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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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It's not like Wesker is a pixie with a small hitbox either. Most characters who get in on Wesker can stuff his buttons/options really easily. Weskers best defensive option is the 1f command throw as hilarious as that sounds
Wesker, Magneto, Doom, Hawkeye, Dr.Strange, Vergil(probably), anybody with a good wavedash or a teleport and x-factor ^_^.
This is why I can't take your claims seriously. You're not even willing to look into them, and some of these don't make any fucking sense. If you THC with Dr. Strange / Nemesis, and the opponent doesn't block, you just spent 2 bars on a fricken Spell of Vishanti.

Look at the goddamn frame data.

Dr. Strange's Spell of Vishanti: 10+1 | 30 | 45 = 86 frames before he can act.
Nemesis' Bioweapon Assault: 10+3 | 1 (23) | 1 (24) | 1 (93) | 7

Frames 1-86 are Spell of Vishanti, and Nemesis has already burned through all 3 of his rockets by the time Dr. Strange gets to act. That's not the brutal part, though. Spell of Vishanti is -26 on block, so in the 1-86 frame period, your opponent is free to act and retaliate on frame 60. Hmm, what's Nemesis doing during this time?

10+3+1+23+1+24 = 63. Goddamn, what a coincidence. The rockets stop, and Nemesis takes a deep breath before jumping, right as Spell of Vishanti is done putting your opponent in blockstun.

If your opponent does block, Dr. Strange gets ONE teleport mix-up for 2 bars of meter, and there's a dead period of 25 frames where neither of your characters are doing anything where you are offering a free happy birthday. Sure, not all characters can take advantage of this, but then your best case scenario is still burning 2 bars for one easy to dodge teleport mix-up, and anyone who has thought about this just has to ask: "WHY?"
This is why I can't take your claims seriously. You're not even willing to look into them, and some of these don't make any fucking sense. If you THC with Dr. Strange / Nemesis, and the opponent doesn't block, you just spent 2 bars on a fricken Spell of Vishanti.

Sorry, I was just throwing out guys with quick hypers, I've only tested a few of them in the past. I've turned my PS3 on for maybe half an hour in the past few weeks :-(

I actually didn't bring my guide with me either to keep me from getting distracted. The tier list wasn't even supposed to be a serious discussion to begin with, I don't have time anymore to research my claims like I used to so everything is half trolling. I deliberately didn't even include Iron Fist in the list because he's ugly.
Sorry, I was just throwing out guys with quick hypers, I've only tested a few of them in the past. I've turned my PS3 on for maybe half an hour in the past few weeks :-(

I actually didn't bring my guide with me either to keep me from getting distracted. The tier list wasn't even supposed to be a serious discussion to begin with, I don't have time anymore to research my claims like I used to so everything is half trolling. I deliberately didn't even include Iron Fist in the list because he's ugly.
Well if you're sitting around dreaming up tier lists, I don't think the lack of a strategy guide is helping GB. :)
Well if you're sitting around dreaming up tier lists, I don't think the lack of a strategy guide is helping GB. :)

I made it in 15 minutes while I was killing time for the bus! I'm gone till 11:30 PM and I leave at 7:30 in the morning through the week! Somebody's gotta study if another Megaman game is ever gonna get made >_>
What do you study?

I'm an art major studying Illustration and Environment art, and I have a background in 3d, mostly texturing and compositing. I was also studying architecture for a while before getting into environments. The goal is to work my way up to art director somewhere once I get my Master's.

Azure J

721K with an unoptimized combo before a meter with Viper and 2 assists. Is this what it feels like to play Zero competently? And I still can't staircase yet... I just feel all:


The potential is staggering.

The notations for anyone who's interested (and maybe for anyone who can tell me what I should do to make this go into Burst Time properly):

s.M - s.H - Thunder Knuckle M - Feint - s.H - Thunder Knuckle M - Feint - Assist (Vajra) ~ s.H - Thunder Knuckle M - Feint - Thunder Knuckle H - Feint - Seismo L - box dash j.H - j.S - s.M - s.H - s.S - j.M - j.M - j.H - double jump - j.M - j.M - j.H - j.S - *land* - Assist (Jam Session) - Seismo L - TK Seismo L...

I'm guessing I want to do one Seismo L into a TK Burn Kick H for the Burst Time finish. Any comments? I also see where I'd attempt staircases if I could do them at all. It'd be right around the s.S by going Thunder Knuckle H - Feint - j.H - j.S - Burn Kick Feint - j.H - j.S - etc...

I'm so excite to master this character.
Haha Jericho, let me know if you ever actually do that combo in a match.

I'm an art major studying Illustration and Environment art, and I have a background in 3d, mostly texturing and compositing. I was also studying architecture for a while before getting into environments. The goal is to work my way up to art director somewhere once I get my Master's.
Cool, but look at what happened to the last Megaman art director. :-/


I wish it were easy :-(

You and me both, but persistence gets you pretty far from what I'm experiencing right now. I got a concept artist position before graduating and theres a pretty good shot I can land a few interviews once my final reel is out in a few weeks. A couple of the folks I put in my resume at liked what I had several months back and asked me to reapply once the degree was finished and thats a pretty good sign too. Its just about persistence and following up with folks once you start putting out some work people respond to.

Also experience. Never be to good to work for someone just to put some experience into your resume. Its like this catch 22 that keeps folks from picking you up, because from what all our professors and speakers have said its rare someone wants to be the first studio for someone. A lot of dudes had to move away for unpaid internships just to get their foot in the door, but a few years with a studio or just enough startup work with folks is enough to get your resume looked at by bigger studios like we all want to end up with eventually.

Hit me up when you're ready to start looking for stuff. My college has a pretty sweet setup that networks on a search engine all the stuff from a ton of different job listing sites, private listings sent out to schools, private listings faculty from schools list, and basically anything in between from stuff listed by the state to just normal company postings. Plus they are always expanding the thing with more and more databases as they find more places that list jobs online. I'll get you in on it sometime and set you up with the links to whatever your after. Good luck.
I will, I'm about a year/year and a half out right now before I start really looking for a job. I'm in San Fran, so hopefully before then I can find a local place to intern(Capcom USA? :D). Luckily my school has good connections with Naughty Dog and Double Fine, and I've gotten the chance to attend a few seminars with their leads. Teagan Morrison from ND is such a beast.

mr. puppy

Maybe you two need to do an art showdown. ;-)

Such an unexplored character it's ridiculous. I didn't know any of that was even possible.

yea kusoru does some of this stuff too, that character does a lot more assist-less damage than people think. looking forwards to that guy coming back to the states, he has a lot of crazy new tech.
Random Question:

I was watching the next level archive from yesterday. Marlinpie did his team tac on an incoming character, with viper on point, and then xfactored into EX. That was the dirtiest unblockable I have seen. I'm wondering who started all of this team tac tech especially with ammy. Was it marlinpie when he used magneto/ammy back in vanilla?

Azure J

Random Question:

I was watching the next level archive from yesterday. Marlinpie did his team tac on an incoming character, with viper on point, and then xfactored into EX. That was the dirtiest unblockable I have seen. I'm wondering who started all of this team tac tech especially with ammy. Was it marlinpie when he used magneto/ammy back in vanilla?

I don't know if he did it first, but he definitely made it famous as anti-Phoenix tech when he used it against F.Champ in the Season's Beatings Good vs. Evil event.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Your sarcasm makes you correct.

The combo is impractical because it starts with j.S and uses 2 assists. No one competent at this game is going to be hit with a stray j. S in the corner like that without the use of assist. With that specific team you're likely going to be teleporting around while calling Magneto assist for a cross up. After that crossup you can't do much combowise except ABC into the regular ass bnb. And ya know, that whole "only use an assist once per combo" thing takes place there.

So there goes all your damage.

Maybe you can find a practical version of that combo, but you're not hitting one mil without spending a few bars.
Your sarcasm makes you correct.

The combo is impractical because it starts with j.S and uses 2 assists. No one competent at this game is going to be hit with a stray j. S in the corner like that without the use of assist. With that specific team you're likely going to be teleporting around while calling Magneto assist for a cross up. After that crossup you can't do much combowise except ABC into the regular ass bnb. And ya know, that whole "only use an assist once per combo" thing takes place there.

So there goes all your damage.

Maybe you can find a practical version of that combo, but you're not hitting one mil without spending a few bars.

Chou and Mine has some nice stuff with Wesker/Magento (combo wise that is).

Still isn't a mil or anything but I think they are at least 800ish. Which is a lot better than you know the simple old qcf palm then wall bounce etc... Never been a fan of combo that use both assist since you usually use one assist to get in anyways. That's why I <3 my team I can end with either assist or get in with either assist. =)


Yeah. It's nearly impossible to pull it off. Good thing wesker is incredibly difficult to use.
That's not the point. Corner combo, 2 assists used, glasses off and the Phantom Dance was hitting at the most optimal position against a heavy sized character meaning a lot of hits connected which otherwise wouldn't have. One of those assists Wesker uses to get in/land the first hit with so a lot of times you may not even have access to it.

It's like that 1.1 million 1 bar combo with Vergil on Dormammu because Dimension Slash hits so many times against Dorm due to his large size.
That's not the point. Corner combo, 2 assists used, glasses off and the Phantom Dance was hitting at the most optimal position against a heavy sized character meaning a lot of hits connected which otherwise wouldn't have. One of those assists Wesker uses to get in/land the first hit with so a lot of times you may not even have access to it.

It's like that 1.1 million 1 bar combo with Vergil on Dormammu because Dimension Slash hits so many times against Dorm due to his large size.

Good point. I'm not a Wesker player so i don't know much about him :)



Azure J

Was trying to record stuff for an actual video proper, but ended up just making three random clips.
The 'Ryan Hunter' optimized for maximum style.
A potentially better anti-air hitconfirm for Dante. I say potentially since I haven't figured out how to get it to work all the time, but I'm working on that.
And a Taskmaster superjump hitconfirm, which I'm not sure if it's new. It's new to me, since I figured it out the other day, and I haven't seen any videos of it. *shrug*

I will never not get hype from switch combos. Holy damn.

Anti-air is awesome and reminds me that I need to tell Karst thanks for talking up Air Play as much as he did. I always did air to airs with j.M/H - Air Play for safety, but I never really thought about doing pretty much the entire Frantic with Million Carats from any confirm with an Air Play. That thing has soooooo much hitstun.


get some go again
Was trying to record stuff for an actual video proper, but ended up just making three random clips.
The 'Ryan Hunter' optimized for maximum style.
A potentially better anti-air hitconfirm for Dante. I say potentially since I haven't figured out how to get it to work all the time, but I'm working on that.
And a Taskmaster superjump hitconfirm, which I'm not sure if it's new. It's new to me, since I figured it out the other day, and I haven't seen any videos of it. *shrug*
never seen that tasky superjump hit confirm either. good job man i'm definitely stealing it. :p

Azure J

Frantic, an idea to pass your way, find a solo conversion off a Jam Session confirm. People tell me it's xx Devil Trigger - sj.M/H (for the momentum) - Killer Bee, but I'll be assed if I've ever hit it properly. :p


Was trying to record stuff for an actual video proper, but ended up just making three random clips.
The 'Ryan Hunter' optimized for maximum style.
A potentially better anti-air hitconfirm for Dante. I say potentially since I haven't figured out how to get it to work all the time, but I'm working on that.
And a Taskmaster superjump hitconfirm, which I'm not sure if it's new. It's new to me, since I figured it out the other day, and I haven't seen any videos of it. *shrug*

DAT Side Switch Swag.

Also thanks, I hate Taskmaster enough as it is now you have to go and do this.


get some go again
i've lost a bunch of fights today because my stupid pad isn't blocking low correctly. god damn do the diagonals suck on madcatz pads. plus add all the times i miss a hyper or arrows because it only registers down and forward.
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