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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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There's so many shitty Morrigans online now. It's fantastic.
It was so cool when I was the only one...

How long did you spend trying? Haha.

Trying to play catch up with a character like that is one of the toughest challenges in this game. Anyone can chuck Soufiss, but learning to do it effectively? Hard as shit. Let's also not forget that she has other options as well.
And chucking Soul Fists on the right side. :-(

I'm pretty good at doing it on the left side. Not ChrisG levels, but probably JRosa levels.

Azure J

Airdash j.S into cr.LLLLLL over and over? That's usually what scrubby Morrigans I play do. It's almost like they think cr.L is a low!

These always give me a chuckle, especially when this is their gameplan when they realize "fuck, this person can defend against Soul Fist".
Airdash j.S into cr.LLLLLL over and over? That's usually what scrubby Morrigans I play do. It's almost like they think cr.L is a low!
To be fair, c.L is one of her best normals. Sometimes I do j.S into c.L because it's easy to hit confirm into over s.L. It is weird that people just mash the c.L, though. It's not like Morrigan doesn't have a fairly easy magic series combo.


You can't just pick Morrigan and chuck soul fists and expect to a good Morrigan. Please....
I think the most important thing to learn with Morrigan is movement. I can do her soul fist spam, I know some good mixups with her, and I know some good combos with her, but I can't control her worth a damn, so my Morrigan is ass. That's more or less what happens when I try to play Iron-Man, Doom, Dorm, Magneto, Spider-Man, MODOK, Jill, RR, and so on and so on...

Basically, my movement is ass. :(

To be fair, c.L is one of her best normals. Sometimes I do j.S into c.L because it's easy to hit confirm into over s.L. It is weird that people just mash the c.L, though. It's not like Morrigan doesn't have a fairly easy magic series combo.
I don't mind it(I certainly realize cr.L is a godlike normal with its tiny ass hurtbox, speed, and decent hitbox), but I'm mainly talking about the ones who do full screen airdash j.S into cr.L, and that's all they do. They don't know how to do anything else.

Even funnier is, after being anti-aired during said obvious airdash j.S a dozen times, you'd think they'd stop, but nope. "You have to get hit by it EVENTUALLY!" That's the Nova mentality of airdash j.H over and over until it works.

Azure J

Basically, my movement is ass. :(

Nothing like getting normals for (what feels like) hours while trying to Kara Dash regularly mid match to prove this. :lol

In other news, I'm pretty much always surprised at the "new" stuff I think about trying with my main only for it to work. For example, why did I completely forget about Sky Dance whiff - Multilock (hold for two orbs I'd say) - teleport mixups? Oki games are go.
It's too hard, Karst :-(




I missed you bro..

You, Q, Dah and a few others keep this thread so alive!


Yeah this thread has been moving much slower than it used to be.
Not really many tournaments going on. Should pick up around Aftershock and SB, then again once the Road to EVO events start up.

I also I have been taking the time to play numerous other games. Diablo 3, Darksiders 2, Arkham City, Sleeping Dogs and a few more. Yet... I am always drawn back to Marvel. This is the real crack of this generation. It's the drug I can't quit.

I can never be NOT hyped for Marvel.
Not really many tournaments going on. Should pick up around Aftershock and SB, then again once the Road to EVO events start up.

I also I have been taking the time to play numerous other games. Diablo 3, Darksiders 2, Arkham City, Sleeping Dogs and a few more. Yet... I am always drawn back to Marvel. This is the real crack of this generation. It's the drug I can't quit.

I can never be NOT hyped for Marvel.

Tournies don't do shit for the Marvel thread, it does tons for the #FGC weeklies.


Lots of Marvel stuff goes into the FGW thread.

This. If the FGC weekly thread didn't exist, things would still be happening here at the former pace, give or take. The weekly thread not being stuck in community helps fighting games be more visible on GAF, however.


Tournies don't do shit for the Marvel thread, it does tons for the #FGC weeklies.
No way man I always come here and reflect on good Marvel play and discussion. I posted the Ultradavid Yipes breakdown video here because I know the weekly thread wouldn't really bother with the indepth stuff. They like drama and raw hype there which is fine but this is where the real meaty Marvel discussion is and most of the discussion spurs from recent footage.


No way man I always come here and reflect on good Marvel play and discussion. I posted the Ultradavid Yipes breakdown video here because I know the weekly thread wouldn't really bother with the indepth stuff. They like drama and raw hype there which is fine but this is where the real meaty Marvel discussion is and most of the discussion spurs from recent footage.

You think so? I'd bet that over half the posts related to the TAC infinites were in the FGC weekly thread.


You think so? I'd bet that over half the posts related to the TAC infinites were in the FGC weekly thread.
There was a lot of discussion about TAC infinites here as well mostly pertaining to the meta game. I think most people rightfully deduced that while it will not impact EVO much the meta game will be altered a bit after EVO and then it will gradually become more commonplace.

A lot of discussion in the FGC thread is basically relaying stuff that is already known here as it's more of a general thread. I don't have to go over why certain characters are good/bad here but I have to do over there, hence lengthy posts and lengthy debates. It's nothing new or deeply involving.

Oh and top tier Viper gonna top tier. Rich get richer etc.

Azure J


The Viper vid I saw a while back and still couldn't believe. Why in the fuck does she do so much raw damage? I mean I knew as much when in like a week or so of playing with her I made a solo combo that did 866K (900K and change with one Vajra Edit: 926K, I'm on crack and undervalued the damage. :lol), but damn.

People who can do the Burn Kick Feint - H - S staircase for even one rep are wizards by the way. There is nothing I can do that even comes close to approximating that nonsense which sucks since I would use that in so many ways if I only knew what I was to do button wise. Oh and on the subject of Viper. Viper's Ghetto ROM.

I really love this Viper/Dante/Strider setup btw. Maybe I should have stuck to my first official love and went with this from Day 1.

Azure J

So after any hard knockdown with Dante, if you dash backwards immediately on landing then Cold Shower, you OTG them with one bullet from the move and scaling is lighter...


Azure J

I can do the staircase but I can't rapid cancel seismos to save my life lol

Rapid Seismos... I can do like one after the first one. I feel fucking magical when I can do 2 after the first one. :lol

It actually moderately fun to try and grind them though even if I wish if I knew how to do more of them consecutively lately. Basically, playing Viper is a rush. I'm a dedicated Dante main, but I'll put time into Secret Agent Mom just because she's as "all in" as it gets.


I miss playing Marvel. One of these days I'll get a new controller, I guess.

Doom/Wesker/Strider or Hawkeye was the team I played. Sometimes I would put Wesker first and Doom second.


Neo Member
I'm an Anchorman player and I've been working on mixups with the character. Attempting to learn these ones:


I keep getting super jumps when I go for the j.uH xx Fly though, its really annoying.

Any anchor Iron Man players maybe have something more basic? I've been playing Iron Man since I started playing I just never really developed any good incoming mixups with him.


tagged by Blackace
I think you could write essays on the incoming mixups Nova has haha.

Gravimetric Pulse H then cr. M. Could be a cross up or not depending on when you cr. M.

There's Biz's "just block low dumbass" that's an Energy Javelin then cr. M right as they land.

And there's the tried and true "call assist then box dash H" . If you box dash late enough the incoming character will jump in below you as you cross them up and they get hit with whatever assist.

Then there's Infrit's Centurion Arts H mixup that I'm sure you've seen.

edit- oh and if you want to test these out in training mode just use snapbacks
Thanks, this list is helpful. I already try to freestyle a lot of this stuff, but because of timing and whatnot I don't really plan whether something will cross up or not.

The best IM incoming mix up that I know of is the one that involves j f+H into air dash down forward + assist call. J f+H deals with mashers as if you set it up right you will just throw them instead. If they push block the f+H the air dash allows you to keep on them long enough to initiate at least one mix up before they are scotch free. The assist helps in pinning them down but speed and duration of the assist is a factor so this may not work with all assists (best with Amaterasu Cold Shots). You basically do f+H into air dash down forward and then depending upon the button pressed they have to guess high low. You can also mix this up with the other air dashes including forward air dash and even up/forward air dash which allows you to go into a high just before both of you land. You can also fake out a normal and go for a throw.

The most devious IM incoming mix ups involve a slow moving assist and Repulsor. Because Repulsor can't be advanced guard they have to fall into a slow moving assist on block and deal with an unreactable high low mix up.
Thanks for this too, will definitely try to integrate this stuff into my game.

Welcome back GB!

Dat Viper tech.

Oh and this is that El Gato combo video RayRay was talking about? These Doom TACs really are on another level o_O
Oh I know that it's self-efficient, I just wanted to note that because in the description the user noted that the combo was 1m for 1 bar. I assume that he/she just meant 1 bar as in 1 super but EX-seismo is required.
The video says "0 meter", which I assume the poster meant as a reference to net meter consumption.


Santa May Claus

"So many shitty Morrigans online!"
"Woah, did we play?"

Hahah, well it's a combination of me using Morrigan, and me playing against someone using Team Armor a day or so ago, and the post being from a day or so ago.

It's not a team I see all that often online. :p
Hahah, well it's a combination of me using Morrigan, and me playing against someone using Team Armor a day or so ago, and the post being from a day or so ago.

It's not a team I see all that often online. :p
I swear, all I face online are goddamn Hulk/Sentinel players. Drives me mad.

Azure J

I swear, all I face online are goddamn Hulk/Sentinel players. Drives me mad.

I really didn't believe this was as much of a fact as it is until my last few times doing ranked/player stuff online. That and Gun Teleport Weskers or Haggars made up for the bulk of my nuttier opponents. :lol


Santa May Claus
I really didn't believe this was as much of a fact as it is until my last few times doing ranked/player stuff online. That and Gun Teleport Weskers or Haggars made up for the bulk of my nuttier opponents. :lol

Vergil and Doom are on pretty much every team I play against. One, the other, or both.
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