If we're talking ridiculous stuff for UMVC3 then I have the most horrifyingly ridiculous thing imaginable for it.Instead of new cast in the form of Black Panther, or Ms. Marvel or someone requested we get an old school left field character who was silly. How silly?
The Blob as a playable.
Why is this ridiculous? Because rather than his old classic Konami look he now looks like THIS.
This is the worst thing Capcom could do if they wanted to mess with folks. Imagine the moment when the last character reveal is coming and you are waiting with baited breathe for maybe Gambit or Venom or AntiVenom or someone to pop onto the screen and start getting shown off in a reveal trailer and you are suddenly greated by The Blob's new look and his greasy pierced man nurples and Pig tattoo. The trailer is nothing but him sitting on characters and making bodily noises.
Of any change I can think of none more ridiculous than this. I have done my worst for tonight. Off to bed.