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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

mr. puppy

eventhubs put out an anchor tier list, demonstrating their inability to do anything right:

Dr. Doom, Dormammu, Phoenix, Strider, Vergil, Wesker
Akuma, Amaterasu, Arthur, Dante, Hawkeye, Magneto, Morrigan, Nova, Sentinel, Spencer, Super-Skrull, Taskmaster, Wolverine, Zero
C. Viper, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, Felicia, Frank West, Hulk, Jill, MODOK, Ryu, Spider-Man, Storm, Trish, Viewtiful Joe, X-23
Captain America, Chris Redfield, Chun-Li, Firebrand, Haggar, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Nemesis, Rocket Raccoon, She-Hulk, Shuma-Gorath, Thor, Tron Bonne
Ghost Rider, Hsien-Ko, Phoenix Wright


I understand Magneto comparisons now. Wow.

I want to see a top player pick up MODOK and put him to the test at high levels. Do it MarlinPie.
That vid is old my nukka.
You should watch this one

Stopped reading that anchor tier list when they included fucking Dorm, Doom and Wesker with the holy trinity of anchor characters.
Doom and Dorm shouldn't be in S, but I think Wesker should be the lowest in S/Highest in A.
Skrull too


Damn that's December last year too.
Back when people thought Nemesis was good.
Didn't realize this was that old too.
The MODOK and Spiderman subforums in SRK. They're always active and they've got a small number of dedicated posters that are very good with them.
The same guy (Nos99) put this video up in October that shows how a team of Magneto/MODOK can kill any character off Magneto throw and 1 bar
Why are they setting me up against 9th's and 8th's? I've been losing and I'm back to fighter so wtf?

And wow, haven't played against a skilled zero before... x_x
and frank is becoming part of my salt-tier list


Why are they setting me up against 9th's and 8th's? I've been losing and I'm back to fighter so wtf?

And wow, haven't played against a skilled zero before... x_x
and frank is becoming part of my salt-tier list

Want to play me so you can feel better about yourself?


Holy Trinity of Anchors:

Magneto, Dr.Strange, Sentinel
You can do the same whiffed hyper trick with Skrull and Tron. You can do the same whiff trick with Spencer, but it doesn't do a lot of hits.

He had 1.3 million health in one of the later builds. :'(

I still can't believe his c.L is NINE frames.

I still can't believe his level 3 is his level 3.

Deadpool's is better.


I've been messing around with Task+RR and they seem to work pretty well with each other. Taskmaster doesn't seem bad at converting if log trap assist hits- he can wavedash in and either use fwd.H or shield skills to convert into a full combo. Log trap+arrows gives you a good amount of total projectile durability to help zone too- 19 low durability points with charged arrows. If you land the counter hyper, you can DHC into mad hopper and get a pretty standard RR combo afterward. If Taskmaster just does the counter into legion arrow, he gets around 450k for his two bars, but by going into mad hopper, you can get similar damage, but you end up with less net meter loss (exact amount depends on your post mad hopper combo, of course), and you can also keep up pressure and set up oki stuff much better than if you had just gone into legion arrow after the counter. If Task could TAC infinite off of more than one direction, a landed counter hyper could probably lead to a dead character two thirds of the time.

Rocket can DHC nicely into Task (but who can't?) which is nice, as many characters are difficult to DHC to from regular RR BnBs. We all know Task has good assists, though I'm not sure exactly how good horizontal arrows are for RR as opposed to other similar assists.

If I go ahead and try to make this a full-fledged team, who do you guys think would be a good third? I was considering Ammy for the good lockdown for RR and Moons demonstrated how Ammy can work together with Taskmaster- nice safety/pressure options and that THC technology. You guys have any other ideas?
I think I only faced your Dr. Strange team out of those three. And I have to say I liked that team a lot.
Thanks! I'm changing the team's order to abuse some mechanics, and I think it'll be better next time.

I can do that, though. It's relatively easy. Never thought of trying the assist combo with that. Now I got some ideas. haha

Although, I think it's j.M and j.H after the qcb+l and then s.HS
Great! You likely have corrected my inputs, I was sort of guessing based on seeing it happen on streams, haha.

I am highly amused no one said Wesker in characters they hate. My defense of that character when he was considered #1 is vindicated!
The thing about Wesker is most people suck ass with him. I cannot count how many times a Wesker is facing my Dormammu down, we're both in crouching block, and he tries c.L. The answer to all Wesker woes is: not enough command grabs.

Oh god I have no idea what I'm doing with Captain America but I feel like I can do what ever the fuck and still win.
America, fuck yeah!

eventhubs put out an anchor tier list, demonstrating their inability to do anything right:
Dr. Doom, Dormammu, Phoenix, Strider, Vergil, Wesker
Akuma, Amaterasu, Arthur, Dante, Hawkeye, Magneto, Morrigan, Nova, Sentinel, Spencer, Super-Skrull, Taskmaster, Wolverine, Zero
C. Viper, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, Felicia, Frank West, Hulk, Jill, MODOK, Ryu, Spider-Man, Storm, Trish, Viewtiful Joe, X-23
Captain America, Chris Redfield, Chun-Li, Firebrand, Haggar, Iron Fist, Iron Man, Nemesis, Rocket Raccoon, She-Hulk, Shuma-Gorath, Thor, Tron Bonne
Ghost Rider, Hsien-Ko, Phoenix Wright
Eventhubs made that awesome character walk speed list for Vanilla, and I'd love to see it return.

This list is truly awful, though. I can see Dr. Doom being #1 simply because part of being an anchor is supporting your team so you don't have to be played, and he can legitimately make comebacks, but I'd put him in A, not S. If this system weren't stupid...
Dr. Strange's big problem is that he can't cross-up against cornered opponents.


I still can't believe his level 3 is his level 3.

Deadpool's is better.
The only advantage is that it comes out instantly on a DHC. Not worth it cause you're now spending 4 bars for crap damage, but there are times where it can work, i.e. point blank bionic arm, DHC level 3 if they didn't jump. It's a gimmick.

I still say that move was originally going to anti-air grab too, based on the whiff animation.


Can anyone give me a list of low execution characters?

It seems like all the characters I actually want to play are extremely high execution.


Can anyone give me a list of low execution characters?

It seems like all the characters I actually want to play are extremely high execution.

Characters who are strong with low execution requirements? Wesker, wolverine, hulk, sentinel, captain america, taskmaster (maybe?), Doom- I'm sure there are others that aren't coming to mind.
Can anyone give me a list of low execution characters?

It seems like all the characters I actually want to play are extremely high execution.

Ryu (kinda)
Captain America
Ghost Rider

Not in any particular order, btw


Characters who are strong with low execution requirements? Wesker, wolverine, hulk, sentinel, captain america, taskmaster (maybe?), Doom- I'm sure there are others that aren't coming to mind.

Don't you have to learn Tridashing with Doom though?

You gonna play me like that?

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How? With his machine gun super I'd expect the opposite.

As for your question of a third character, I'd definitely say Ammy.

I should've clarified- if you're mid screen when you land the machine gun hyper, if you let the final blue homing shot come out, they end up kind of high and will air recover before they're low enough for a lot of other hypers (like Dante's million dollars) to hit. Task can do l+h legion arrow after RR shoots the final shot and everything connects fully.


I was trying to practice it with mag and it just seemed hard as fuck. I can do it, but its extremely slow. I go a lot faster by just dash canceling.

For mags, on or near the ground, he is often better off wave dashing, but tri-dashing is still intrumental for his high/low/throw game once he gets in. Some characters like Doom simply have no choice. Do you play on stick or pad?
I was trying to practice it with mag and it just seemed hard as fuck. I can do it, but its extremely slow. I go a lot faster by just dash canceling.

Plink it. Dash with MH, and slide to L. Works 100% of the time. Basically Ring finger, middle finger, index finger from H > M > L. Piano style.


Vergil and Taskmaster aren't low execution.
They are. You can do basic as shit combos with both and do respectable damage, their slightly better combos aren't hard to do. Vergil has no real neutral game, he pokes and does teleports with occasional Round Trip (also not hard to do). Taskmaster is a walking option select anyway, his neutral is easy to learn, its all about fundamentals with the character which has nothing to do with execution.

I mean if Sentinel was listed in that post then these two qualify for sure.


For mags, on or near the ground, he is often better off wave dashing, but tri-dashing is still intrumental for his high/low/throw game once he gets in. Some characters like Doom simply have no choice. Do you play on stick or pad?


They are. You can do basic as shit combos with both and do respectable damage, their slightly better combos aren't hard to do. Vergil has no real neutral game, he pokes and does teleports with occasional Round Trip (also not hard to do). Taskmaster is a walking option select anyway, his neutral is easy to learn, its all about fundamentals with the character which has nothing to do with execution.

I mean if Sentinel was listed in that post then these two qualify for sure.

As much as I bitch and moan about Dante, I've at least been successful in completing his combos, my problem with him is just consistency. Vergil was the very first character I wanted to play and I still can't complete a single combo of his.(sword loop combo specifically)



As much as I bitch and moan about Dante, I've at least been successful in completing his combos, my problem with him is just consistency. Vergil was the very first character I wanted to play and I still can't complete a single combo of his.(sword loop combo specifically)
Just put Vergil in the back, XF3 with DT and learn his relaunch combo.

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