + Assist - Bold Cancel Teleport xx Devil Trigger - further mixup)

On this note, the full Rapid Slash sound plays if you cancel it early (by dying...)


ft10? send me an invite. smurfxzilla on xbox live.

ggs. I have some experience against Haggar but not against Taskmaster/Hawkeye combo, haha. The only other one I fought was Sixfortyfive's. Thinking back I should have used Plasma Beam assist or Hawkeye arrows instead of missiles. Bolts with Strange works okay I guess but Strange is so vulnerable since he stays out forever. @_@


What is with this game and not letting you do MMHS or LMHS sometimes? For example, if you try to do this with Dormammu:
Air Throw, s.H, f.H, fly, j.MMHS, it doesn't work. Or if you do Vergil corner air throw, LMHS doesn't work. So weird.
You are limited to 3 normal attacks during a normal jump I believe.
I'm aware. There's a story if you're interested.
Do tell lol.
Naw, I always enjoy myself. And you're a really good player, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I know everything is "the better player wins", but I think you're better than that match record was showing. I'll play 50 matches in a row going 50-0 or 0-50, as long as the sportsmanship and connection are good. Maybe I won't if my opponent plays Zero just because it's so goddamn boring to chase after him while he superjumps around the entire match, and then I have to watch a 20 second combo. Boring from beginning to end, that character is.
As of late I get demoralized really quickly, it might be due to work or something or lack of sleep.
Unreal. Can you really combo Shoryuken to Shinkuu Tatsu?
Solo in Denjin only.
I tend not to do anything in a match that I'm not comfortable with. Like today, with Dormammu I did cornered air throw, s.H, f.H, fly, j.MHSMHS, s.MS, sj.MMHS, dp.L, qcf.AA. I've been practicing that for about 3 months, but it's only the third time I've tried it in a match (first time successfully). Same reason I don't do Dormammu's wall bounce combos. I just don't feel like they're reliable. I'm to the point with Morrigan where I nail her Soul Fist cancel combo about 70% of the time. Most of that is the game being finicky though, there isn't much I can do about it. I'm working on her double Soul Fist cancel combo, which is way harder but more reliable.
That's a good thing, it's why we call them our bread and butter after all. I personally try the difficult combos because well, that's why I've been practicing. Sometimes i'll kick myself and say, why did I try to style. Dropped Combo > Lose Game > Story of my life. Ultimately it's my own fault though.

Why does my opponent sometimes fall out of sword loops after the second c.H? What should I change?
Is it the combo you were doing to me yesterday?
You are limited to 3 normal attacks during a normal jump I believe.
But why?! :-O

Do tell lol.
I used to be a guild and raid leader for World of Warcraft, and was main tank. My character's name was Karst - no relation to Golden Sun. One of my guildmates was going to trade accounts with a guy on another server (and then transfer back to ours with the new one), so he asked me to make a character there and check the guy's character out. I tried to make a character called "Karst", but it was taken. I'm a big fan of Greek literature and philosophy, so I added an "icles" on the end to make "Karsticles". So like Hercules, Sophocles, etc. The "e" is long.

I logged onto the new server with my level 1 Hunter, and everyone on Ventrilo busts out laughing. "Karst, that's an amazing name you have there". Being the naive lover of the Greeks I am, I said "Why thank you!" I thought they just appreciated the culture as much as I do (the guild was called Republic, after all...which most people thought was a Star Wars reference - it was a lovely monarchy).

Later that night we were raiding, and my guildmate asked me to tell everyone what I made my name on the other server. So I proudly boasted "KarsticlEs"! There was a noticeable awkward silence, and then my guildmate said "What? I thought it was Karsticles...like you named the character after testicles." Much laughter was had, especially by my wife, who sometimes raided with us.

It became a guild joke, and my wife to this day sometimes calls me "Karsticles" in the way that rhymes with your manparts. After becoming frustrated with so many websites having the name Karst taken due to goddamn Golden Sun fans, I just started using Karsticles on websites to make remembering the name easier.

So yeah, I'm keenly aware that it makes people think of testicles. Any forum group I post with long enough eventually has someone who brings it up with me. I read it as "KarsticlEs" in my head, but I get a good chuckle out of the alternative pronunciation, and what so many people must think about it.

As of late I get demoralized really quickly, it might be due to work or something or lack of sleep.
Sleep more!

That's a good thing, it's why we call them our bread and butter after all. I personally try the difficult combos because well, that's why I've been practicing. Sometimes i'll kick myself and say, why did I try to style. Dropped Combo > Lose Game > Story of my life. Ultimately it's my own fault though.
I think it's good if you are good at doing them. I think you generally were. It's hard to ignore them with Spencer and Vergil, too. It's a big part of what makes them so good.

Is it the combo you were doing to me yesterday?
Naw, it's this:
c.H, Spiral Swords, j.d+H, j.d+H, Round Trip, c.H, Judgment Cut L, c.H, Spiral Swords.

I think that's the general sword loop. Often, the second Spiral Swords whiffs because my opponent is too far away.


But why?! :-O
Depends on the character. One thing I've noticed is that characters with the capability of chaining a standing normal into a crouching normal of the same strength(all three buttons, not just one. Dante can go standing heavy to crouching heavy, but he only gets three per jump, so it has to be like Trish who can do it for light, medium or heavy) can get six per jump, while characters that can only chain to a normal stronger than the previous button only get 3 per jump. There might be a few characters that break the mold, but that's what I've noticed.
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