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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Burning Water

Neo Member
I have a hunch that Vergil's Spiral Swords actually might negate/block the orbs. It would be pretty fucking hilarious if a LVL1 hyper cock blocks a LVL3 hyper of the same type.

It does. I screw my friend over like this every time it's anchor Vergil versus anchor Strider.


I have a hunch that Vergil's Spiral Swords actually might negate/block the orbs. It would be pretty fucking hilarious if a LVL1 hyper cock blocks a LVL3 hyper of the same type.
Yes, Spiral Swords negate the little orb shots. The individual shots themselves are like 3 low durability points, iirc. The floating orbs around him, on the other hand, have some sort of durability points but can't be negated(they can negate some projectiles, but can't be negated themselves).

At this point, I have yet to find a clear counter to Strider XF3 + Orbs. Smart play and knowing what can beat it means you can bait and punish. Most of the things that can beat Strider are Hail Mary attempts rather than any actual counters. The closest thing to a counter is Storm Swords, and that's only if Vergil can get them out before Strider can bring out the orbs.

Burning Water

Neo Member
The closest thing to a counter is Storm Swords, and that's only if Vergil can get them out before Strider can bring out the orbs.

Interesting. Perhaps keep Spiral Swords as long as possible to waste Strider's Ouroboros time while having protection from orbs and then do Storm Swords mid combo. I'll try this when I get home from work.


Maybe Ammy's slow down hyper. Not really a counter more like a mitigator. I am thinking anything that makes Strider not want to press buttons is a good enough tool to have at one's disposal. Storm Swords is the ultimate 1 v 1 tool in the game... it has no real counters if the battle boils down to an anchor battle winner takes all sort of thing. Not even a LVL3XF Dark Phoenix can do anything about it other than killing Vergil before the first sword starts tracking.


It seems to me like Strider's Ragnarok has the potential to be used a lot more than it is by the average Strider player. Certainly I've found it to be pretty useful in punishing overly aggressive opponents trying to prevent my anchor Strider from getting Ouroboros out. I need to test its invincibility or lack thereof as well, for full screen punishes.


get some go again
hey frantic when are you online usually? i've been wanting to have a set with you for a while and i never seem to catch you online.


tagged by Blackace
So... ComicsGAF, do we know what Nova's alt is from yet? Have they announced it yet?

Kotaku put up an article recently stating how we still don't know where it's from, but you know Kotaku, always late to the scene so you can't trust 'em.


Iron Man can easily do 1 million damage with assists. His damage is very good... but that doesn't make a character good. Damage only matters in this game if your character has garbage damage... having a TOD is par for the course.

Iron Man has some of the best normals in the game. People shy away from him because his hit confirms into full length combos are difficult, whether on the ground, anti-air, jump height. off an air throw or SJ height. His normals are good enough in that he can hit confirm from 2 character lengths away but it requires strict timing and dash cancels/fly unfly. You require a technical manual and above average execution to play IM at a decently competitive level. His "basic" BnB is cr.L, cr.M, st.H Fly j.M, j.H Unfly j.H, j.M, j.M, j.d+h, j.S, cr.M, st.H, st.S, j.M, j.M, j.H, j. d+H, j.S, Smart Bomb xx Proton Cannon. If you try to do a combo that is simpler than that you realize that the combo you are trying to do doesn't connect unless IM is right next to the opponent because his launcher's range is not the same as his st.H or cr.M range.

He has legit issues aside from hit confirms (that's more of a player thing but it's one of those things which will keep from being a popular character). He has a POOR air dash down/forward because he can't act out of it before the 10th frame. He has a POOR ground wave dash because he can't act out of it before the 11th frame. He has no normal that covers all around him or directly below him which makes rushing him down easy if he isn't perfectly out spacing the opponent with his j.H's. He has no good reversal/high priority move, Repulsor has a considerable amount of start up, Proton Cannon (despite the 3 frame cannon dropping physical hit) is unsafe on block and Smart Bombs are still slow as hell and don't cover various portions of the screen. He has no safe DHC option either.

Because he has trouble against rushdown and gets lamed out rather easily... he makes a bad anchor despite having very good XF bonuses. He is unable to get within range to utilize his great tools (one of the best up/down air dash in the game leading into unreactable overheads) and thus requires that he be paired up with a lockdown assist like Sentinel Drones. Characters in his archetype don't need to be paired up with assists (Magneto/Doom) or have similar issues... which is why Iron Man will not be a popular pick. If you baby sit him with an assist, he's a much better character maybe around B+ but there are a ton of other characters people can use with Drones backing them up.

I bet people are seeing this post and thinking "wow he thinks IM sucks". I don't think he sucks... he's a solid B/Mid tier character in this game and I will play him until I die. I think he's much better than Iron Fist and a few other characters who have done well at tournaments so there is no excuse for IM (though IM thanks to AlukardNY has actually gotten tournament placements consistently). He does have strengths but around 90% of them are underutilized at high level play.

To learn more about Iron Man please view this video. This video is merely a starting point to learning Iron Man, there is a lot more you need to know about the character to play him decently well.

Thanks for the response Dahbomb, this info will deffinitely help make my IM better, thanks yaar <3


So... ComicsGAF, do we know what Nova's alt is from yet? Have they announced it yet?

Kotaku put up an article recently stating how we still don't know where it's from, but you know Kotaku, always late to the scene so you can't trust 'em.

Pijama nova

Azure J

Did anyone see that Damian blowup courtesy of MarlinPie on the Break stream? MarlinPie actually managed to make the Doom exchange combo LONGER. Also I'm fucking dying listening to Quotes. "That shit was fray on some Justin Wong/Smoothvier shit." :lol
I'd been struggling with good reasons to use the cH xx upgrapple, jM overhead the past couple weeks, then that new combo tech came out for Spencer ^_^ Combined it with my shit and made a whole new series of block strings :)

New BnB limits:

Overhead: 1.2 million for 2 bars, 1.05 for 1
Command grab: 1 million for 2 bars, 825k for 1

So basically I'm playing an anti-pushblock poke game with Spencer now that forces you to guess between 2H, overhead and command grab. I've got some new tech for incoming characters too. I wish I could practice against live opponents before I head to Southtown this weekend :-(

As well as some new Dorm and Mags tech, I've got some interesting THC combos with Spencer to maximize midscreen damage off more random hits. And about 5 new Spencer resets.


Thanks for the games, Smurf. I appreciate you sticking with it despite me only winning 3-4 out of 25 or so games. I felt like I was starting to understand how to play against you better, just wish I'd been able to adapt more quickly.


get some go again
Thanks for the games, Smurf. I appreciate you sticking with it despite me only winning 3-4 out of 25 or so games. I felt like I was starting to understand how to play against you better, just wish I'd been able to adapt more quickly.
i'm the one who should be thankful since you helped me learn how to block dante/strider and wesker better.

Azure J

Omen was about to be my hero with that SSS Dante combo, then he get's slapped in the face in Dante Must Die mode Bloody Palace by the MarlinPie boss.



i'm the one who should be thankful since you helped me learn how to block dante/strider and wesker better.

You'll want to play Frantic for a better sense of Dante/Strider. I think I still don't have the timing down for crossing up opponents with teleport plus Vajra. Anyway, I wish id learned better how to counter your strong zoning defense. I do feel I was starting to block better against your favorite mixups (low with Taskmaster every time against tech rolls).


hey frantic when are you online usually? i've been wanting to have a set with you for a while and i never seem to catch you online.
I actually haven't really been online for a while. Haven't really been in the mood to play anyone, so I've just been taking a bit of a break. Mostly been in training mode. Whenever I feel like playing, and I see you online, I'll send you an invite.


get some go again
You'll want to play Frantic for a better sense of Dante/Strider. I think I still don't have the timing down for crossing up opponents with teleport plus Vajra. Anyway, I wish id learned better how to counter your strong zoning defense. I do feel I was starting to block better against your favorite mixups (low with Taskmaster every time against tech rolls).
frantic is the reason why i knew how to block it most of the time. playing against so many of the guys here has prepared me for a lot of the stuff i see on ranked. i want to play against strong vergil players though since he sometimes gives me problems. man using training mode to its full potential lately has helped me out a ton. i feel like i've improved a ton in just a couple of weeks. im still not using record inputs like i should but i'm stating to use it more.


Jew Gamer
I WON MY FIRST ONLINE MATCH! I lost the next 9 and the 2 before it, but I WON MY FIRST MATCH!

Pretty proud of that, the guy was a Level 5 rank so I am even happier about it.

Here is the problem though, I have finally figured out my weak link. I am having too hard of a time comboing with Zero.

I don't combo at all with Ryu (I play him like Street Fighter, which probably is holding me back, but I have a good enough game just baiting them and landing hits that I can do some damage with him!) and with Vergil I am doing pretty awesome.

But now my team is Vergil / Ryu / ???? ....

Who could I use as my new anchor now that I am opening with Vergil?


One for shaowebb


Not game related, just man related.

Whoa. Popped up at 5:30 in the morning to see my name posted.

*checks the link*

YEAH! Iron Fist on an animated show! Weird that his belt has that point on it though. I thought he was wearing superman-style underwear over the tights for a second until I looked closer. Hell yeah man...at least he's sporting the green body suit instead of the popped collar.

Keep it Manly Iron Fist. Keep it Manly.
I WON MY FIRST ONLINE MATCH! I lost the next 9 and the 2 before it, but I WON MY FIRST MATCH!

Pretty proud of that, the guy was a Level 5 rank so I am even happier about it.

Here is the problem though, I have finally figured out my weak link. I am having too hard of a time comboing with Zero.

I don't combo at all with Ryu (I play him like Street Fighter, which probably is holding me back, but I have a good enough game just baiting them and landing hits that I can do some damage with him!) and with Vergil I am doing pretty awesome.

But now my team is Vergil / Ryu / ???? ....

Who could I use as my new anchor now that I am opening with Vergil?

I'd go with someone good on their own with a beam because I played a lot of Ryu and can say even though he's a bit more viable on his own in Ultimate he still needs the coverage to setup for stuff and get inside. The man just works better with a lockdown assist that frees up a runway. Dr Doom would be my top choice, but if you're cozy with Akuma by his lonesome his tatsu does a helluva job too for this role. Plus his tatsu sets up Vergil Better than Doom beam IMO. I'd ask the rest of these guys though for a second opinion. My game has dust on it since portfolio comes before Mahvel and its ate all my time since launch away from this game.

My ideas hold any water still guys or is their a few other anchors you think would be more suited for Ryu? Vergil's good with a lot so its mainly Ryu thats needing all the help he can out of this anchor.



I think everyone needs to take a peek at this link. I for one stayed away from the whole Cross Assault drama and I am glad I did.

I am also watching the entire Combofiend vs Marn set from previous year's Final Round. I am going to be watching that set every day until the opening day of Final Round on Friday to build myself.


LOL @ this rivalry list:

The biggest rivalries motivate entire legions of players and account for some of the best moments in fighting game history: Choi vs. Valle, Watson vs. Lee, Justin vs. Sanford, Justin vs. the whole west coast, and now Justin vs. the whole east coast.

Soon to be Justin vs the entire world in UMVC3.
I WON MY FIRST ONLINE MATCH! I lost the next 9 and the 2 before it, but I WON MY FIRST MATCH!

Pretty proud of that, the guy was a Level 5 rank so I am even happier about it.

Here is the problem though, I have finally figured out my weak link. I am having too hard of a time comboing with Zero.

I don't combo at all with Ryu (I play him like Street Fighter, which probably is holding me back, but I have a good enough game just baiting them and landing hits that I can do some damage with him!) and with Vergil I am doing pretty awesome.

But now my team is Vergil / Ryu / ???? ....

Who could I use as my new anchor now that I am opening with Vergil?

Try Taskmaster (who as Dahbomb mentioned is this game's Ryu and also can help both Ryu and Vergil with his arrows assist), Wesker (allows you to do a full combo off Ryu's air throws), Sentinel (drones help Ryu get in). Or you can move Ryu to anchor and play someone else in the middle, since Ryu needs meters to be dangerous and having Vergil in front of him isn't a good idea.



Chrisis vs PRBalrog long set starting around 7:20:00. PRBalrog starts off strong with a grin and swagger but it starts to go downhill and his facial expressions say it all. Chrisis explaining the cheapness all the way through "Viper's EC hyper is 34 frames invincible beats out Bionic Arm easily. Viper is more invincible than 90% of the characters in the game and in most situations". PRBalrog just sits there listening to the explanation of why he is being out cheesed.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
So... ComicsGAF, do we know what Nova's alt is from yet? Have they announced it yet?

Kotaku put up an article recently stating how we still don't know where it's from, but you know Kotaku, always late to the scene so you can't trust 'em.


When the costume was first shown (or leaked and posted by you dummies) this comic had not come out yet.

Don't know much about it other than that this comic already came out and people weren't to high on it.

mr. puppy


Chrisis vs PRBalrog long set starting around 7:20:00. PRBalrog starts off strong with a grin and swagger but it starts to go downhill and his facial expressions say it all. Chrisis explaining the cheapness all the way through "Viper's EC hyper is 34 frames invincible beats out Bionic Arm easily. Viper is more invincible than 90% of the characters in the game and in most situations". PRBalrog just sits there listening to the explanation of why he is being out cheesed.

pr rog also dropped enough shit where if he had nailed any of it he would've won

edit: oh god nevermind its awful like 20 minutes in


So for some insane reason I went back to vanilla Marvel to try to get my 5 ranked wins online in a row and I did, now I put Ultimate back in and I am trying to get my 5 ranked wins but I don't know if I will ever get it, I just love playing it.

I need to keep a standard team I think but I keep changing it up.

Burning Water

Neo Member
So for some insane reason I went back to vanilla Marvel to try to get my 5 ranked wins online in a row and I did, now I put Ultimate back in and I am trying to get my 5 ranked wins but I don't know if I will ever get it, I just love playing it.

I need to keep a standard team I think but I keep changing it up.

Just curious, but who are you using?

Chrisis vs PRBalrog long set starting around 7:20:00. PRBalrog starts off strong with a grin and swagger but it starts to go downhill and his facial expressions say it all. Chrisis explaining the cheapness all the way through "Viper's EC hyper is 34 frames invincible beats out Bionic Arm easily. Viper is more invincible than 90% of the characters in the game and in most situations". PRBalrog just sits there listening to the explanation of why he is being out cheesed.

I don't think I'm going to win NCR.


Jew Gamer
Try Taskmaster (who as Dahbomb mentioned is this game's Ryu and also can help both Ryu and Vergil with his arrows assist), Wesker (allows you to do a full combo off Ryu's air throws), Sentinel (drones help Ryu get in). Or you can move Ryu to anchor and play someone else in the middle, since Ryu needs meters to be dangerous and having Vergil in front of him isn't a good idea.

Is Taskmaster a good anchor?

And Ryu doesn't need meter to be dangerous, I play him FAR too much like I am playing street fighter but that seems to be how I won! I didn't even use meter once with him in the match I won and he took care of 2 characters leaving me 4 Meter and X Factor with Vergil to get my win! (Zero I am awesome with his combos so far but I just can't land shit with him in online)

I do need to work on my vergil game (I keep accidentally using "Trick" mid combo, I think I get too twitchy)


Is Taskmaster a good anchor?

And Ryu doesn't need meter to be dangerous, I play him FAR too much like I am playing street fighter but that seems to be how I won! I didn't even use meter once with him in the match I won and he took care of 2 characters leaving me 4 Meter and X Factor with Vergil to get my win! (Zero I am awesome with his combos so far but I just can't land shit with him in online)

I do need to work on my vergil game (I keep accidentally using "Trick" mid combo, I think I get too twitchy)

Task is a solid anchor. Obviously not the best, but you could do far far worse.


Is Taskmaster a good anchor?

And Ryu doesn't need meter to be dangerous, I play him FAR too much like I am playing street fighter but that seems to be how I won! I didn't even use meter once with him in the match I won and he took care of 2 characters leaving me 4 Meter and X Factor with Vergil to get my win! (Zero I am awesome with his combos so far but I just can't land shit with him in online)

I do need to work on my vergil game (I keep accidentally using "Trick" mid combo, I think I get too twitchy)

ryu is a super dangerous character with meter, shinku hado is a great tool to punish bad assist calling, tho normally he doesnt really need a lot of meter i think you could consider him a goodish battery but he does need select assist to get higher numbers in the combo department.

taskmaster i would say is a good anchor not excellent but still really good, he doesnt have super awesome mixups like wolverine or strider but the damage output, big ass hitbubbles on his normals, stupid chip in xfactor lvl3 and decent mobility makes him a solid choice for anchor.


Jew Gamer
Task is a solid anchor. Obviously not the best, but you could do far far worse.

I care more about team symmetry than I do about entirely an anchor. I am not afraid to switch to my anchor to let my other characters heal up or to get a longer combo going


I care more about team symmetry than I do about entirely an anchor. I am not afraid to switch to my anchor to let my other characters heal up or to get a longer combo going

If you ran Tasky on that team, it seems to me like the best order might be Task/Ryu/Vergil. In that order, you could play a zoning game with Task's arrows plus Ryu fireball assist, or if you preferred more rushdown you could switch to Ryu's tatsu assist. I think Ryu would benefit from Taskmaster's arrows when he is on point as well, they would help you get in and add firepower if it turns into a zoning war.

Then again, your team order really is determined by who you pick in that third slot, though it's hard to go wrong with Vergil as anchor as long as you're sure you can build up some meter for him to work with.


Jew Gamer
If you ran Tasky on that team, it seems to me like the best order might be Task/Ryu/Vergil. In that order, you could play a zoning game with Task's arrows plus Ryu fireball assist, or if you preferred more rushdown you could switch to Ryu's tatsu assist. I think Ryu would benefit from Taskmaster's arrows when he is on point as well, they would help you get in and add firepower if it turns into a zoning war.

Then again, your team order really is determined by who you pick in that third slot, though it's hard to go wrong with Vergil as anchor as long as you're sure you can build up some meter for him to work with.

While I do like Vergil as anchor I think having him for rushdown would be deadly
New Magneto blast loop mod ^_^

2HS, jH adf jH xx Blast L, jH xx Blast H, 2HS, jH adf jH xx Blast L, j MH xx Blast L, H xx Hyper Grav L, HS + A2(Purification), jMH adu jMHS

646,100 damage meterless
1,060,100 with Squeeze and dash S
I think it's around 800k if I Do Purification into Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest

I'm also working on ways to add Slant Shot to increase the damage, so far it just makes the combo easier to execute or adds reset potential.


Jew Gamer
New Magneto blast loop mod ^_^

2HS, jH adf jH xx Blast L, jH xx Blast H, 2HS, jH adf jH xx Blast L, j MH xx Blast L, H xx Hyper Grav L, HS + A2(Purification), jMH adu jMHS

646,100 damage meterless
1,060,100 with Squeeze and dash S
I think it's around 800k if I Do Purification into Hyper Grav xx Magnetic Tempest

I'm also working on ways to add Slant Shot to increase the damage, so far it just makes the combo easier to execute or adds reset potential.

What do these things mean?
How would you guys analyze your team structure?

Basically the way my team flows is

Dormammu/Spencer/Magneto - mid screen zoning and mixup pressure(Neutral Configuration)
DHC combo to
Spencer/Dormammu/Magneto - massive damage and mixups on incoming characters, meter building and kill combos(Tank Configuration)
or TAC to
Magneto/Spencer/Dormammu - high speed pressure game and resets(Assault Configuration)
then raw tag combo back to Nautral or DHC into inverted Tank Config

with character deaths:
Spencer/Magneto - maximum safe poke options, weaker incoming mixups
Dormammu/Magneto - strongest mixups, reduced combo and reset potential
Spencer/Dormammu - Strong incoming mixups, reduced safe options

Magneto: Oh my god the speed and damage
Dormammu: Oh my god the chip damage
Spencer: You can't run. You can't run, don't you know who I am?

What do these things mean?

2 = down
adf = air dash forward
adu = air dash up
A2 = assist 2
Blast = Magnetic Blast
xx = cancel
, = link
j = jumping


What's team symmetry? You mean synergy?

Taskmaster goes great with Vergil and goes solid with Ryu too. The synergy is there, you just have to decide on the order. I would play that team with Ryu on point, Vergil 2nd and Taskmaster anchor. Vergil anchor is godly but doesn't teach you proper Vergil play which is fine tuned spacing, safe block strings and tight assists calls to cover your teleports. Taskmaster can be played solo and his game plan doesn't change too much when he is anchor, he plays the match ups and rushes when he needs to or plays zoning/keepaway when he needs to.

How would you guys analyze your team structure?
I only play one team now and that's Vergil/Iron Man/Akuma. I run two different configurations of this team, same order but IM's assist is changed depending upon the match up.

Vergil/IM/Akuma - Vergil controls the pace of the match with constant RT's, well spaced Stingers/st.H, Helm Breakers and Judgment Cuts until I go in for the kill with a beam mix up. Akuma is there to keep me safe, add on the pressure, teleport mix ups, corner mix ups, fuzzy guards etc. IM allows full screen coverage to take care of pesky assists and also for lock down purposes at long distances. With Repulsor Blast it's more for defensive purposes which can be turned into combos for Vergil or mix ups/lock downs against in coming characters. Vergil to IM combo does enough damage and IM DHCs easily into Akuma but when Vergil is on point I use all the meter I make with Vergil. If the V-man gets started... you may not get to play the game because when he kills the opening character I get a triple 50/50 mix up or a quadruple mix up with an additional bar on the incoming character which few people are going to be able to block. I would call this the "Dark Slayer" configuration... I kill on touch, if I don't I put you in a shitty position after wards and even in the neutral you have to deal with some shitty block strings. Even if you advance guard a Round Trip you can get put into it again for a 2nd time for about 10% or more in chip damage.

Iron Man/Vergil/Akuma - Iron Man gets a much needed lockdown assist paired with a keepaway/push back assist to amplify his keep away. In the corner, IM has a tricky tri-dash mix up paired with Akuma where I just do j. f+H ADDF plus Akuma assist or other various dashed for mix ups into unreactable ADD high low mix up. I frustrate with TK Unibeams + Rapid Slash, Smart Bombs, cr.H into Beam or Blast but most of the time is spend in the air with IM. Pretty much control of the mid screen as much as I can. DHC into Vergil is for sure a kill on most of the cast although practically speaking this configuration rarely comes up. Usually this is a very good configuration starting off and if I get Vergil's DT'd. I pretty much play lame with IM as much as possible and frustrate them into getting a hit confirm which is difficult enough as it is. Neutral configuration would be apt for this, IM loves the neutral game and he loves it if both the players just chill at around mid screen chucking stuff at each other.

Akuma/IM/Vergil or Akuma/Vergil/IM - Rarely ever happens but I do have some nifty tricks with Akuma on point utilizing his teleport with Rapid Slash and Unibeam. I also have an awkward hit confirm off of Repulsor Blast but it is not reliable, not as much as Vergil's hit confirm. Akuma into Vergil DHC is almost always a kill and Akuma usually just uses the 2 bars himself anyway. If this configuration happens, something went terribly wrong in the match anyway or someone tried to snap in Akuma to deal with him.

One character dies:

Vergil/Akuma - I lose the full screen presence of unibeam and the full screen threat of a teleport mix up. On the repulsor blast configuration, I lose an AAA assist which makes Vergil more susceptible to rushdown and pressure. I can still pressure, teleport mix up and lock down well enough with Akuma as it's the main assist but I have to take more risks and get in closer with Vergil before I initiate. The DHC is still just as damaging and I would still use the meter for Vergil as a main priority.

Vergil/IM - I lose some of my fuzzy guards and I lose potent damage off of assist + teleport mix ups as IM Beam scales a lot. I still have a ton of full screen threat and of course the AAA threat. I can generally play my normal game as this is what the normal order of the team is. Team feels a lot more limiting if I lose Akuma and I have Repulsor on IM as I don't have a good teleport mix up tool at all (Repulsor is better for incoming mix up teleports rather than horizontal coverage teleports... it's ghettoa but it works). I retain some of my lock downs as well.

IM/Akuma - A very common configuration and one that I am working on the most. I can frustrate opponent enough with Tatsu, bombs, beams and blasts. Confirmation off of Tatsu is hard but doable although it's more for the lock down and pressure. I essentially do some footsies, get them to block call Tatsu, try to mix up and once the assist is out I back off. Very good pair for controlling mid screen and allows IM to get in plus IM covers Akuma very well so it's a good pair.


Vergil - LOL.... please. Son of Sparda, DMC character, I need more power... whatever the fuck if Vergil ends up as the last character and he has 1-2 meters or more plus XF... the other guy messed up some where and he's about to get fucked up.

Iron Man - I try to avoid this situation as much as I can though it does present itself if Akuma dies as an assist. I attempt to get one touch with IM, X factor immediately for the kill and attempt to mix up the incoming character. Lots of bunny hopping, j.H into air dash pressure attempts, fly/unfly and a whole lot of praying. The chip is still annoying and IM does kill off of a throw so the opponent can definitely not sleep on him.

Akuma - I have been playing Akuma anchor since Vanilla and he is slightly better than before. People are catching on to his tricks but he is still a solid anchor when the job requires it even without X factor.


How would you guys analyze your team structure?
2 = down
adf = air dash forward
adu = air dash up
A2 = assist 2
Blast = Magnetic Blast
xx = cancel
, = link
j = jumping

i though link was ~

but then again i suck at writing combos so im no really 100% sure


Jew Gamer
What's team symmetry? You mean synergy?

Taskmaster goes great with Vergil and goes solid with Ryu too. The synergy is there, you just have to decide on the order. I would play that team with Ryu on point, Vergil 2nd and Taskmaster anchor. Vergil anchor is godly but doesn't teach you proper Vergil play which is fine tuned spacing, safe block strings and tight assists calls to cover your teleports. Taskmaster can be played solo and his game plan doesn't change too much when he is anchor, he plays the match ups and rushes when he needs to or plays zoning/keepaway when he needs to.

No, I meant Symmetry. For example Hulk is too fat for my team (lol)
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