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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

If you are playing on PS3, I'd be happy to be a "sparring partner" with you. I'm just now getting back into the game, and I was never very good to begin with!

Yep, PSN is onem1c.

And trust me, no one on this forum is worse than me at this game. No one.

I still don't know how to safely get in with any of my characters.

And Magneto's magnetic blast is such a bitch to do, whyd they make the command so messed up?

Do you two mind if I join?
psn: itzknickknac
I have this issue too. I have to come up with variations since mine are simple and easily blockable.


Jet Stream would be good for pinning, I think. And pushback. Kind of like Rapid Slash. Dante's worst assist move would probably be Reverb Shock (no Fireworks) or qcf.M~M.
Jet Stream would be good for pinning if it came out on block. Since it doesn't, it's worthless as anything other than a combo extension. It'd be an amazing assist if the entire thing came out on block, though.

Reverb Shock would be good since it would be fast as Tatsu, would move forward pretty far, and causes soft-knockdown. It also has a weirdly disjointed hitbox. Even without Fireworks, it'd be a pretty decent assist, especially for teleporters.

Million Carats would be a decent anti-air, a decent number of active frames, 5 medium durability points(I think?), hits OTG and causes a huge soft-knockdown. It also hits everyone when they're incoming and causes a lot of blockstun so I'm sure it'd have some setups. It wouldn't be a great assist, but it wouldn't be bad.

Super slow startup, though. No one would use it over dp.L.
Actually, it's not that slow. It has 18 startup, the problem is that you have to cancel it from Crystal, so you have 5 frames or more before it cancels into MC, so it takes 23 frames or more. If it's just straight up Million Carats as an assist, it'd faster to start up.

It's like how Beehive would be Dante's fastest move at three frames if it didn't take 5 frames before he could cancel into it.

Why are you guys assuming those moves will cause soft knockdown when most on point moves that cause soft KD don't do it as an assist?
Reverb Shock probably wouldn't cause soft knockdown outside of starting with it, but I think Million Carats definitely would cause a soft-knockdown at max scaling. It's one of the more notable traits of the move since it causes a huge spinning knockdown afterall.


Why are you guys assuming those moves will cause soft knockdown when most on point moves that cause soft KD don't do it as an assist?


Something I've never seen you do with Chris, but that is very effective, is to superjump toward an opponent trying to get in on you, wait, and then SMG on the way down. This generally covers your fall. If you call Strider as you perform the superjump, it's really hard to punish the maneuver, and you just have to be wary of air throws for the ascent portion of the jump. This gets you out of corners.
That's my worst fear, jumping in with guns because I get scooped ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I know I'm terrible at teching air throws but seriously, Magneto scoops me all the time, ALL. THE. TIME. Even with Strider backing Chris, He either gets happy bdayed or I get thrown before the assist hits. Also, Magnetic Shockwave punishes both Strider and Chris. If I could, I'd show you watch me play my friend MrDoCut on PSN. He's my IRL friend and we go back and forth all the time. It's just super free sometimes because Magneto disgusts me etc etc.
I played the first 2 Bloody Roar games, and they were cool but gimmicky and not terribly interesting in general. It would have been cooler if people stayed in their animal form for the entire fight.
I just wish the Bloody Roar game that was rumoured came true =(. Then Bloody Roar fans got trolled.
Every time I think I'm doing well in Marvel, someone comes along and humbles me. It's just that kind of game, haha. There are so many tiers of skill.
My tier is "Free to Airthrows" I'd set that as my title.
I can fucking Burn Kick Feint combo now. My Marvel training is complete. :lol
You can never train enough in Marvel, never! It's time to learn Modok/Morrigan/RR as a team!
Jet Stream would be good for pinning, I think. And pushback. Kind of like Rapid Slash. Dante's worst assist move would probably be Reverb Shock (no Fireworks) or qcf.M~M.

Jet Stream doesn't go into the animation unless it hits the opponent though, So Reverb Shock would actually be better than Jet Stream lolz. Edit: Beaten by Frantic


get some go again
man a THC with haggar/chris/task is so freaking damaging. i can easily get 1.2 mil. if only gimlet did more damage after a combo. ;_;
Jet Stream would be good for pinning if it came out on block. Since it doesn't, it's worthless as anything other than a combo extension. It'd be an amazing assist if the entire thing came out on block, though.

Reverb Shock would be good since it would be fast as Tatsu, would move forward pretty far, and causes soft-knockdown. It also has a weirdly disjointed hitbox. Even without Fireworks, it'd be a pretty decent assist, especially for teleporters.

Million Carats would be a decent anti-air, a decent number of active frames, 5 medium durability points(I think?), hits OTG and causes a huge soft-knockdown. It also hits everyone when they're incoming and causes a lot of blockstun so I'm sure it'd have some setups. It wouldn't be a great assist, but it wouldn't be bad.
Points all well taken. I forgot that Million Carats hits OTG. Goddamn Dante has a million OTG moves.

Actually, it's not that slow. It has 18 startup, the problem is that you have to cancel it from Crystal, so you have 5 frames or more before it cancels into MC, so it takes 23 frames or more. If it's just straight up Million Carats as an assist, it'd faster to start up.
The move would likely need to go through its initial startup time, but since it OTGs, you have a point regardless.

That's my worst fear, jumping in with guns because I get scooped ALL THE FUCKING TIME. I know I'm terrible at teching air throws but seriously, Magneto scoops me all the time, ALL. THE. TIME. Even with Strider backing Chris, He either gets happy bdayed or I get thrown before the assist hits. Also, Magnetic Shockwave punishes both Strider and Chris. If I could, I'd show you watch me play my friend MrDoCut on PSN. He's my IRL friend and we go back and forth all the time. It's just super free sometimes because Magneto disgusts me etc etc.
Want to set up a lobby this weekend so I can watch and offer advice?

I just wish the Bloody Roar game that was rumoured came true =(. Then Bloody Roar fans got trolled.
I just thought Jenny the Bat was hot in middle school.

My tier is "Free to Airthrows" I'd set that as my title.
My recent title seems to be "Goes for an Air Throw. Gets Air Thrown." I dun get it.

Jet Stream doesn't go into the animation unless it hits the opponent though, So Reverb Shock would actually be better than Jet Stream lolz. Edit: Beaten by Frantic


The move would likely need to go through its initial startup time, but since it OTGs, you have a point regardless.
Only reason I mention it is because of Weasel Shot assist. On point, you need to cancel it off a s.H on frame 14-15, but as an assist it's just Weasel Shot. I imagine that most of the cancel moves would be the same if Capcom decided to make them assists.


Want to set up a lobby this weekend so I can watch and offer advice?
I'll see if he's available.
I just thought Jenny the Bat was hot in middle school.
I actually liked Bakuryu alot since he reminded me of Strider and Stun was one of the few grappler characters I liked. I hate bugs but for some reason I like Beetle type characters. Examples are like, Crypt Lords from Warcraft 3, Heracross from Pokemon.
My recent title seems to be "Goes for an Air Throw. Gets Air Thrown." I dun get it.
That feeling of going for a throw and hearing your attack startup... feels bad man.
I don't think there are that many LoL fans here but I thought this was an awesome mod.


I'm sure that someone has probably asked this already, but what characters make you the saltiest when you're playing against them? Note that this is separate from which characters you consider to be top tier or too good or whatever.

I *hate* playing against characters like Captain America and Nova. Almost everybody does the exact same things with them (tossing out Shield Slashes midscreen, dashing forward with H and then sliding) and I manage to get hit by them almost every time. I think getting air thrown by Nova is the most annoying thing in the game outside of Hidden Missiles. It doesn't help that both characters have high damage output and such an easy time converting off of stray hits...
I'm sure that someone has probably asked this already, but what characters make you the saltiest when you're playing against them? Note that this is separate from which characters you consider to be top tier or too good or whatever.

I *hate* playing against characters like Captain America and Nova. Almost everybody does the exact same things with them (tossing out Shield Slashes midscreen, dashing forward with H and then sliding) and I manage to get hit by them almost every time. I think getting air thrown by Nova is the most annoying thing in the game outside of Hidden Missiles. It doesn't help that both characters have high damage output and such an easy time converting off of stray hits...
Undoubtedly, Captain America. He counters Dormammu so hard it's maddening.

Flame Carpet? CHARGING STAR!
Purification? CHARGING STAR!
Chaotic Flame? CHARGING STAR!
Stalking Flare? CHARGING STAR!
Dark Dimension? CHARGING STAR!


Captain America does shockingly well against Vergil. Can't use RT or JC block strings against him, he's gonna Charging Star through it and even Spiral Swords. Can't beat his up close normals. But Cap can't zone against Vergil so there's that.
I'm sure that someone has probably asked this already, but what characters make you the saltiest when you're playing against them? Note that this is separate from which characters you consider to be top tier or too good or whatever.

I *hate* playing against characters like Captain America and Nova. Almost everybody does the exact same things with them (tossing out Shield Slashes midscreen, dashing forward with H and then sliding) and I manage to get hit by them almost every time. I think getting air thrown by Nova is the most annoying thing in the game outside of Hidden Missiles. It doesn't help that both characters have high damage output and such an easy time converting off of stray hits...

The same can be said for amy. I hate fighting against her. Everyone does her same dam bnb and somehow her attacks have priority over me, even when I attacked first.


Actually, put my amy answer as second. I'm agreeing with everyone else. Captain America. Everyone knows why.


Ok, I've had enough of this. My team needs a total redesign as its just too fucking hard to try and learn Strider, Dante, and Magneto in one go. If Wesker is indeed easier in terms of execution I guess I'll put him in. Is wolverine relatively easy as well? Would a Wolverine/Wesker/Dante team work? Only reason why I'm not dropping dante is because I'll feel like I've literally wasted away part of my life dedicating almost a whole week exclusively trying to learn this guy, just to not play him.
Ok, I've had enough of this. My team needs a total redesign as its just too fucking hard to try and learn Strider, Dante, and Magneto in one go. If Wesker is indeed easier in terms of execution I guess I'll put him in. Is wolverine relatively easy as well? Would a Wolverine/Wesker/Dante team work? Only reason why I'm not dropping dante is because I'll feel like I've literally wasted away part of my life dedicating almost a whole week exclusively trying to learn this guy, just to not play him.

Wolverine is pretty easy to learn, however can be tough to use against range. I've mainly been using his infamous bnb with akuma assist. Advanced combo wise.. will take time to learn, I still haven't fully mastered wolv yet, and he's the first character I ever used.

I think a good assist to use with wolv is dante's jam session (i think its that, can't remember atm) for cross up with wolvs berserker slash
I'm sure that someone has probably asked this already, but what characters make you the saltiest when you're playing against them? Note that this is separate from which characters you consider to be top tier or too good or whatever.

Captain America like many other, and for some reason also Ryu. How the hell does the ordinary guy keep hitting me with his air Tatsu damn it?!


I'm sure that someone has probably asked this already, but what characters make you the saltiest when you're playing against them? Note that this is separate from which characters you consider to be top tier or too good or whatever.

Super Skrull in XF 2/3. "Is my next move gonna be a crossup or not? lol, I dunno" *uses Meteor Smash and kills your entire team*

Captain America with missiles is also pretty infuriating, lol.

EDIT: And Hulk or Nemesis with Drones and/or missiles in online lag.
Stupid Shield Slash is so annoying.
I don't get this move. I fail to pushblock it and get hit on its return path 9/10 times.

Ok, I've had enough of this. My team needs a total redesign as its just too fucking hard to try and learn Strider, Dante, and Magneto in one go. If Wesker is indeed easier in terms of execution I guess I'll put him in. Is wolverine relatively easy as well? Would a Wolverine/Wesker/Dante team work? Only reason why I'm not dropping dante is because I'll feel like I've literally wasted away part of my life dedicating almost a whole week exclusively trying to learn this guy, just to not play him.
Wolverine/Wesker/Dante can work. I thought you were putting a bit much on your plate.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Yeah! Sometime I can pushblock the stupid shield and sometimes I can't. The fuck?

And then when I mess up I get hit and eat a full combo


I should start playing Cap.


Yeah! Sometime I can pushblock the stupid shield and sometimes I can't. The fuck?

And then when I mess up I get hit and eat a full combo


I should start playing Cap.

A person I play against regularly in casuals uses Cap/Vergil/Doom. Miss a pushblock? Full Cap combo into Hyper Charging Star into Spiral Swords = dead character. :(

Ok Cap/Drones and who else? Also how do I do that corner relaunch thing?

Have to backdash some before doing the L Shield Slash OTG. Or just use an assist to make it easier like Nova's ground bounce. Actually yeah, Nova would work well 2nd for Cap + Sentinel.


Now that you guys mention it, part of why I get clipped so often by Shield Slash is that I still try to pushblock it even though it never seems to work. I should really stop doing that.

Yeah! Sometime I can pushblock the stupid shield and sometimes I can't. The fuck?

And then when I mess up I get hit and eat a full combo


I should start playing Cap.

If you wanted to piss me off, you could go with Captain America/Nova/Foot Dive :p


Now that you guys mention it, part of why I get clipped so often by Shield Slash is that I still try to pushblock it even though it never seems to work. I should really stop doing that.

On a similar note, against good Caps (and players in general) I'd also advise not to pushblock much during block strings. That 4 frame c.L is really good if they stagger and you're mashing pushblock, lol.
Why not drop Dante or Strider from your team for Vergil since you love playing him? Vergil/Strider is really goddamn scary, and Rapid Slash would help your Chris keep his distance.

Ok Cap/Drones and who else? Also how do I do that corner relaunch thing?
Unibeam. Trust me on this, you will never look at Captain America the same way again. Unibeam does all of the following:
1) Provides mix-ups for his cartwheel.
2) Lets him combo off of Shield Slash.
3) Makes Charging Star H 100% safe from anywhere.
4) Gives him full combos off of Charging Star H (seriously).

Seriously, it makes Hulk/Drones look smart, but no one uses it for some reason.
Saltiest character is easily EASILY Vergil. A nutless monkey could play him.

Wolverine would be next. YTF teching an airgrab = mixup for him? Insanity, I tells ya. Air DF+H option select is right after TACs, Zero's scaling, Zero's normals and Spiral Swords as the dumbest thing in this game.

I can't remember who in the last thread did it, but someone put their feelings after a win, an opponent ragequit, or a loss in this game. Pretty accurate for how I feel about beating Vergils:

"Yes, I won!... that was some bullshit."


Unibeam is pretty much Captain's best assist imo. Whole new character. I understand the salt he causes people, especially if you play based around carefully placed projectiles. He just doesn't care at all. His cL is awesome too, they should've given him Taskmaster's crouch normals to match, haha. It's just one of those things you have to deal with -- cL or throw, both into 700k+ lolololol.
Sasa used it against me actually I remember it being pretty annoying lol. But then I have to play Iron Man :(
How can you get hit when you have a beam and a traveling hitbox that negates projectiles, though? :p

Some people use Aim Master L to achieve an effect similar to Unibeam, but it's not as good. I think Chris' Gun Fire also works for combos and safety. You could mess around with assists; I tend to think that giving him combos and safety with Charging Star is his #1 priority in team selection, just like it is for Hulk and Gamma Charge. Those moves are too good to not abuse.

Azure J

Salt generating characters?

Nova: Everything about him is designed to show you how much more you're putting in versus him. I don't care how much better any character in theory is to him, don't you tell me when he comes zipping in and hits you with c.M, adf j.H/grab you don't wince internally.

Vergil: Obnoxious sword reaches, frame traps he can cause by accident, the single dumbest install super I've ever seen, and the idea that I will run into thousands of these motherfuckers never stop the salt production on my end. I say this as a person who's primary is Dante.

Zero: There's is no such thing as a dropped Zero combo, only a Maverick Hunter Reset. Also, fuck having default projectiles that trade at best with most of the ones any team can be normally equipped with.

Doom: Moreso my fault than anything else, but this still has to be mentioned. You know what he wants, he knows what he wants, and yet during a match with him, you will have one split second moment to judge a decision accordingly, fuck it up once and have about 30 seconds to ask yourself "why" as he pushes your character's spinal cord out of their ass with FOOT-FOOT DIVE.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I fucking can't stand playing against Nova.

It's nice knowing most of my opponents feel the same way when I'm using him against them though.

It's like "haha I know how that feels, sucks right?"

Actually that'd be Hulk too.


Count me in for the Captain America hate train- fuck the guy. If I get bodied by viper or something, I can solace in the fact that they had to live in training mode for months in order to pull it off- you can learn Cap in like five minutes.


Hey Karst, I know I keep changing my team non-stop and then ask your opinion on it. Need your help again, lol.

So I have been working on Trish/Deadpool/Amaterasu now. I'm actually surprised I found Deadpool to be very enjoyable. Hadn't played with him for a long while and didn't know I found him that fun. His speed is excellent and he has teleports.

So I'm doing my combo with Trish and have Deadpool's assist as Katana-rama.

d+l, d+m, d+h, s, j.m, d+m, (call assist), l, m, h, Round trip, launch, j.m, j.m, qcb+l, etc.

The only problem is that sometimes the katana-rama doesn't "bound"/OTG the opponent and sometimes it does. I can only use round trip and launch when the assist properly works. Is it just strict timing or is there a way for me to be sure that it works each time?


I fucking can't stand playing against Nova.

It's nice knowing most of my opponents feel the same way when I'm using him against them though.

It's like "haha I know how that feels, sucks right?"

Actually that'd be Hulk too.

Nova can die. What a troll. Let me just air grab you and then end your life.

Count me in for the Captain America hate train- fuck the guy. If I get bodied by viper or something, I can solace in the fact that they had to live in training mode for months in order to pull it off- you can learn Cap in like five minutes.

I should pick up Captain America.


Salt generating characters?

Nova: Everything about him is designed to show you how much more you're putting in versus him. I don't care how much better any character in theory is to him, don't you tell me when he comes zipping in and hits you with c.M, adf j.H/grab you don't wince internally.

Vergil: Obnoxious sword reaches, frame traps he can cause by accident, the single dumbest install super I've ever seen, and the idea that I will run into thousands of these motherfuckers never stop the salt production on my end. I say this as a person who's primary is Dante.

Zero: There's is no such thing as a dropped Zero combo, only a Maverick Hunter Reset. Also, fuck having default projectiles that trade at best with most of the ones any team can be normally equipped with.

Doom: Moreso my fault than anything else, but this still has to be mentioned. You know what he wants, he knows what he wants, and yet during a match with him, you will have one split second moment to judge a decision accordingly, fuck it up once and have about 30 seconds to ask yourself "why" as he pushes your character's spinal cord out of their ass with FOOT-FOOT DIVE.

Doom, and more specifically footdive (and the even better cross-up footdive!) perfectly encapsulate mahvel. It's all about dumb, good shit (^-^)/
Hey Karst, I know I keep changing my team non-stop and then ask your opinion on it. Need your help again, lol.
No problem. I have a list of 4 teams I'm working out, and one of them is going to become my permanent team by the time I'm done (I think):
Morrigan/Dr. Strange/Dormammu

So I have been working on Trish/Deadpool/Amaterasu now. I'm actually surprised I found Deadpool to be very enjoyable. Hadn't played with him for a long while and didn't know I found him that fun. His speed is excellent and he has teleports.
Good team.

So I'm doing my combo with Trish and have Deadpool's assist as Katana-rama.

d+l, d+m, d+h, s, j.m, d+m, (call assist), l, m, h, Round trip, launch, j.m, j.m, qcb+l, etc.

The only problem is that sometimes the katana-rama doesn't "bound"/OTG the opponent and sometimes it does. I can only use round trip and launch when the assist properly works. Is it just strict timing or is there a way for me to be sure that it works each time?
FYI, the MvC3 term is "ground bounce". It's just going to be strict timing. You might try varying your timing to this (I don't know if this actually combos).
[blahblah] d.H, s.LMH, call assist, qcf.L

You can also do d.H, j.MMHS with Trish, but it's hard.

There's a variant to her dive combo that goes something like this:
[blahblah]d.H, qcb.L, j.H, s.HS, [blahblah]

You might be able to do j.H + assist call, c.H, Round Trip.

Hey sayah, we need to spar! Didn't know you played this too.
There's a Google Doc with everyone who actively plays listed on it in the OP. Add yourself in and friend some folks.



Hey sayah, we need to spar! Didn't know you played this too.

But nova's attacks are annoying, I gota say. It's like "Lemme throw these slow attacks at you so you think you can get up and block." Doesn't make me feel good.

Sure thing. I'm okay level at Marvel. Not really that good. haha
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