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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT2| New Age of Zeroes

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Yeah but when the Viper Dorm armies emerge, you know people will rage. Dorm armies will go from one touching a char and getting a perfect to chipping out an entire team with ease.

Viper, is Viper. You blink you die. You call an assist, the assist gets seismoed.

Dorm is so good. Why is dorm so awesome.


It was a pretty damn epic tournament.

Which leads me to a question I've asked before. Why is it in games like SF we have people learning multiple characters so they can take advantage of character match-ups, but we hardly have that in Marvel?
Because people are prideful.
It was a pretty damn epic tournament.

Which leads me to a question I've asked before. Why is it in games like SF we have people learning multiple characters so they can take advantage of character match-ups, but we hardly have that in Marvel?

UMvC3 is a team game where you have to learn at least 3 characters, that's already a lot of work. And a well constructed team should be balanced and able to deal with all matchups, so counterpicking is unnecessary unless your team isn't well constructed.

Azure J

I'm mad that I'm missing all the discussion in here because I can actually play the game now. :lol

Story time: I went ahead and decided to play some MorriDoom with Vergil on point. The idea is get two meters as fast as possible then DHC to Morrigan mirrors with powered up Rapid Slash assist. It's fun, though I still think there's a way to play the strengths of the Vergil/Morrigan duo that isn't necessarily Hidden Missiles.

Anyways, so I start playing that and my brother who's a deputy stream monster before even thinking sees the duo and goes "fuck that, Morrigan is broken, she should be patched". I'm already there like really man? You didn't hear me say anything about you maining Team Anime (Zero (Ryuenjin)/Dante (Jam Session)/Vergil (Rapid Slash); shout outs to Final Round making this stick in my head) but I hit the lab and upped my execution/team play & compositions to compensate. Of course during the course of the matches we had, he got salty that I was snagging wins off him with Doom of all characters (seriously, this character is weirdly fun because of how he has to move -- it reminds me of how I had fun learning/using Ganondorf in Smash) thanks to scouting for good Foot Dive moments and at times throwing out some Hidden Missiles for aerial coverage.

It got to the point that he decides to counterpick me with Doom on point, Morrigan on Meter assist and Zero on anchor (that's his character no doubt). I got bopped a few times but man, he has a way of getting me salty when he's salty and I'll never understand it. Instead of playing for fun or trying to learn, he just does it to make a statement and that's the absolute worst right there. :/

Try out different input devices if you can't get the hang of the one you're using after several hours. The 360 pad is especially questionable. I've seen some people get by with it somehow, but I could never get motions out consistently with it and I'm not close to alone.

It honestly wouldn't be so much of an issues if I didn't already drain my leisure fund for the system and the extra controller. I really would like to invest in a stick but that's gonna have to wait until later in the year. Of course pad's always an option, I just wonder if there's anything in the Sega Saturn USB mold for the 360. I'll look into that soonish.

Viper/Dante/Strider. Why is no one using this team yet?

viper cant deal with extreme zoning, ammy would be a better choice for an all round team

I'm right now playing a team of Dante/Felicia/Strider and still wondering if Ammy works better than Felicia in a setup like this. At the end, it's all about what I'm having fun with, but this entire team setup was designed with high coverage in mind. Ammy with cold star assist in between or on anchor in place of Viper seems quite amazing.

Yeah people were actually hella salty over Kusoru winning FR.

Really now? You are going to get salty over a guy who is playing Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon, characters who have NEVER made it as far as grand finals before and he beat players like FChamp, Combofiend, Yipes, Mihe/Sam, PRBalrog, Flocker, Justin Wong (bodied him in FT10 MM) etc. to get there. And this guy flew all the way across the globe to compete in a foreign environment. This also isn't the first time this has happened.. Tokido already did so the cherry was already popped. Just be more receptive, own to the loss and level up while keeping an open mind about character worth. Kusuro winning FB is going to do wonders for the Marvel scene in America, EVERYONE has been put on notice again even the tops like Justin.

I think the funniest thing was people rooting for Zero when Mihe was killing off Morrigan. I mean seriously... it's like rooting for Dark Phoenix when she kills She Hulk in Vanilla. I can't imagine the salt in the game if Ghost Rider actually ended up being as good as Morrigan. At casual level, people get HELLA salty over Ghost Rider.

I was wondering if I was the only one who felt like that the whole time. The room fucking exploded when Chris G lost Morrigan and that final matchup (although the P was pretty damn stylish on Mihe's behalf, no credit deducted from him) but I can't help but wonder if this mentality folks have when it comes to both zoning and characters is a bad thing at the end of the day. Folks just seem to want one type of gameplay, "rush until it works" and if they can't do that well, they judge the character on that merit and deem them not worth it. When we find a hard or near hard counter to some of the derpier things in Marvel, everyone immediately thinks "holy shit, this is broken" before appreciating that it brings viability in a way most weren't thinking of.

As for Kusoru, I really really hope we're all having a lost in translation moment and he's enjoying himself (although under stress due to being the guy that took Marvel in this Final Round). I enjoy knowing that there's a totally different approach to these games and different character specialists coming from the East and would love to see more Japanese players get into the mix, but if they're off put by how strong our scene's home turf loyalties are, that will only stagger their willingness.

There is a lot of stuff that is making people "worse" in the game:

*If players need to improve their chances of winning something big like EVO... they have to invest in more than 3 characters and multiple teams. [...]

*This mentality of "it's cheap, patch it asap" needs to fucking stop. [...]

*Tiers in UMVC3 matter less than pretty much every other fighting game made. I discuss tiers because it's "fun" and because there is good insight to be had in character discussion (and when someone wins with Joe/RR I don't get blind sided and I am actually aware of what's going on). [...]

There is probably more but this covers the gist of it.

Holy shit, that's a great write-up. I feel as though the three points (the final two especially) can't be stressed enough. Nothing I can say would add further emphasis to it though.

On a side note, do you think lightning loops are legitimately "broken"? I mean I kinda approach it with the same mentaility that I do any of the higher execution high damage instances - due to the high level of dexterity necessary to hit it consistently, it's not something that approaches the level of "broken" as it does "MAHVEL." Now the easiest fix for this would be making lightning scale combos harder thus encouraging folks to get more reset heavy with Z.

It's easier to bitch and moan instead of putting in work.

Mah boi D.Brine AgeoJoe will forever be in my Marvel Fave Five.

I love the guy, he has a great personality and seems like great fun to be around. :lol

This has got to be my favorite part about Kusuro winning. Players are going to have to make a shift in the paradigm of how they viewed this game and reevaluate some previously held assumptions. The 1-2 punch of the winner using a Joe/RR/Frank team AND being from Japan is going to make American players hit the lab extra hard.

Seems like a lot of players have been going through the motions lately and relying strictly on their "tried-and-true" tactics from vanilla/month-one UMvC3. New tech and/or character usage is going to blossom from this past weekend, I'm sure. The build up to EVO is going to be amazing. I'm sending in my stream monster shoes for polishing because I am definitely not missing a single major.

I'm excited for all the same reasons you are honestly. One of the biggest reasons why I was happy to see Morrigan blow up over the past few months was because I love seeing the underappreciated cast members being viable especially when its within molds that aren't similar to the majority. I want to see more stuff like that happening and less "NERF PLZ" comments because an obscure character or one outside of the sword/gun & teleport committee gets a second look and the online warriors try to rock with it.


What assists?

I assume burn kick(though it probably doesn't matter that much for viper, if you have her alive for dante, you can do unblockables like with nova's assist)/jam session (set up unblockables with focus attack on incoming chars)/vajra(obvious).


The physical form of blasphemy
I'm mad that I'm missing all the discussion in here because I can actually play the game now. :lol

Story time: I went ahead and decided to play some MorriDoom with Vergil on point. The idea is get two meters as fast as possible then DHC to Morrigan mirrors with powered up Rapid Slash assist. It's fun, though I still think there's a way to play the strengths of the Vergil/Morrigan duo that isn't necessarily Hidden Missiles.

Anyways, so I start playing that and my brother who's a deputy stream monster before even thinking sees the duo and goes "fuck that, Morrigan is broken, she should be patched". I'm already there like really man? You didn't hear me say anything about you maining Team Anime (Zero (Ryuenjin)/Dante (Jam Session)/Vergil (Rapid Slash); shout outs to Final Round making this stick in my head) but I hit the lab and upped my execution/team play & compositions to compensate. Of course during the course of the matches we had, he got salty that I was snagging wins off him with Doom of all characters (seriously, this character is weirdly fun because of how he has to move -- it reminds me of how I had fun learning/using Ganondorf in Smash) thanks to scouting for good Foot Dive moments and at times throwing out some Hidden Missiles for aerial coverage.

It got to the point that he decides to counterpick me with Doom on point, Morrigan on Meter assist and Zero on anchor (that's his character no doubt). I got bopped a few times but man, he has a way of getting me salty when he's salty and I'll never understand it. Instead of playing for fun or trying to learn, he just does it to make a statement and that's the absolute worst right there. :/

Salty siblings are hilarious. My brother complains about anchor Magneto and point Wesker, when he plays ??? / Vergil / Arthur. :|

Azure J

The worst part is I try to be the good guy type that doesn't really pop off. The levels of salt this game produces when we aren't even proficient yet...

On another note, I don't think Rapid Slash is gonna cut it, that shit gets blown up by good reads or even sticking out a good priority move when the call is made.
GG's Smurf, dat wall is painful. Ran into Haggar a lot today >_> And I think I'm gonna start blowing XF on your Taskmaster. I usually waste as few resources as possible on that character just because he's not usually a problem for me, but against yours, I'm willing to cash in :p Shoutouts to web zip.

Re: Armies

Only armies I see on the rise for this game are Zeros (already happening) and Vergils, which will have varying degrees of success. They're going to be staples in the future IMO, for reasons which have been gone on over and over again. Also, Summon Swords/Byakuya Special/whatever is ridiculous. Full screen control for a meter, such a nightmare hahaha. Soul Satellite on crack. I'll never know what DMC did to have ALL their characters be so good.

The Spencers, Weskers, Fraudeyes (such as my own), and Dooms of the world will get blown up and move onto the next "easy answer".

As for Viper and Dorm armies, I don't see enough players learning to stick with these super effective characters.

Hoping to see more specialists and more counterpick teams as the game grows. 50 characters, millions of team combinations...you only have one, chances are you're gonna get blown up if it's "balanced" in the traditional sense.

I love seeing those unique teams with the trademark setup/style all made possible through the composition of the complete team ala Kusoru -- and it's hard to win continually with traditional stuff.

Shoutouts to Kusoru again for showing a snippet of what's possible in this game.


The physical form of blasphemy
The worst part is I try to be the good guy type that doesn't really pop off. The levels of salt this game produces when we aren't even proficient yet...

On another note, I don't think Rapid Slash is gonna cut it, that shit gets blown up by good reads or even sticking out a good priority move when the call is made.

Fuck that, pop off. My brother pulled off some infinite type bullshit on my Dante and Magnus with Arthur and was dancing all around the room. Next round:


( •_•)/⌐■-■

( •_•)>/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿

Got that OCV and I damn near started break dancing. It's all in fun.

Azure J

Fuck that, pop off. My brother pulled off some infinite type bullshit on my Dante and Magnus with Arthur and was dancing all around the room. Next round:


( •_•)/⌐■-■

( •_•)>/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿

Got that OCV and I damn near started break dancing. It's all in fun.

On a total tangent, this Final Round was so worth it for this fucking emote. Holy shit. :lol

You know though, I can't say I haven't used some gully shit here ad there when the opportunity presents itself. XFC out of my brother's favorite thing to do (Upper Slash canceled Vergil launch infinitely) with Lvl. 3 Kitty ready only to Cat Spike L him and the assist he called for victory?

I'll take it!
Dengeki has a fairly long interview up with the UMVC3 staff


My Japanese has gone to shit over the last couple of years and I can barely make out anything with the chrome translation.

If anyone else wants to go through it and highlight any certain aspects please do so.

Some stuff I was able to pick up talking about the new characters and some unique parts that went into making them like how Marvel wanted specific stuff about Strange and in the end they seem to joke around about other cross overs they'd like to do like with SNK or a Marvel/DC/Capcom

Azure J

Dengeki has a fairly long interview up with the UMVC3 staff


My Japanese has gone to shit over the last couple of years and I can barely make out anything with the chrome translation.

If anyone else wants to go through it and highlight any certain aspects please do so.

Some stuff I was able to pick up talking about the new characters and some unique parts that went into making them like how Marvel wanted specific stuff about Strange and in the end they seem to joke around about other cross overs they'd like to do like with SNK or a Marvel/DC/Capcom

The world is not ready for this shit. :lol

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Aren't the Neatherrealm guys under Warner now too? Might as well make it Marvel/DC/MK/Capcom. Though I'd only care about half the cast.... and Batman.


It's times like these that I love Taskmaster.

I was just thinking today about how I'd deal with Joe/RR, and since Shield Skills goes through projectiles, if Joe does his red hot kick cross up thing, I'd out prioritize it with back H, let the log pass through me, and take the combo. and you can't zone Task with log trap either, cause I'll just back H through it and fire arrows the whole time.

Haven't got a chance to lab it out, and it probably doesn't work as well in an actual match, but hey...theorycrafting is fun.


Dengeki has a fairly long interview up with the UMVC3 staff


My Japanese has gone to shit over the last couple of years and I can barely make out anything with the chrome translation.

If anyone else wants to go through it and highlight any certain aspects please do so.

Some stuff I was able to pick up talking about the new characters and some unique parts that went into making them like how Marvel wanted specific stuff about Strange and in the end they seem to joke around about other cross overs they'd like to do like with SNK or a Marvel/DC/Capcom
"Tough Schedule" seems to pop up a LOT in the interview.
Dengeki has a fairly long interview up with the UMVC3 staff


My Japanese has gone to shit over the last couple of years and I can barely make out anything with the chrome translation.

If anyone else wants to go through it and highlight any certain aspects please do so.

Some stuff I was able to pick up talking about the new characters and some unique parts that went into making them like how Marvel wanted specific stuff about Strange and in the end they seem to joke around about other cross overs they'd like to do like with SNK or a Marvel/DC/Capcom

From Gamefaqs:

- Neo_G's favorite new characters are Frank West, Phoenix Wright, and Rocket Raccoon.
- Capcom wanted Nova to walk on the ground to differentiate his movement from Magneto and Doctor Strange, but Marvel demanded that he float.
- Nova was supposed to be the first new character revealed, which is why he's positioned as a main character fighting Ryu in the CG movie.
- According to Nara-san (the director), the only way to properly implement Phoenix Wright as a lawyer was to give him his own gameplay system.
- Shu Takumi and the Ace Attorney development team personally supervised Phoenix Wright to make sure everything felt right.
- Phoenix Wright and Strider Hiryu were decided very early on due to the overwhelming fan support they had.
- Nemesis was included because the Capcom side of the roster was short on large characters, there were requests for a new Resident Evil character from Europe, and because the idea to include him came up during the original MvC3.
- Vergil was decided early on after Niitsuma heard a lot of requests for him and because Nara-san worked on the original Devil May Cry games.
- Firebrand was included because Nara-san wanted to include a creature on the Capcom side, and also because he wanted another villain. Firebrand filled both roles.
- The team considered adding another Capcom female, but because they couldn't decide on a female character who was popular enough worldwide, they just thought, "well, let's include Firebrand!"
- A female from Power Stone (most likely Rouge) was considered, but they didn't want to run into ratings problems with her transformed state: http://images.wikia.com/capcomdatabase/images/9/9e/PowerRouge.png
- They throw around ideas for dream Vs. games that they'd like to make: Capcom vs. SNK 3, a game with characters from various companies, Marvel vs. DC vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. DC, Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat, etc.
Profound sadness.

Ouch, yeah. I think we both know who will be very sad because of that.

- They throw around ideas for dream Vs. games that they'd like to make: Capcom vs. SNK 3, a game with characters from various companies, Marvel vs. DC vs. Capcom, Marvel vs. DC, Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat, etc.

Yes please to the bolded, please no to the italicized.
Thank god nobody from Power Stone got in. The way I feel about PS characters is the way ST players feel about the freaks in 3rd Strike. The characters in Power Stone are blindingly ugly, without exception. It's like Waku Waku 7 without the novelty.


get some go again
i think i'm going to start using hawkeye/task more. when they get going holy crap is it hard to stop them. i got destroyed by this other guy in ranked. i was only able to win because i threw magneto on my team for his beam assist. magnetos beam was able to stop them before they got going. taskmaster cannot beat hawkeye in zoning unless he has a really fast projectile helping him. i was able to do a whole lot more with my haggar today! its no where near chuck or bum's level but i'll keep working on him till i can reach those levels. task and haggar are two characters i really want to get better with.
Nova might have had a decent low hitting move had Marvel kept their yap shut.
Thank god nobody from Power Stone got in. The way I feel about PS characters is the way ST players feel about the freaks in 3rd Strike. The characters in Power Stone are blindingly ugly, without exception. It's like Waku Waku 7 without the novelty.
Everything in this post is bad and you should feel bad for posting it.


Spencer and Doom too. Expect to see more of those. Wesker and Wolverine numbers should stay the same because this new Zero environment is toxic for Wesker and Wolverine.

Number of Spencers and Zeros have skyrocketed. Although I think FR has shown us Spencer is weak as hell to zoning and that prevents him from being in top 5 as a solo/point character.

On another note it's been said already but RR log assist is basically the new Tron/Haggar. It comes out of nowhere and is hard as fuck to punish unless you have a beam. I wonder if there is anyone really willing to put time into RR.

FR is making me rethink my team Spencer/Vergil/Doom... And thinking of going back to Chris for zoning capabilities. Lab time A Go Go baby.


get some go again
Number of Spencers and Zeros have skyrocketed. Although I think FR has shown us Spencer is weak as hell to zoning and that prevents him from being in top 5 as a solo/point character.

On another note it's been said already but RR log assist is basically the new Tron/Haggar. It comes out of nowhere and is hard as fuck to punish unless you have a beam. I wonder if there is anyone really willing to put time into RR.
i don't really have a problem with the log assist. since i'm zoning in the corner it always misses me. i usually have projectiles on the screen so a lot of the time they blow up rocket as he is coming in. log assist is really good against rush down though.


i don't really have a problem with the log assist. since i'm zoning in the corner it always misses me. i usually have projectiles on the screen so a lot of the time they blow up rocket as he is coming in. log assist is really good against rush down though.

I think a zoning team like with Morrigan would stand a better chance against AgeoJoe, does anyone know if ChrisG played AgeoJoe? And yah log assist wouldn't really be called against a zoning team, but that's what Joe is there for. Tron/Haggar were mostly there for blowing up rush down, and that's exactly what RR did for AgeoJoe at FR against everyone, even Mihe with Zero, it's such a good get off me assist that has a brain dead follow up with the wallbounce.
So I just bought this game today and thought I'd come here for some pointers.

The only other fighting game I've ever really got into was SF4, which I totally loved. I've been wanting to get into another fighting game and was pretty close to getting SFxT but I thought it might be more fun to try something more different from SF4, and the fact that this is $20 cheaper was nice as well.

Are there any characters that will help me ease into the game? And any tips that will help me transition from SF4? It's pretty intimidating so far, SF4 really doesn't have that much going on, outside of universal stuff like zoning and footsies you really only had to learn how to use the focus attacks and you were good. Between the three characters, the different assists, the advancing guards, and the faster pace of the game it feels like it's going to take forever to get anywhere.

I'm basically just messing around in Mission mode right now and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the hang of the air combos. On everyone's sixth combo (or fifth, whichever is the basic launch combo) I can always nail every hit except the air s, which always whiffs because my character has fallen below my opponent.

Anyways, like I said, just thought I'd ask for some hints (I'm reading through the guides in the OP which is helping some) and just seeing how many people are playing. Obviously I'm total garbage right now but hopefully I'll be good enough after a couple weeks to play some of you guys.
Kusoru is awesome, guys like him are what gonna make this game interesting in the long run. As long as Wolverine/Wesker/Zero are not sure picks for top 3 at every single major I'll be happy.

Now I wait for someone to blow everyone with his amazing Iron Man/Spider Man combo.
So I just bought this game today and thought I'd come here for some pointers.

The only other fighting game I've ever really got into was SF4, which I totally loved. I've been wanting to get into another fighting game and was pretty close to getting SFxT but I thought it might be more fun to try something more different from SF4, and the fact that this is $20 cheaper was nice as well.

Are there any characters that will help me ease into the game? And any tips that will help me transition from SF4? It's pretty intimidating so far, SF4 really doesn't have that much going on, outside of universal stuff like zoning and footsies you really only had to learn how to use the focus attacks and you were good. Between the three characters, the different assists, the advancing guards, and the faster pace of the game it feels like it's going to take forever to get anywhere.

I'm basically just messing around in Mission mode right now and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the hang of the air combos. On everyone's sixth combo (or fifth, whichever is the basic launch combo) I can always nail every hit except the air s, which always whiffs because my character has fallen below my opponent.

Anyways, like I said, just thought I'd ask for some hints (I'm reading through the guides in the OP which is helping some) and just seeing how many people are playing. Obviously I'm total garbage right now but hopefully I'll be good enough after a couple weeks to play some of you guys.

Seems like you don't have any VS game background. With that said you should know that it's going to be a very rough and long hill for you to climb if you want to be good.

I suggest you continue to mess around with mission mode until you find characters that you like. Obviously you can jump in with Wesker/Wolverine and get yourself some easy wins here and there, but if you would like to really learn the game find characters that you enjoy playing is the first step.

Find characters you like then build a team. There's a lot of ways you can build a team. Some people choose

- two point character 1 assist. (Ex: Magneto, Storm, Sentinel)
- team build around 1 specific character. (Ex: Zero, Vergil, Dante)
- team with all around synergy. (Ex. Nova, Spencer, Hawkeye).

It's really your call on how you want to do it.

Figure out what type of style you want to play.

- defensive/zoning (If you pick this try to pick assist that will help out the cause. Ex: Hulk's anti air assist)

- rush down (Once again pick an assist that will help you with your goal. Ex: Sent drones)

From there it's just a matter of putting in the time to learn the basic bread and butter combos (mid screen and corner). (I would say you want at least 700k of damage from your combos at the minimum off of a clean hit. Some characters like Zero, or Spencer you might want to aim around the 1million mark.)

Then play the game. Play play play because somethings you won't learn until you play. Ex. when to call assist or when not to. You have to get hit with a random happy birthday a few times to get it through your head that mashing assist isn't the brightest idea. I can sit here and tell you every possible situation to call assist or go for a reset but it isn't the same as you experiencing it and formulating your own strategies.

After a few hundreds matches I would recommend that you go back to training mode. Now it's time for you to learn more advance stuff.

- How to combo off random hits.
- Best combos off a throw (combos from throw scale heavy).
- Create unblock able (or really hard to block) situations.
- Create resets and setups.
- figure out when to wave dash, and when to normal dash against certain characters.
- What punishes what. You would want to start with the more popular characters. You want to know how to punish characters like wesker, wolverine, magneto etc.. Of course learning the lesser known characters help as well (If you watched Final Round you would notice America has no idea what to do against the log trap assist.)
- X-factor combos with all 3 of your characters at level 1, level 2, and level 3.
- Incoming mix ups.
- blocking advance mixups
- x-factor guard cancel your opponents block strings
- maybe anti phx strageties or xxx character that you're struggling against

Then go play more matches, and eventually you go back and fourth from playing and being in the lab. At the end of the day there's just no way you can learn everything even the best players in the world still don't know every thing about every character.

Random tip :Marvel 3 is more of a horizontal game than vertical unlike its predecessor. So super jumping isn't as effective and note that you also can't call assist during super jumps.
I'm basically just messing around in Mission mode right now and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the hang of the air combos. On everyone's sixth combo (or fifth, whichever is the basic launch combo) I can always nail every hit except the air s, which always whiffs because my character has fallen below my opponent.

Speed up your button presses. Also try to get in some hits on the way up, that way they go into hit stun which allows you to go higher than them with your super jump.

For now, keep things basic. Don't worry too much about combos. Learn your characters movements (tri-dashing, flight, super jumps). Using assists is critical too, this is definitely a team game.


get some go again
So I just bought this game today and thought I'd come here for some pointers.

The only other fighting game I've ever really got into was SF4, which I totally loved. I've been wanting to get into another fighting game and was pretty close to getting SFxT but I thought it might be more fun to try something more different from SF4, and the fact that this is $20 cheaper was nice as well.

Are there any characters that will help me ease into the game? And any tips that will help me transition from SF4? It's pretty intimidating so far, SF4 really doesn't have that much going on, outside of universal stuff like zoning and footsies you really only had to learn how to use the focus attacks and you were good. Between the three characters, the different assists, the advancing guards, and the faster pace of the game it feels like it's going to take forever to get anywhere.

I'm basically just messing around in Mission mode right now and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I can't get the hang of the air combos. On everyone's sixth combo (or fifth, whichever is the basic launch combo) I can always nail every hit except the air s, which always whiffs because my character has fallen below my opponent.

Anyways, like I said, just thought I'd ask for some hints (I'm reading through the guides in the OP which is helping some) and just seeing how many people are playing. Obviously I'm total garbage right now but hopefully I'll be good enough after a couple weeks to play some of you guys.
do you have auto jump on? turn it off since it messes up some combos. sometimes you have to slightly delay jumping after you launch somebody.
Thanks for the advice everyone!

do you have auto jump on? turn it off since it messes up some combos. sometimes you have to slightly delay jumping after you launch somebody.

I'm not totally sure, but I've been just holding s to have my character jump as soon as the move's over, so I'm guessing I do.

I was kind of worried that the air combos weren't coming out because I wasn't hitting the inputs fast enough. I have a stick back home but I won't get a chance to pick it up for a week or so, sucks trying to do it with a single thumb on a pad.
How would you feel if I said that Vampire Saviour was Smash Bros Melee in 2D with health bars, and everyone's a furry?
Melee might be my favorite fighting game ever and I just finished playing story mode for a Beastkin girl that is part Squirrel and part Human. Her attire probably annoyed the ESRB greatly too.

You won't hear any complaints from me.
So is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, but you don't see me complaining about it.



FR is making me rethink my team Spencer/Vergil/Doom... And thinking of going back to Chris for zoning capabilities. Lab time A Go Go baby.
Chris + Log trap you know you want to. Log Trap covers that space of Chris which he is a bit weak at.

On a side note, do you think lightning loops are legitimately "broken"? I mean I kinda approach it with the same mentaility that I do any of the higher execution high damage instances - due to the high level of dexterity necessary to hit it consistently, it's not something that approaches the level of "broken" as it does "MAHVEL." Now the easiest fix for this would be making lightning scale combos harder thus encouraging folks to get more reset heavy with Z.
Lightning Loop is basically a semi-infinite. Not that it even needs to be an infinite because all characters are going to die before it finishes anyway and it's generally self sufficient.

The real problem at the core is Zero's 30% damage cap on specials which is WAY too high for a character of his caliber. Zero needs a damage reduction on the same level as Dante in his specials. In that circumstance LL wouldn't be as powerful and you would really have to grind it out for the damage and in most cases it would not be worth it to go for it aside from style points. I say same thing for Viper as she is basically breathing down Zero's neck in the tier lists. These characters have the same damage cap as DARK PHOENIX and HULK. Yeah....

Random thought but... people actually got hyped for Felicia's Cat Spike infinite. "EH EH EH EH EH EH EH!" crowd chanting like they do for Yun's Geneijin combos.

What assists?
Of course Burn Kick/Jam Session/Vajra.

Viper has access to super jump height hit confirms with Vajra as well as easy mode hit confirms thanks to OTG. Same thing for Dante PLUS he is able to combo off of air throws using Vajra and do teleport mix ups from practically full screen. Viper has both Jam Session and Vajra to use for FA unblockable set ups. Dante can use Viper's Burn Kick to set up unblockable. Strider is Strider but if he is used point in his team in whatever circumstance (like he is snap backed) he can get great damage by raw tagging into Viper or Dante off of a Gram bounce or has great vertical pressure with Jam Session and unblockables with Viper. So many tools on this team its disgusting.

Strider Tech video - Formations Breakdown
I tried out Dorm today and damn, this dude is sick. Consulted dat New Testament and did a few of his combos, dude feels nice. The problem is this has thrown me into another character crisis.

I like his DHC synergy with Doom with air Finger Lasers -> Stalking Flare and Chaotic Flame (near corner) -> Energy Ball. I really like this duo. Assuming I had Task in the back (know a few of his BnBs and his XF lvl 3 has saved my ass a few times), strategically, what I would I be doing with them? If there's one thing I don't do is think when I play this game. If I don't have the upper hand in the first 15 seconds I just fall apart.


If you don't want to think too much put Doom on Missiles and spam it while painting your hands and throwing meteors/volcanos + Stalking Flare for massive chip. Do a standard teleport mix up with Aim Master assist using Taskmaster.


I think a zoning team like with Morrigan would stand a better chance against AgeoJoe, does anyone know if ChrisG played AgeoJoe?
Ageo Joe actually mentioned on Twitter that he was afraid of fighting Morrigan, because he's bad at the match-up (requesting advice from JP Morrigan players) and was glad when Chris G got eliminated. I honestly think that Chris G would win the match, but that's a question of "what ifs."
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