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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Azure J

Just for references' sake:

- 80% of the Million Stabs you see there are me attempting a H - Weasel Shot frame trap post wavedash. The other 20% was me trying to crouch cancel wavedash. 100% of those random standing Hs with Strider were me trying to H - Formation B - H - Formation B Shot. 100% of those random c.Ls as Viper were Rapid Seismo attempts or bad crouch cancel dashes.
- Cold Shower - Prop Shredder is the optimal online confirm, no swag combos today. :(
- It's amazing how awful I felt playing Amaterasu that night. It's like all my setups were MIA as I thought of them and I could only arf arf arf around.
- Hidden Missiles is so oppressive, I almost made it more of a priority to punish that assist however possible than to focus on the point character! :lol
- I'm in dire need of matchup experience. Good blocking doesn't cut it when you don't know exactly what you're blocking or how disadvantageous it could be. Phoenix Wright was an eye opener and also reminds me that I am forever cursed to be completely free to roster additions that initally never make sense to me (Olimar in Brawl was a wat inclusion to a younger me then he turns out to be the matchup I hated playing most as Marth, now Phoenix Wright shows me the light once more. :lol)
- Spencer was when all my momentum came to a complete stop. How does I stopped zips?
- Last two matches were my brother playing and of course he'd have to come in and go even with that walk up pressure... =/


You could grab Spencer out of the zips but, lol online. I tried to only do it when I had missiles or Rapid Slash out to make it harder to grab Spencer, but watching it I forgot sometimes.

Yeah thinking about it, I should have used Hawkeye in the matches against your brother but I wanted to try out Zero vs Zero.

Also man, the C.Viper and Dante mixups with Strider assist were crazy. I need to learn how to block them or punish Strider assist better. I do feel that your Dante and C.Viper would benefit a lot from a beam/arrow assist. Strider doesn't really help them much in getting in. Ammy Cold Star is okay but it's a lot easier to punish that assist than say, Doom beam. Plus it's better suited for lockdown once you're in than to help get in.

And you don't have Xbox Live outside of the free weekend you had right? Let me know when you actually get it so we can get more matches in. Need some practice with my Clockwork Doom/Ammy/Strider team and Doom/Ammy/Strange team. :p Plus you said you need some matchup experience and I can use most of the cast pretty decently (My Magneto needs some work though... I can't get the timing of Hyper Grav loops down. :( )


Hitbox stuff is going to be a bit longer in development because the stipulations to getting the replays are weird.

Solune, I have to ask you something, how are you getting that Round Trip - Upper Slash cancel loop exactly? Any specifics to getting it consistently?

Depends which way you're facing, to make them juggle properly midscreen or after the wallbounce, release Round Trip and it SHOULD hit 3 times, then immediately hit S xx UpperSlash xx Judgement Cut L . Try to perform this whole part as fast as you can, Judgement Cut should juggle them in a way that the timing is similar to c.H xx Judgement Cut.

If you're Vergil facing the corner, there are two ways to hit the S xx UpperSlash , either delay the S as much as possible or slight delay the S and slightly delay UpperSlash. This is if Vergil is right next to the opponent and right next to the corner. If you're about 2 character spaces away, you can just perform the combo as normal.

Azure J

You could grab Spencer out of the zips but, lol online. I tried to only do it when I had missiles or Rapid Slash out to make it harder to grab Spencer, but watching it I forgot sometimes.

Yeah thinking about it, I should have used Hawkeye in the matches against your brother but I wanted to try out Zero vs Zero.

Also man, the C.Viper and Dante mixups with Strider assist were crazy. I need to learn how to block them or punish Strider assist better. I do feel that your Dante and C.Viper would benefit a lot from a beam/arrow assist. Strider doesn't really help them much in getting in. Ammy Cold Star is okay but it's a lot easier to punish that assist than say, Doom beam.

And you don't have Xbox Live outside of the free weekend you had right? Let me know when you actually get it so we can get more matches in. Need some practice with my Clockwork Doom/Ammy/Strider team and Doom/Ammy/Strange team. :p

You have no idea how many different times I've thought of a beam for both those characters since Viper footsies would get a buff and Dante wouldn't feel helpless versus stuff like start of round Wolverines or conversions from full screen. At the same time, Vajra does sooooooo much for mixups, resets and pretty much acts like a hard knockdown beam when paired with Dante's teleport. That and I love the hell out of Strider as a character. So many resets and dirty vortexes to put people in and I'm still pretty much on Day 1 stuff with him.

To tell you the truth, I don't know what to think regarding Xbox Live. I'm currently thinking that I'll grab a year in the near future just because I want to play with everyone here more (those matches were fantastic fun even if I got a bit salty thinking "I should be able to block/attack/avoid this better") and I also want to get into P4A, but at the same time, I'm trying to save and buy some time waiting out the last bits of this gen just to see what goes down with next gen. I'm currently thinking that next gen is a Wii U/PS4 type deal as long as Sony keeps securing stuff that's as interesting as their latest push for new IPs in the genres I like and PSN improves. The 360 is pretty much my "Mahvel and or multiplat Box" since they run better on it and a lot of the original content for the system really isn't my thing. (I tried, don't judge me! :lol)

Edit: Something I noticed after reaching the alt team section of our matches, I am really bad when I swap out to Zero, Dormammu and Magneto even though the teams with them on it are some of my favorites. (I want to play Dante/Felicia/Phoenix more lately though.) I really need to make a bunch of character checklists and practice more.
Just for references' sake:

- 80% of the Million Stabs you see there are me attempting a H - Weasel Shot frame trap post wavedash. The other 20% was me trying to crouch cancel wavedash. 100% of those random standing Hs with Strider were me trying to H - Formation B - H - Formation B Shot. 100% of those random c.Ls as Viper were Rapid Seismo attempts or bad crouch cancel dashes.
- Cold Shower - Prop Shredder is the optimal online confirm, no swag combos today. :(
- It's amazing how awful I felt playing Amaterasu that night. It's like all my setups were MIA as I thought of them and I could only arf arf arf around.
- Hidden Missiles is so oppressive, I almost made it more of a priority to punish that assist however possible than to focus on the point character! :lol
- I'm in dire need of matchup experience. Good blocking doesn't cut it when you don't know exactly what you're blocking or how disadvantageous it could be. Phoenix Wright was an eye opener and also reminds me that I am forever cursed to be completely free to roster additions that initally never make sense to me (Olimar in Brawl was a wat inclusion to a younger me then he turns out to be the matchup I hated playing most as Marth, now Phoenix Wright shows me the light once more. :lol)
- Spencer was when all my momentum came to a complete stop. How does I stopped zips?
- Last two matches were my brother playing and of course he'd have to come in and go even with that walk up pressure... =/
That first match is hilarious. Dante gets hit by so many Hadokens. My advice to you:
1) Use Dante's air dash j.H way more. It's fantastic, but you hardly use it.
2) No naked Crystal unless your opponent has bad mobility.
3) You can do Volcano online - I fight people who do it every day. Don't confuse online lag with personal jitters. It's easy to do.
4) Don't do things like qcf.H in the air with Dante against Dormammu. You're just asking to die. Only use qcf.M uncharged and qcf.L to surprise him.
5) Where are those C. Viper EX moves?! They should be slamming Dr. Strange assist!
6) Why are you just landing after Air Play?

Overall your Dante feels very awkward. When watching you with your characters, I feel like you're not aggressive enough. It always looks like you're waiting for something to happen that never happens.

and by popular demand here is a music video for Dj Dicks Hyper Nova Dance Force feat. Sentinel
Haha, I like it, but why aren't Nova and Sentinel fighting each other? I took that to be a duel in the song. Also was that Carl Sagan in there at one point?


5) Where are those C. Viper EX moves?! They should be slamming Dr. Strange assist!

Just seconding this because I'm frustrated with how long Dr. Strange stays out after Bolts, it's ridiculous how long he stays out, haha. You should be able to punish it with a lot of things especially with Viper's EX moves.
Wow more Vita users up in here. Azure and kurrptsenate send me a friend invite if you ever wanna play. I'd love to play the Vita version more. Online random matches in that version is a complete joke.

How did your team do with Hulk on point when you last played?

Well the last time I played I was going to experiment more with Hulk and Wesker on point but all the matches I played I felt Wright had the advantage at the start. People with little Wright matchup knowledge are dumbfounded and lost when a decent one shows up. Like I played this guy who used Viper/Iron Man/ Taskmaster. So two of his three characters just flat out rape Wright. Viper and Taskmaster. Taskmaster was third so by the time he was on the field I already had a significant lead. Viper destroys Wright if you know that her seismo's just flat out beats Wright and Maya Shield and he didn't know that so I ended up having the advantage on him at the start. Man he was getting so frustrated but really it could have easily been me that got frustrated if he would have known.

Also how do people post the hitbox pics and videos? UMvC3 doesn't support the screen shot function and you can't download replays to the system itself. I would be willing to help but I don't know how to go about it.

If anyone wants to play I'm hopping on now.

Azure J

and by popular demand here is a music video for Dj Dicks Hyper Nova Dance Force feat. Sentinel

Seriously amazing. :lol

That first match is hilarious. Dante gets hit by so many Hadokens. My advice to you:
1) Use Dante's air dash j.H way more. It's fantastic, but you hardly use it.
2) No naked Crystal unless your opponent has bad mobility.
3) You can do Volcano online - I fight people who do it every day. Don't confuse online lag with personal jitters. It's easy to do.
4) Don't do things like qcf.H in the air with Dante against Dormammu. You're just asking to die. Only use qcf.M uncharged and qcf.L to surprise him.
5) Where are those C. Viper EX moves?! They should be slamming Dr. Strange assist!
6) Why are you just landing after Air Play?

Overall your Dante feels very awkward. When watching you with your characters, I feel like you're not aggressive enough. It always looks like you're waiting for something to happen that never happens.

- Running into Hadoukens was pretty hilarious honestly. :lol

- Air Dash H is something I should do so much more often, but I always do it like initially as opposed to landing and doing it again. I don't know why, but I just feel jittery using it frequently (re: one after the next), but you are right there.

- You think so? I don't know, Crystal is like my best friend and second only to Hysterics in terms of hassling opponents out of things. Too many times I've been saved by someone getting too overly jumpy only to run right into it. I'll take this into consideration though.

- Jitters might definitely be the reason over lag. There were a lot of times where I had a split second hesitation in judgement wondering if my Volcano would come out or if I should go for the guaranteed (but heavily scaled) damage from Cold Shower stuff.

- I still don't know what happened with that raw Sky Dance.

- Again, jitters. That and I'm pretty much a Day 3 Viper trying to be patient and not blow meters which could be used to save myself. (Hilarious that I say this when EX Thunder Knuckles were everywhere after a while.)

- Air dash forward after it/mixup with teleport on landing for left-rights, correct? I always feel like it's pretty much a hassling tool more than anything. I guess I'm a really defensive player.

As for your last bit, I'd agree pretty much. I've always talked about how weird I feel when playing new match ups, and I am still trying to get out of scrubby habits. FSLink, if you wouldn't mind being taken advantage of, think we could play some more soon and see if I can put on a better show as this weirdly long free weekend is still on? Also smurfx, we should play too.


Wow more Vita users up in here. Azure and kurrptsenate send me a friend invite if you ever wanna play. I'd love to play the Vita version more. Online random matches in that version is a complete joke.
I am also up for playing any version including the Vita Version, so add me my PSN is Lothars.
I am also up for playing any version including the Vita Version, so add me my PSN is Lothars.

I'll be looking for you on this, and on SSF3D :D

McGirk : I'd say I'm good/decent for a Vita player. Doesn't really translate much farther than that unfortunately. I play a crap-ton, so that has to count for something
I have the PS3 blutooth headset but I have no idea about pairing it with the Vita.

In my experience I never heard any button presses on the Vita's mic but that could be just me or the other players.

It's really easy. From the XMB, go to settings, make sure bloetooth is turned on, scan for devices, and enter the security code for your device (usually 0000)

takes about 1-2 minutes

I'm leaving now. I'll sign on right when I get home, send you a message, then post here as well


- Air Dash H is something I should do so much more often, but I always do it like initially as opposed to landing and doing it again. I don't know why, but I just feel jittery using it frequently (re: one after the next), but you are right there.
You and me both. I don't do them nearly as much as I probably should in some cases, but it's good to throw out there every so often. Just don't scrub it out and become predictable with six in a row or something. Eventually, the other person will catch on and punish it.

- You think so? I don't know, Crystal is like my best friend and second only to Hysterics in terms of hassling opponents out of things. Too many times I've been saved by someone getting too overly jumpy only to run right into it. I'll take this into consideration though.
Crystal is good, but it's not a move to just throw out there against a lot of the cast. It is decent against a lot of the 'hold forward' type characters like Wolverine, X-23, Jill and the like, but a lot of characters have ways to punish it which means you have to be more careful how you use it.

- Jitters might definitely be the reason over lag. There were a lot of times where I had a split second hesitation in judgement wondering if my Volcano would come out or if I should go for the guaranteed (but heavily scaled) damage from Cold Shower stuff.
Jitters is primarily the cause for me, or just a lack of awareness. A lot of times I don't think a Hammer/Helm Breaker will hit, and so when I land it takes my brain a second to realize 'oh hey, he got hit' and then do the Volcano. Another problem I have is that Vajra + Teleport sometimes causes a character to land either left or right of Dante, and so I'm often too late to land a Volcano, which is why my main combo after a Vajra is Cold Shower, though I'm grinding Vajra + Teleport in the lab to eyeball which side they'll end up on the fly.

- Air dash forward after it/mixup with teleport on landing for left-rights, correct? I always feel like it's pretty much a hassling tool more than anything. I guess I'm a really defensive player.
Air Play is a defensive and offensive tool. Some characters can't really deal with an offensive use of Air Play, while others can't really deal with defensive uses of Air Play. Just something you have to learn from matchup experience.

Oh dammit, the free trial weekend is over. Sorry FSLink, gonna have to take a raincheck on that match. :(
Damn. I had time today to play you, too. :(
Good games Kurreptsenate. Holy execution errors batman! I didn't not think I would have to readjust my skills that much on the Vita but boy I was wrong. I was dropping shit left and right. You were awesome on the other hand. An extremely solid team all around.
Good games Kurreptsenate. Holy execution errors batman! I didn't not think I would have to readjust my skills that much on the Vita but boy I was wrong. I was dropping shit left and right. You were awesome on the other hand. An extremely solid team all around.

Thanks, but I am terrible with modded controls so I can charge round trip. You could probably tell with my wesker lol.

I have a problem with hulk if you couldnt tell. If i dont have task assist or swords with vergil, im screwed


>Playing online ranked, got 75 wins, 5 loses
>Meet a ryu/hulk/wesker team
>take out first two guys with ease, some lag here and there
>dark wesker rises, uses mix-ups and lag to take out whole team
>mfw when I post this on GAF instead of 4chan


EDIT: Cool, next match was a perfect. The world is in order again. :D


>Playing online ranked, got 75 wins, 5 loses
>Meet a ryu/hulk/wesker team>take out first two guys with ease, some lag here and there
>dark wesker rises, uses mix-ups and lag to take out whole team
EDIT: Cool, next match was a perfect. The world is in order again. :D

Thats...thats actually a pretty good idea for a team. Ryu does better with meter, but Hulk DHC out of air hypers with Ryu would be pretty nice and Wesker gives Ryu a MUCH needed OTG for his combo extensions.You could probably use tatsu assist pretty well in the corner during combos with the other two to keep them in the air long enough to extend things similar to Akuma tricks too.

Did he have hulk set to Gamma Wave to protect Ryu approach or did he use a gamma charge coverage to protect him like a lot of people do since Ryu got better with his approaches in this game with all his new tools? Really curious on this concept for a team, because it looks pretty legit.


Anyway, here's my list, or at least what I can think of for now:
1) After a Dormammu combo that ends in a corner Chaotic Flame, a way to DHC to Astral Vision and land Soul Drain. My theoryfighter says something like Chaotic Flame, Astral Vision, call Dark Hole, qcf.H, fly-cancel, qcf.S should work, but my execution is too poor for it. Alternatively, maybe DHC to Astral Vision, dp.M, fly-cancel, j.S+Dark Hole, Soul Drain. Something like that.
I did the first combo you suggested but starting with qcf.M instead of H because H can hit them at an angle that causes them to not be hit by Dark Hole, also spacing on Dormammu should be slightly away from the opponent so that bodies are not overlapping. Dark Hole will not hit depending on where Morrigan is.
2) Whether it's possible to do Dimension Slash -> Stalking Flare -> Astral Vision, and connect Soul Drain. I've gotten really close, but can't pull it off. Stalking Flare carries the opponent really high. To catch up with the opponent, I have been superjumping ASAP into Shadow Blade H, fly-canceling, and trying to connect Soul Drain. You have to superjump away or Shadow Blade H will hit your opponent out of Stalking Flare, it seems.
I've got this to work by super jumping towards the opponent and air dashing up and cancelling into qcf.S, it seems to have the best results.
3) A way to make Rapid Slash useful mid-combo for Morrigan, especially outside of corners. I can get the following to work, and it might be the key piece to the puzzle:
Call Rapid Slash + jump, qcf.H, fly, air dash forward; Rapid Slash hits them into Soul Fist; j.H, qcf.H, unfly, s.S. So my thought is maybe something like s.LMH, f.H + Rapid Slash, jump, qcf.H, fly...and then who knows what. Ideally it leads into a Soul Drain somehow.
So far what I've got is, Jump + Call Rapid Slash > qcf.H xx Fly > Air Dash Down (Let the whole flight arc go until Morrigan goes upwards) xx qcf.L (IF Opponent is fullscreen+at corner) Otherwise qcf.M xx Unfly > Air Dash j.H > Magic series or j.H xx DP.M xx Fly xx Unfly xx j.HS. I can't really seem to make it work full screen into something, the timing is too strict and all over the place and situational.

For the second combo for a hitconfirm, I do s.Mc.MHf.H > j.MM(Call Rapid Slash) H xx qcf.L xx Fly > Air Dash Down > into whatever. Like I said it's very situational and spacing dependent. I feel like I've spent too much time on this but I haven't been able to connect a Soul Drain unless it's in the corner using Rapid Slash.
4) I'd like your opinion on the best way to continue from the Dark Hole + Spiral Swords OTG I mentioned earlier. Should I just do one Helm Breaker into Round Trip to start loops?
So far, this seems to be the case. If you're feeling like styling you may substitute Helm Breaker with j.S (Starfall)
5) If Dormammu uses Rapid Slash to relaunch in corners, I have enough time to get 2 Dark Spells. j.S, c.LHS, sj.MMHS, Dark Spell + Rapid Slash, f.H (I think it works), Dark Spell, and then ????. Not sure what to do with this.
If you time the Dark Matter well enough you can get the 2nd Magic Series so just s.S > j.MMHS.
6) I can't find anything more to get from a Rapid Slash Dormammu relaunch mid-screen than f.H, f.H, qcf.H, qcf.AA. f.H, teleport, j.S, s.S, sj.MMHS drops on the superjump relaunch because Dark Matter causes so much hitstun decay. Now that I think about it, I bet I can fit a Dark Spell in there instead of the second f.H.
I got your combo to work.... The full combo was just c.LMHS > j.MMHS > Call Vergil + Flame Carpet > f.H, teleport, j.S, s.S, sj.MMHS. You may be performing part of the combo too slow.
7) Anything that might make Vergil doing Air Throw -> Devil Trigger -> Astral Vision worthwhile, haha. Ditto for Dimension Slash -> Astral Vision. The best I can get is one Soul Drain to land.
If you want some thing mid screen can do Air Throw > Devil Trigger > Astral Vision, Then while Morrigan is in. (Really fuckin fast) Air Dash Down j.H > f.H > (Call Dormammu) j.MMH xx Soul Drain > Magic Series or whatever. In the corner, you can get 4 Soul Drains off Call Vergil > Soul Drain xx Fly xx Soul Drain xx Unfly > (grounded) Soul Fist xx Fly xx Soul Fist xx Unfly > whatever , you can possibly get more using Dormammu too.

Edit: just as an aside, if you learn the midscreen Round Trip combo using Dormammu assist with Vergil, you get 80k more damage and half a bar of meter more (if you end the combo with Lunar Phase)
vergil's rapid slash....

It'd be good for your zoning team =3


Thats...thats actually a pretty good idea for a team. Ryu does better with meter, but Hulk DHC out of air hypers with Ryu would be pretty nice and Wesker gives Ryu a MUCH needed OTG for his combo extensions.You could probably use tatsu assist pretty well in the corner during combos with the other two to keep them in the air long enough to extend things similar to Akuma tricks too.

Did he have hulk set to Gamma Wave to protect Ryu approach or did he use a gamma charge coverage to protect him like a lot of people do since Ryu got better with his approaches in this game with all his new tools? Really curious on this concept for a team, because it looks pretty legit.

You know, he never did call his assists, now that I think about it. Just trying to get in with Ryu and that reverse tatsu of his (which aim master M took care of). Also, general ryu low/high mix-ups. He did have Wesker as OTG for Hulk, but for the three times he landed a combo on me with him, he never extended the combos with his assists.

I have seen far scarier Ryu/Hulk teams, but he was kinda weak with them. I guess that's why I got carried away and let him open me up with Lv 3 wesker. :/

vergil on my team is something you will never, EVER see.

That's why you're a bro, carnal. :D
Cross posting

Looks like the ad for our next big tourney is done, so I figured I'd share it.


Pretty sure Frutsy and Taekua are coming, but besides that, Combofiend is pretty much a magnet that will attract players so you should probably expect other good Mexican players that didn't have a chance to make a name for themselves last EVO.
Thanks for that Solune. I will give you a fuller response in a few days, when I've had time to test all your stuff. It would blow my mind if I had just been delaying the second MMHS out of instinct this whole time...


get some go again
where does taekua and frutsy live? mexico is pretty damn big so just coming to jalisco is no easy thing if they live far.
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