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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Don't want to sound like a dick but Nova has the easiest combo in the game.

You can do lmh, s super jump h, fly h, un fly h, s, super jump h s, fwd H, S, super jump H xx super.

Or you can do lmh, S, super jump, lmh (or mh), fly mhs, fwd H, S, super jump H, xx super.

One of those three works on every single character. Add in Spencer and bam you can get another free s (or H) + centruin rush and all of that doesn't even use a wall bounce.

well that was why i said if you're doing LMH anything he's pretty easy. I think the fly un fly stuff is, on scale from easy to hard, right in the middle (on par with people like doom who's also relatively easy).

dont mind me though, im still on noob level with marvel :-/
Yes because Iron Fist is very often going to be sitting on 3 bars.
He builds meter like nuts, and I think a lot of Iron Fist players are starting to think that it's best to put him second instead of on point because of how amazing his assist is and how strong it is as an alpha counter. He doesn't need to be sitting on 3 bars "often" for it to be a useful tactic. I can go for a Penance Stare almost every single Ghost Rider match I have.


Nova is definitely an easier character to play. I just need to learn how to jump and come back down with j.L as fast as Yipes and company and I'll be in business.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
well that was why i said if you're doing LMH anything he's pretty easy. I think the fly un fly stuff is, on scale from easy to hard, right in the middle (on par with people like doom who's also relatively easy).

dont mind me though, im still on noob level with marvel :-/

Yeah once you get used to the game after a while those combos will be cake.


He builds meter like nuts, and I think a lot of Iron Fist players are starting to think that it's best to put him second instead of on point because of how amazing his assist is and how strong it is as an alpha counter. He doesn't need to be sitting on 3 bars "often" for it to be a useful tactic. I can go for a Penance Stare almost every single Ghost Rider match I have.
To build meter with IF you have to actually get a hit or get them to block something which is extremely difficult when the opposite team is using something like Zero or Missiles or even just a point Haggar or Hulk team. Ghost Rider builds a ton of meter because he just gets you to block his long ranged attacks, it's not nearly as hard as it is with Iron Fist.

The Rising Fang assist is the best thing about the character unfortunately. He loses to too many character archetypes to be a viable point in any sort of meta game in Marvel. You would seriously do better if you put him on anchor and scrounge up some XF comebacks if it came down to playing him. I am pretty sure he has a Wolverine like guard break using XF so that might come in handy. Then again you would probably be better off using Rocket Raccoon than IF.
To build meter with IF you have to actually get a hit or get them to block something which is extremely difficult when the opposite team is using something like Zero or Missiles. Ghost Rider builds a ton of meter because he just gets you to block his long ranged attacks, it's not nearly as hard as it is with Iron Fist.

The Rising Fang assist is the best thing about the character unfortunately. He loses to too many character archetypes to be viable in any sort of meta game in marvel.
Ghost Rider builds crap meter. If I dominate in a match I'll build about 3 bars by the time it's over. Which I'm fine with, because Ghost Rider would rather his opponents not have meter as well.

I think Iron Fist is solid, and we still haven't seen anyone put together a good team for him.


Compared to IF, Ghost Rider builds tremendous meter. It's not even that absurd to put him on a Phoenix team because of it.

What is so solid about IF? And what proper team can you put him on to make him a threat? The best I could think of I already posted in this thread which was Iron Fist/Spencer/Strange. IF doesn't always get TODs contrary to popular beliefs but in this team he will always do. Plus the Bolts assists means he has two chances to get in and if one of those hits he will get a combo. The Wire grapple assist will give him some coverage in the skies, not too much but it's still infinitely better than whatever anti-air options IF actually has. This team still does not deal with his worst match ups most notable Zero who flies at the area just above the Bolts or Morrigan or Trish or Magneto or even Dormammu. For all those characters he needs a 3rd assist in Vajra but then he has to replace either Slant Shot or Bolts for it.

I know Shaowebb suggested an IF team with him on second so that you can bring him in a corner situation but I can't really get behind that because he doesn't have a safe DHC option, he has limited TAC capability, unremarkable THCs and his incoming options are the worst in the game. This team set up only works in the best case scenario where some other character got the first hit and it allows you to tag in IF to get some corner pressure going (corner pressure which compared to top tier characters is not really that scary).

I think for a character to be "solid" in this game he/she has to be at least mid or higher. I don't see IF anywhere close to that even on a team optimized for him.
Compared to IF, Ghost Rider builds tremendous meter. It's not even that absurd to put him on a Phoenix team because of it.
That is not my own experience, unless you are pairing Ghost Rider with Doom, but then it's more about how much meter Doom builds in the TAC you'll eventually attempt.

What is so solid about IF? And what proper team can you put him on to make him a threat? The best I could think of I already posted in this thread which was Iron Fist/Spencer/Strange. IF doesn't always get TODs contrary to popular beliefs but in this team he will always do. Plus the Bolts assists means he has two chances to get in and if one of those hits he will get a combo. The Wire grapple assist will give him some coverage in the skies, not too much but it's still infinitely better than whatever anti-air options IF actually has. This team still does not deal with his worst match ups most notable Zero who flies at the area just above the Bolts or Morrigan or Trish or Magneto or even Dormammu. For all those characters he needs a 3rd assist in Vajra but then he has to replace either Slant Shot or Bolts for it.
What isn't solid about Iron Fist? I'm not saying he's excellent, but he is solid.

I think using Spencer to re-stand for Iron Fist is overrated. It's just damage. Iron Fist needs something that pins opponents down for mix-ups. I think Dagger Toss is likely to be his best assist. I would try a team like Iron Fist / Arthur / Strider, and I think this would function well (I used Arthur/Strider for a while with Ghost Rider and loved the duo).

He builds almost 2 bars here and does 850K:

I call that high damage and meter generation.

Iron Fist has some unique answers against Morrigan, since his dragon pillar hyper comes out super fast and Rising Fang destroys projectiles and causes a wall bounce. Like most things, though, the answer to Morrigan isn't ever getting through the bullet hell, it's having a team that doesn't let it get started. Rising Fang is a pretty strong assist for keeping Morrigan on edge.

I know Shaowebb suggested an IF team with him on second so that you can bring him in a corner situation but I can't really get behind that because he doesn't have a safe DHC option, he has limited TAC capability, unremarkable THCs and his incoming options are the worst in the game. This team set up only works in the best case scenario where some other character got the first hit and it allows you to tag in IF to get some corner pressure going (corner pressure which compared to top tier characters is not really that scary).
Putting him second is more about using the assist, which is fantastic, and having a crossover counter that has startup invincibility, destroys projectiles, covers half of the screen, and leads into full combos from a wall bounce. It's definitely one of the best crossover counters in the game, so I think it's worth considering. I don't care about his corner pressure.

I think for a character to be "solid" in this game he/she has to be at least mid or higher. I don't see IF anywhere close to that even on a team optimized for him.
I don't think we've seen any good Iron Fist players to judge that. Justin Wong is ass with him, and has him on an ass team for him.
IF is butt, but scary if that makes any sense. I'm not giving any real reasons because jump > all his offense.

For your sake, watch out for that stand M. Makes Makoto look like some kind of peanut-armed (shoutouts to Clone High) dwarf.
Nova is definitely an easier character to play. I just need to learn how to jump and come back down with j.L as fast as Yipes and company and I'll be in business.

It's the same as magneto but you have to go straight down instead of down forward. Dash with MH and hit L right after. It comes out even though you input it during the dash.
I was considering getting this for Vita, and I was looking on the PSN store and saw that there's a $20 costume pack, and in the fine print it says it doesn't include the alternate costumes for Jill or Shuma-Gorath. But I don't see any listing for alternate costumes for those two on the store. Are they included with the characters themselves?
It's the same as magneto but you have to go straight down instead of down forward. Dash with MH and hit L right after. It comes out even though you input it during the dash.

I just learned this and like its stated above, its straight down. Nova (as said in the youtube guide by yipes) has a mediocre dash because it accelerates during the dash, but his down dash is AMAZING. get the timing of when to do the L overhead and you easily open someone up especially during a beam like assist.

Azure J

How do you sj. IAD after a dash cancel? Im trying to do it, but the results are very inconsistent.

What kind of dash cancel? A crouch cancel? if it's that then:

Ground Dash (2ATK buttons or a double tap on the control stick) - Down (this cancels that grounded dash) - Up (this inputs the super jump) - 2ATKs (inputs the air dash) upon leaving ground


What kind of dash cancel? A crouch cancel? if it's that then:

Ground Dash (2ATK buttons or a double tap on the control stick) - Down (this cancels that grounded dash) - Up (this inputs the super jump) - 2ATKs (inputs the air dash) upon leaving ground

ya crouch cancel.

Is it possible to do a forward sj. IAD from a crouch cancel or does it have to be neutral?


I was considering getting this for Vita, and I was looking on the PSN store and saw that there's a $20 costume pack, and in the fine print it says it doesn't include the alternate costumes for Jill or Shuma-Gorath. But I don't see any listing for alternate costumes for those two on the store. Are they included with the characters themselves?

Yeah, if you already bought Jill and/or Shuma, they already come with the alternate costumes.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I was considering getting this for Vita, and I was looking on the PSN store and saw that there's a $20 costume pack, and in the fine print it says it doesn't include the alternate costumes for Jill or Shuma-Gorath. But I don't see any listing for alternate costumes for those two on the store. Are they included with the characters themselves?

Yeah if you buy the characters you get their costumes.


get some go again
IF is butt, but scary if that makes any sense. I'm not giving any real reasons because jump > all his offense.

For your sake, watch out for that stand M. Makes Makoto look like some kind of peanut-armed (shoutouts to Clone High) dwarf.
iron fist and chun li might as well not exist online.


That is not my own experience, unless you are pairing Ghost Rider with Doom, but then it's more about how much meter Doom builds in the TAC you'll eventually attempt.
I think you are confusing what I meant by meter building. I am talking about meter building from the neutral here because let's face it neither Ghost Rider nor Iron Fist are going to get many clean hits in a round. The bulk of meter build from Ghost Rider is from getting his attacks blocked which does add up over time and Phoenix does not discriminate between meter built from clean hits or meter built from blocked hits. IF has to actually get in to generate any meter at all and the only way for him to actually generate sufficient meter is to land hits. Now of course if IF actually lands a clean hit he will get a ton more meter because of his Green Chi but how many times is he going to land that hit against a Zero or a Vergil?

What isn't solid about Iron Fist? I'm not saying he's excellent, but he is solid.
Well you sort of dodged my question here and posed your own. These are the categories where I feel Iron Fist is insufficient in:

*Mobility. He only has a fast ground dash and nothing in the air. Of course he is not the only character in the game with such a limitation but every other character AT LEAST has an aerial special to some how alter their aerial trajectory or at least delay it. IF can't super jump because he would just be a sitting duck meaning anything in the game that is designed to combat ground combat is exceptionally effective against IF (like Chris' mines for example).

*Mix ups. He has a basic high low game where he has insufficient speed on his fastest low/fastest high to be a major threat. He has a fuzzy guard set up which does not really make him that special as a lot of characters in this game have at least that much mix up capability. He also has a decent tick throw game. All in all his mix up game for an ALL IN rushdown character is severely lacking. He is also too vulnerable against up/back defense.

*Normals. IF normals are decent but not that great. In a game where people have near full screen slides, half screen normals, 360 degree hit boxes, chainnable lights and sword normals... IF's normals just don't cut it. You need good normals to protect you against other rushdown threats and IF does not really have normals that protect him well. He has nothing of his own that can challenge the pipe or any of Vergil/Zero/Taskmaster normals.

*Reversals or anti-rushdown tools. IF is very susceptible to rushdown because his normals aren't fast enough or doesn't protect him enough. What is he going to do when Wolverine is breathing down his neck? He only has a Chi super armor and the invincibility on his LVL1/LVL3 hypers... none of them completely reliable. This makes IF an easy target for rushdown characters.

*Anti-zoning tools. IF's best tool against zoning is his Rising Fang. Oh wait... you have to do 2 special moves before having access to Rising Fang. Great job there Capcom. IF needs an assist so that a zoning character can block long enough for him to get in.. because his solo anti-zoning options are garbage. He can at least stay in a for a few seconds once he does but again having mediocre mix up tools and pressure makes it so that it doesn't amount to much if he does get in.

The only 2 categories where IF is "solid" at are his assist and his damage. His damage is good but it's not godly or even great because usually his good damage comes from clean hits which is very hard to do for IF. He also has exceptional health when he has Blue Chi but I mean... that's like the last thing I look at when judging a character's worth.

This might be crazy for me to suggest this but Vergil is essentially what IF is trying to be in the game. Vergil has better normals for footsies and anti-rushdown, about as good of a ground dash, better mix ups, better pressure, better anti-zoning tools, better air options (he has Helm Breaker at least), better abare and better damage. To me they are on the polar opposite of the same spectrum, Vergil is top 5 in the game and IF is bottom 5.

I think using Spencer to re-stand for Iron Fist is overrated. It's just damage. Iron Fist needs something that pins opponents down for mix-ups. I think Dagger Toss is likely to be his best assist. I would try a team like Iron Fist / Arthur / Strider, and I think this would function well (I used Arthur/Strider for a while with Ghost Rider and loved the duo).
The reason why I recommend using Spencer slant shot is because with it IF can get a TOD off of any hit or throw. Normally he can't do TODs off stray hits/throws and getting hits with IF isn't as often as some of the reset based characters so you want to make absolutely sure you kill them off. Having Strange at the back helps with that. The Slant shot also gives him some aerial coverage, it's not a lot but I mean it's better than what IF already has for that range. If you have Strider in that team for example, you can get a combo off of Crescent Heel but it's not going to be a TOD level combo. The same can probably be said from getting a hit off of Dagger. In the Strange team if Bolts hit or he gets a throw in between the Bolts that should be a dead character. Also Bolts hit at a higher angle than Daggers so it's just slightly better for those jumpers.

The video you linked is the optimal starting hit for IF... it's not going to be that common finding your opponent standing there not blocking. Usually IF grabs a hit from assists or as part of his high/low mix ups which affects his damage.

Iron Fist has some unique answers against Morrigan, since his dragon pillar hyper comes out super fast and Rising Fang destroys projectiles and causes a wall bounce. Like most things, though, the answer to Morrigan isn't ever getting through the bullet hell, it's having a team that doesn't let it get started. Rising Fang is a pretty strong assist for keeping Morrigan on edge.
Ok so IF has to first get under Morrigan to waste bar to actually damage her. What if she unflys at the correct time? That's a wasted meter right there. What if she blocks the hyper and then does air hyper into Spiral Swords DHC? That to me is an unreliable tool against Morrigan... a hail mary at best. It's hard enough hitting Morrigan with Gimlet and SoV thanks to her unfly ability.

Oh yeah Rising Fang... good luck using that against Morrigan on point when you have to do 2 rekkas to even have access to it. You are essentially telling IF users to do the Hsien Ko and tag out against Morrigan-like characters... oh wait that's basically what I have been saying too. Yes Rising Fang is a great assist for this situation but it doesn't help IF against Morrigan point v point.

Putting him second is more about using the assist, which is fantastic, and having a crossover counter that has startup invincibility, destroys projectiles, covers half of the screen, and leads into full combos from a wall bounce. It's definitely one of the best crossover counters in the game, so I think it's worth considering. I don't care about his corner pressure.
Yes I know all of that but you have to weigh that against the cons of having him second. If you want to make an optimized IF team he has to be on point though and besides if you have a safe DHC you can at least bail out IF from point position because his Fist of Fury hyper actually is a very good DHC out hyper.

So yeah... I don't think Iron Fist is "solid" at all. Solid suggests that with a few minor buffs he could be a tournament staple character or at least within the top 20/25. IF needs major buffs and a slight rework on some of his mechanics to be competitive in the current meta.
I think you are confusing what I meant by meter building. I am talking about meter building from the neutral here because let's face it neither Ghost Rider nor Iron Fist are going to get many clean hits in a round. The bulk of meter build from Ghost Rider is from getting his attacks blocked which does add up over time and Phoenix does not discriminate between meter built from clean hits or meter built from blocked hits. IF has to actually get in to generate any meter at all and the only way for him to actually generate sufficient meter is to land hits. Now of course if IF actually lands a clean hit he will get a ton more meter because of his Green Chi but how many times is he going to land that hit against a Zero or a Vergil?
Ghost Rider's blocked meter generation is very slow and small in my experience. I think Iron Fist can get in just fine with the right assist (which no one seems to want to figure out for him), and he can generate a solid amount of blocked meter.

Well you sort of dodged my question here and posed your own. These are the categories where I feel Iron Fist is insufficient in:
Indeed I did.

*Mobility. He only has a fast ground dash and nothing in the air. Of course he is not the only character in the game with such a limitation but every other character AT LEAST has an aerial special to some how alter their aerial trajectory or at least delay it. IF can't super jump because he would just be a sitting duck meaning anything in the game that is designed to combat ground combat is exceptionally effective against IF (like Chris' mines for example).
I think this just means he needs to be more careful about his jumps. I don't consider this a weakness, but the lack of a particular advantage.

*Mix ups. He has a basic high low game where he has insufficient speed on his fastest low/fastest high to be a major threat. He has a fuzzy guard set up which does not really make him that special as a lot of characters in this game have at least that much mix up capability. He also has a decent tick throw game. All in all his mix up game for an ALL IN rushdown character is severely lacking. He is also too vulnerable against up/back defense.
I think, as I wrote before, that Iron Fist excels at pressuring opponents through advancing guard. Ghost Rider has a very weak high/low game, and I've yet to find someone who I don't open up eventually. Some characters do well by applying continual pressure and controlling the match, and I think people don't place fair value on that trait. I agree that Iron Fist's mix-ups aren't stellar.

*Normals. IF normals are decent but not that great. In a game where people have near full screen slides, half screen normals, 360 degree hit boxes, chainnable lights and sword normals... IF's normals just don't cut it. You need good normals to protect you against other rushdown threats and IF does not really have normals that protect him well. He has nothing of his own that can challenge the pipe or any of Vergil/Zero/Taskmaster normals.
My own feeling is that his normals are good, but I agree, not great.

*Reversals or anti-rushdown tools. IF is very susceptible to rushdown because his normals aren't fast enough or doesn't protect him enough. What is he going to do when Wolverine is breathing down his neck? He only has a Chi super armor and the invincibility on his LVL1/LVL3 hypers... none of them completely reliable. This makes IF an easy target for rushdown characters.
I think Iron Fist's movement on his normals help in anti-rushdown because while they're slower, he can often get where his opponent is before the opponent gets to him. My own feeling is that there's almost nothing in this game that helps as an anti-rushdown tool, and the best option is usually to not be in a blocking position in the first place, which is primarily a team construction issue.

*Anti-zoning tools. IF's best tool against zoning is his Rising Fang. Oh wait... you have to do 2 special moves before having access to Rising Fang. Great job there Capcom. IF needs an assist so that a zoning character can block long enough for him to get in.. because his solo anti-zoning options are garbage. He can at least stay in a for a few seconds once he does but again having mediocre mix up tools and pressure makes it so that it doesn't amount to much if he does get in.
His f.M also destroys projectiles, but I never see anyone use it for that purpose. I think you can use the tool similarly to how Abegen uses Tron's s.H to counter an opponent's projectile while calling his own to dominate the screen. Everywhere I read that Ghost Rider "loses to zoning", and I don't know what the hell people are talking about because I eat every projectile I see with b.H. I think a similar argument can be made for Iron Fist: people just aren't using his full toolset.

The only 2 categories where IF is "solid" at are his assist and his damage. His damage is good but it's not godly or even great because usually his good damage comes from clean hits which is very hard to do for IF. He also has exceptional health when he has Blue Chi but I mean... that's like the last thing I look at when judging a character's worth.
His assist isn't solid, it's fan-fucking-tastic. Easily a top 10 assist in the game on a general scale.

This might be crazy for me to suggest this but Vergil is essentially what IF is trying to be in the game. Vergil has better normals for footsies and anti-rushdown, about as good of a ground dash, better mix ups, better pressure, better anti-zoning tools, better air options (he has Helm Breaker at least), better abare and better damage. To me they are on the polar opposite of the same spectrum, Vergil is top 5 in the game and IF is bottom 5.
Vergil is Vergil, and to say Iron Fist isn't Vergil is just like saying anyone else isn't Vergil (or Zero). It's not an argument that Iron Fist isn't solid.

The reason why I recommend using Spencer slant shot is because with it IF can get a TOD off of any hit or throw. Normally he can't do TODs off stray hits/throws and getting hits with IF isn't as often as some of the reset based characters so you want to make absolutely sure you kill them off. Having Strange at the back helps with that. The Slant shot also gives him some aerial coverage, it's not a lot but I mean it's better than what IF already has for that range. If you have Strider in that team for example, you can get a combo off of Crescent Heel but it's not going to be a TOD level combo. The same can probably be said from getting a hit off of Dagger. In the Strange team if Bolts hit or he gets a throw in between the Bolts that should be a dead character. Also Bolts hit at a higher angle than Daggers so it's just slightly better for those jumpers.
Luckily, Iron Fist can chain two level 1s together and there's the DHC option. Not every character is going to be Spencer, Zero, or Vergil and ToD off of some piss shot into the wind. That doesn't make the character bad.

The video you linked is the optimal starting hit for IF... it's not going to be that common finding your opponent standing there not blocking. Usually IF grabs a hit from assists or as part of his high/low mix ups which affects his damage.
Sure, but it's really good damage.

Ok so IF has to first get under Morrigan to waste bar to actually damage her. What if she unflys at the correct time? That's a wasted meter right there. What if she blocks the hyper and then does air hyper into Spiral Swords DHC? That to me is an unreliable tool against Morrigan... a hail mary at best. It's hard enough hitting Morrigan with Gimlet and SoV thanks to her unfly ability.
His AA hyper does as much as Chaotic Flame. It's pretty sick damage, and not a "waste". "What if she unflies at the correct time" is basically saying "what if you use it poorly?" It's not an argument. And then you pair Morrigan with Vergil, but apparently Iron Fist doesn't have a good partner to DHC into...

Oh yeah Rising Fang... good luck using that against Morrigan on point when you have to do 2 rekkas to even have access to it. You are essentially telling IF users to do the Hsien Ko and tag out against Morrigan-like characters... oh wait that's basically what I have been saying too. Yes Rising Fang is a great assist for this situation but it doesn't help IF against Morrigan point v point.
I meant the assist. Not all characters have great matchups in every situation. Part of a character is the ability to help the team, and it's just as dumb to call Iron Fist bad against Morrigan as it is to call Doom bad for being bad against Morrigan. Doom is far more ass against any zoner in this game than Iron Fist, but that liability is made up for by his amazing assists. I think Iron Fist's assist is on a level similar to Dr. Doom's, and he's due the respect he is for that offering.

Yes I know all of that but you have to weigh that against the cons of having him second. If you want to make an optimized IF team he has to be on point though and besides if you have a safe DHC you can at least bail out IF from point position because his Fist of Fury hyper actually is a very good DHC out hyper.
That's why the alpha counters are so beautiful.

So yeah... I don't think Iron Fist is "solid" at all. Solid suggests that with a few minor buffs he could be a tournament staple character or at least within the top 20/25. IF needs major buffs and a slight rework on some of his mechanics to be competitive in the current meta.
I disagree, and hopefully one day someone will do for Iron Fist what ChrisG did for Morrigan. She was a "low tier" character too at one time, and most people thought she got even worse when Ultimate was released. At the very least, accept that there's some leeway here because we've never seen a good Iron Fist user. If you can accept that much, then I'm good with concluding the conversation there.


Ghost Rider definitely loses to zoning. He can't do anything about super jump Wesker gun shots all day. Absorbing projectiles with Spire is just delaying the inevitable.

I can accept that there is some leeway to IF in that there is no godly IF player who has put him on an optimized team.

I see what you are saying in most of your points but they don't really add up to IF being a solid character. He would be solid in a different game but in this game with what is expected from characters to be competitive, he just doesn't cut it.
Ghost Rider definitely loses to zoning. He can't do anything about super jump Wesker gun shots all day. Absorbing projectiles with Spire is just delaying the inevitable.
Absorb a projectile with Heartless Spire while calling Vajra, and...! It doesn't matter if Wesker calls Plasma Beam or whatever while he runs around shooting bullets. Heartless Spire will absorb it all (it's like a miniature Dark Hole), and Vajra will still come out. Ghost Rider is definitely a piece of shit in a 1v1 matchup, but this is not a 1v1 game. Ghost Rider's virtue is that he can lock out any opposing assist from being used/effective while making sure his own does its work. So while he is crap at opening people up, he's also very safe, and he maintains good match control when given proper support and played well.


Wait you use Vajra with Ghost Rider?

"The inevitable" being when Ghost Rider is forced to come in against him.
Fixed for greater accuracy.

The reason why I stopped using Ghost Rider in the beginning was because of how horrid a match up like Wesker is. You absorb a few shots with Heartless Spire but sometimes you will mistime it and either one will get through or you block it and take the chip. This eventually adds up and once Wesker has a sizeable lead Ghost Rider can't really do much to cover up that deficit without taking risks... and when he does he is open to getting clipped.

If I wanted to sit in the corner, absorb/reflect projectiles all day while calling assist... I would probably play Amaterasu.

Ghost Rider does good against Vergil though.


get some go again
lol i can do 1,022,000 damage with haggar with only one meter. if i throw in a dhc into task it can go up to 1,211,900. i might be able to squeeze in a tiny bit more damage but the timing for that is way too hard. its easier to do on big characters and it goes up to 1,066,000 damage which isn't worth the risk.



Iron Fist hitboxes.

That level 3 hitbox is really impressive. Maybe Iron Fist players should start using his level 3 as an anti-tridash, since it leads into full combos to regain your meter (right?).
Nope, Iron Fist gets nothing from his Level 3. It also has a long startup before it's active frames start so it's a bad anti-tridash.
What isn't solid about Iron Fist? I'm not saying he's excellent, but he is solid.

I think using Spencer to re-stand for Iron Fist is overrated. It's just damage. Iron Fist needs something that pins opponents down for mix-ups. I think Dagger Toss is likely to be his best assist. I would try a team like Iron Fist / Arthur / Strider, and I think this would function well (I used Arthur/Strider for a while with Ghost Rider and loved the duo).

I would say Iron Fist is solid too, but what is detrimental to his game is his lack of air presence. He cannot get a combo from a super jump air throw and he does not have a super jump hitconfirm and he cannot use any moves in the air. That automatically makes him mid tier at best.

And also finally I'm glad you pointed it out. Spencer is really overrated with IF, and I would like to see a ToD with Spencer off a throw, because I'm pretty sure you can't unless you have some raw tag antics with Spencer. Spencer is still great with IF, but their synergy is limited aside from Spencer point THC and Slant shot to double crumple.


It's the same as magneto but you have to go straight down instead of down forward. Dash with MH and hit L right after. It comes out even though you input it during the dash.

Yeah I need to dash with MH more. I'm on a stick but on button config 1. I learned it that way and it's too hard to unlearn it. I know MH is better cause it option selects throw.

I need to practice so I can get Nova from the ground into the air and back down in half a second like Yipes does it.


I am more mind blown with how it was unveiled. I knew that it was a Kojima troll and not an IP but I figured it was Ground Zeroes related.

Then this shit happened:


Thank you Based Kojima.
Yeah I need to dash with MH more. I'm on a stick but on button config 1. I learned it that way and it's too hard to unlearn it. I know MH is better cause it option selects throw.

I need to practice so I can get Nova from the ground into the air and back down in half a second like Yipes does it.

Yea it's awkward at first since it's straight down and not down forward. Just dash with your ring/middle finger and hit L with the index. Eventually becomes second nature.


Wait what, Ground Zeroes and MGSV are two different things or the same thing or what?
Best theory I have seen is that its all MGSV and Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain are two names for the 2 different trailers, which is also what I thought originally. They are both running on a very similar engine and the Snake model is the same in both right down to the facial scar.

Geoff says its two different games but I mean it's fucking DoritoPope we are taking about here.

Some people also think this might be a PSP Vita title because of the V (sudden change from regular numbers to Roman numbers).


tagged by Blackace
Best theory I have seen is that its all MGSV and Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain are two names for the 2 different trailers, which is also what I thought originally. They are both running on a very similar engine and the Snake model is the same in both right down to the facial scar.

Geoff says its two different games but I mean it's fucking DoritoPope we are taking about here.

Some people also think this might be a PSP Vita title because of the V (sudden change from regular numbers to Roman numbers).
Yeah I'm reading the thread now and Geoff's tweet reads like he's drunk. As much as I'm appreciative of him delivering based Dark Souls II, I can't trust a man that trusts Pachter.

Going with it being the same game.
ROFL everyone is getting trolled by that Phantom Pain game.

Kojima you WONDERFUL TROLL!!!!

The first 5 seconds in, I said, "This is Fox Engine" out loud. Then, "Snake?" as soon as I saw his hair. I feel bad because I was watching the VGAs with my friend who just got half her thigh removed from cancer surgery and is going to spend most of next year on a hospital bed, and as soon as PHANTOM PAIN popped up, she jumped out of her seat and was like "This is my game!".

She was so excited for a survival-horror esque game in a hospital setting, too :/
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