Really? Sounds pretty bad on paper. MODOK seems to be in an awkward position. What can he possibly get from Wolverine/X23 assists?
MODOK is a cornering expert and Wolverine can actually hold them long enough to let him setup a balloon bomb to float down on them as he goes for his low in the corner. Also Since he lacks very many lows Ankle Slice gets him some dirty high low stuff and if he's floating off screen to mess with you he can balloon bomb below himself call X-23 and either time it right for a mixup or grab you on jump away.
MODOK is a great guy and people really have no idea how to deal with that slow moving bomb of his in the corner. Great mixup potential on oncoming traffic and since his cubes and bombs can control spacing in the sky already having Wolverine as a get off me is pretty good on the ground.
The team has a lot of fun gimmicks for MODOK in my eyes. Setting him up with a longwinded get off me assist and a low is pretty good for his setups.