You know, he never did call his assists, now that I think about it. Just trying to get in with Ryu and that reverse tatsu of his (which aim master M took care of). Also, general ryu low/high mix-ups. He did have Wesker as OTG for Hulk, but for the three times he landed a combo on me with him, he never extended the combos with his assists.
I have seen far scarier Ryu/Hulk teams, but he was kinda weak with them. I guess that's why I got carried away and let him open me up with Lv 3 wesker. :/
Thats kind of sad because Ryu should be calling assists more and using his newer tools better to get in. Course against aim master guys reliant on jump ins are kind of screwed. Sounds likely he had gamma charge vertical as an assist because otherwise he should have been getting gamma wave out there and dashing up to close the distance. He then could have applied blockstrings and gone for wesker low shot mixups if he was too terrified to jump anymore for the tatsu crossups. Course I can understand if Hulk was set to gamma charge with teleporters being so deadly in this game with their ability to teleport above you :/
Also the lack of combo extensions via tatsus OR Wesker really has me shaking my head. What was the guy's rank? Maybe he was just new to them, because that is a pretty legit team IMO.
Cross posting
SOLID. Will this be streamed because watching mexico play Marvel is a whole new universe and I'm really into KOF 13 lately. I'm trying to learn it more and I'm fishing for vids to watch what people drive cancel to create longer combos. Here's hoping I see some Andy or Vice play since I don't see them nearly as often as my anchor K' on streams.