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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

For the Love of Warheit

Overview: Seig is a relatively slow rushdown character with short-medium range sword normals and a variety of unique setups involving his minions that allow him to mantain a unique style of pressure. Seig's minions start out at max power, and decrease in strength as their moves are used up until Seig is returned to a neutral state and must summon again. Seig can only have one type of legion active at a time.

1,000,000 health
X-factor boosts: 30/50/70% speed, 10/20/30% damage
3-hit ground chain, can chain into weaker crouching normals

  • Lots of neutral game options
  • Can easily maintain pressure
  • Can start rushdown at fullscreen with Guilt and Malice
  • Strong multi-legion combos when backed by assists
  • stand-type attacks means he is less reliant on assists in neutral game

  • Few anti-air options
  • Generally slow attacks
  • Few movement options
  • has basically no lows

Movement options:
  • (with Flawed Equipped)double jump, faster jump arc
  • no airdash/flight
  • ground dash is similar to Zero's


  • L - A short-range two-handed horizontal sword slash (Jump-cancelable with Flawed equipped)
  • M - Seig steps forward and drags his sword diagonally and slightly upwards (Jump-cancelable with Flawed equipped)
  • H - Seig steps forward again for a heavy horizontal slash (Jump-cancelable with Flawed equipped)
  • S - an uppercut with the sword

  • 2L - Seig slowly slams the ground with his fist. OTG capable, causes ground bounce on aerial opponents summons 6 Guilt
  • 2M - Seig slowly slams the ground with his fist. OTG capable causes ground bounce on aerial opponents, summons 4 Blaphemy
  • 2H - Seig slowly slams the ground with his fist. OTG capable, causes ground bounce on aerial opponents summons 6 Flawed(Jump-cancelable with Flawed equipped)

  • jL - a quick horizontal cut
  • jM - a wide horizontal slash
  • jH - A spinning horizontal slash
  • jS - downward slash, doesn't affect jump arc

Command Normals:

  • 6H - Seig unleashes a short-range electric blast from his gauntlet. Causes no damage but staggers opponents. nullifies low-priority projectiles during active frames
  • 4H - Avenger: Seig Blocks with his gauntlet(1 hit of super armor). If he is struck by any attack, he instantly retaliates with a short-range slash(unavailable with summons)
  • (With Blasphemy equipped)j2H - Airblaze: Seig pierces the ground with his sword, causing an explosion. Causes soft knockdown.


  • A+S - Cancel Summon: Seig makes a short pose

(With Guilt equipped)
  • Charge A - Ground Zero: Seig unleashes a heavy slash with his sword covered in fire. causes spinning knockdown if hit directly by the sword.
  • QCF+A - Guilt combines for a series of quick stabs. Button determines length, Seig recovers halfway through the active frames
  • SRK+A - Active Mode: Guilt Charges and attacks the enemy with a single slash, button determines distance.
  • QCB+A - Player takes control of Guilt. Seig remains in place until the input is repeated, takes damage as normal. Guilt can take (up to)6 hits before disappearing.
(With Blasphemy Equipped)
  • QCF+A - Crimson Carnage: Seig kicks a bomb towards the opponent, which explodes on contact or after a set time. Button determines distance. projectile has 5 low durability points, explosion has 1 medium durability.
  • QCB+A - Active Mode: Blasphemy runs towards the opponent and explodes. Tracks along the ground until it makes contact, takes(up to) 4 hits or 300 frames pass. Causes spinning knockdown.
(With Flawed Equipped)
  • QCF+A - Flawed launches towards the enemy and begins clawing away. Button determines angle. Air Ok. Seig recovers immediately, only one flawed can be in play at a time. Causes capture state.
  • QCB+A - Laughing Stock: Sets a trap on the ground that causes a flawed to launch upwards if any opponent passes over it. Hits Low, only one flawed can be in play at a time. Causes capture state.

Hyper Combos:

  • QCF+AA - Sniper Mode(one bar) - Seig Summons Malice, which fires five arrows in succession that track the opponent but don't combo. Seig is free to move during this hyper, Malice can be destroyed by 5 hits. Air Ok. Cancels current summon.
  • QCB+AA - Hatred(one bar) - Two Legionaires tackle a nearby opponent as a command grab. Causes a hard knockdown. Cancels current summon.
  • SRK + AA - Perfect Thanatos(4 bars) - The player takes control of Thanatos, the ultimate legion. Seig takes damage normally but recovers red health. Time is slowed for 240 frames, Thanatos lasts for 600 frames. Thanatos is in permanent flight mode and can block. Other than wide-reaching sweeping normals, he has an 8-way charge attack, a tracking teleport and homing missiles. Cannot be DHCed into, cannot use X-factor. Cancels current summon.

  • Summon Guilt - OTG Capable, ground bounces against airborne opponents
  • Summon Blaphemy - OTG Capable, ground bounces against airborne opponents
  • Summon Flawed - OTG Capable, ground bounces against airborne opponents

Imaginary combo: LH2L xx QCF+A, Ground Zero xx Sniper Mode, H xx Cancel Summon(2nd arrow hits), 2H xx QCF +A, S, jHS

See also: Gene Theory movelist


Rumors? Time to post my dream patch note:

Team Aerial Combos erase red health from incoming characters (red health is preserved if the TAC is countered).


Just thought I'd drop this here and this time with an action shot. Newest Scribblenaut Unlimited creation...MODOK!


Modok is a real jerk. He flies around, cackles and laughs at violence, investigates science, fires blue exploding jamming bombs, fires white analyze cubes, shoots lasers when attacked, and fires green goo everywhere. He is a complete and utter jerk just like in the game.
It's not about who does it first it's but who does it better.

Although yours is pretty solid, I like it.
I just like to go first so I can say you copied me since there's a good chance we'll have similar ideas anyway.

I do think the no pictures rule makes it confusing for people that aren't us, though lol

Oh well, the games have begun.

Azure J

Just wanted to say that I'm wholesale jacking that layout from you God's Beard whenever I feel bored enough to put up the Classic Megaman moveset.


I didn't steal anything before and I am not going to do it now either. Also my system is completely different than yours it's pointless for me to.copy. Even my Thanatos hyper is different.

Azure J

I don't think you'll beat this:

I probably won't outright, I just had the craziest idea for implementing stand based game play using the robotic helpers Rock always has along to compliment how truly nuts his potential is. The idea is that he'd have a Down, Down + ATK "buddy swap" mechanic that would change how his QCF, QCB & DP + S moves operate. With Rush out, Search (runs up to an opponent on the set horizontal plane and bites their leg keeping them in place/catch state), Jet (Flight mode, jumps on and rides like a hover board) and Coil (setup based, think of Mr. Flapper but could be canceled by Rock's ATK+S "Slide Move" for crossup incoming setups) become available, but if you switch to Beat (the bird), he'd get Beat Bullets (fired down forward at a 45 degree angle from over Rock's head), Rescue (high jump followed by Beat carrying him a short distance), and Drill (projectile invincible spinning ram Beat would perform with limited lock on).

I don't remember enough about Tango (Robo Cat from the GB games) to do his yet and I still don't know what I'd do with Fliptop, but that's what prep time is for. :p
I probably won't outright, I just had the craziest idea for implementing stand based game play using the robotic helpers Rock always has along to compliment how truly nuts his potential is. The idea is that he'd have a Down, Down + ATK "buddy swap" mechanic that would change how his QCF, QCB & DP + S moves operate. With Rush out, Search (runs up to an opponent on the set horizontal plane and bites their leg keeping them in place/catch state), Jet (Flight mode, jumps on and rides like a hover board) and Coil (setup based, think of Mr. Flapper but could be canceled by Rock's ATK+S "Slide Move" for crossup incoming setups) become available, but if you switch to Beat (the bird), he'd get Beat Bullets (fired down forward at a 45 degree angle from over Rock's head), Rescue (high jump followed by Beat carrying him a short distance), and Drill (projectile invincible spinning ram Beat would perform with limited lock on).

I don't remember enough about Tango (Robo Cat from the GB games) to do his yet and I still don't know what I'd do with Fliptop, but that's what prep time is for. :p
Aaaaaagggh! Did you play MvC2? I do not like stance changes with Megaman. :-X
Not too seriously, what happened? This would only be for swapping partners though, nothing major.
Megaman had 1 special that changed based on which "power" you had, and you had to call in the assist bot to feed it to you to swap it up. You basically never had time to swap because of the game's pace. Even worse, in MvC2 it just dropped the item on the floor and you had to pick it up. -_-

Azure J

Megaman had 1 special that changed based on which "power" you had, and you had to call in the assist bot to feed it to you to swap it up. You basically never had time to swap because of the game's pace. Even worse, in MvC2 it just dropped the item on the floor and you had to pick it up. -_-

Oh that, eww.

I'd have the partner swap out instantly personally. That and your buddy/stand would always be present beside you in the foreground/background moving with Megaman. The idea behind the design would be to pick the buddy that suited your style or you could "Jack of All Trades" your way to being flexible with all 3 + the special one that only had one function.
Oh that, eww.

I'd have the partner swap out instantly personally. That and your buddy/stand would always be present beside you in the foreground/background moving with Megaman. The idea behind the design would be to pick the buddy that suited your style or you could "Jack of All Trades" your way to being flexible with all 3 + the special one that only had one function.
That's not as bad, then.

Nearly forgot about those. Kinda weird they have meter-building assists but not health-building ones.
ToD combos all over the place in this game. It wouldn't matter.
Agreed, Volnutt is horrible.

What has Maximillian been up to? I haven't heard of any new "Assist Me!" stuff.

Sure, but I still miss them.
Eh, I think they'd just be unpicked. Dark Harmonizer is really good, and very few people are willing to use it as a primary assist. And there's the problem where if it healed red health only, it'd be crap, but if it heals yellow then it's OP against keepaway.


tagged by Blackace
Agreed, Volnutt is horrible.

What has Maximillian been up to? I haven't heard of any new "Assist Me!" stuff.
Probably covering CoD:BO2 stuff since that's come out recently. I still think he's been putting out Online Warrior videos and tutorials with some of the newer fighting games though.


Watched the videos. Chaos Legion seems kind of dull, like nothing is attacking
Game is extremely mediocre outside the summoning mechanics. Some of the bosses were bad ass though. It was a very uneven game, had the ingredients of an excellent action game but fucked up basic elements of games (repetitive design, drab palette color, meh regular enemies and the main character was very limited without his legions).

Some next gen AAA action game shoukd just straight up rip its mechanics, people will hype it as the next coming.
Game is extremely mediocre outside the summoning mechanics. Some of the bosses were bad ass though. It was a very uneven game, had the ingredients of an excellent action game but fucked up basic elements of games (repetitive design, drab palette color, meh regular enemies and the main character was very limited without his legions).

Some next gen AAA action game shoukd just straight up rip its mechanics, people will hype it as the next coming.

I tried to reflect that in my design and avoid giving sieg cool stuff outside his legions lol

Azure J

Messing around with my classic team of Dante (Weasel Shot)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Strider (Vajra) has led me to realize that I don't really have a lot of setups with the team. As such, I'm kinda trying to put together some situations that would lead into nasty unblockable stuff between Dante and Felicia. Problem is, my mind is not coming up with anything. Currently, I only have:

- Post Grapple, call Felicia and overhead while she goes low
- Post Reverb Shock - Fireworks confirm, plink dash under the opponent calling Felicia as you start the first or second dash (needs layering to cover air techs and air getaways)
- Post wall bounce Stinger, bold cancel an Acid Rain, dash back while calling her then overhead/teleport overhead as she comes down.
- (close) s.M + Call Felicia - Crystal in the corner for a frame trap high-low attempt

But I just know that there is more to using this duo than that. Yipes' usage of Wesker today at NEC also made me invest a little more into using Felicia's command grab more and as such I'm trying to find a rhythm to feeling out and using them properly. Sixfortyfive, this would be a great time for you to drop by with the de-facto training regimen for best catgirl. :p


I think everyone can objectively and impartially agree that Trish is the best character in this game. Vergil? Lol, no. Get out of here with that muppet.


Trish is ok, East Coast Canada loves her for some reason. Dat regional character selection.

Trying to pick up Viewtiful Joe now and pair him with Iron Fist. No idea who to pick as a third.


I'm still not convinced that an x-23 dirt nap infinite team will be some unrivaled top tier team. It could be, but it seems like the requirements that you have a second character with a practical consistent infinite, x-23 anchor(doesn't provide a useful neutral assist), and a lockdown assist to guarantee the dirt nap- it seems really restrictive and won't let you create a team that will consistently land the first hit against other top tier teams, and the x-23 thing really falls apart if your point character gets bopped(unlike a firebrand 300% team). Your opponent could also just swap in sentinel second and nullify the set-up completely.
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