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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Hey guys. I went off the grid for a while, but I finally caved and got Ultimate Mahvel. Frank is awesome... but I need to work on my execution. :|

I'm always doing the wrong things with my pad, like instead of launchering out of a slidekick I end up taking a snapshot... any tips on this kind of thing? :\

Azure J

I think he's really underrated on anchor. In XF3, everything he does is really safe, he can pressure people for days, has his own ways to set up crossups, does insane chip damage, gets combos off his airthrows, can combo off everything with no problem(Reverb Shock > Fireworks leads to full combos on hit), kills really fast, has Devil Trigger that gives him access to two of the best moves in the game, is really fast, builds tons of meter off his combos, has his own infinites... he basically has everything as an anchor. He also has really useful assists that you might want for your entire team.

Without X-Factor, I also feel he's really good. The only thing that I feel he lacks is an easy way to combo after an airthrow, which does hurt him a bit. Otherwise, he's got pretty much every tool you would want in an anchor. It's why I quite like my team, because I've got powerful anchors in all three characters. My other teams didn't really have it.

I think I need to seriously re-evaluate my boy as a straight anchor then. I kinda just based that assumption off other's comments on how Dante shines more as a point/DHC'd into point character than on any other position.


Jew Gamer
If anyone wants to play me on PS3 "BLKVLT" is my user ID <3 (Getting SFIVAE soon, albeit I have my SF fundamentals down pat since I was a kid and playing a friends copy recently this one won't take long to get to the point I can play publicly ! :) )


I'm always doing the wrong things with my pad, like instead of launchering out of a slidekick I end up taking a snapshot... any tips on this kind of thing? :\

I'd just keep practicing and repeating it in the training mode.


Yeah Dante is actually a really good anchor. Plus the Jam Session infinite is super cheap, he can literally cross you up and infinite you with it all day. Works on incoming too.

Time to move to the Final Round thread for the weekend. Crank up hype levels to 11.


Jew Gamer
Hey guys. I went off the grid for a while, but I finally caved and got Ultimate Mahvel. Frank is awesome... but I need to work on my execution. :|

I'm always doing the wrong things with my pad, like instead of launchering out of a slidekick I end up taking a snapshot... any tips on this kind of thing? :\

My thumb is a swollen blister. I am investing in a fight stick next weekend. That is my response to getting more accurate!


Some new technology was found with Vergil (and might apply to other characters with sped up states). I will talk about it after FR. Was discovered in the SRK tier list thread.


I think I need to seriously re-evaluate my boy as a straight anchor then. I kinda just based that assumption off other's comments on how Dante shines more as a point/DHC'd into point character than on any other position.
A lot of people are under the assumption he's not that great of an anchor... but he is really good. Honestly, all the S-tier characters make great anchors(XF3 derp + S-tier derp = herp derp), it's just you can usually get a lot more out of them with assists so their anchor potential seems lackluster in comparison.

If I had to rank Dante's 'best' spots it'd be second>point>anchor. He's one of the best seconds in the game, if not the best. He's BFFs with everyone.

Dahbomb said:
Some new technology was found with Vergil (and might apply to other characters with sped up states). I will talk about it after FR. Was discovered in the SRK tier list thread.
Y'know, I wish Dante's Devil Trigger gave him a speed boost like Vergil's. Then again, I don't think the world would be able to handle it.
Having another character crisis. I honestly just don't know who makes a good anchor for Joe/Frank. Maybe I'll just use Sentinel for derp drones or something. At least he color coordinates with them.
Dante goes everywhere good. Vergil takes a team built.

Dante is just the nice SUV of the game. Everybody should have one for its utility ranging from moving, to going boating, to going backroading, trips. Just great utility overall.

Vergil is like the crotch rocket of the game. Only a handful need it and can use it properly but used correctly is insane.


I think I need to seriously re-evaluate my boy as a straight anchor then. I kinda just based that assumption off other's comments on how Dante shines more as a point/DHC'd into point character than on any other position.

I'm sure people will disagree but, I always thought Dante was the best character in Vanilla barring DP. He's not as good as in Vanilla for sure but he's still got swag. Dante is not a bad anchor by any means.
I just had the weirdest ragemail(?) sent to me. I'm playing a few games with Joe/Frank/Sent before bed, and I body this guy's team with Lvl.4 Frank. I hop into another Ranked match and he sends me a message labeled only "Rematch," then sends me an invite to a lobby. I can't respond to it since I'm already fighting someone, but maybe 10-15 seconds into the match I see another message that says "Thought so."

So I decide to be reasonable and explain what's up, and that he can have a rematch if he wants, even though I wanna go to bed. He then responds "maybe tomorrow, have a great night."

Certainly wasn't expecting that one.


The physical form of blasphemy
Some new technology was found with Vergil (and might apply to other characters with sped up states). I will talk about it after FR. Was discovered in the SRK tier list thread.

I just read that shit. LOLtastic. The tech found after FR should be pretty glorious.

There is a mag player that was talking about showing off some pretty silly shit Mags has this weekend. I hope he goes far, because the couple of vids I saw of his blew my mind.


The only tech I am looking forward to is Zeus and his RT trick block strings. I have heard 3-4 people who have played him say he has what it takes to make it top 8 just on the strength of his tech. I really hope he doesn't get randomed out early. He's the best Vergil player out there... I just hope he doesn't hype himself up too much.

The tech I was talking is that Vergil in Devil Trigger thanks to his speed boost has faster EVERYTHING including a quicker taunt (when you tag him in), faster falling speed and other quirky stuff that just quickens up. The two applications for this is that he is now in the "raw tag combo" club now as a simple wall bounce you can tag into Vergil DT'd for a combo. Or take advantage of his fall speed and after a TAC you can just a j.H, fall do Lunar Phase into BnB. This is just the tip and it's assumed that this might work for other characters too who have speed boosts (Firebrand and Wolverine).


Yeah, forgot about Vergil. I was starting to not feel guilty already, but now I just laugh my ass off at all the Wesker rage.

There are so many OP / more OP anchors if played properly.

But, I've said it before, I think this game makes a lot of people worse players since it's so easy to blame the character or the X-factor and not really look at what's happening.

It's why I quite like my team, because I've got powerful anchors in all three characters. My other teams didn't really have it.
I think my favorite thing about your team is, the way it's built, it's hard to decide who to snap out to get Strider, if anyone. Vergil on anchor is just as bad.

Dante? I want him dead, too.

It's a dilemma.

/deep breath before next statement.

And to stimulate convo, especially due to thread title, I put out that Zero is an inferior point character to Wolverine.

I was joking around at Xannadu with a few people, RyRy included, and after RyRy said "He's good, but the problem is he can't win over the course of a tournament", I put out there that while I think Zero is a better character than Wolverine, Wolverine is a superior point character and thus better for team building. He kills better.

People there agreed.

/gauntlet thrown.

Azure J

I'm sure people will disagree but, I always thought Dante was the best character in Vanilla barring DP. He's not as good as in Vanilla for sure but he's still got swag. Dante is not a bad anchor by any means.

In my personal attempt at a tier list for Vanilla, I fell in line with the character lineup of Phoenix-Wolverine-Dante with the first two being the elder god tier. In actuality, I backed the PR Balrog mentality. If Vanilla had developed further, Dante would have been the uncontested best character in the game as people figured shit out with him further.

I'm loving all this recent character analysis btw.

Edit: In regards to Zero, I'm beginning to think that he's an entirely momentum based character. When you hit things at full steam with him, it looks like a screen full of derp on the receiving end, but if you give the other person any time to adjust and you aren't on point, he's done or will get massively fucked up and thus shake the Zero player's confidence going forward which of course can also play as a detriment to their momentum. Wolverine works because at any level, you know what he wants -- in -- and he can get there off of any tiny mistake the opponent makes.

As for Vergil, you guys have me curious something bad. How stupid (re: MAHVEL) is this new tech?


It's not that there aren't better anchors than Wesker (there are), it's that there is hardly anyone who is easier than him. You close your eyes and do a raw teleport H into j.S, maybe it will cross up maybe it won't but it's very hard to tell which side he is going to come on. He throws a random gun shot, you get clipped you die. And the cycle continues... one of the reasons why Wesker is so good at anchor is that he is dangerous against in coming characters. Through XFC he kills one character, mix ups the in coming character (again teleport H into j.S or dash under cross up) and kills him too. He does this so quickly that within a span of 10 seconds you lost 2 characters.

You don't even need to do QCF or a DP motion with Wesker when playing on anchor... LET THAT SINK IN FOR A BIT.

Not going to touch the Zero vs Wolverine "argument".

As for Vergil, you guys have me curious something bad. How stupid (re: MAHVEL) is this new tech?
It's more like the rich get richer. Characters who don't do a lot of damage but have a bounce move (Strider/Firebrand/Wesker) can capitalize off of this by just raw tagging into Vergil for a full combo. It also gives Vergil a stronger TAC option, same for other characters.

The fact that you need a powered up state for it to be anything worthwhile makes it extremely situational but in some situations it can turn something minute into a TOD. There is potential for some combo video stuff in this but not much else.

Wolverine is way more momentum based than Zero. Zero is just relax at sj height chucking buster and lightning until you hit while frustrating the opponent with large hit box moves and projectiles. If shit gets intense, turn on Sogenmu and double your output of projectiles. Wolverine can't do stuff like this from far away, he has only one game plan and that's get in or die. Once he's in he usually stays in and he gets a hit which leads into the momentum being in his favor because then he either kills you or puts you in a shitty situation. In that regard, Wolverine and Vergil are the same and I would definitely qualify Vergil as a VERY momentum based character (either he gets destroyed or he destroys your entire team). Zero is a character where the momentum is always in his favor and it's the other character who has to steal that momentum away from him. If Zero touches you, he kills you as well while also putting the incoming character in a hard to deal with mix up that also kills them. If he doesn't... he just goes back to chilling with his buster shots, fireballs and pizza slicer.

I'm sure people will disagree but, I always thought Dante was the best character in Vanilla barring DP.
He was always top 3 in my book and I definitely had him right under Phoenix. In vanilla thanks to godlike Hammer... he didn't have a bad match up even against Derperine. Dante also gave 0 shit about Zero.


It means that he has to be played near perfectly and there isn't much room for error for him. Over the course of a tournament you are bound to make mistakes and if you make a mistake with Zero you might lose the game.

Or so they say. I don't believe that to be true as Zero is one of the safest characters in the game. You might miss a combo but even that's not a big deal. At least you are more likely to make errors with Viper in a tournament than Zero. This is just steam monster mentality that since Zero hasn't won anything major (which isn't true because he won at Seasons Beating) he isn't the best in the game. To which Viscant said "I am sorry... but that's retarded".


Just wanted to chime in and say I really suck at this game. Like, I'm pretty solid at SF4 and was even pretty good at MVC2 back in the day, but damn if this game doesn't kick my ass. I can't even grasp the basics for some reason, and always lose to Wesker and Dante online :( So what I'm asking is, how do you guys train up? Mission mode, practicing combos in training mode, or what?


The main thing I'd "counter" that argument with (I have no horses in the race, I just enjoy debate) is Wolverine's strength is the same as that of Wesker. He's simple to use compared to Zero and one of the popoffs at Xannadu was when Unknown bested Noel, it was because he switched out Nemesis for Wolverine.

Unknown then ranted about how brain dead easy Wolverine was, you just mash buttons til you hit.

As for Wesker and not knowing where the teleport is going to show up..if you play him a lot, it's not a question of where it's going to show up ;). It hardly ever surprises me. It only catches me nowadays due to XF3 speed, not surprise of where Wesker is going to be.

In short, it's X-factor that gets me, not Wesker.

But, I play him and that helps out a lot in understanding his movement possibilities at any time.

Dahbomb said:
This is just steam monster mentality that since Zero hasn't won anything major (which isn't true because he won at Seasons Beating) he isn't the best in the game. To which Viscant said "I am sorry... but that's retarded".
Was it Zero or Phoenix who won that?

As for stream monster, RyRy is the one who said Zero can't win a tournament, not me. I just thought Wolverine made for a better point than Zero.

I want to be wrong as I use Zero, so :).


Jew Gamer
Just wanted to chime in and say I really suck at this game. Like, I'm pretty solid at SF4 and was even pretty good at MVC2 back in the day, but damn if this game doesn't kick my ass. I can't even grasp the basics for some reason, and always lose to Wesker and Dante online :( So what I'm asking is, how do you guys train up? Mission mode, practicing combos in training mode, or what?

I just got my first win! The problem is, because I can't launch into combos consistently I go Street Fighter mode man (single moves, chip damage them away) and get my ass kicked.

I'd say learn some fundamental combos (LMH->HSMMH*anydirection*SMMH*anydirection*SMMH*rock an ultra and see if you can get all 3 characters)

That setup IF landed will 1 hit kill any character (which everyone here will correct me and tell me its stupid since you burn 3 bars of meter :( )

Are you on PSN or Live? If PSN I'm looking for people to practice with and get better! :)


The subject of character tier lists gets a lot of discussion, but how about player tier lists? I started thinking about it, and I think S tier at least is pretty easy to figure out since hardly anybody belongs to it.

S Tier

Justin Wong

Then there are whoooole bunch of people in A tier...


The main thing I'd "counter" that argument with (I have no horses in the race, I just enjoy debate) is Wolverine's strength is the same as that of Wesker. He's simple to use compared to Zero and one of the popoffs at Xannadu was when Unknown bested Noel, it was because he switched out Nemesis for Wolverine.

Unknown then ranted about how brain dead easy Wolverine was, you just mash buttons til you hit.

That's funny for Unknown to say since he doesn't even do any legit Nemesis combos. He's all about dem ABCD combos, whereas Airtola was fucking shit up with ACTUAL combos and resets.
So close :-(

New Magneto blast loop mod

2HS, jH adf jH xx Blast L, jH xx Blast H, 2HS, jH adf jH xx Blast L, j MH xx Blast L, H xx Hyper Grav L, HS + A2(Purification), jMH adu jMHS, Gravity Squeeze(mash), raw tag to Dormammu, flame carpet + A1(Slant Shot), Dark Matter, S

1,139,400 damage

I can't seem to get to 1.15 million without burning a 4th bar or using liberation :-(
Last night a friend of mine used the Morrigan/Doom/Strider team against me. The Morrigan bullet-hell segment wasn't too bad, it was the running away that made it tough. Joe actually has enough space and time to charge up Voomerangs to launch at her, the entire match just takes a lot of patience.


Neo Member
Hey guys!

We are having another tournament tonight. FNFS 1.5.

Attending tonight we have LLND, TapeBot, Airtola (Shadowloo Showdown Qualifiers champion), Upa, Infrit, Jint, and Ponce.

Head over to the FNFS Stream here.


That's funny for Unknown to say since he doesn't even do any legit Nemesis combos. He's all about dem ABCD combos, whereas Airtola was fucking shit up with ACTUAL combos and resets.

It's more important to land the hit. Damage is easy in this game. S'why he said it I assume, he has to work more to land that hit with Nemesis.

Wolverine excels at that.


Potential top 32 for Final Round (Yipes and Flash oddly not in the pools, maybe a mistake):












Dr Chaos


Noel Brown

Chris G




Ricky Ortiz

Frankie G





Justin Wong








There's a shit load of Zero players in the roster.

It's more important to land the hit. Damage is easy in this game. S'why he said it I assume, he has to work more to land that hit with Nemesis.

Wolverine excels at that.
I don't deny that in fact I don't even deny that Wolverine is better than Nemesis for that most part especially in that particular team. The argument was more about Wolverine vs Zero. It's not like Zero has trouble landing a hit. Unknown's rant is also weird as all of his characters he plays extremely basic hit buttons style.


Is there an archive of the Grand Finals from the Shadowloo Qualifiers last weekend? I want to study what Airtola did but I can't find the match on Youtube.
The only tech I am looking forward to is Zeus and his RT trick block strings. I have heard 3-4 people who have played him say he has what it takes to make it top 8 just on the strength of his tech. I really hope he doesn't get randomed out early. He's the best Vergil player out there... I just hope he doesn't hype himself up too much.

The tech I was talking is that Vergil in Devil Trigger thanks to his speed boost has faster EVERYTHING including a quicker taunt (when you tag him in), faster falling speed and other quirky stuff that just quickens up. The two applications for this is that he is now in the "raw tag combo" club now as a simple wall bounce you can tag into Vergil DT'd for a combo. Or take advantage of his fall speed and after a TAC you can just a j.H, fall do Lunar Phase into BnB. This is just the tip and it's assumed that this might work for other characters too who have speed boosts (Firebrand and Wolverine).

On SRK he was complaining about how much his Vergil is getting blown up and how he's thinking about playing Zero instead of Vergil tomorrow..... so don't put your expectations too high. What's more his pool is stacked with good players.


I have seen his Zero and it's ok at best, it's more like derping with Zero + Hidden Missiles. He is better off playing Vergil unless it's against particular characters like Wolverine, Felicia and Spencer who Vergil struggles a bit against but Zero dominates. Also he was more complaining about not having a top assist in team trenchcoat, didn't say anything about Vergil himself (he was implying that he choked up not the character... claims he was bodying people in casuals and money matches). He has issues more with Weasel Shot assist which while good doesn't give you the coverage of a proper beam assist.

We'll see though, I want him to do good and display his "tech" that he and other people have been hyping up (I know what it is and know the theory behind it but haven't actually seen it used in live matches). There are already a shit ton of good Zero players at the tournament as it is (Frieda, Sam, Flocker etc) although there are as many Vergil players... just not as many good Vergil players.

In other news, RoyalFlush isn't even at Final Round. He got a spot in the bracket due to his placing in Winter Brawl but he is still at SoCal.
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